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Witchcraft Gamemasters who wish to incorporate this

material directly into an ongoing campaign might

in Dark*Matter consider setting up witchcraft as a new
by Christopher West and Ron Bedison
oppositional force to diabolism. Perhaps evidence
(with thanks to Wolfgang Baur) accumulated by the Hoffmann Institute suggests
that many witches have begun to organize a
Many forms of magic have inspired the dedicated yet secret opposition to diabolist
human imagination over the ages, but few have groups, particularly the Illuminati faction known
garnered as much attention in the modern world as the Final Church? Such a situation could
as the collection of beliefs, stereotypes, and establish some very interesting roleplaying
ideologies known collectively as "witchcraft". It opportunities, when monotheists and practitioners
means many different things to many different of witchcraft find themselves facing a common
people: to Wiccan and pagan believers it's a foe.
natural spiritual path. To fundamentalists of other Alternatively, witches might be portrayed
faiths, it's a road to disaster and corruption. To within the campaign as a a divided faction, facing
Hollywood screenwriters it's a ticket to box office internal conflict between rival covens. Perhaps
success. To many others, it's little more than various forces within the pagan community hold
superstitious nonsense. different ethics concerning the appropriate use of
In the Dark*Matter Campaign Setting, these powers. Finally, an ongoing plot may
however, witchcraft is something more than any involve a conspiracy faction such as the Knights
of is a very real and dangerous force that of Malta or the Hidden Order of St. Gregory who
few understand and fewer still have ever learned are determined to eradicate witchcraft and all who
to master. The following is an adaptation of practice it using techniques perfected during the
common witchcraft lore, adapted for use in the Inquisition. Agents of the Hoffmann Institute
ALTERNITY® Science Fiction Roleplaying might be called in to investigate the disappearance
Game published by Wizards of the Coast. It is not of a coven of witches and stumble into a plot
intended as a perfect reflection of any specific involving a religious conspiracy of global
belief system, but instead it is a combination of proportions.
mythic folklore, popular stereotype, and creative However it is used, this material should
license. Emphasis is placed on the use of this inspire plenty of adventure ideas for your Dark
material in the Dark*Matter Campaign Setting, Matter campaign. Have fun with it!
but it would be appropriate to any campaign
involving FX powers. Faith FX: Witchcraft
In the context of this setting, Witchcraft
exists as a rare manifestation of the faith of those Skill Name: Cost:
gifted few who believe strongly in its power and Witchcraft 13
have learned the ancient rituals necessary to Blight of Ages (WIL) 5
unlock it. Certainly many Wiccans and other Call Familiar (PER) 3
pagans have the strength of belief necessary to Cast the Circle (WIL) 2
develop this FX, but often such individuals have Crones's Curse (PER) 4
not been introduced to the appropriate rituals and Divination (WIL) 3
techniques. Many others have obtained the Earth Harvest (WIL) 2
necessary lore but lack the strength of faith to Part the Veil (WIL) 4
empower the spells. Finally, some people who Maiden's Blessing (PER) 4
possess both faith and lore simply lack the gift of Mother's Touch (PER) 4 elusive quality that not even the Out of Season (WIL) 4
Hoffmann Institute is able to fully identify or Spellbind (WIL) 2
explain. For these reasons, true manifestations of Ward of Protection (WIL) 3
Witchraft FX remain elusive. Skills that cannot be used untrained are shown in blue.
Witchcraft sacrifice of a minor personal belonging. A
Marginal ritual can usually be concluded within
Widely accepted by fringe elements of one round.
society, yet vastly misunderstood in the Ordinary rituals usually involve several
mainstream is a school of magic commonly minutes of ceremony, meditation, and/or prayer.
known as Witchcraft. While classified here as Usually some form of ritual tool, such as a cup or
Faith FX, it exists on the border between Arcane wand, is required, in addition to a small amount of
Magic and Faith, requiring both ritual and a natural element related to the spell being cast.
strength of belief for its power. Witchcraft is Occasionally an ordinary ritual may require the
concerned with the harnessing of natural energy sacrifice of an item of personal value.
and the focus of that energy towards specific Good rituals require elaborate ceremonies
goals. involving at least half an hour (often a full hour)
While the term "witch" is often used in and a good deal of preparation time. Rituals of
connection with the religion of Wicca, it can be this quality require specific symbols and objects
applied to anyone who uses nature-based magic to be present and used during the rite, such a
(or "magick", as many practitioners spell it). The pentacle, a cup or chalice, or a wand or athame
traditional Wiccan coven member, the neopagan (ritual blade). Representative amounts of all the
New Ager seeking communion with the Earth, elements of nature are usually needed. Specific
and the wise old crone who brews herbal remedies instruments vary with the witch's tradition and
for the sick are all potential practitioners of path. The sacrifice of a noteworthy object of
witchcraft. personal value to the caster may be appropriate.
