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Slide 1 ___________________________________







Slide 2 ___________________________________

Sensation ___________________________________
The process by which the senses detect sensory stimuli
and transmit them to the brain






Slide 3 ___________________________________






Slide 4 ___________________________________

Sensation ___________________________________
The process by which the senses detect sensory stimuli
and transmit them to the brain

Perception ___________________________________
The process by which sensory information is actively
organized and interpreted by the brain




Slide 5 ___________________________________



Face on Mars ___________________________________




Slide 6 ___________________________________

Transduction ___________________________________
The conversion of one energy form to another

Sensory Neural
Stimulus Impulse ___________________________________
Receptor cells
Specialized cells that respond to a specific physical
stimulus, and are responsible for transduction ___________________________________



Slide 7 ___________________________________

Sensory Adaptation ___________________________________

 The diminished sensitivity to prolonged stimulation






Slide 8 ___________________________________

Sensory Adaptation ___________________________________

 The diminished sensitivity to prolonged stimulation
 Adaptation of one stimulus can affect the perception of
 Allows us to shift our attention to what is important
cold warm

Cold ___________________________________




Slide 9 ___________________________________

Sensory Deprivation ___________________________________

 The absence of normal external stimulation for extended
periods of time

 Expectations play a role in how one deals with sensory





Slide 10 ___________________________________







Slide 11 ___________________________________

Visual Pathway ___________________________________

Optic  Thalamus  Visual
Light  Photoreceptors  Bipolar  Ganglion  Cortex
(rods/cones) cells cells Nerve


Blind Spot ___________________________________




Slide 12 ___________________________________

Differences between rods and cones ___________________________________

Rods Cones
Shape cylindrical Short, fat, tapered at one
Prevalence 90-95% of photoreceptors 5-10%
Location Toward periphery Toward the center ___________________________________
Perception of detail Weak Strong
Sensitivity to color No Yes
Response to dim light Strong Weak
Dark Adaptation:
Eye’s increasing ability to see in dim light.
Area near center of retina that ___________________________________
Due to pupil dilation and recombination contains only cones and is
of rhodopsin in the rods responsible for most detailed vision




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