HS-206C Manual in English

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• • •

Produclinthe long-tann start-up oparation or use

Warranty registration card
N ------<
in the presence of someone, such as long-tann
or parsonnelleave, out of the plug please pull up.
H i gh Speed Bl
elllorearo .UH parts ofthe lllllnclby paweron lfabl, duo to lns.,.Uon
dalarloratlon or leakaga of alaclrh ly <a1sed byftre.
---- Usar Nama:Tel;f>osllCoda:
Neme :Product model:--
- - - ---Store: --
- - -Salea --- •cet Number: Purchase time:yoarmonthpy
ender Operati ng
Do notspray voletile oils, paints, insecticides en
Slllrtlng from lhodalB of pun:haaa, the machlnewll be
maintained fur on111 year. In arder to improve tlw attsr....ies
manua l
•can cauM el8clric. thock.9, ta accidants. ....ica. pt-t\llflllthefollowtng:
PIBBS9 B9k lhe -slll111 to open 1hepun:llB98 tidalt wilh 1he
wanan\Y cartlllcala Sldftll In lhe lorm, whon you buy thls praduct.
Be sure to pull off the plug when you are not In use for PI....read tha .-ant regulations in the "wamu1ty cad' indalail, olnca lhocompany wlllpr'CNlde oorvlClll for you besacl on thto n111u1a11or1.
a long Ume or when you are out of town. ff you .-certüi Hrvioo, ¡Ego contact wilh lhe l'nlnchisar or 1he
Wiring is subject to change without prior notice
•Somo of thom ero otll enorglzed dung-dby and moy cauao tn company dll90Qy.
accidanls due tD msulatim cncking or laakaga.
•Donot pull o1f the-cord when 1K1lllng o1f the ptug.
Alwayo pull ltolltha plug.
Please rnake sure to plug in the power cord before
use. / / 1 1 '""'
•Make aurethel 1he ptug filalighUy wilh lheoockol.

Thora muotbe no looaenlng or lncomplola 1.-tlllll.

Do nottrample on the power cord

eDamaga to 1he llO""'' cord or aocket 11the ca..a of loekaga Maintenance rules
and bums. ff lho powar cord is damagad, muot be replaoad
bythe manul8dureror hls oervtoe -ora otmllarty qualftad
parsan to avoid dmlgar. '-
.,."."..l.t.. C8UB8Anal)'911 Exdualon Mlllod8
1. Within the one-year warranty period, the
The ...
1.lh•power card •not
pluggod In.
2.lha llllrrlng cup and 1hll
11111ln 111191119 .,.. nat
1.Check tha power
mllke 11nH111
pll.Q18d -
Switch off tha power whan you are out or sleeping
eTiia utlllly modal can allllld tho ftno acc-.tcausad by
et company is responsible for maintenance
1 ::¡;
blodp"'P"rly. 2.Mlk8aura ht the thewiing pll1110f1Blization and can 9llY8 alectricily.
power.d nUlng cup and the
The 1.1.ang wortdng 1.W.IBn haur bñ::JrB 2. When entrusting maintenance, pisase bring 1
blender hau..., matar railllng. Do not allow products to be inhalad or put into this card to the local or nearest
la D'll9rhat pmbldlon. 2.S...d1oofto-- combustible substances! And shall not be used maintenance
powered 2.lha madilna ltaeH -
mp..tmont. where rnechanlcal oll composltlon floats le.e.e•I
on bu I• DUf:afardllr. point for repair.
•ltcan CBUlll8 cracks, Dd01111111d tira aocident..
a:o Q
Do not use wet places such as bathrooms. 3. Even within the warranty period, one of
Above are common trouble analysis and troubleshooting the following conditionswill not be included
•Can cau1e poorlnsuldon. Caualng a leakage CI' malftJnctlon.
methods. For other troubles,please contact our customer
servlce department, or go dlrectly to our dealgnated in by the free warranty:
repalr pointfor repair. Do not dismantle and repair Do not use damaged power corda or plugs LJ 11_l
yourself. eThlo Is lha C11U1M1 al alaclr1c •hock. ahort d=lt..,d flno. (1) lt is not used based on the requirements
Do not use multipla power cord sockets of this operation manual,or is placed in
eDonot overhaat ar causa tira hllZS'dl by U1ing exlansion oord an inappropriate place: Model: HS-206C
llOCkllts orlllang --olhor- appllslClll.
Do not unplug the power cord with a wet hand (2)Errors atbibuted to falling or collision:
eDo not rtsk aladrlc ahock by unpli1111lng 1heplugwllh awel
hanclwhon 1he llO""'• auppty noede tobo unpluggoct.
(3)Errors atbibuted to setf-disassembly and

(4)No proof of purchase and warranty card:

(5)Damage resulted from natural destruction.