Witchcraft is frequently mistaken for The Wiccan "Great Rite", a lengthy ritual
diabolism due to widespread misinformation involving the symbolic (or actual) union of male
about the powers involved, even though the two and female elements, is an example of a Good-
types of magic operate on very different quality ritual.
principles. Since most witches do not actively Amazing rituals require many hours or even
preach their beliefs and most diabolists are days of carefully planned ceremonies, performed
content to let witches take the blame for their at regular intervals or constantly over a period of
activities, the misunderstanding time. These may involve the sacrifice of a very
least among the uninformed masses. Of course, special item of great personal value to the caster,
just because most witches maintain a low profile and require all sorts of appropriate spiritual tools,
and don't actively denounce the lies does not as mentioned above. Amazing rituals are almost
mean that they remain inactive. A covert magical always performed with a full coven of thirteen
war between these factions may be brewing...if it witches or large group of believers, but such a
hasn't already begun. group isn't necessarily required.
Most spells within the school of witchcraft Any time that a lesser ritual is substituted for
require rituals of varying complexity to conjure the one required by a spell, a +2 penalty is applied
forth the desired effect. Most pagans who practice to the roll for every degree of difference. For
witchcraft are polytheistic, and these rituals give example, if a spell that calls for a Good ritual is
structure to their appeals to various deities and cast with only a Marginal Ritual, the caster
spirits of nature. Not so much arcane formulae as receives a +4 step penalty to the roll. Likewise,
they are elaborate prayers, the rituals a witch uses substituting a greater ritual for a lesser one
are frequently recorded in a "Book of Shadows". conveys a similar bonus: the same spell cast with
These books are used to record every aspect of a an Amazing ritual would receive a -2 step bonus
witch's occult and spiritual knowledge, and are to the roll. Lastly, it's also possible to cast a spell
kept extremely private. with no ritual at all. This counts as another stage
Marginal rituals may include simple rites of difference, so a spell that typically requires
such as the burning of a specially colored candle only a Marginal ritual could be cast in a single
or incense, a short period of focused meditation phase with no ritual at all, at a +2 penalty. (If a
and prayer, or occasionally the ceremonial
spell calling for a Good ritual were cast this way, The changes caused to a target by this spell
it would carry a +6 penalty.) last for one month on an Ordinary success, one
On occasion, multiple witches may wish to year on a Good success, and are permanent if the
work together on the casting of a single spell. This caster achieves an Amazing success. (The affected
follows the standard rules for assisting actions on creature continues to age naturally throughout the
page 50 of the Player's Handbook, with the duration, but all changes wrought by the spell fade
following exceptions: after the magic has expired.) If a caster tries to
Characters without the Witchcraft FX broad undo the effects of his own spell on the target
skill may assist in the casting of a spell, but this before the duration has expired, his attempt
causes all rolls related to the casting to suffer a +3 (which requires another casting of the spell)
penalty. Also, characters not possessing at least receives a -2 step bonus. Any casting of this spell
one rank in the spell being cast cannot be the lead to cause a cumulative effect (aging a character
caster. who is already magically aged) carries a +2
While it is certainly possible to use the penalty for each such spell already in effect on
powers of witchcraft for negative purposes, many that individual.
witches, particularly those of the Wicca faith, While it is typically cast with an Amazing
believe that it is wrong to do harm to others and ritual for added bonuses, this spell actually
that using magick to do so brings the harm back requires only a Good ritual, throughout which the
upon the caster threefold. GMs are encouraged to target must be present. It usually requires the
remember this during the course of play and sacrifice of an item dear to the target, though the
enforce this "threefold law" within the context of caster may chose to make the sacrifice instead.
the game as they see fit. Most witches consider casting Blight of Ages on
an unwilling victim wrongful in the extreme.
Those who abuse this power may find themselves
facing serious opposition from witches who
Blight of Ages somehow learn of the deed.
