Remington 11

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meet the new | REMINGTON 11 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER yours for years of dependable service! We took all the best features of our office typewriter . . . and put them on the new Remington 11 Portable ficient typewriter for offer use It lds students to develop ther talents for Writing and pet etter de, Nou can den on for Sears of servis. This beautify styled, ensy f0 operate portable typewriter els ou esp in touch with frends and basics corespondens. The big machine features of this verse machine make it a compact and NOTE TO THE TYPEWRITER CONNOISSEUR: "The new REMINGTON II isthe only portable with $0 many major offce ‘spewstr features: PrnG Thine carsage holds fll size leterbeads and schoot notebook aie, fdas Ti perm pec tabulaons and se of busines forms, pane cn aches a width that ordinal require aul size office machine + Tal St key Scharactr standard keyboard * swf sure, eatheright teh simplified aethod of changing ribbons + superbly sharp, dsitiv pintwork MIRACLE TAB, sts and clears tabulator stops right fom the keyboard ‘hth one lever operation + SuperSiength, di eat Base * plus dozens of other advanced feetares The CARE of your Remington 11 Portable Typewriter Your REMINGTON Portable is sturdy and wonderful machin, bul for hard se. But just the same, care fort dst wipe the key ote, Keep your portable ia is case wien you're not using it. Do not dcop things ints mechanism. And be careful not to drop tof jolt it even when Empty the Case. Lift your machine out of its carrying case before you type. This prevens typing when a pencil or other object i under the machine, assures you of quieter typing, and koaps the machine from ‘kidding. Some people think the machine wilsip lx stays ia the case Not so ! REMINGTON Portales are soli and sturdy... they stay put Cou Mus Erase, hold the poper ove the erasure table, Re re to move the carvage far tothe side so the eraser crumb al outside the machine Never, never erase over the kaya few eraer crumbs can harm type ‘writer more than &yea's we. Coshion the Blow. I's «smart dea to insert two shets of paper in your machine—one (0 ype on and one to cushion the Baws on the role Use a Sap Stoke. The best way to ap the hes i 0" snap” cach ky. darting your finger atthe key. Use a ight touch, Pace tose hw light your stroke can " bounce” the typebars ofthe pape, (GENERAL CARE—Reasonabe care on your part wllensure added years of satstacory performance from your typewriter A typewriter’ principal ‘enemy is dus. Keep Your ‘ypewriter covered when notin use, Clean the typefaces oscasionally with a brush to remove accumulated lint and ink Do nt clean your machine with aleahol It wil mar the nish, (Once ina while you may put drop of ei on eich of the wo ris on which, the utrage moves and then ub it of gain Never attempt toi anyother, part ofthe mechanism as this may gum ad clog the working prs. Your REMINGTON portable was carefully inspected before it wis daivered to you, IF it ever does ned adjstment ot repair, tke it to the nearest Remington Rand Typewriter Service Station or to wh authorized Remingion Rand desler whee trained servicemen will give it expert, Take good car of your REMINGTON Portable and it will epay you wth many years of fihl sevice. typewriter operation ¥ The following pages tl how to operate the REMINGTON 1 Portable ind explain ts festures, Follow the decors, step-bystep and you wil tbeon your way’ to gaining the full Benet of this streamlined portable To set your margins, press down the le-hand Visible Margin and move {othe point on the Piper Table Sale where the Writing line Is 1 Bezn. Then press down the nehthand Visible Margin and move tothe pont ‘wheette witing in sto end. Your margins are set To chang, rept penton. Cylinder Kose this totum te epindr Adjustable Paper Gabe" sedge ot per Says rests here The Paper Bail—huss the ylides and. Keeps Your pen ae wie tions for ddd conven fence. Pul forward before you put nthe. Pale Pose Baek in place when reread 10 3D | Cylinder— your paper fer under and sfound apr Sopot and end || (a © lock ik Thecarriagetocking. U devices incor: porated in he carriage ota lect, To unlock the carige, simply push up the eaeiage return lever To lock the carriage, preparatory to closing the case, move the cariage toward the lf, depress the Carriage Rown Lever, snd return the erage Th casei wil ot ht itunes the carriage return lover is depresed. Do ‘ot fore the lid down asthe pressure nigh damage the lever. 