• Thanks for your trust and buttresa
4. Please keep the warranty card properly. lf ourproducts1 e Pleas1;1 utilize lh•com1spcmding
e Always pull off the plugwhen cleaning and maintaining. the card is lost, it will not be redelivered. model,and take
e Carefully scrub the cup body andlidwith a sponge practlCl!lllty as standard.
• Please read this manual Cl!lr&fully befcre use it
or cloth and dry. 5. Products which do not belong to the free and reterve it in order and keep it
• Do not pul your handinto the cup for cleaning. repair scope and beyond the warranty
• Wipe the rotatingshllfl and motor base with a periDd, will still be eager to be served, but
only to be charged of the cost of substituted
dry cloth (rememberl Do not rlnaew1th water).
parts and materials.
• When 11 la not easy 1o w1pe, wtpe n wfth neutral
lotlon, and then wtpe nwfth dry cloth unHI n Is clean.
lhestaff of our oompany wi l serva you wholehearledly.In arder ID
use this machine oorrectly and etrectively, pleese read this manual
carefully before using it.
Thank you for chooslng our Hlgh Speed Blendar. All
• . ... ,.
• Do not pulmetal objects such as knives, forks, spoons,
etc. lnto the aip.
•When cleening, do notclean the knife directly by hand.
r.:==:J When !he machina Is powerad on, uae the funcUonal
button toselect !he"Smoothies' function,then presalhe
"Start or Rotate" button. Althistime, a "drop" will
r;;.:;::--) In standby mode, long pl'888 the "lnchlng cleanlng•
button far 1S, and the motnr wtllatart to worklmmedlately.
During any time, if !he key is released, lhe motor will stop
womng immedialely. The working time limit is 30
seconds for eachlong pr888 al the button.Alter 30
aeconda, the machinawillautomatically qui lhe work. lt
needs to presa
lf you use cleening tools, pleasa pay -ntion to salety. !he button ageinto enter the work.
•111e contenta of the aip8hould not be too full.Do not Press the button ID"start/cancel" when selecling or
exoeed two thinlsof the capacity of the aip. womng in any moda.
Please clase !helidofthe cup when using.
• Bafore startlng, make aure he cup la on 1he base.
Is oompletely fixed on.
• Because of !he high horsepower,pleaseholdthe cup
allghtly when you start to use H. Funellon AJM •Making juice
• Be sure tocover the cupwhen usingthe stining bar To makajuice, rinse !hepreparad frui peal and slDne itend cut lt
lnto small pleoea.Add ellttle cold waterlnto tha mlxlng cup, select
whi e !he motcris running.
When !ha machina is powerad on, use !he juice" button,then presa lhe "start' button to drink del cious
•Whether!hecupIs placed on the tsble or not. lhefunctional button toselect the "juioe" juioe. When drinking,add the righl amount of coldwater
Do not use your hand ID fetch food from that cup function,1hen pressthe "Start or Rotete" button.Af dilutad, whlch wlll heva a ballarlaste.
because the blade is 8harp and easy ID cut. thls Ume, a "drop" wlllappear, and the ayatem wlll
enter lnto work acconllnglothlsfunctlon mode. *Making ice crush
•To pour food out, remove he cup from the rrame. When working in any mode, press the •Rotate" or To nnskajuice, rinsa !hepreparad frui peal and slDne itand cut it
• Be careful totouch !heswitch before and alt8r •cancel• lnto small pleoea.Prepere Ice cuba (I••• then2"25mm)and
button tocanoel.
start-up. acup al yogurt, Pour them alllnto 1he container, aelect the "Ice
C-::=J When the machina is powered on, use the aush' button,then preas !ha"start" button towait fer a tasty
• Utenslls cannot belmmersedInwater.
functional button toselect the "Ice Crullh" smoothie.
functlon,then p1"8118 the "Start or Rotate" button.