Transform spell: 2 FX points Critical Failure: The caster fails to control
This skill cannot be used untrained. the magic and suffers the effects of the spell
instead of the target, aging one life stage
This extremely rare and dangerous spell permanently. (Even if the intent of the spell was
grants a caster the ability to affect the life force of to make the target younger.)
another individual to cause premature aging, or x At ranks 4, 8, and 12, the caster gains the
even undo the ravages of time on a body. ability to cause or undo an additional degree of
Success in the casting allows the caster to aging in the target creature. (So a caster with rank
change the age category of the target by one stage, 12 is able to cause a young adult's body to become
making the character either older or younger. This ancient.) Both the caster and the creature affected
change affects only physical characteristics and suffer one point of fatigue damage for each degree
ability scores (STR, DEX, and CON); mental of aging caused or removed. (This damage can be
ability scores are not affected. (See page 20 of the healed normally.) The caster may choose to limit
Game Master Guide for details about aging and the effect to fewer stages than the roll allows, if he
the effect it has on a character's ability scores.) desires to do so.
Characters cannot be regressed to a state younger x Eviscerant Theft: At rank 10, the caster
than adolescence through the use of this spell, but can make himself more youthful by aging another
they can be aged past the point of ancient, causing character. For each life stage a victim is aged
death. A lifeless body cannot be made younger or through the use of this spell, the caster may make
restored to life with this spell. Both the caster and himself one stage younger. (While it's an
the creature affected suffer one point of fatigue unpopular choice, a caster could also make
damage when the spell is cast. Because the magic himself older by making the target younger.)
of this spell is channeled through the caster and x Life Mastery: At rank 12, the caster
focused externally, a witch can't target herself achieves the ability to target himself with the
with this spell.
effects of this spell, without involving any other The casting of this spell requires a Good
characters. ritual, usually involving tokens of interest to the
sort of animal desired and a statue or figurine
representing it. [Note: while the caster may
choose to tailor the spell towards a specific sort of
Call Familiar animal, the creature that appears might be very
Summon spell: 1 FX point different. In any case, the GM and player should
This skill cannot be used untrained. agree on the type of familiar beforehand.]
A character may have more than one
Through the use of this spell, a witch familiar at a time. Only the number of FX points
acknowledges to the universe that she is ready to that the caster is willing to invest in the creatures
accept the companionship of an animal guide and limits the quantity. Additional information about
friend. A familiar often takes the form of a cat or familiars can be found on page 85 of "Beyond
raven, though nearly any sort of animal might Science: A Guide to FX".
appear. The form of the animal usually relates to Critical Failure: The FX energy point spent
the caster's personality, and should be determined in the casting is lost permanently, but no familiar
by the player and GM before the spell is cast. appears. (This applies to the summoning only, not
Occasionally a long-time household pet is to the uses of this skill described below under
recognized as a familiar through the use of this rank benefits.)
spell. > Sensory Relay: At rank 3, the caster can
If the roll to summon a familiar is (with a successful Witchcraft-call familiar skill
successful, the FX energy point spent in the check and the cost of 1 FX energy point) perceive
casting of this spell is permanently invested in the the world through the familiar's senses, seeing
familiar and marked off of the caster's character what it sees and hearing what it hears, etc, for up
sheet. This point represents the familiar's bond to to one hour. Any Awareness-perception skill
the caster, though it can be spent without breaking checks made through the familiar's senses carry a
the bond. (A familiar recovers its FX energy point +1 step penalty, as the senses of a different animal
every 24 hours.) The witch can likewise spend the can be disorienting to a human. Some familiars
familiar's FX point to fuel her own spells any time may have special perceptions that are especially
that the two are in contact. Being in contact with unfamiliar to humans, such as a bat's 'sonar'
one's familiar also provides a -1 bonus to the use hearing. The GM may apply additional penalties
of Witchcraft FX spells. to the perception rolls of a caster trying to use
When the familiar dies, the FX energy point these senses. At rank 6, this penalty is removed.
goes with it. Any time that a familiar is within 10 The familiar must be within contact range for
meters of the witch it is bonded to, the two can the sensory relay to function.
communicate as if using the Telepathy-contact > Remote Contact: The maximum distance
skill. No roll is required: communication is at which a caster and familiar may communicate
limited to simple concepts (brief questions and increases to 100 meters at rank 3, 1 kilometer at
one-word answers), as if the caster had rolled an rank 6, 10 kilometers at rank 9, and 100
Ordinary success on that skill. kilometers at rank 12.
