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The communication brings people together, closer to each other.

The communication
is an important management function closely associated with all other managerial
functions. It bridges the gap between individuals and groups through flow of
information and understanding between them

---=-People become closer to one another as a result of conversation. Communication

is a critical management function that is intertwined with all other managerial

----People become more connected as a result of communication. Communication is a

critical managing activity that is inextricably linked to all other managerial
tasks. It bridges the knowledge and understanding gap between individuals and

Communication plays an important role in the development of the country. It

reduces the distance and makes the flow of information faster. It also saves time,
budget and labor, Information, ideas and opinions can be shared among many persons
at any given time through modern means of communication.

---=Communication plays an important role in the development of the country.

in todays generation, communication plays an important role in the development of

the country. It bridges the knowledge and understanding gap between individuals and
communities. It shortens the distance between people and speeds up the flow of
information. Through current means of communication, information, ideas, and
opinions can be shared among numerous people at any given moment.

it's also important because communicating allows people to express their thoughts
and feelings while also allowing us to understand the emotions and thoughts of
others. As a result, we will acquire feelings of attachment or contempt for other
people, as well as positive or bad connections.

the benefits from the advantages of good internal communication. productivity has
increased services and products of greater quality a higher degree of dedication
and trust better levels of innovation and enhanced staff engagement.

The most critical component in maintaining a positive relationship with your family
is also communication. You wouldn't know anything about the family members if you
didn't communicate with them. When communication is neglected, it leads to strained
relationships between family members. so, it's essential for maintaining good
relationship with your love ones.

communication doesn't just tell someone what food you want and which you don't
like. because it can approach you the needs to open up a deeper level of
communication. so, you'll comfortable to explain how you feel some things, talk
about your traumas and happy events in your life.
--=-=-communication is the key to sharing a good relationship with your family
members. family members share their happiness, sorrow and stories through

communication is the most important factor that helps you share a good relationship
with your family. without communication, you wouldn't know many things about the
members of the family. neglecting communication leads to having uncomfortable
relationships with close members of your family.

The most critical component in maintaining a positive relationship with your family
is also communication. You wouldn't know anything about the family members if you
didn't communicate with them. When communication is neglected, it leads to strained
relationships between family members. so, it's essential for maintaining good
relationship with your love ones.

communication is not merely telling someone about which food you like and which you
don't. a deeper level of communication also requires a person to open up, explain
why they feel certain things, talk about their traumas and the happy incidents in
their life.

-=-= communication doesn't just tell someone what food you want and which you don't
like. because it can approach you the needs to open up a deeper level of
communication. so, you'll comfortable to explain how you feel some things, talk
about your traumas and happy events in your life.


Effective communication guarantees that the message is delivered in the correct and
desirable format to the intended audience. If the recipients are unaware of the
sender's intentions, communication is incomplete.

nervousness is normal.
Physiological sensations such as pounding hearts and shaking hands are experienced
by everyone. Do not associate these feelings with the fear of doing poorly or
embarrassing oneself. Some nerves are beneficial. The rush of adrenaline that
causes you to sweat also makes you more attentive and ready to perform at your

The easiest method to combat anxiety is to plan ahead and make sure you review your
notes numerous times. Practice—a lot—once you've gotten acquainted with the
material. Make a video of yourself or have a buddy watch it and give you feedback.

Consider who the message is intended for before you start crafting it. Find out
everything you can about your audience. This will assist you in determining the
language you use, the level of information you provide, the organizing pattern you
use, and the motivational statement you use.

Make a structure for your speech. Make a list of the topic, overall goal, specific
goal, central idea, and main points. In the opening 30 seconds, make sure you
attract the audience's attention.

Maintain your attention on the audience. Keep an eye on their reactions, change
your message, and remain adaptable. Even the most loyal listeners will lose
interest or become confused if you deliver a scripted speech.

In whatever sort of communication, be yourself and avoid becoming a talking head.

If your personality shines through, you will get more credibility, and your
audience will trust what you have to say if they can perceive you as a real person.

If you include a humorous anecdote in your presentation, you will undoubtedly

capture the attention of your audience. A personal touch in a speech is often
appreciated by audiences. That is something that a story can deliver.

The interpersonal connection is broken when someone reads from a script or slides.
You keep the focus on yourself and your message by maintaining eye contact with the
audience. A quick overview might help you remember things and stay on track.

The majority of the message is conveyed through nonverbal communication. A good

delivery does not draw attention to itself, but rather communicates the speaker's
ideas effectively and without interruption.

Nobody expects you to be flawless, because good communication is never perfect.

Putting in the necessary time to prepare, on the other hand, will help you produce
a better speech. You may not be able to completely eliminate your nerves, but you
can learn to manage them.


this stage starts with the birth of an idea of the speaker. the speaker should
exactly know what he wants to convey otherwise he/she will be confused.

-=-= The communication process begins with the speaker's conception of an idea. The
speaker must be certain of what he intends to say, or else he will be perplexed.
Complex elements surrounding the sender will have an impact on the concept. The
sender should start by stating the idea and objective of the message. What does the
sender hope to accomplish? What is the likelihood of the message being received?
Knowing this information increases the likelihood of effective communication.

