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1) User Group – Security Guard

The user group Security Guards are the people whose job is to guard a place and to make sure
that people and things in it are not harmed. A security guard can be hired by the Government or can
be hired privately to protect the place from a variety of dangers be it theft, criminal activities, etc.
These people work in different kind of environments like schools, offices, government buildings,
jewellery stores, etc. Security guards keep a check on every activity that is taking place near them.
Security guards can be of three types – the Govt security guards, the in-house security guards and
those that work on contractual basis for any private firm.
Biases and Notions about the User Group
 Security Guards are uneducated – A common notion in the Indian society is that the security
guards are uneducated. Most of the Private firms hire people as security guards whose
qualification on is 10+2. While if we talk about the govt hiring the security guards in that case
there is a particular procedure that is followed. Security guards in India may not be highly
qualified but most of them has minimum qualification as 10+2.
 Security Guards may not come from good economic background - Considering that managing
security of a particular place is not a well-paying job and the security guards may not even require
a good academic background, they may not be financially well off.
 The work of Security Guards is Dangerous – Another common notion about the security guard
is that the security work is too dangerous while the truth is that Security Guards are not hired in
the areas where there are higher risk of fights. While the security guards can be hired to protect
public spaces, property and premises including shopping malls, educational institutes.
 Security Guards are not trained – The other common notion about the security guards is that
they are not given any proper training.
 Security Guards are Hostile – Many people still think that security guards are hostile as it is also
seen that people misbehave with them. Rather people should understand that Guards too have to
maintain the decorum as they also have to perform their duty responsibly.

Short Description

The name of the Security Guard is Ram Singh. He is from Uttar Pradesh and is 45 years old. He has
2 kids – a Son and a Daughter. He is married. He works as a Security Guard to meet the needs of
his family. The job of the security guard is very challenging as it includes long work hours with
minimum wages. The irregular schedule of the Job is very tiring as these people have to work for
long shifts sometimes in the night and sometimes in the day. There are various duties that are
performed by the security guards like to patrol a designated property to monitor and prevent
intrusion, damage, hazards and breaches of security. They protect property and tenants from theft,
damage, trespassing or accidents. With the visible presence of Security Guards in the particular
premises generates a sense of Safety and Security. A security guard monitor and control entrance
and departure of employees and visitors according to the prescribed protocol and thus it helps in
maintaining the discipline at a particular place. Having records of the people entering the place and
then leaving also helps if any kind of criminal activity takes place. Thus security guard play a vital
role in this. They keep a check on the property through electronic monitoring systems and ensures
the safety of everyone. In case of any unlawful activity the security guard contact the relevant
authorities to deal with unlawful or irregular activities. As the job of the security guard does not
have a good amount of money thus many security guards are forced to do part time jobs to meet
their expenses. The job of the security guard is very tough as it soes not have any job security.
Activities of a Security Guard

 Protect and enforce laws on an employer’s property.

 Monitor alarms and closed-circuit TV cameras.
 Control access for employees, visitors, and outside contractors.
 Conduct security checks over a specified area.
 Detain criminal violators.
 In office buildings, banks, hotels, and hospitals, guards maintain order and protect the organization’s
customers, staff, and property.
 In museums or art galleries, guards protect paintings and exhibits by watching people and inspecting
packages entering and leaving the building.

Objects/Tools used by the Security Guards

 Flashlight
 Pepper Spray
 Cell Phone
 Digital Camera
 Hand gun
 Mini First Aid Kit
Pain Areas/Productivity Blockers
 Demanding Job – The job of a security guard is very stressful, demanding and hectic. This kind
of job includes such stressful activities like constantly keeping an eye on the particular area,
keeping a check on each and every individual that whosoever is entering and exiting that
particular premises.
 Challenging climatic conditions –Security Guards can be seen in such difficult weathers be it in
the summers, extreme winters or in the rainy season. One can always watch them keeping an eye
on everything and everyone.
 Least appreciated job -The job of the Security Guard is the least appreciated job as some People
don’t respect them and thus there are many cases of brawls between the Residents of a particular
place and the Security Guards.
 Underpaid Jobs – The job of the Security Guard is one of the underpaid job as the amount of
hard work they put in performing their duty is high while the wage they receive is very low.
 No fixed timings – The job of the security guard is very tiring as it has no fixed schedule ,
sometimes they are asked to work in the night shifts while sometimes in the day shifts. Thus there
is no work balance.