The familiar that manifests through the use
of this spell has a starting attitude of "charmed" Cast the Circle
towards the caster. This can change over time Conjure spell: 1 FX point
depending on how the caster treats the animal. A
familiar who reaches the "combative" attitude This common spell purifies an area, turning
(through mistreatment or any other means) may it temporarily into sacred space and rendering it
permanently sever its bond with the caster, taking ideal for more complex ritual work. The Circle
the caster's FX point with it. A familiar lost holds harmful spiritual forces at bay, and magical
through mistreatment may even choose to work energies are focused to aid the spellcasters. Any
against the caster's interests or otherwise seek
Witchcraft spell cast within a properly prepared A single individual may be the target of
circle receives a -1 bonus to the skill check. several curses, but multiple castings of this spell
The spell ends when anyone other than the are not cumulative, even from multiple casters;
caster's familiar enters or leaves the circle. only the worst of all applicable curses can affect a
In order to enter the circle, a harmful single skill check.
spiritual force (ghost, demon, or anything else Those who cast misfortune upon others
determined by the GM) must succeed on a often find it returning to them. At any time that
Resolve-mental resolve skill check modified by the caster has this spell in effect, the GM may
the caster's WIL resistance modifier and the apply the same effect to the caster, at her
degree of success achieved on the casting discretion.
(Ordinary +1, Good +2, Amazing +3). Likewise, Critical Failure: The spell instead acts as
harmful magic spells cast at an individual within Maiden's Blessing, below.
the circle receive the same penalty to the casting > Cursed Item: At rank 2, the caster can
roll. If something does succeed in penetrating a place a curse on an item instead of a person. In
circle in this way, the circle is considered broken this case, the curse affects anyone who possesses
and the spell ends. the item and keeps it with her. Other specifics of
The circle has an initial radius equal to the the spell remain unchanged.
caster's height, which doubles at rank 4, doubles > Specific Curse: At rank 3, the caster can
again at rank 8, and doubles once more at rank 12. fine-tune this effect to target specific aspects of
The area of effect is centered on the caster. If the victim's life.
multiple casters are involved in the casting of this For example, such a curse might target the
spell, their heights are added together to create the victim's love life, health, or finances. In this case,
area of effect, which then centers on the middle of the effect of the curse creates a Critical Failure
the group. whenever the victim rolls an 18, 19, or 20 on the
Casting a circle requires only a Marginal control die for actions related to the specific focus
ritual, which usually involves a gestured outlining of the curse. Other actions are not affected by the
of the circle with a wand or athame (ritual knife). curse.
Critical Failure: Witchcraft spells cast > Remote Curse: At Rank 6, the caster no
within the circle receive a +1 penalty instead of a longer needs to have a personal article of the
bonus, and harmful spiritual forces receive a -1 recipient in order to target her with the curse,
bonus in attempts to affect those within its area. though the caster must have met or communicated
with the target at some point in the past.
> Stranger's Curse: At Rank 12, the caster
Crone's Curse can target any individual with this curse, at any
Transform spell: 1 FX Point distance, whether she knows him personally or
This spell calls upon various spirits or
deities to look negatively upon the Cursed
individual, temporarily plaguing the recipient with Divination
the effects of the "Bad Luck" flaw. Augur spell: 1 FX Point
The effect of the initial casting lasts one day,
and requires an Ordinary ritual. A witch may Through the use of this spell, a witch can
maintain this spell indefinitely by spending an perceive distant individuals and the events that
additional FX point and performing an additional surround them with varying degrees of
Marginal ritual for each day to be added to the understanding and clarity. At higher ranks, the
duration. This can be done any time while the witch can observe events of the past as well as
spell is still in effect. The initial casting causes gain insight into a possible future.
one point of Fatigue damage to the caster, as does The degree of success achieved on the skill
each subsequent extension of the effect. This roll determines the level of detail perceived.
damage is healed naturally. Ordinary: The caster can perceive the
surroundings of the target with one non-visual reserve of FX energy. When the spell is cast, the
sense determined by the Gamemaster. Good: The witch can gain a number of FX energy points
caster can perceive the target and events determined by the FX skill check.
