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 Demonstrate skills in critical thinking through

reading of the context.

PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE Module 2.1 : Declaration of Philippine

During the Spanish-American War, With a government in operation,
Filipino rebels led by Emilio Aguinaldo Aguinaldo thought that it was necessary to declare

proclaim the independence of the Philippines the independence of the Philippines. He believed
after 300 years of Spanish rule. By mid- that such a move would inspire the people to fight

August, Filipino rebels and U.S. troops had more eagerly against the Spaniards and at the
ousted the Spanish, but Aguinaldo’s hopes same time, lead the foreign countries to recognize

for independence were dashed when the the independence of the country. Mabini, who had
United States formally annexed the by now been made Aguinaldo's unofficial adviser,

Philippines as part of its peace treaty with objected. He based his objection on the fact that it
Spain. was more important to reorganize the government

The Philippines, a large island archipelago in such a manner as to convince the foreign
situated off Southeast Asia, was colonized by powers of the competence and stability of the new

the Spanish in the latter part of the 16th government than to proclaim Philippine
century. Opposition to Spanish rule began independence at such an early period. Aguinaldo,

among Filipino priests, who resented however, stood his ground and won.
Spanish domination of the Roman Catholic
churches in the islands. In the late 19th Learning Task 1
century, Filipino intellectuals and the middle
class began calling for independence. In Answer the following write your answers here.
1892, the Katipunan, a secret revolutionary You have 10 minutes to finish this task.
society, was formed in Manila, the Philippine
capital on the island of Luzon. Membership 1. What is the essence of celebrating
grew dramatically, and in August 1896 the independence?
Spanish uncovered the Katipunan’s plans for
rebellion, forcing premature action from the
rebels. Revolts broke out across Luzon, and
in March 1897, 28-year-old Emilio Aguinaldo
became leader of the rebellion.


Specifically, after learning the module, you

2. How do you celebrate Philippine Independence
are expected to:
 Learn the reasons behind the Cavite Mutiny
and the where about of the three Martyr priest

 Understand the significance of Philippine

 Appreciate the sacrifices made by our heroes
for us to be independent
 Identify the unanswered issues in our history
Lesson 1 - Declaration
Question and Answer # 1

On June 12, between four and five in the

afternoon, Aguinaldo, in the presence of a huge 1. What were the main reasons behind
crowd, proclaimed the independence of the the declaration of 1898 Independence
Philippines at Cavite el Viejo (Kawit). For the first in Philippines?
time, the Philippine National Flag, made in
Hongkong by Mrs. Marcela Agoncillo, assisted by
Lorenza Agoncillo and Delfina Herboza, was
officially hoisted and the Philippine National March
played in public.

The Act of the Declaration of

Independence was prepared by Ambrosio
Rianzares Bautista, who also read it. A passage in
the Declaration reminds one of another passage in
the American Declaration of Independence. The
2. What are the two main purposes of the
Philippine Declaration was signed by ninety-eight
Declaration of Independece?
persons, among them an American army officer
who witnessed the proclamation. The proclamation
of Philippine independence was, however,
promulgated on August 1 when many towns has
already been organized under the riles laid down
by the Dictatorial Government.
The most significant achievement of
Aguinaldo's Dictatorial Government was the
proclamation of Philippine Independence in Kawit,
Cavite, on June 12, 1898. The day was declared a
national holiday. Thousands of people from the
provinces gathered in Kawit to witness the historic 3. What are the 4 main points of the
event. The ceremony was solemnly held at the Declaration of Independence?
balcony of General Emilio Aguinaldo's residence.
The military and civil officials of the government
were in attendance.
A dramatic feature of the ceremony was
the formal unfurling of the Filipino flag amidst the
cheers of the people. At the same time, the
Philippine National Anthem was played by the
band. Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista solemnly read
the "Act of the Declaration of Independence" which
he himself wrote. The declaration was signed by 98
persons. One of the signers was an American, L.M.
Protectorate Proclaimed
Johnson, Colonel of Artillery.

Aguinaldo continued his moves for

consolidation. The next step was the proclamation
of Philippine Independence on June 12, 1898.
Appropriate celebrations marked the event in Kawit
at which the Philippine flag was officially raised and
the Philippine National Anthem first publicly played.
The declaration was prepared by Ambrosio
Rianzares Bautista who patterned it after the
American Declaration of Independence. Aguinaldo
invited Dewey to the festivities, but the latter
declined the invitation and did not even report the
event to Washington. The declaration was signed
by ninety-eight persons, including an American
office, L.M. Johnson, Colonel of Artillery.
The Declaration is currently housed
Struggle for Independence in the National Library of the
Philippines. It is not on public
1. The declaration was never recognized by
display but can be viewed with
either the United States or Spain giving birth
permission like any other document
to the Treaty of Paris( 1898) that ended the
held by the National Library.
Spanish–American War.

2. "Philippine Insurrection" or Philippine–

American War Excerpts from the actual documents

3. The war ended when Emilio Aguinaldo was Parts of a Declaration of Independence
captured by U.S. forces, and issued a
1. Preamble
statement acknowledging and accepting the
2. Statement of Human Rights
sovereignty of the United States over the
Philippines. 3. Charges against Human Rights

4. July 2, 1902, by U.S. Secretary of War Elihu 4. Charges against the ruler/authority
Root telegraphed that the insurrection the
5. Statement of Separation and Signatur
United States had come to an end and that
provincial civil governments had been
established everywhere except those areas And having as witness to the rectitude
inhabited by Moro tribes. of our intentions the Supreme Judge of

5. Pockets of resistance continued for several the Universe, and under the protection

years. of our Powerful and Humanitarian

Nation, The United States of America,
6. 6. Following the end of World War II, the
we do hereby proclaim and declare
United States granted independence to
solemnly in the name by authority of the
the Philippines on 4 July 1946
people of these Philippine Islands.
via the Treaty of Manila.

