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1. Programme : Bachelor of Education & Diploma in Education

2. Course Title : General Teaching Methods
3. Course Code : EDF 112
4. Year : One
5. Credits :
6. Department : Education Foundations & Emerging Issues
7. Presented to : University Senate
8. Presented by : Faculty of Education
9. Lecture hours/week : Two
10. Tutorial hours/week : 1
11. Laboratory hours/week : None
12. Method of Assessment : 50% Continuous assessment
50% End of semester exam
13. Prerequisites : None
14. Co-requisites : None
15. Approval Date
16. Module Aim:
The module aims at providing student teachers with opportunities to learn and practice the
skills and competencies of effective teaching and learning.
17. Intended Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, student teachers should be able to:
a. Demonstrate characteristics of effective communication in a classroom,
b. Prepare and deliver effective instruction based on the curriculum,
c. Use a variety of appropriate instructional strategies,
d. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills appropriate for teaching and learning
e. Demonstrate competencies in the use of technology
f. Practice observation skills regarding development of classroom environments, content focus,
academic language, teaching strategies, learning tasks and assessments in student teachers.
g. Conduct peer and microteaching lessons that include appropriate inclusive instructional strategies,
h. Critique the different format lesson plans,
i. Differentiate a traditional teacher from a modern teacher.
18. Indicative Content
a. Communication as an essential component in instructional procedures
b. Circumvent the barriers to communication
c. Ethics of classroom communication.
d. Instructional planning at various levels
e. Skills and competencies of effective teaching:
f. Questioning techniques.
g. Differences between Aspects of the traditional classroom and those of classroom of today
h. Practicum, critical thinking and problem-solving skills appropriate for teaching and learning
19. Assessment:
Continuous Assessment: 50 %
Final Examinations: 50 %
20. Teaching and Learning Methods / Activities
Practical lesson presentations, Lectures, Tutorials, Group work, Project work and Reading
assignments, instructor contact hours.

21. Prescribed Texts

Borich, G. D. (2013) Effective Teaching Methods: Research based practice (8 th ed.) London. Pearson.
Dwight Allen (2004) "The University of Massachusetts Amherst School of Education: A Successful
Experiment in Combating Institutional Racism"
Jensen, N. R. (1974). Microteaching; planning and implementing a competency-based training
program, Springfield, Ill., Thomas.
Sharma, B.R. (2002). Modern Methods of teaching Sanskrit. New Delhi: Sarup and Sons.

22. Recommended Reading

Agarwal, O. P. (2010). Effective communication I. Mumbai: Himalaya Pub. House, 2010.
Geoff, P. (2009). Evidence based teaching: a practical approach. Edinburg: nelson Thornes.
Gravells, A. (2008). Preparing to teach in the lifelong sector. Nottingham: learning matters.
LeFever, M. (2013). Creative teaching methods. Chicago. David. C. Cook.
Leonard., J. M. Fallon, J. J., Harold, V. A. (2012). General methods of effective teaching: A practical
approach. New York, Cornwell.
Savignon, J.S. (2002). Interpreting communicative language teaching: Contexts and concerns in teacher
education. New Haven: Yale Press.
Wallace, S. (2007) Teaching, tutoring and training in the lifelong learning sector. Nottingham: Learning
23. Journals
British Journal of Education Studies ( )
Educational Studies (
International Journal of Instructional Media (IJIM) -
Journal of Educational Technology Systems -
Paul Educational Theory (

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