transpiring around him with two senses (Ordinary: 2, Good: 3, Amazing: 4) These FX
determined by the Gamemaster. points gained can temporarily exceed a character's
Amazing: The caster can perceive the target normal maximum limit, but any points in excess
and his surroundings with all of her senses, as if of that limit at the end of the scene are lost. The
she were there with him. caster may choose to harvest fewer FX energy
Note: While this spell is usually cast to points than the roll indicates.
observe a living being, the caster can target an There is a cost to this "free" energy,
area or object instead of an individual, with a +2 however: each FX energy point harvested causes
penalty to the roll. one point of fatigue damage to the caster, which
This spell requires an Ordinary ritual, manifests itself immediately after the scene in
usually involving a mirror, bowl of water, or ball which the spell is cast. This fatigue damage does
of crystal (though any reflective surface will not heal naturally; instead, it remains permanent
work). Only the caster can see any visions that until the caster releases the same number of FX
appear in the surface. energy points back into the earth. Releasing one
> Scrye the Past: At rank 3, the caster can or more FX energy points requires another
use this spell to perceive past events that have Marginal ritual, but no skill roll. Every FX point
affected the individual or area in significant ways. released in this way allows a point of fatigue
Better degrees of success produce visions of more damage caused by this spell to begin healing
significant or relevant events. naturally.
> Divine the Future: At rank 5, the caster A caster cannot harvest more FX energy
can perceive future events that will significantly points with this spell than the number of his
affect the individual or area if current tendencies empty fatigue boxes at the time of casting. If the
continue unchanged. Better degrees of success fatigue damage caused by the casting of this spell
produce visions of more significant or relevant forces the caster to fall unconscious, he must
events. make a Resolve-physical resolve skill check once
> Contact the Distant Soul: At rank 7, the each day to awaken long enough to return the
caster can attempt to send a message to an extra FX energy and begin the natural healing, as
individual scryed with this spell. Only brief described above.
messages of a few words can be communicated to Earth Harvest is strongly affected by the
the subject's mind with each casting of this spell. changing of the seasons. It receives a -2 bonus
Additionally, the messages can be easily lost during the summer, a -1 bonus in the spring, a +1
among the subject's own thoughts, and might be penalty in autumn, and a +2 penalty in the winter.
overlooked completely. The target should roll If cast on midsummer's day, the spell receives a -3
Awareness-intuition, with a bonus determined by bonus, but it suffers a +3 penalty on midwinter's
the level of success achieved on the caster's night (Yule).
Divination roll. (Ordinary -1, Good -2, Amazing - This spell requires only a Marginal ritual,
3) This mental communication is one-way; the usually involving focused meditation and direct
spell does not give the caster the ability to hear a contact with the ground or a plant rooted in it.
subject's thoughts (though he might choose to Critical Failure: No FX energy points are
speak a response out loud). produced by the spell, but the caster still suffers
one point of fatigue damage at the end of the
scene, which heals normally
Earth Harvest > Energy Storage: After achieving rank 3,
Conjure spell: 1 FX Point the caster can store FX energy points produced by
this spell within any natural crystal, such as
This spell draws energy from the Earth to quartz. Doing so requires a Marginal ritual and
augment the caster's magical effort and refresh his another skill check. (The FX point spent in the
casting of this variation is the one stored in the walk in their world.] For more information about
crystal.) FX energy points stored through the use the spirit world, see page 48 of
of this spell fade away during the next new moon "Beyond Science: A Guide to FX".
(so points stored on the day before the new moon The use of this spell does not convey any
last only a day), and it requires a fist-sized amount special power over the spirits that are
of the crystal to hold a single FX point. Because encountered, nor does it compel any specific spirit
of his bond to the stored energy, a character to appear, but restless spirits rarely turn down an
cannot have more FX energy points stored in opportunity to communicate with the
crystals than his normal maximum limit of FX living...those who cast this spell frequently may
points. (A character with a max of 5 FX points find themselves quite popular on the other side
can keep a total of 5 more FX points stored in (which is not always a good thing).
crystals, in addition to his own normal reserve of While his senses are tuned to the shadow
energy.) FX energy points stored in crystals can realm, the caster remains visible and tangible in
only be used by the caster who stored them. our is only the caster's perceptions that
x Increased Effect: At rank 6, the use of this are altered. To uninformed observers, a witch
spell can draw forth up to 3, 4, or 5 FX energy using this spell appears to speak to beings that are
points on an Ordinary, Good, and Amazing result, not there and see visions that cannot be seen by
respectively. At rank 12, these numbers increase others. If the caster explores the shadow realm
to 4, 5, and 6. rather than remaining stationary, his body also
> Improved Energy Storage: After achieving moves correspondingly in the physical world.
