LSA BRM Assignment 3 Amin

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Lahore School of Aviation

The University of Lahore

Assignment # 3 Marks Obtained

Course: Business Research Methods Semester: 7th (Seven)
Instructor: Nadeem Iqbal Batch:________________
Program: BS Aviation Management (BSAM) Code: RM03212
Word Count: 1000-1500 words Due Date: Dec 10, 2021
Muhammad Amin 70073194
Rai Mehran Ashiq 70072335
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1. Write a literature review of at least 2000 words on a selected topic.

a. Select a topic of your choice related to the Aviation industry
b. Locate and read at least 5 articles relevant to the selected topic (reading more than 10 articles will be
c. Write down a literature review on your topic justifying the relationships in your framework
d. Give a summary conclusion at the end of the literature review
e. Cite both in-text and end-list references based on APA referencing style using Mendeley software



Literature Review

Employee retention is one of the key critical issues that organizations often face and is one of the key human
resource management practices that empower employees to develop within the organization. Career
development includes developing a success plan, talent management structure, leadership program development
,career management development structure, and self-esteem. Additionally, once an organization has developed a
successful career development planning structure for career opportunities, employees have always sought
further growth in the organization through job rotation. In addition, employee commitment will improve
structured career management, which is classified as an integral part of human resource management practices,
especially with regard to employee retention. Therefore, developing self-esteem increases the productivity of
employees within the organization, and improving skills in the work environment increases employee retention.

Dependent variable

[Employee’s retention]
 Employee retention is the organization's purpose to preserve proficient personnel and limit extends with
the aid of using fostering an advantageous environment that promotes relationship, present worker
appreciation, and presents aggressive salary and favor and a good life living balance. Employers are
specially about maintaining their employees at some stage in a time of low unemployment and
heightened opposition for talent. To preserve employees, organizations use human aid generation to hire,
retain workers, and provide extra present day and good benefits, consisting of as totally and economic
health programs.

Relevance of dependent variable with aviation industry

[Career development practices in aviation industry].

 Career development is a bold process of finding an employee’s internal and external career goals and
taking suitable actions to achieve those goals in line with the organization's goals and purpose.

Factors Affecting

 Regression
 Residual

Factors relation with independent

Career Development
Leadership Development. Employees'
Career Development Structure. Retention
Talent Management Structure.
Success Planning Development.
Self-Assessment Evaluation.


This framework was build based on the model of HRM. This model is useable to get idea about the human
resource career development and employees’ retention. In addition, the career development practices could be
used to forecast the level of employees’ retention. According to this model, the employees’ retention can be
forecasted based on HR career development practices. According to this, career development practice is could
be a variable in the relationship with employees’ retention.
Employees Profile

Gender Male 19 96.7

Female 1 3.3

Age 18-25 4 12.0

26-35 8 50.0
36-45 6 33.3
46-55 2 6.7

Education O-level/A-level 0 0
Diploma/Certificates 12 63.3
Bachelor 6 30.3
Masters 2 6.7

Working Experience 0-5 4 10.0

Years 6-10 8 50.0
11-15 6 33.3
16-20 2 6.7

Current Position Lower Level 10 63.3

Middle Level 8 30.3
Top Level 2 6.7

Human resource management is an important resource in every organization to develop the employees and
retain the most valuable employees in an organization for long term especially in aviation industry. So this
literature focus to find the good or bad impact of career development practices on employees’ retention in
aviation industry. Therefore, for this purpose, some employees were selected from one aviation company based
on the method of population; there were many people are employed in this organization so we select only few
people like 20. Some questions was distribute to all these selected employees and all the collected data were
analyses by the Statistical Package for Social Science that is based on descriptive, inferential and regression
analysis. The findings of this literature provide that the relationship between career development practices and
employees’ retention in the selected aviation industry is considered as normal level, which is significant
according to the stats. And in the Meanwhile, the career development practices impact in employees’ retention
in their organization is normal. Which shows that, the career development has reasonably influenced the
employees’ retention. Result, career development practices within the organization will keep an employee to
work with the organization for a longer period and improve the organization process effectively. So the result, is
aviation based organization should focus on improving the career development and at the same time make sure
these process works very  energetically in order to produce a capable employees and continuous. Organizations’


In the conclusion, of this literature shows that the career development practices in the selected aviation industry
plays a major role to retain their employees in the selected organization. As the result, that the aviation
organization should pay focus more in developing the company’s career development practices and make sure
this case works effectively in order to produce a capable employees and long-term sustainability of
organizations’ and make development that make them capable for the economic growth of the organization.


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