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Write a letter to your mother who is worried about your health

Examination Hall,
City A. B. C.
March 22, 2017
My dear Mother,
I am fine and I hope that you are enjoying good health. It always gives me great pleasure to hear
something from you and write to you in return. I received your letter today. You are worried
about me. I was ill last week. Now I am quite fine. You need not worry about my health. I am
taking care of my health.

Convey my best wishes to all at home.

Yours affectionately,

2. Write a letter to your father asking him about the health of your mother
 Examination Hall,
 City A. B. C.
 March 22, 2017.
My dear Father,
From Ali's letter, I have come to know that the mother is ill. I am worried about her health. She
is already weak enough. Get her checked by some specialist and ask her to take
medicine regularly. I know there is  some problem with her blood pressure. Get her BP to check
up on a daily basis. Inform me about her present condition. 
Convey my best wishes to all at home.

Yours affectionately,
X. Y. Z.

3. Write a letter to your sister congratulating her on her success in the

 Examination Hall,
 City A. B. C.
 March 22, 2017.
My dear Sister,
I was in my hostel room when the postman delivered me the mother's letter. I read the news
about your excellent result of class 9. You have once again achieved the grand success. You have
got very good marks and got A+ grade in all subjects. It is the result of your hard work and belief
in yourself. I have always made us feel proud. It is I congratulate you on your success.
Convey my best wishes to all at home.
Yours affectionately,
X. Y. Z.
4. Write a letter to your mother about the test you have just taken.
Examination Hall,
City A. B. C.
March 22, 2017.
My dear Mother,

I am sorry that I could not write to you soon. In fact, I was preparing for my test in English. It
was held yesterday. I did well in the test. I attempted all the question and I hope to get full marks
in it. I had been preparing for the test since Saturday. I missed my favourite cricket match but
could not think of getting low marks in the test. I want to maintain my 1st position in class. Now
I am free of burden for two solid days as our next educational session will begin from Thursday.
It is all due to your prayers and good wishes for me.
Convey my best wishes to all at home.

Yours affectionately,
X. Y. Z.

5. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some extra
funds for the payment of hostel dues.
Examination Hall,
City A. B. C.
March 22, 2017

I wanted to write to you earlier but could not find time due to sports practice session. As you
know we have been promoted to next semester, I have to pay hostel dues for this semester. I have
previously bought some help books for the final exams of last semester from my pocket money.
Now I have left with a few hundred rupees. I have to manage my monthly expenses with the
funds you send me monthly. But I have no money to pay hostel dues for the next month. So, I
request you to send me at least Rs 3000 extra along with my monthly allowance in order to
adjust everything.
Convey my best wishes to all at home.

Yours affectionately,
X. Y. Z.
6. Write a letter to your brother about the importance of the study of
science subjects.
Examination Hall,
City A. B. C.
March 22, 2017.

My dear Brother,
I am very happy to hear about your success in the final exams of class 8. Now you are in class
9th. You must choose either science subjects or the humanities in this class. It is the age of
science. We cannot progress without the knowledge of science. Everyone should know the basics
of science. There is dire need of scientists and engineers in our country. If you are interested in
Computer or Math you can take these in F.Sc. But if you are interested in Biology then you have
to study these subjects in the 9th and 10th classes to be able to continue your F.Sc with this
subject. So, I advise you to take science subjects whether computer or biology in 9th class.
Convey my best wishes to your friends.
Yours affectionately,
X. Y. Z.
7. Write a letter to your friend congratulating her on her birthday. 
Examination Hall,
City A. B. C.
March 22, 2017.
My dear Friend,

It gives me pleasure to think that you are going to step in the 16th year of your life. Life passes
too fast. It seems a moment ago since we celebrated yout 15th birthday last year. Now you are
going to celebrate 16th three days later.  I congratulate you on this day. Many many happy
returns of the day. Accept my heartiest congratulations on this auspicious day. I feels sorry to
inform you that I will not be able to attend this birthday of you due to my project. I have to
submit it until the 15th of this month. I will come to you when I am free. I am sending you a gift
of a watch.
Convey my best wishes to all at home.
Yours Sincerely,
X. Y. Z.
8. Write a letter to your friend requesting her to spend her spring holidays
with you.
Examination Hall,

City A. B. C.
March 22, 2017.
My dear Friend,
I am fine and I hope that you are enjoying good. I hope you will be free from your 2nd-semester
exams till 20th. I will also be free from my final exams. I invite you to come to me in the spring
holidays. I have also invited Ali and Ahmad and they have agreed to come. My village is situated
near the Indo-Pak border on the bank of River Satluj. Here are amazing scenes and we will go
fishing too. Bring your camera along and join us in the spring holidays. We will be waiting for
your response.
Yours sincerely,

9. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on the marriage of his

Examination Hall,
City A. B. C.
March 22, 2017.