rank 9, the caster can store his own personal FX (Naturally, this can be very hazardous if the
points within crystals (the rank 3 benefit only terrain in the spirit world does not match the
allows the storage of points harvested through this terrain in the physical world.) If the caster's body
spell). Doing so functions just like the rank 3 dies while his spirit is in the shadow realm, he
benefit, but the maximum number of stored points remains trapped there indefinitely.
doubles. (A character with a max of 5 FX points This spell requires a Good ritual, often
can keep a total of 10 FX points stored in crystals involving a mirror or ball of crystal, and plenty of
after reaching this rank.) Stored points fade away candles. (Usually black.) The caster can end the
at the time of the next new moon after the spell is spell at any time.
cast. Critical Failure: An error in the spell's
casting (or foul luck) draws the attention of an
extremely malevolent spirit or group of spirits,
Part the Veil which may attempt to possess, mislead, or harm
Transform spell: 1 FX Point the caster.
This skill cannot be used untrained. > Spirit Contact: At rank 3, the caster gains
the ability to contact a specific spirit while in the
Casting this sometimes-dangerous spell realm of shadows, even if that spirit is not
grants the witch the ability to step into a plane of immediately present in the area or does not wish
shadows and speak with the spirits of the dead to be contacted. The caster must know the spirit's
that are found there. If cast within a magic circle name to contact it, but this does not force the
(see Cast the Circle, above), this spell presents spirit to appear. It does, however, allow the caster
little long as the caster remains within to use his Interaction skills in communicating with
the circle, he is relatively safe from any hostile the spirit.
spirits that may be encountered. If this spell is cast > Spirit Channeling: At rank 5, the caster
without the protection of a circle, however, can channel a spirit that is present in the area,
nothing stands between the caster and anything allowing it to see the physical world through his
encountered in the shadow realm. [Note: ghosts eyes and speak with his voice. This differs from
encountered in the shadow land do not gain the possession in that the caster remains completely in
benefit of their "intangibility" defense, and can control of the situation, and can end the
usually be seen without difficulty, but they are channeling at any time. Unwilling spirits cannot
able to make "physical" attacks against those that
be forced to participate in this use of the spell, pertaining to the specific focus of the blessing.
though they might be persuaded through other (The "perk" can be used twice in each scene, and
means. the bonus provided by the "perk check" is
Maiden's Blessing increased by one step.) Actions that do not fall
Transform spell: 1 FX point within the specific focus of this blessing are
This spell calls upon various spirits or > Remote Blessing: At Rank 6, the caster no
deities to look favorably upon the Blessed longer needs to have a personal article of the
individual, temporarily granting the recipient the recipient in order to target him with the blessing,
benefits of the "Good Luck" perk. Unlike the though the caster must have met or communicated
perk, however, the GM determines when the with the recipient at some point in the past.
results of the blessing come into play. (Usually > Stranger's Blessing: At Rank 12, the caster
once per scene.) can target any individual with this blessing at any
A single individual may be the recipient of range, whether she knows him personally or not.
several blessings, but multiple castings of this
spell are not cumulative, even from multiple
casters; only the best of all applicable blessings Mother's Touch
can affect a single skill check. If a character has Transform spell: 2 FX Points
the "Good Luck" perk already, it continues to This skill cannot be used untrained.
function as normal, independent of the benefits of
this spell. This spell calls upon a goddess (usually a
The effect of the initial casting lasts one day, Mother deity) to grant healing to a creature in
and requires an Ordinary ritual. A witch may need of aid. While the specific deity implored
maintain this spell indefinitely by spending an varies from tradition to tradition, the effect
additional FX point and performing an additional remains the same: the recipient finds peace and
Marginal ritual for each day to be added to the comfort while his body is cleansed of illness or
duration. This can be done any time while the infection.
