17 18. Gonzales - Iran - Tools and Materials

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Tools and materials in

Identifying learners
with developmental
Gonzales, Jireh Lyrrol M.
Iran, Rubie Anne
• To be able to know what are the tools and
materials in identifying learners with
developmental disabilities.

• And be able to familiarized with these tools and

What is Developmental Disability?
The Developmental disabilities are a group of
conditions due to an impairment in physical, learning,
language, or behavior areas.
Developmental Disabilities

Disorder (ADHD)

A person with ADHD has

differences in the brain activity and
brain development that affects
attention and ability to sit still also self-
Tools and materials for identifying ADHD
1. Standardized test- allows to measure the accuracy
2. DSM-V and DSM-IV -Diagnostic – Diagnostic and statistical Manual of mental disorder.
Use as the standardized clinical definition to determine presence of ADHD
3. Conner’s Teachers rating scale-1997 also a revised version of: long for, ADHD index
scale. Conner’s Teacher rating scale-Revised for teachers. It is consisted of 27 to 28
questions (short version of scale) divided into 4 subscales; Oppositional problem, cognitive
problem, hyperactivity, an ADHD index. Conner’s parent rating scale is revised
parent/caregivers rating scale.
4. Rating scale check list- helps clinicians obtain information from child, adult, parents,
and other about symptoms and functioning in various settings. Often use to screen,
evaluate or monitor children and teenagers with ADHD.
5. Child behavior check list (CBL/6-18)- identifies problem behavior including possible
disorders and internalizing problems. It is consisted of 120 checklist
6. Vanderbilt ADHD rating scale (VADPRS)- This provides information on
parents Use of social functioning and school performance. Consist of 45
questions. Teacher rating scale (VADTRS)- provides information or school
performance and ADHD symptoms. Consist of 43 questions.
7. ADHD rating scale-IV (ADHD RS-IV)- includes separate forms for
parents/caregivers and teachers. Based on 18 item scale divided into subscales
for hyperactivity, impulsivity and innateness.
8. Medical Exam- rule out physical or psychological causes that could better
account from symptoms.
9. Brain scan or Brain imaging techniques- such as EEG, CT scans, MRI. Maybe
rule out brain abnormalities that are inconsistent with ADHD.
10. Psychological and education testing- such as IQ and Achievement test
necessary to identify additional problems.
11. Intelligence and memory testing- this is the important parts of an ADHD
12. Wechsler adult intelligence scale (WAIS)- Evaluate 2 primary areas of
mental abilities the verbal skills and performance skills.
Tools and materials for ADHD learners

• Squeeze balls
These are the hand exercisers like squishy balls, stress balls and
koosh balls it can squish quietly, and the teacher makes sure that
they use it under the desk for minimal distractions to others.

• Fidgets
Helps keeps students hand occupied.

• Silli putty
Sill putty, Play-Doh, or the sticky tack these can also
keep students' hands occupied.
• Velcro
it gives students something to touch. Tape a strip of
rough side of Velcro under the desk of the students.

• Gum or chewable necklace

Chewing gum can help ADHD students to focus and
in a no-gum classroom the necklace having
chewable piece may also work.

• Doodling
Can help students to focus and even enhance their
ability in drawing. They can draw during story time
of in a lesson.

• Background noise/music
Use fan at the back of the room to help students to focus and let
them listen to the music on headphones if it doesn’t interfere with
what’s happening inside the classroom. One teacher succeed in
having an aquarium in the back of the room because students like
hearing the swish of the water.
• Chair leg bands
Both the front legs of the student's chair tie a large
rubber band or yoga band for students to push or pull
it with their legs.

• Bouncy balls
Also known as a yoga balls or exercise balls. These is
great for students to have fun and can do small

• Swivel chairs
These helps children to twist a little bit from side to
side and a rocking chair may also works.

• Wobble chair
it is like a swivel chair or disk seats; these seats lets students to
rock their seats but not too much to prevent students to fall

• Disk chair
Allow students to rock on their seats and its not
dangerous as rocking the entire chair.
• Standing desks
These desk is great for all students or a student's

• Desks with swinging footrest

A built-in footrest can help reduce the noise that comes
with a foot tapping.

• Stationary bikes
Putting it at the back of the classroom may help
them to be active.

• Classroom space for moving around

Clean an area where students can dance, stand,
stretch, play or twirl.