1. Pl he Paper Bail toward you, 2. Turn Cylinder Knob (ether one) elockwse unl the paper i up far ‘enough 3, Push the Paper Bail ack in place carriage IE you have inserted the pape against the guide, i shouldbe strep. But if itis not, use the Paper Release Lev (Girealy” behind the ight Cylinder Knob), Pll lever 4p and your paper wil beoose enough tostrsghtn. Then, prs ever back down, ‘Keep tuning Cinder Knob clackwie ‘unt he pape out Do nt ty to pl the paper. lis held firmly in pace by th paper sips, and it might tee Pall Paper Bll forward, Then, raise the Paper Release Lever. Ths loosens the Duper so you ean pull it out easly Remember to push the Lever back into place when 3ou're through The Ribbon... how it works “There are twelve ands febbon nthe REMINGTON 1 Portable, on one spool, which winds onto a second spo. ‘When all the ibboa is onthe second spoo, the sikibon sutomaticlly stars winding back onto the other spoo ‘A typenriter ribbon can lst for months, depending on fhow much you ype, When the pistwork becomes aint, ite time for s change. Changing the ribbon is not a tues eb when you have the REMINGTON fod Ribbon Changer, i's exsy—and its follow thes simple sep TE Lie op cover by presing up wits thumbs at ta nde a ont ove. 2. Pash ths utton overt eet. anocks 4 Pr down the Shift Lac Ke. 5% Pres Simplifed Rishon Chane prongs Remove top fam both spook, Unbook ribbon fom Tet spook, Throw vay eh ‘poo! with hea bon 2, Place the end ofthe ribboa with the metal ip Ino sot thee Shi Fock by presing Shit Key. How do you | = type a list like this? Move the Double Action Lever up 10" S” (for set) at each position 3yoU wish to havea new column, You can set as many columns on page a yu ike, When you press the Tab Key (right side of keyboard) the carriage moves over othe ext column To clear (emove) one ofthese ab stops, move othe stop you want ta lear. posh the Double Action Lever down to" C" (for clea). ‘To clear ail the tab stop, press the Double Action Lever down to Cr hold t there and move the eaviage all the way from ‘the let margin to thera margin For correspondence, MIRACLE TAB stops can be st for date, headings and paragraphs, Ths feature i also particularly valuable in busines t0 ‘ireily from one column to the sext in Preparing repo statisti, ef. Stodens find it bepful in ‘sping papers a aniform isting those features EE contribute to 16 Paper end gauge and paper suppor etter typing is eid sited ion shane. With your new cece Remington 11 ees portable typewriter 20 Pape leek ns cove (ives many) 1 nit smth opening ish sae ey rego bon md ste el oe anon, ad dai ale me ui oo to 2 Vasa ie pace 2 noma uh remit at 26 Shs ok eh ane 5 inde knobs ht ad at, Ba ae 2 Shit ey ata 17 Adjustable paper side gue. Spee ape oped pci fr Your * oun cs dat te ipa ih peningtoas fork a om Sane * = ah ih he Let's have a test... First get out your REMINGTON 11 Portable and try every one of the ‘machine parts explained in he pre ‘ous set, Then, se how many of these “questions you can answer cores. ‘What's the purpose ofthe Paper Bail” PS How do you stighten crooked paper 7 PS How do experts remove paper from machine ? PS How do you space a halle? P6 ‘Which lever do you push for selecting inespacing ? PS ‘What does the Carriage Return Lever do ? PPS & 6 7. What does the Waring Het mean? P7 Where isthe Back-Space Key ? PT What does the Shift Key do? PT Which numbered scale do you wse for setting margins ? Pe How do you conte ate 7 PR What docs the Personal Touch Regulator do ? PD ‘What's the purpose ofthe MIRACLE TAB? Pit Wher, on the keyboard, te MIRACLE TAB key ? [At what number shoud the Paper Guide usually be st ? Pa What does Ribbon Control mean? P9 Whore isthe Simpliled Ribbon Changer 7” PIO What oss the MLR, button do? PT Loss the Paper Release Lever. PS ° did you know... Ancient Grech writing ad to resemble {nd plowed yan ox tats ove ine Imoved fom le to righ and the next Tne mote ros right e READ THIS WAY AND THEN BACK AGAIN The crest foam of paps ade rom flroos mater a bom faced Back 10 Mark Train, in 1083, was he Gt thor ia history totam ypewelten book manwserip to hs publisher. His Aube spaced one obo rage Ingstye so delighted the eos that IS eing folloned thi Sy Romane one wrote 09 labor mooderbronse From tha deaoped © {abet many times. They ver and ovr aga, Tie a ihe oan ot con rmonistion, This was de Sloped os hi naar Inthe Fernan Quipes— 1 rosea, early foming seus, hung Was knotted and oopea 1 ft into diferent hove ‘iret xylan tack 3000 BC. crab BC, you'd draw aed for the iter" W" the Ieee “¥ A ‘nda pa ea or

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