spell is still in effect. The caster's skill check determines the
While a witch can bless herself with this benefit received. Ordinary: The severity of the
spell, doing so costs an additional FX point and character's disease is lessened by one degree, or
the roll receives a +1 penalty. On the other hand, a one wound point is healed. Good: The severity of
GM might choose to apply the benefit of this spell the character's disease is lessened by two degrees,
to the caster whenever she has a blessing in affect or 2 wound points are healed. Amazing: The
on another person. (Many witches believe that the severity of the character's disease is lessened by
threefold law of return also applies to good three degrees (completely healed), or four wound
deeds.) points (or one mortal point) are healed. Note:
Critical Failure: The spell instead acts as Some disorders of a genetic origin or produced by
Crone's Curse, above. a body's natural state cannot be permanently cured
> Blessed Item: At rank 2, the caster can through the use of this spell, even if their
place a blessing on an item instead of a person. In symptoms can be forced into remission. Likewise,
this case, the blessing affects anyone (other than some diseases are more persistent and invasive
the caster) who possesses the item and keeps it than others; attempts to cure illnesses such as HIV
with her. Other specifics of the spell remain or cancer, for example, might carry a +4 or greater
unchanged. penalty.
> Specific Blessing: At rank 3, the caster For more information about disease in the
can fine-tune this effect to target specific aspects Alternity game, see page 57 in the Game Master’s
of the victim's life. Guide.
For example, such a blessing might target the This spell requires an Ordinary ritual
victim's love life, health, or finances. In this case, (usually involving special herbs) and physical
the effect of the spell is doubled for rolls contact with the person to be healed. It also causes
one point of fatigue damage to the caster for each
stage of healing provided by the spell (and one (*Increases in rain conditions require at least
point even if the skill check is unsuccessful). The "partial" cloud cover. At "cold" or "arctic"
caster may choose to provide less healing than the temperatures, any precipitation falls as snow.)
roll indicates. For example, a caster who achieves
an amazing result may choose to only heal two The altered weather covers a circular area of
stages of the disease, and will then receive only up to 1 kilometer in diameter for each rank the
two points of fatigue damage. caster has in this spell. (So a witch with rank 5
Mother's Touch will only function on each could alter the weather in a 5km diameter circle.)
individual recipient once per lunar cycle. The The effect is centered on the caster, who can
casting receives a -1 step bonus when the moon is choose to restrict the spell's effect to smaller
waxing (-2 when it is full), but a +1 step penalty areas.
when it is waning (+2 during the new moon). This spell requires an Amazing ritual, which
Critical Failure: The subject's disease usually involves incense, dance, and music.
worsens by one degree, or he receives two > Obscurement: At rank 3, the caster gains
additional points of wound damage. the ability to create fog under the right conditions.
> Healing Gift: At rank 3 and higher, the (Rain conditions of "mist", wind no greater than
caster no longer requires contact with the recipient 10kph, and cloud cover of at least "partial".) If
of the spell. these conditions are present or achieved through
Instead, the effect can be placed within a the use of this spell, the caster can cause fog as
serving of food or a beverage; whoever ingests the part of the casting. An Ordinary or Good success
material receives the effect of the spell. This creates Moderate visibility conditions, while an
enchantment lasts until the next new moon. Amazing success creates Extreme conditions. See
pages 39 and 48 of the Game Master's Guide for
Out of Season more information about visibility.
Conjure Spell: 2 FX Points > Remote Prognostication: Starting at rank
This skill cannot be used untrained. 5, the witch can cast this spell over a distant area,
with a difficulty modified by her familiarity with
This spell brings about changes in local the region to be affected. A witch casting this
weather patterns at the will of the caster. Each spell over her hometown would receive only a +1
time the spell is cast, the witch can change a penalty, but affecting an area she had never seen
single facet of the weather (temperature, wind, before would carry a +4 penalty.
cloud cover, or rain) by up to three steps on the Affectations such as photographs or models of
table below. The caster visualizes the desired the area to be affected can lower these penalties,
change before casting. Each degree of success on as could a sample of soil or leaves from the area.
the skill check shifts the existing conditions one (An elaborate and detailed scale model of the
step towards the caster's desire. (Hence, a caster location to be affected, made with elements taken
who achieves an Amazing result could from the site, might negate these penalties
temporarily turn temperate conditions into arctic altogether.)
conditions, blazing conditions, or any state in x Increased Effect: At ranks 4, 8, and 12, the
between.) The effect lasts for 5 minutes. caster can change an additional aspect of the
weather with the casting of this spell, and can
TEMPERATURE WIND (kph) CLOUD COVER RAIN* change that aspect by one step for each degree of
Arctic None None None
Cold 1-10 Hazy Mist
success achieved on the skill roll, as described
Chilly 11-30 Wispy Drizzle above. For example, a witch that has rank 4 in this
Temperate 31-50 Partial Light Rain skill and rolls a Good success can turn a hazy day
Warm 51-70 Half Heavy Rain with no rain into one with partial cloud cover and
Hot 71-90 Full Downpour a drizzle.
