Exposition and Adoration Rite

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For Colegio San Agustin

High School Department

Center for Catholic Augustinian Mission and Ministry
AY 2021-2022

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

December 9, 2021
1:45 – 2:15 pm

Today as we end our recollection, we will listen to our Lord Jesus who loves and cares
for us. He is the most faithful person who will be always be there for us. Jesus will
never let go of us, He will never give up on us even if we try to be so far away from Him.
He is the one who will calm the storms in our lives, He will walk with us through our
every valleys, and He will envelope us in His big big HUG. Let God Heal, Unite, and
Guide you. Let God Heal, Unite, and Guide our Families. Let God Heal Unite Guide our
CSA Community.

In this season of Advent, as we prepare ourselves for the birth of Jesus, may we allow
the Lord to HUG us. May all our cares and worries be swept away by God’s big, big
HUG for us.

Let us be silent and bring all our intentions to a God who is always listening to us and
who will forever love us. Let us sing our opening song:

Opening Song:

O Sacrament most holy,

O Sacrament divine,
All praise and all thanksgiving
Be ev’ry moment thine
Be ev’ry moment dine


Mr. Ranoco: Adore God. He holds the universe like a seed in the palm of his hand.
He is all powerful, all good, more beautiful than we can imagine, and more real than the
small things that we grasp so easily. Imagine Christ sitting with you. Tell him: “Oh my
God, I adore your divine greatness from the depths of my littleness; you are so great,
and I am so small.” Glory be to the Father ….

All: As it was in the beginning is now and will be forever .Amen.

Mr. Ranoco: Let us now reflect on the Word of God.

Bible Reading (John 15: 12-17)

Priest: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your spirit.

Priest: A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to John

All: Glory to you, O Lord.

Jesus told His disciples, “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No
one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my
friends if you do what I command you. I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does
not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you
everything I have heard from my Father. It was not you who chose me, but I who chose
you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask
the Father in my name he may give you. This I command you: love one another.

The Gospel of the Lord

All: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ

Let us now listen to some words of Reflection by Father ____________


Mr. Ranoco: As we look on Jesus, we will offer a prayer for our family and friends.
Some we have not seen for a long time. In Jesus, He brings us near to each other for in
our prayers our hearts become one.

Paolo Garcia: Prayer for Family and Friends

O Lord my God, I entrust all my loved ones in your care and I pray you
protect and guide them daily. Meet them O lord, at every point of their need
and fulfill all their heart desires. Be there keeper and grant them the
opportunity to enjoy good health all the days of their lives.
My Lord and my God, keep my family and friends safe. Keep them far away
from oppression. I will not receive any bad report concerning any of them.
They will not die an untimely death and they shall all live to reap the fruits of
their labor.
O Lord, touch the hearts of (silently mention the names of your family and
friends), that is yet to receive you into their lives. Touch their hearts that

they may accept that you alone is the true Savior. Touch them that they
may enjoy the joy of salvation in Jesus mighty Name. Amen.

Short Silence


Priest: Let us ask God for our needs and the needs of others. He is the king of the
universe. He is in control, even when it is not obvious. Let us lift up our intentions and
after each prayer we shall say: Lord, hear our prayer.

Emilio: For those who live in war-torn lands especially in Afghanistan, that they may
witness the cessation of violence and true reconciliation in their lands, let us pray to the

Emilio For Pope Francis, Jose our bishop, that they may wisely lead this local Church
in realizing the kingdom of God, let us pray to the Lord.

Emilio: That those who suffer in any way especially those who are sick with COVID19,
may they experience the healing, love, and concern of Christ through the generosity of
Christ’s disciples, let us pray to the Lord.

Emilio: That those who live in darkness and are shunned as outcasts in today’s world
may receive assistance in their needs and affirmation of their human dignity, let us pray
to the Lord.

Emilio: For all men and women who risk loneliness, rejection, and even persecution in
their efforts to spread peace and understanding in our world, let us pray to the Lord.

Emilio: For all who live in poverty and hunger, and other conditions which are
degrading to their human dignity, let us pray to the Lord.

Emilio: For those who suffer from sickness and disease, hunger and thirst,
homelessness and unemployment; that they may receive a loving response to their
needs, let us pray to the Lord.

Emilio: For spouses, that the sacramental grace of Matrimony may be a source of
strength in the practice of virtue and holiness of life, let us pray to the Lord.

Emilio: For vocations to religious life and to the priesthood, that God may call forth from
our communities individuals who are willing to commit themselves to religious and
priestly life, let us pray to the Lord.

Emilio: In the silence of our hearts, let us now pray for our own personal intentions
(pause for a while). Let us pray to the Lord.

Priest: We thank you, Lord for hearing and answering our prayers. As one Augustinian
community, let us now pray the Lord’s Prayer. Our Father....

Short Silence

Priest: We will now Consecrate ourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, to You we consecrate and offer up our being and
our life, our actions, trials, and sufferings, that our entire being may henceforth
only be employed in loving, honoring and glorifying You. This is our
irrevocable will, to belong entirely to You, and to do all for Your love,
renouncing with our whole heart all that can displease You.
I take You, O Sacred Heart, for the sole object of our love, the protection of
our life, the pledge of our salvation, the remedy of our frailty and inconstancy,
the reparation for all the defects of our lives, and our secure refuge at the hour
of our death. To You, O Most Merciful Heart, our justification before God Your
Father, and screen us from His anger which we have so justly merited. We
fear all from our own weakness and malice, but placing our entire confidence
in You, O Heart of Love, we hope all Your infinite Goodness. Annihilate in us
all that can displease or resist You. Imprint Your pure love so deeply in our
hearts that we may never forget You or be separated from You.
We beseech You, through Your infinite Goodness, grant that our names be
engraved upon Your Heart, for in this we place all our happiness and all our
glory, to live and to die as one of Your devoted servants. Amen.

Mr. Ranoco: Please place your hand over your heart and for those among you
who can kneel, you may kneel.

Priest: You have given them Bread from heaven.

All: Having all sweetness within it.

Priest: Let us pray! O God, who in this wonderful Sacrament have left us a memorial of
your Passion, grant us, we pray, so to revere the sacred mysteries of your Body and
Blood that we may always experience in ourselves the fruits of your redemption. Who
live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and
All: Amen.

(The priest will then bless all present with the Eucharist)

Divine Praises

Priest: Blessed be God.

Blessed be his holy name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Blessed be his most sacred heart.
Blessed be his most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the most holy sacrament of the altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints. Amen.

Concluding Prayer
Priest: Let us pray. Lord, Give to our hearts the light of faith and the fire of love, that we
may worship in spirit and in truth our God and Lord, present in this sacrament, who lives
and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

(When the priest has blessed everyone, he then replaces the Blessed Sacrament in the
tabernacle and genuflects, as all join in singing the final song.)

Mr. Ranoco: Let us sing our final song

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