My dear Friend,
I have received your invitation card. I am glad to know about the marriage ceremony of your
sister. I was overjoyed to hear that many of our classfellws will be attending the ceremony. I
have nothing special to do in those days, So will come two days before the wedding day. Little
Sarah will come with me too. She is very excited and she especially loves to attend wedding
functions. She has just got free from her exams and I thought of taking her along.
Convey my congratulations and best wishes to all at home.
Yours Sincerely
X. Y. Z.
10.Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you some books. 
Examination Hall,
City A. B. C.
March 22, 2017.
My dear Friend,

My exams ended yesterday. The whole 24 hours seemed to be laziest in my life. There is nothing
to do. I want to improve my English. I know that you have many good books in English. I want
to borrow a few of them. Please send me some good grammar books. I will return them when I
come to your village to see my uncle.
Convey my best wishes to all at home.
Yours Sincerely,
X. Y. Z.

11.Write a letter to your friend thanking her for hospitality during your
visit to her house. 
Examination Hall,
City A. B. C.
March 22, 2017.
My dear Friend,
I have reacher home safe and sound at 11:00 pm. It was a late night and I was tired so could not
write to you. The night passed in deep slumber and it is 10:00 am when I am writing to you. I
feel strange here as I miss the time I spend there with you. You, village people, are amazing
hospitable. I really like the way you honored me there. I can never forget the tasty dishes you
cooked for me. I miss the lovely and affectionate remarks from your parents every morning. I
thank you for your hospitality. It was really a wonderful experience.
Convey my best wishes to all at home.
Yours Sincerely,
X. Y. Z.
12.Write a letter to your friend condoling the death of his mother.
Examination Hall,
City A. B. C.
March 22, 2017.
My dear Friend,
I have just heard the sad news of your mother’s death. I could not believe my eyes to read Ali's
letter. The news fell like a bomb on me. It is a great loss. The mother is a blessing of Allah. She
always treated me as her own son. She was very noble and kind lady.
Dear Friend, The laws of nature are absolute. We are humble poor creatures. We all have to
return to Him one day. Although this is an unrecoverable loss to you and your family, yet I
advise you to bear this loss with patience and courage. Take to challenge and set new dimension
of your life.
May her soul rest in peace!
Pay my condolence and regards to your father.

Yours Sincerely,
X. Y. Z.

13.Write a letter to your brother advising him to take steps to improve his
Examination Hall,
City A. B. C.
March 22, 2017.
My dear Brother,

I have come to know that you do not take care of your health. Your always busy with your books
and do not take proper rest. You are just spoiling your health. It is not good. Health is wealth.
You must have a sound body in order to have a sound mind. I advise you to pay equal attention
to your health. Take exercise daily and play some games. This will improve your health. Also,
reduce the pressure on your mind. Make a timetable for study and entertainment.
Convey my best wishes to all at home.
Yours affectionately,
X.Y. Z.
14.Write a letter to your sister thanking her for a gift.
Examination Hall,
City A. B. C.
March 12, 2017.
My dear Sister,

I received your gift of a wristwatch. It is a beautiful watch. I was in dire need of a watch as my
exams are approaching. I would have to buy a new one if you didn't send me this one. All of my
friends have liked it.  It shows your deep love for me. I am thankful to you.
Convey my best wishes to all at home.
Yours affectionately,
X. Y. Z,

15.Write a letter to your friend thanking for the books he lent you.
Examination Hall,
City A. B. C.
March 12, 2017.
My dear Friend,

I have received the books you sent me. The book of Professor Mumtaz is missing. I asked you to
send that book too. The others are fine.  I have started studying these books. Now my time passes
I am very thankful to you for this. I shall return these books after my examination. Tell me about
your exam preparation. Also, share some study tips for my final exams. I have minimized the use
of social media due to my exams. That's why you less ofter see me online. I will take on to it
after my exams.
Convey my best wishes to all at home.
Yours Sincerely,
X. Y. Z.

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