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What is Scratch ?

Scratch is a visual programming environment that makes it easy to create

interactive stories, music, games, art, and animations – and share those creations
on the web

Define sprite. How you will remove a sprite from your animation?

A sprite is a small graphic that can be moved independently around the screen,
producing animated effects. To choose a sprite from the Scratch library, click on
the Folder with a Sprite icon. • If we want to remove the old sprite, right-click on
the cat and click “delete”. We can have more than one sprite in your animation!

How to resize our sprite?

Resize Your Sprite! • You can make your sprite larger or smaller by using the
“grow sprite” or “shrink sprite” icons. • You click on one of these icons, then click
on your sprite until it is the size you’d like.

Write the steps to choose a new background for your animation.

Choose Your Background! • Click on the button called “New Backdrop”: • Now
select “Choose Backdrop from Library”

 What is a pixel?

A pixel is one of the small units that make up an image on a computer or television

Write the steps to choose audio\sound for your animation.

Choose Sound from Library • Click on the sprite you want to have sound. • Click
on the Sounds tab; and under “New Sound”, click “choose sound from library”.


1. Scratch is a programming language, designed for children to enhance their

computing skills,

create their own games, projects etc.

Main features of Scratch are:-

It is available free of cost.

It is easy to understand and learn.

It allows playful experimenting with program segments.

2. It displays the information about the selected Sprite and few tools for
manipulating it. The tools

include Sprite rotation style buttons, x-y coordinates and directions.

3. Backdrop refers to the background of the stage. This can either be chosen from
the available

built-in options or be created. Scratch provides four different backdrop options to

change the

backdrop of the stage.

4. The collection of stepwise instructions given to a sprite is known as a Script.

Script Area is a

place where we pick and drop the blocks to create a script.

5. Names of different block categories given under the Blocks menu are:-

• Hat Blocks

• Stack Blocks

• Boolean Blocks

• Reporter Blocks

• C Blocks

• Cap Blocks

6. SHORT NOTES1. This block changes the volume of a sprite by the specified

2. This block changes the sprite’s costume from its current costume to the next one
in the Sprite’s
list. If the current costume is last in the list, the Sprite takes the first one.

3. This block instructs the Sprite to follow the mouse pointer or another Sprite.

4. This block changes the pen’s size by the specified value.

7. The Say block displays the Sprite with a speech bubble containing specified text
for the specified

amount time.

1. A variable is a placeholder in Scratch’s memory that is used to store a changing

value. Variables

can old one value at a time. These values can be either numbers or a string(text).

2. The (<) less than, (>) greater than and (=) equal to blocks are three Comparison
blocks of the

Operator block used to compare two values.

3. (a) Repeat block- It is used to repeat a script written inside it, a given number of

Repeat Until block- It is used to repeat a script written inside it until the condition
evaluates to


(b) If then block- It executes the block written inside it if only the specified
condition evaluates to

true. If the condition is false, then the script inside the block is ignored.

If then Else block- If the condition evaluates to true the If script is executed,
otherwise the script

under Else executes.

4. The Forever block runs the blocks written inside it in a never ending loop, unless
the Stop button
is clicked.

5. Coding the tasks in computer programming includes logic and decision making.
Scratch provides

various blocks enabled with logical reasoning and conditional programming

concepts. Using

conditions, we can control scripts and provide solution for the tasks.

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