Blazing 91+ Thunderclouds Flash Flooding
x Increased Duration: The duration of the
effect yielded by a successful casting of this spell
increases to one hour at rank 3, one day at rank 6, > Bind the Soul: At rank 6 and higher, the
and one week at rank 9. casting of this spell to penalize another spellcaster
also applies an equal penalty to the victim's WIL
resistance modifier throughout the duration,
making it harder for the affected individual to
Spellbind resist magical effects and other suggestions. (So a
Transform spell: 1 FX Point witch with rank 6 in this spell could apply a
penalty of 4 steps to the victim's WIL resistance
Often considered a witch's best defense modifier, in addition to the +4 penalty to the
against other spellcasters, this spell causes a target's WIL-based FX skill checks.)
targeted individual to experience an increased
difficulty in using magical powers. The affected
character receives a +3 penalty to any Arcane
Magic FX or WIL-based Faith FX skill check Ward of Protection
made while the binding is in effect. Conjure spell: 1 FX Point
The casting of this spell is modified by the This skill cannot be used untrained.
victim's normal WIL resistance modifier. The
subject remains spellbound for 1 day on an This common spell is a witch's most reliable
Ordinary success, 1 week on a Good success, and defense against otherworldly beings (such as
1 month on an Amazing success. Cumulative ghosts, demons, elohim, and luciferans). If placed
castings of this spell do not impose additional on a person or object, the subject cannot be
penalties on a targeted individual, but they can harmed or otherwise affected by the force named
extend the duration. in the warding, be it spirits, demons, or a specific
This spell requires a Good ritual and an item type of magic. (Each FX broad skill is considered
pertaining to the target, such as a special piece of a separate type of magic for the purposes of this
jewelry, a photograph, or a lock of hair. spell.) This spell can also be placed on a portal or
Critical Failure: The caster suffers the entranceway, which case the named
penalizing effects of the spell for one day. force cannot pass through the entrance or the area
> Broken Shackles: At rank 3, the caster is immediately adjacent to it.
able to unravel the effects of another witch's In order to defeat a ward of protection, a
binding by casting this spell. Each degree of being must succeed on a Resolve-mental resolve
success achieved on the skill check removes one skill check modified by both the caster's WIL
step of penalties from a spellbound target. (This resistance modifier, and the degree of success
effect can't create a only removes the achieved on the skill check. (Ordinary +2, Good
penalties caused by a previous casting of this +4, Amazing +6) If something does succeed in
spell.) getting past this defense, the spell is considered
Also at this rank, a witch becomes able to broken.
terminate the effects of his own previous casting Unless the spell is broken, a ward of
of this spell before the duration would normally protection remains in effect for one hour from the
expire. Doing so requires a subsequent Marginal time it is cast, or until the caster willingly
ritual, but no skill check or FX expenditure is dismisses it. Ending a ward of protection requires
necessary for the caster to dismiss his own spell in only a single action, and no die roll is necessary.
this way. The FX point spent in a successful casting of this
x Increased Effect: At ranks 4, 8, and 12, the spell cannot be restored while the spell is still in
penalty imposed by a successful casting of this effect.
spell increases by 1 step. (If cast to remove a Casting a ward of protection requires only a
binding, the number of penalties eliminated on a Marginal ritual, which often involves a small
successful casting increases by one at each of amount of an element unfavorable to the warded
these ranks.) being. Salt, for example, is commonly used for the
purposes of warding away spirits.
(A Lore-occult lore skill check may be needed
to determine the appropriate substance for a given
entity. Strewing salt about oneself may be just the
wrong way to ward against an etoile.) To add an
element of uncertainty about the strength of a
ward, Gamemasters are encouraged to use the
"Conspiracy Dice" optional rule on page 249 of
the Dark Matter hardcover during the casting of
this spell.
Critical Failure: The subject of the ward
becomes more susceptible to its target, giving that
force or being a -2 bonus to affect the subject.
This effect lasts a single hour, or until a successful
x Increased Duration: The duration of the
effect yielded by a successful casting of this spell
increases to one day at rank 4, one week at rank 8,
and one month at rank 12.

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