Care should be laken when handling Allhistima, a "drop" will appear, and the system will •Making smoothies
enterinto work accordingto 1his function moda. To makajuioe, rinse the preparad frui peal and slDne itand cut lt
cutting blades aspecially when removing When womng in any moda, press the "Rotete" or lnto small pleoea.Prepere two cups of yogurt, a IHUe rock sugar or
bladas from oontainment cups, emptying "cancel" button tocancel. honay.. Pour hem alinlo the ix.nteiner, select the "Smoothie"
and the system wtll enterlnto work accordlngto 1hla runcUon button,then pl'888 the "Stert" button towaH for a tssty smoothle.
ix.ntainment cups, and during cleening mode. When worklng In any mode, p1"8118 !he "Rotete" or
"cancel" button tocancel. *Making sauce
To nnska lhe sauoe,firatty fry !he raw materials and let them cool
r;;::;::¡ When !he machina is powerad on, usa !hefunctional down. Then pulthem into he high speed blender and add sugar.
button toselect the "Grains• function,then press the "Start Tum on the sauce funcilon, tum olf when raw mateal 18 sllghUy
or Rotate" button. Althls ame, a "drop• wtllappee.r, and brokan. Tum the ingradients over with a atirring atick so that they
the ayatem wlll enter lntll work accordlngto thls functlon break easily. Continue totum on 1he sauc;e button. Now there is
Retad voltage:110V-120V-/220V-240V moda. When workingin any mode, press the "Rotate" or sauce oomingat the bottom, tum it olf again. Wha more and more
Ratefrequency:50Hz/60Hz "cancel" button to cancel. sauce appearlng, tum H off agaln.Then bJm lt on to conHnue he
Rated power:2200W sauce function, !he raw materials are basically becominginto !he
Picturesarefor reference only, r.;:::=-i When the mechinais powered on, use he functional sauoe, allow Hautomatically ix.mpleta the function,finally he
Execution standard:IEC 60335-1.IEC 60335-2-14
pisaserafertothematerialobjectl button toselect the "Sauce• functlon,then press the "start smooll1and dellcate sauce la ready.
or Rotate" button. Althls Ume, a "drop• wtllappee.r, and !
he system will enter inlD work accordingto this function *Making grind
mode. When workinginany mode, press he "Rotate" or 111e grindingfunction can be used 1o beat ali kinds of powder,
button to canoel.
CD steam cap (2) cup cap ® gear.
@ cup mal @ function @ When the mechina Is powered on, uae the functlonal
button to aelect lhe "Grind" function, lhen press tha •start or
(/) ON/OFF @ rotary knob ® •Rememberto pull oft'the plugwhen no!inuse. Rotate" button.Al 1his time, a "drop" willeppeer, and the
® rubber feer •Do not 1111the lld ofthe cup untll!hesUrrlng knlle systern wlll enter lntll work acconllngto thls functlon
hascomplelely stopped rotatlng. mode. When worklngInany mode, pr888 the "Rotste" or
"cancel" button IDcancel.
•Be sure to sepmde the frame from the
cupwhen cleanlngand rnaka aura to pull off ! C=:J When !he machina is powered on, uae lhefunctional
button to select the "Hot Soups" function,then pressthe
he plug llrst. "start or Rotste" button. Af thlstime, a "drop" wtll appear,
•Do notimmanie the motor baseinwater or pul ltin and the system will amarinto work accordingto thia
the dishwasher for cleening. function mode. When working in any mode, press the
"Rotate" or "canoel" button to canoel.
•Keepa proper dlstance to preven! the chlld from
improper movement and causingdanger when the child
[liming J bU:n ' = : n n i:= lo
is not allowed tobe nearby during !hestart-up. adjust lhatime. Press 000, 01O, 020...080 and 090 cycle !
•lf !he pa.ver oonl la damaged,lt must be replaced he
liming time, then click "start/cancel",1he system wi lenl:9r
by a professional in!he manufacturers maintenance
the tlmlng mode; The digital tube countdown shows the
department orsimi ar departmentinonler to avoid danger. remalnlngtime, alter the oorrespondlngtime arrlvea, he
work is cornpleted, the buzzer "drip-drip-drip" 3 sound
prompt, which retumsto standby siete.Inthe time working
mode, tum the spaed control relate te aelect the spaed
such as cream
panax 200ml
notoginseng with
powder, all right
kinds or amoun
Chinase t of
medicine black
powder, chlll pepper
pa.vder, and
soybean saH.
powder and Steam
pepper. the
Makesure to pumpk
keep !he ln and
ingredients glngerI
dry before
you powder
poi for
them. Pulthe
to the
s. Add
select the
button, then water
presa the and
"Start" aaH to
button. The taste.
machina can Select
ftnlah 111e lhe'hat
pulvarizinga drink"
utomatically. functio
n and
press !
*Making hot he
soups "Start"
Hot quinoa button.
yams drink: Here
Tricolorquino oomes
a 20g, yama
200g,mi k
800ml,quino y,
a and yams pumpkl
are great n-
foryour ftavora
stomach.Cle d
an the glnger
trtcolor soup.
qulnoa wlth Sprlnld
a s1ralner, e
peel 1he lt wHh
yema and black
cut lnto pepper
aecUona. to
Then ateam make
! Heven
hequlnoaya more
msIne poifor dellclo
20 minutas. us.
Pour lhe
into the high
blender, add
lhe milk, salee!
the "hot dñnk"
function, then
press the
button to maka

n 500g,

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