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Running head: I, Helen Reyes 1

I, Helen Reyes

Helen Reyes-S.

John Jay College of Criminal Justice

I, Helen Reyes 2




A guidance

Never have I understood what my name means.

Even with definitions as simple as those

I could never pinpoint the exact meaning.


There were days when I was younger and I'd despise my name

“Pa porque Helen?”

His reasons were always the same

“Helen of Troy and Helen Keller” those words were the same thing I’ve always heard




A guide,

Helen of Troy was described with these words as well.

A 10 year war fought over her beauty.

Throughout it all she didn’t have much say.

Yet she still held a brave face and inspired many.

Helen Keller,

A girl who after falling ill was left blind and deaf
I, Helen Reyes 3

Was stronger than anyone could’ve ever imagined

No one thought she would go on and become a brave, strong advocate

Yet those same disadvantages she turned around and made many proud.

Though I may never fully understand my name,

Or may be overthinking

I was named after a woman who was strong

My last names Reyes-Sanchez both originating from Spain

Various spellings.

Each from noble origins.

I, Helen Reyes

The item I own

My instruments, my electronics, my stuffed animals, jewelery

All representations of my life

Music being heavily influenced by my parents gave a deep passion for it

Through music I express what I verbally can’t

Through my electronics I am able to connect with family

With friends, and even so learn more about music

My jewelry, glasses and necklaces

A part of me that hold significant times in my life

A part of my person that without I feel empty

My stuffed animals being proof of my father's work

His love for me shown each time he was able to bring home a new toy to my collection.
I, Helen Reyes 4

My closest friends bringing me gifts of love and appreciation for my high school graduation

Each toy having their own story.

Each holding a beautiful memory

Memories I will forever love and cherish.

I, Helen Reyes

What group do I belong to?

Growing up I’ve always said I was Mexican

Being the first born it has hard growing up with Spanish speaking parents

I learned as they would learn english.

Being mexican I learned that no matter what I would be considered a minority

My goal would be to prove that no matter what I would be able to surpass that

Being called a minority gave me the advantage to take everything I was given

Sometimes even feeling as an immigrant student

Took me 8 years to learn english when I had been in school for 5 years already

Never did that make me stop, I took advantage of opportunities

Was able to get my name around because I belong to a minority group

Of course along the way I’ve faced discrimination

Of course along the way I've been told I’m too white, not dark enough

Or that my accent can be heard, or isn’t strong enough

Along the years I’ve been called names,

“Border Jumper”

I, Helen Reyes 5

“How do you feel about Trump?” Is one of the most recent comments

Regardless of being judged, made fun of, or tried to being talked down to for being a girl

I’ve used those and made them the best parts I can to show who I am.

Being the first born daughter of Mexican immigrants has brought me challenges,

Those same challenges I can continue to use in ways that people least expect.

Year after year similar assignments I’ve gotten

“Define your name, who are you, identify yourself?”

Each year that I get asked “Who are you?”

New questions arise

New thoughts race through my mind

Each year I try to answer these questions

Each year my response slightly changes

But my main values, these mentioned will always be a part of me

Forever and always

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