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English as a Dominant Language

1. Based on David Crystal, Will English be the global language?

-According to his affirmations, the English will keep his first place in the top of language as

long as the powerful nations continue using the English as a secondary language.

2. Which reference does he make about Latin? Why is he using Latin as an example?

- He uses this reference because long time ago, our ancient civilization believe that the Latin

would be the global language and also that this global language would be permanent. And as long

as we know, that was false.

- Because is similar to the case of English, because now is happening the same thing that

happen with the Latin.

3. “To ask about the future of language is to really ask about the future of society”. Why

do you agree or disagree with this statement?

- I agree with this because the language is identity, so if we change our global English

language to another one, then we also will change of identity, and we will identify ourselves with

the culture of that language, just as it is happening with the united states culture.

4. What relationship does he find about “power” and “language”?

- That if we want to know who is ruling the things, we just need to take a look to the language,

for example now that the English is everywhere. We can see that the United States is a very

powerful country and that’s why his language has to be spoken, because the poor countries and

others, need to interact with powerful countries to grow.

5. According to Mr. Crystal, what does it take for English to remain a global language?

- It takes that the countries that speak English continue ruling the world, because that way

their language will be the point of interest of persons and countries that want better opportunities.

6. What is “global English”? What has happened to it in the last decades?

- Is the American English.

- With the time, the new trends and stuff of fashion start to be release inside this global

English context, so it starts to attract the persons for take the identity of the united states.

7. Why is there “American English” according to the speaker?

- Because the United states people wanted to identify with his countrie and not with the British


8. Describe what is the issue that Mr. Crystal is discussing while he uses as an example

the slogan of McDonalds.

- Nowadays many ways of English around the world, so there are cultures that mix the verbs

and the way of speaking. So Crystal gives the example of McDonalds and he show us how

nowadays people said “ I’m loving it” and he compare it with “ I love it”
The English is a language that now in the actual days is giving more opportunities to grow

economically, also if you know the language you have more advantages in the case of going to

vacations, because almost all the persons in all the world have as a second language the English.

I think that the English is actually a global language because is the most viable way to

communicate with foreign, and to make many other things. I think that this language obviously is

going to grow with the time and it will be every time in more countries, just as it is doing know,

because as long as the powerful countrie still being United States, the dominant language will

continue being the English. So its impossible to be sure of which language will be dominant

because all depends in the type of circumstances that the future will bring us.

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