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What is your overall reaction to the movie?

S1MONE is a movie that really like tickles the mind of the spectator. From its true
to life editing to the way the actors act is really brilliant. The story line was really
unexpected because the first few minutes of the movie, you really won’t expect it to go
like that, “expect the unexpected”. I really think that the plots and twist gave the movie a
realistic view because the year 2002, technology is still developing at that time. One thing
that I was really amazed was is at the concert part when they used a futuristic hologram
because who would have thought that this type of concert can really be done after almost
two decades. Also, what strikes me as important about the film is that it makes us, as
viewers, rethink whether or not we can know the truth via media alone. After all, there's
always the possibility that everything we see in the internet is a fraud or just a pen name
for someone else. This movie is an eye opener to the future that will be make and even
in the case of a "genuine" actress, at what point does a person with dyed hair, silicone
implants, surgically excised ribs, a face lift, e-tanned skin, extensive cosmetic
augmentation, computerized beauty marks and acting training become "real?" (Kim
Kardashian a like I supposed).
According to Simone, "I'm no more fake than anybody else in Hollywood” that’s
why even if we enjoy what we see in the media we should really separate it from the real-
life because everything we see in the media is curated to fit to our standard.

What parts did you like? Did not like?

What I really like about the movie is that they stick to a real-life plot. What I
mean is that there is no sudden jump on the plot like S1mone becoming a real-life person
or her having a human soul because that would really disappoint me. What I don’t like is
that they did Hank wrong, I really would like if they gave a background about Hank
because it would really mean a lot if they include the creator of Simone.

How does special effects contribute to the process of movie making? Do you
agree in making movies mostly through special effects?
For me, the use of visual effects gives filmmakers the flexibility to convey a
narrative in any manner they choose. It gives them the freedom to do whatever they
want compared to a controlled set and truth to be told it also lessen the time of filming.
Yes, I do really agree in making movies mostly through special effects because it’s not
about the extravagance for me, it’s also showing the creative side and it adds in the
advancement of technology. One manifestation that I agree is that my favorite movie is
the Avengers movie, especially the recent one, Endgame. Most of that movie is made
through VFX or special effects and the movie was a masterpiece. It’s really okay as long
as the moviemakers won’t forget the real essence of making movies and that is to
entertain and impart lessons.

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