2) User Group – Teacher

A teacher is a person who teaches, whose job is to instruct the children especially in a school. A
teacher can be anyone be it a male or a female. A teacher helps the students to acquire knowledge,
clear all their doubts, to make education fun by teaching them through various methods, support the
students and help them that they can achieve their goals.

Biases and Notions about the user group

 Teachers usually have a vast knowledge about the subject that they teach. They are highly
specialized about the concepts of their respective subjects.
 They are very disciplined about their tasks and the chores they are supposed to complete.
 They provide their valuable guidance and do the needful whenever the child requires so.
 They often act as a Mentor and teaches beyond the textbook learning.
 They also share their valuable life lessons and the experiences they have gained all through these

Short description

The name of the Teacher is Mrs Sonia Verma and is 47 years old. She is from New Delhi. She is
married and has one Daughter. She is very beautiful. Her students consider her as the Charming,
lovely, polite and a warm person. She is presently teaching in Dav Public School and has an overall
experience of 17 years. She gently leads her students through the difficult problems of Mathematics
and clears each and every doubt related to it. Her brilliant methods and guidance help students score
good marks in Mathematics. Also she is one of the finest teachers when it comes to teaching in online
mode. She teaches in such a way that it clears every single doubt of the students. She is very friendly,
supportive and helps everyone in whatever problem a child faces be it personal or in school. She is
one of the Finest Speakers. She is very Empathetic, Adaptable and focuses on every single student.

Activities of a Teacher

 Teach classes in a Person/ Online mode on day to day basis

 Supervise labs
 Assign homework
 Grade papers
 Participate in Meetings
 Update Parents on Student Performance
 Review lesson plans for the next day
 Researching the Newest Teaching Methods
 Classroom Management
Objects/Tools used by the Teachers
 Pen and Paper
 Duster
 Computer
 Marker
 Whiteboard
 Attendance Register
Pain Areas/Productivity Blockers
 Lack of teamwork, empathy, and support between students.
 Teachers performing so many roles at the same time.
 Teachers are being made accountable for more than they should.
 Applying the given curriculum to all the types of students.
 Lack of support in multiple areas.
 Lack of Student discipline.
3) User group – Maid/House Help

A domestic help especially a Female that helps in managing the daily household chores. A maid is a
kind of Domestic servant that helps in performing various household duties like cleaning, sweeping,
dusting, washing clothes and utensils. They look after the daily tasks of the house and take care of
elders and kids. There are two types of services offered by Maids – Full time Maid and Part time

Biases and Notions about the User Group

 They often come from poor economic backgrounds.

 Minimum Wages.
 No education.
 Poor Nutrition.
 Overburdened with Work
 Physically tiring
 Language Proficiency
Short description
The name of the maid/house help is Rama kumar and is 21 years old. She is from Bihar and is
unmarried. She is working in our house from the last 2 years and belongs to a poor family. She is
doing this job to support her family and her sister’s education. As she comes from an economically
poor family and was not able to complete her education. She works hard day and night to support her
sister’s education. She does all our household chores be it cleaning the house or utensils, dusting,
sweeping, washing clothes, cooking. She manages everything so well and take care of the house like
its her own. She looks after the elders and the kids and now she is an extended member of our family.
Activities of a Maid/House help
 Cleaning
 Dusting
 Sweeping
 Washing clothes
 Washing utensils
 Cooking food
Objects/Tools used by the Maid/House help
 Broom
 Mop
 Duster

Pain Areas/Productivity Blockers

 Discriminatory Practises against them
 Ill treatment
 Lesser wages
 Least Appreciated Job
 Higher level of mistrust involved between Employers and Maids

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