• Flexible work locations

Students doesn’t work in one area they can work at the
windowsill or move from a one desk to another. Also having
different learning stations can benefit all types of learners.
Developmental Disabilities

Angelman Syndrome

A genetic condition that

affects the nervous system and
causes severe physical and learning
Tools and materials for identifying Angelman Syndrome

1. Genetic Testing- this genetic testing can identify abnormalities in your child’s
chromosomes that indicate Angelman syndrome.
2. Blood test- A definite diagnosis can almost always made through blood test.
3. Parental DNA pattern- known as a DNA methylation test, screens for (3) of
the (4) known genetic abnormalities that causes Angelman syndrome.
4. Missing chromosomes- A chromosomal microarray (CMA) can show if portions
of chromosomes are missing.
5. Gene mutation- Rarely Angelman syndrome may occur when a person’s
maternal copy of the UBE3A gene is active but mutated. It results from DNA
methylation test are normal, your child’s doctor may order a UBE3A gene
sequencing test to look for a maternal mutation.
Tools, materials and equipment for Angelman Syndrome

1. Communication aids- IPad with apps;

a. Pragmatic organization dynamic display

(PODD)- A book or device that contains
symbols and words to support communication
between people with complex communication
needs and their communication partners,
whether that’s caregivers, family, friends or
support workers.

b. Dyna Vox Xpress-voice output

communication- gives you immediate access
to communication in every setting anytime,
anywhere. Compact and lightweight, the Xpress
can be held in one hand, the palms of two
hands or carried in your pocket or purse.
Designed to support your active participation in
everyday interactions.
c. iPad with prolong2Go application
software- Is an augmentative and alternative
for communication and it allows you to pick
different voices.

2. Leg and back braces and other personal care

equipment– Severe developmental delays can cause
balance issues, walking difficulty, muscle weakness in
the torso and legs, and scoliosis and this leg and or
ankle braces and supports will help them.

3. High-tech wheelchairs- for mobility access.

Developmental Disabilities

Bipolar Disorder
It is formerly called manic depression, is a
mental health condition that causes
extreme mood swings that include
emotional highs (mania or hypomania)
and lows (depression).
Bipolar disorder does not have a material, but they need medication;

• Mood stabilizers- To control manic or hypomanic.

• Anti-psychotic drugs- Doctors may prescribe some of these medications alone or

along with the mood stabilizer. If the symptoms of depression or mania persist spite
of treatment with other medications, adding an antipsychotic drug such as
olanzapine (Zyprexa), risperidone (Respiral) and more.

• Anti- depressants- Doctors may add antidepressants to help manage depression.

• Anti-anxiety medications- Benzodiazepines may help with anxiety to improve

sleep but are usually used a short-term basis.

• Anti-depressants-anti psychotic- It works as a depression treatment and mood

Developmental Disabilities

Central Auditory Processing

Disorder (CAPD)
is a condition in which the ears
and the brain do not work well
Tools and materials for identifying (CAPD)
• Communication checklist
• Language, Cognitive test
• Using a series of test in a sound treated room
• CAPD assessment by Audiologist- it is designed to
assess specific auditory processing abilities. The test
results are then intergraded and are compared to
normative data to determine a diagnosis. Can take 1.5
hours and they should not be tired when performing the
• Test battery
Types of assistive technology tools and equipment for (CADP)

1. Personal listening devices (PLD)- can help kids hear

a teacher’s voice clearly. With a PLD, the teacher wears
a clip-on wireless microphones and the mic will
transmit her voice directly to a student's personal
speaker or earpiece. Some PLDs are called Frequency
modulation (FM) listening system. Because they rely on
the same FM frequencies radio stations use. Some
newer PLDs use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to transmit a voice.

2. Noise canceling headphones- For kids who are sensitive to sound

this noise cancelling headphones can block out background noise for
3. filled system- it is a system broadcast whereas the
teacher’s voice to speakers are placed in certain locations in
the classroom. It helps the students to hear well.

4. Audio records- This allow kids to record classroom lectures or

discussion. Helps students to listen to the lecture several times.
Developmental Disabilities

Down Syndrome

Condition in which a child is born

with an extra copy of their 21st
chromosome, hence its other name,
trisomy 21.
Tools and materials for identifying Down
• Karyotype- allows Doctors to examine chromosomes.

• Amniocentesis and chronic villus sampling called

(CVS)- in both test samples are taken from inside your
womb with a needle usually passed through your
tummy. But there is a risk of miscarriage in both test.
(note: before birth, prenatal- post natal).

• Diagnostic test- Can identify diagnose whether your

baby has down syndrome.
Tools and materials for a Down syndrome learner

1. Ginger- its for writing a tool that is available for mobile

and desktop users. Ginger has features include word
prediction, customizable themes, grammar checker,
sentence rephrase and translator. This will help them
write effectively than a normal keyboard.

2. Solo 6 literary suite- allows users to read text out

loud and to write a text out loud also includes word
prediction and very easy to use

3. See and learn speech- allow students to practice

their speech skills with different techniques as
producing sound for speech.
Tools and materials for a Down syndrome learner

4. Echo smart pen- allows users to record everything

they write, hear or say. Also allows to transfer the
records audios, notes onto their laptops or desktops
via USB cable to the echo desktop.

