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Name: Ahmad F.

Marwad Grade: 12 – A


Business Plan

How Does Your Business Plan Look Like?

I) Introduction

a) The business concept and the business model.

Nowadays, there are many people around the world who is suffering from heart diseases
which is the leading cause of death in several countries in the Middle East, this is due to
their unhealthy consumption of junk food. Junk foods contains unhealthy and unwanted
amounts of fats that may put people’s life on risk of fatality, but even though people
knows that these junk foods may cause a life-threatening disease they would still
consume it because they enjoy it, and this might lead to addiction as well. Therefore, I
have planned to create a business called “Active Cuisine”, this business sells food that
looks and taste similar to a junk food, but it contains most of the necessary nutrition that
our body needs in order to live a healthy and active life, it also excludes any unwanted
fats, sugars, and artificial preservatives in the food making it a healthier option to
consume on a daily basis.

b) The business goals: Vision, Mission, Objectives, and Performance Targets.

The vision of “Active Cuisine” is prove that something that is unhealthy can be turned
into something health, and also present a variety of foods and cuisines of different

The mission of this business is not only to provide a healthy alternative to junk food, but
also to end global obesity and addiction to binge eating, and also gain a huge amount of
profit in order for the investors not to regret their decision in investing to this business.

The objectives of “Active Cuisine” are:

1) To provide a healthier alternatives to junk foods.

2) To improve the health of every individual.

3) To reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases.

II) Executive Summary

If ever we went to the grocery stores, we would most often find products that are filled
with unhealthy fats and artificial preservatives that could harm our bodies as time goes
by. Most of the time grocery stores has only limited options towards healthy alternative,
and if ever we come across one, the prices of the product are twice of the unhealthy ones,
making us buy the unhealthy product rather than the health ones for sake of saving
money. Therefore, “Active Cuisine” has envisioned the future where foods that are
loaded with fat would have a better alternative and are readily accessible in a lower price,
where anyone and everyone can afford buying the products. This idea shall end global
obesity and heart diseases, which is leading cause of death around the Middle Eastern
region and the Western region as well.

What I believe is the first thing that comes to people’s mind when they hear the word
“healthy alternatives” is that the food would taste quite bland, boring, or very green
meaning that its just pure vegetable and nothing else other than that. But the products of
“Active Cuisine” speaks differently from that, because it provides people with products
that are delicious and flavorful, not only that but it is packed nutrition that will nourish
our body with the necessary minerals needed for survival and function.

III) The Business Proponents

a) Jeff Bezos – Jeffrey Preston Bezos is an American entrepreneur, media proprietor,

investor, and computer engineer. He is the founder and executive chairman of
Amazon, where he previously served as the president and CEO. He also founded
the aerospace manufacturer and sub-orbital spaceflight services company Blue
Origin in 2000.

b) Bill Gates – William Henry Gates III is an American business magnate, software
developer, investor, author, and philanthropist. He is a co-founder of Microsoft,
along with his late childhood friend Paul Allen. He was holding the positions of
chairman, chief executive officer, president and chief software architect, while
being the largest individual shareholder until May of 2014.

IV) The Target Customers and the Main Value Proposition

The target audience of “Active Cuisine” could be anyone of all ages, gender, culture,
value, and economic backgrounds. But this product specifically made for those who are
suffering from obesity, and heart diseases, basically those who are trying to find a
healthier alternative for the betterment of their health and well-being.
“Active Cuisine” will be sold in grocery stores, supermarket, or any other place where
anyone and everyone can have an easy access to food. Hopefully, “Active Cuisine”
would have its own stores near other supermarkets, malls, and especially schools.

V) The Market, Market Justification based on the Industry Dynamics and the
Macro Environmental Factors Affecting the Opportunities and Threats in the
Market, the Size, Potential and Realistic Share of the Market

I believe that there won’t be any threats against the production of the products since
Kuwait has a good plant farms that can product of vegetables and fruits. But their some
issues that may affect the production of the product, that Kuwait may rely on imported
goods such as the avocado oils, oatmeal, and spirulina powder which are quite difficult to
manufacture and have an easy access in Kuwait.

For the social environment, selling the products may be hard. Because of the current
situation that we are living in right now which is the global pandemic, making it harder
for the distribution of the product as people may fear of the viruses that are rapidly spread
across the nation.

As for the economic environment, “Active Cuisine” sees an opportunity regarding the
production and selling of healthier alternative of junk foods. As healthier food option is
currently in demand in most countries especially the Middle Eastern region, where
healthy foods products in markets are quite difficult to find and have an easy access to
making several food companies to produce such product but failed to accomplish. Which
is why this business is aiming to do better and provide better for the people at lower cost.

VI) The Product and Service Offerings

Blue Macaroni and Cheese – this a healthier version of the original macaroni and
cheese, made mashed sweet potatoes and a handmade macaroni that is infused with blue
spirulina powder and spinach juice.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies – these are cookie are made with powdered oatmeal,
pure dark chocolate with zero percent sugar, and also avocado oil is used instead of

Kale Chips with Garlic and Salt – these kale chip are not deep fried or baked, but
instead it is dehydrated and sprinkled with garlic powder and salt to give it some flavor.

Swamp Smoothie – this smoothie is made from dark chocolate, spirulina powder,
spinach, banana, blue berries, and honey.
Banana Creamy Deluxe – this is a banana ice cream that is free of milk and diary
product, instead it uses frozen banana, coconut cream, honey, dark chocolate, almond
milk and chia seeds.

Berry Eye Red Pudding – this pudding is made from chia seed, almond milk, mixed
berry juice, and pieces of berries.

These are the first main products that “Active Cuisine” is lunching until more and more
consumers will hopefully buy the product then it can be mass produce to a larger variety
of products.

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