7. July 4 was observed in the Philippines as That they are and have the right to be
Independence Day until August 4, 1964. free and independent; that they have
ceased to have allegiance to the crown
8. President Diosdado Macapagal signed into
of Spain; that all political ties between
law Republic Act No. 4166 designating
them should be completely severed and
June 12 as the country's
annulled; and that like any other free
Independence Day when, upon the advice of
and independent states, they enjoy
historians and the urging of nationalists.
the full power to make War and Peace,
June 12 had previously been observed as
conclude commercial treatise, enter into
Flag Day and many government
alliances regulate commerce , and do all
buildings are urged to display the Philippine
other acts and things which an
Flag in their offices.
Independent State has right to do, and of Philippine Independence?
imbued with confidence with Divine
Providence, we hereby mutually
bind ourselves to support this
Declaration with our lives, our fortunes,
and with our sacred possession, our

We recognize, approve and ratify, with

all the orders emanating from the same,
the Dictatorship established by Don
Emilio Aguinaldo whom we reverse as 2. What were the colonists intentions in

the Supreme Head of this Nation, which the Declaration of Independence?

today begins to have a life of its own, in

the conviction that he has been the
instrument chosen by God, in spite of
his humble origin, to effectuate the
redemption of this unfortunate country
as foretold by Dr. Don Jose Rizal in his
magnificent verses which he composed
in his prison cell prior to his execution,
liberating it from the yoke of Spanish
Domination And in punishment for the 3. What was the impact of the
impunity with which the Government Declaration of Independence?
sanctioned the commission of abuses
by its officials, and for the unjust
execution of Rizal and others who were
sacrificed in order to please the
insatiable friars in their hydropical thirst
for vengeance against and
extermination of all those who oppose
their Machiavellian ends

Moreover, we confer upon our famous

4. Who benefited from the Declaration of
Dictator, Don Emilio Aguinaldo all the Independence?
powers necessary to enable him to
discharge the duties of government,
including the prerogatives of granting
pardon and amnesty.

Signed: 98 delegates
Ratified: September 29, 1898 ( Malolos

Question and Answer # 2

1. Who authored the Declaration

5. Is declaration of Independence still Philippines under the protection of the United
important today? States (Dumindin, 2015)


Emilio Aguinaldo declaration of the

Philippine Independence was recognized by
neither Spain nor the United States.

It was only in 1964 when President

Diosdado P. Macapagal signed Republic Act
4166 designating June 12 as Philippine
Philippine Flag
Independence Day that the country began to
celebrate Independence Day on June 12. It
used to be celebrated on July 4.

Philippine National Anthem

June 5, 1898 Gen. Aguinaldo’s return from

For the Color of the Flag: Hongkong

Blue-stands for the willingness to sacrifice He met with Julian Felipe and asked him to

oneself for freedom, peace, truth and compose a National hymn

justice. Originally called ”Marcha Filipina Magdalo” and

Red- symbolizes courage and patriotism performed without lyrics with a tempo of 2/4
later known as “Macha Nacional Filipina”.
Golden sun with eight rays-symbolizes
unity, freedom, people’s democracy, and A year after the composition of the anthem, the

sovereignty. lyrics were in Spanish, (but sometimes in the

1920’s the time signature was changed to 4/4
The eight (8) rays represent that started
because the music was too fast for signing)
the 1896 Philippine Revolution against
Spain-Manila, Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, During Magsaysay’s administration, then

Nueva Ecija, Tarlac, Laguna and Education Secretary Gregorio Hernandez

Batangas. Commissioned the revision of the lyrics to

White equilateral triangle-symbolizes
liberty, equality and fraternity.

Three five- pointed stars stand for the

three major groups of island where the
revolution started: Luzon, Visayas and

Regards to Content of the Proclamation

June 12 proclamation modified later by another

proclamation done at Malolos Bulacan, upon
the insistence of Apolinario Mabini, chief
adviser for General Aguinaldo, who objected to
the original proclamation, because it placed the
3. Identify the flag law and explain?

Holding up the Flag of ours, Ambrosio

Rianzares Bautista present to the gentlemen,
and the gentlemen solemnly swear to
recognize and defend it unto the last drop of
their blood.
4. Who composed our first National Anthem
In witness therefore, Ambrocio Rianzares and what is the title?
Bautista that this Act of Declaration of
Independence was signed by him and by all
those here assembled including the only
stranger who attended those proceedings, a
citizen of the USA, Mr. L.M. Johnson, a
Colonel of artillery.

Question and Answer # 3

1. Who saved the Philippine flag?

Learning Task 2

1. How do you sing Philippine national


2. How Independence is important for us

2. Why is the Philippine flag important?
3. How can you say thank you to our

Philippine National heroes?



The Philippine Declaration of
Independence (Filipino: Pagpapahayag ng
Kasarinlan ng
Pilipinas; Spanish: Declaración de
Independencia de Filipinas) was proclaimed
on 12 June 1898 in Cavite II el Viejo
(present-day Kawit, Cavite), Philippines.
With the public reading of the Act of the Instructor
Proclamation of Independence of the Filipino
People (Spanish: Acta de la proclamación
de independencia del pueblo
Filipino; Filipino: Kasulatan ng
Pagpapahayag ng Kasarinlan ng
Sambayanang Pilipino), Filipino
revolutionary forces under General Emilio
Aguinaldo proclaimed the sovereignty and
independence of the Philippine Islands from
the colonial rule of Spain.

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