5. Rigid key guards- improve their way of writing using

a laptop or computer.

6. DIY travel games: Alphabet learning- Part of a set

that also includes games like Tic Tac Toe, Maze Fun. It
helps to learn more easier and in a fun way rather than
on books or charts
Tools and materials for a Down syndrome learner

7. PFM Pro- The PFM PRO assistive technology allows

the audio to directly reach the user’s ear whether at
home, work or school.

8. KNFB reader- also allows its users to view the

report, automatic page detection, and tilt control.

9. Memo to me- This assistive tools helps them to

remind everything assignment and other schoolwork's
and schedules
Developmental Disabilities

Expressive Language Disorder

A lifelong condition that impacts

the ability to use language. People
with this language disorder
understand what others are saying.
But they have a hard time expressing
their own ideas when they speak.
Tools and materials for identifying
Expressive language Disorder

1. Word finding difficulties

2. Limited vocabulary

3. Evaluated by speech language pathologist (SLPS)

Developmental Disabilities

Fragile X Syndrome (FXS)

An inherited genetic disease

passed down from parents to children
that causes intellectual and
developmental disabilities.
Tools and materials for identifying

• The FMR1 DNA test (sometimes called Fragile X DNA


• Testing person’s DNA from blood test

Developmental Disabilities

Isodicentric chromosome 15 syndrome

Is a chromosome abnormality
that affects many different parts of
the body. People with this condition
have an extra chromosome (called an
isodicentric chromosome 15) which is
made of two pieces of chromosome
15 that are stuck together end-to-end.
Tools and materials for identifying
Chromosomes 15 syndrome

• Ultrasound, aminocenthesis and or chronic villus sampling (CVS)

• Specialized test
Developmental Disabilities

Landau-kleffner Syndrome (LKS)

Difficulties with speech

and seizures. Children with LKS
lose the ability to talk and
understand speech.
Tools and materials for identifying
Landau-Kleffner syndrome

1. EEG
2. Genetic testing
3. Hearing test (Audiometry)
4. Brain (MRI)
Developmental Disabilities

Learning Disability

The term "learning disability"

describes a neurobiological disorder in
which a person's brain works or is
structured differently. These differences
in brain structure affect a person's ability
to speak, listen, read, write, spell, reason,
recall, organize information and do
Tools and materials for identifying
Learning Disability
• Achievement Tests- These tests focus on reading, writing, and math.
• Visual Motor Integration Tests- These tests focus on integrating
visual and motor skills.
• Language Tests- These tests explore your child's ability to understand
spoken and written language and to respond verbally to questions or
Tools and materials for Learning Disability

1. Alternative keyboards -These programmable keyboards have

special overlays that customize the appearance and function of a
standard keyboard. Students who have LD or have trouble typing
may benefit from customization that reduces input choices, groups
keys by color/location, and adds graphics to aid comprehension.

2. Audio books and publications - Recorded books allow users

to listen to text and are available in a variety of formats, such as
audiocassettes, CDs, and MP3 downloads. Special playback units
allow users to and search and bookmark pages and chapters.
Subscription services offer extensive electronic library

3. Electronic math work sheets - Electronic math worksheets

are software programs that can help a user organize, align, and
work through math problems on a computer screen. Numbers
that appear onscreen can also be read aloud via a speech
synthesizer. This may be helpful to people who have trouble
aligning math problems with pencil and paper.
Tools and materials for Learning Disability

4. Optical character recognition -This technology allows a user to

scan printed material into a computer or handheld unit. The
scanned text is then read aloud via a speech synthesis/screen
reading system.

5. Portable word processors -It can be helpful to kids who may

have trouble writing by hand and prefer to use a keyboard. Word
processing allows the user to edit and correct his written work
more efficiently than doing so by hand.

6. Speech-recognition programs -A speech recognition program

works in conjunction with a word processor. The user "dictates"
into a microphone, and his spoken words appear on the
computer screen as text. This can help a user whose oral
language ability is better than his writing skills.
Tools and materials for Learning Disability

7. Talking Calculators - A talking calculator has a built-in

speech synthesizer that reads aloud each number,
symbol, or operation key a user press; it also vocalizes
the answer to the problem. This auditory feedback may
help him check the accuracy of the keys he presses and
verify the answer before he transfers it to paper.

8. Word-prediction programs - Word prediction

software can help a user during word processing by
"predicting" a word the user intends to type. Predictions
are based on spelling, syntax, and frequent/recent use.
This prompts kids who struggle with writing to use
proper spelling, grammar, and word choices, with fewer
Thank you
God bless us!

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