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Assessment grid

Please note that the descriptions in this marking grid relate to the top of each band. Further guidance on
using marking grids is available in the Assessment section of this specification.

Band 1 Band 2 Band 3
criteria topic
The learner has:

1 Respond to 0 – 4 marks 5 – 8 marks 9 – 12 marks

a brief and Made some attempt Responded competently to Offered a coherent and
produce a plan to respond to the brief the brief with an effective plan imaginative response
of action for and produce a basic of action, with some inclusion to the brief, with a
the production plan of action. of resource needs and detailed and thorough
process timescales. plan of action, including
comprehensive analysis
3 of resource needs
and timescales.

2 P
 roduce a 0 – 8 marks 9 – 16 marks 17 – 24 marks
creative outcome Demonstrated limited Produced a creative outcome Produced a creative
using two or creativity and consideration which makes links with the outcome which is clearly
more disciplines of resources to be used research and demonstrates informed by its links
and present when producing the a level of creativity, with to the research and
this to a defined creative outcome. evidence of appropriate use demonstrates a high
audience of resources. level of creativity, with
evidence of considered
and imaginative use
of resources.
Produced an outcome which Produced an outcome which Produced an outcome
is in some way appropriate is recognisable as being which is brought to
to the context. generally fit for purpose in a high degree of finish
relation to both the context and is clearly fit
and its appeal. for purpose.
Given a presentation which Presented the outcome Given an accomplished,
has some appeal. competently. convincing and
engaging presentation.

3 Review the 0 – 4 marks 5 – 8 marks 9 – 12 marks

outcome in light Provided a review which Provided a review which Provided a coherent
of audience shows some consideration offers evidence of clear review which clearly
feedback and of audience feedback and engagement with audience engages with the client
fitness for fitness for purpose. feedback and an assessment and audience, with
purpose, making of issues, disciplines used detailed consideration
suggestions for and fitness for purpose. of feedback, disciplines
improvement used and fitness for
Made limited attempt Considered amendment Offered imaginative and
to suggest ideas for and development. creative suggestions for
amendment. amendment and further


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