The speaker is prepared to communicate orally using words. The words he uses should
be appropriate for his audience to understand the concept. He should be able to
effectively communicate his views and feelings. It's worth noting that a limited
speaking vocabulary can lead to communication breakdowns. The concept must be
encoded into meaningful words, symbols, and movements. Because no two individuals
interpret information in the same way, the sender must use words, symbols, and
gestures that are widely recognized to minimize the risk of misunderstanding. To
achieve clear communication, a sender must be aware of the receiver's communication
skills, attitudes, skills, experiences, and culture.

The speaker is now ready to express his ideas in an audible speech with appropriate
gestures after deciding on the words to utilize. For expressing the speaker's
views, a clear, good voice and physical delivery are required. nervousness is
Physiological sensations such as pounding hearts and shaking hands are experienced
by everyone. Do not associate these feelings with the fear of doing poorly or
embarrassing oneself. Some nerves are beneficial. The rush of adrenaline that
causes you to sweat also makes you more attentive and ready to perform at your

The listeners' ears get the speaker's thoughts and emotions. They are depicted by
sound and light waves that move away from the speaker and into the listeners' ears
and sight. The speaker's proximity to the audience, as well as environmental
disruptions, may obstruct the transmission of the speaker's thoughts and feelings.

A series of movements occur as sound waves carrying the speaker's ideas reach the
ears of the listeners. The brain receives neutral impulses. The light waves that
strike the listeners' eyes are translated into electrical signals by the brain.
Reception problems are caused by flaws in the ears and eyes. The message must be
designed, encoded, and conveyed in a way that the recipient may easily comprehend.
Avoid using technical terms, jargon, and symbols that are difficult to understand.
The receiver might be a listener, a viewer, or a reader, depending on the channel.

The audience will be able to understand what the speaker is trying to say at this
point. Only when the speaker's ideas are received through the voice and accompanied
by gestures can understanding be achieved. Voice and gestures are symbols that help
listeners understand what you're saying.

Listeners responding to what the speakers say is a common occurrence. The lack of
the listeners to respond may prevent the speakers from "feedbacking" on the
replies. If necessary, feedback assists the sender in modifying his message. It
also allows the recipient to clarify any queries he may have about the message, as
well as the sender to assess the communication's effectiveness. The communication
procedure is finished when information is returned.

The speaker should be responsive to the demands of his listeners. This stage should
not be overlooked because it is only by monitoring that the speaker can evaluate
whether or not comprehension occurs. The speaker should pay attention to the
reactions of the audience.



the speaker is ready to communicate orally through the use of words. the words
chosen should be appropriate for the idea to be clearly understood by his
listeners. he should know how to share his thoughts and feelings in the most
effectice way. it is to be noted that a inadequate speaking vocabulary can cause a
breakdown in communication

The speaker is prepared to communicate orally using words. The words they uses
should be appropriate for audience to understand the concept. it's should be able
to effectively communicate for views and feelings. It's worth noting that a limited
speaking vocabulary can lead to communication breakdowns. The concept must be
encoded into meaningful words, symbols, and movements. Because no two individuals
interpret information in the same way, the sender must use words, symbols, and
gestures that are widely recognized to minimize the risk of misunderstanding. To
achieve clear communication, a sender must be aware of the receiver's communication
skills, attitudes, skills, experiences, and culture.
having decided on what words to use, the speaker is now ready to express his ideas
in an audible speech using approriate gestures. a clear, good voice and physical
delivery are requirements for expressing the speaker's ideas.

-=-=The speaker is now ready to express his ideas in an audible speech with
appropriate gestures after deciding on the words to utilize. For expressing the
speaker's views, a clear, good voice and physical delivery are required.
nervousness is normal.
Physiological sensations such as pounding hearts and shaking hands are experienced
by everyone. Do not associate these feelings with the fear of doing poorly or
embarrassing oneself. Some nerves are beneficial. The rush of adrenaline that
causes you to sweat also makes you more attentive and ready to perform at your

the speaker's ideas and feelings are transmitted into the ears of the listeners.
they are represented by atmosphere disturbances in the forms of sound and light
waves which move away from the speaker to do the ears and eyes of the listeners.
the proximity of the speaker to the audience and he disturbances within the
surroundings may interfere in the transmission of the speaker's ideas and feelings.

-=-=The listeners' ears get the speaker's thoughts and emotions. They are depicted
by sound and light waves that move away from the speaker and into the listeners'
ears and sight. The speaker's proximity to the audience, as well as environmental
disruptions, may obstruct the transmission of the speaker's thoughts and feelings.


as the sound waves that carry the ideas of the speaker reach the ears of the
listeners, a series of movements takes place. neutral impulses are sent to the
brain. the light waves that strike the eyes of the listeners are converted to the
brain. defects of the ears and eyes cause faulty reception.

-=-=A series of movements occur as sound waves carrying the speaker's ideas reach
the ears of the listeners. The brain receives neutral impulses. The light waves
that strike the listeners' eyes are translated into electrical signals by the
brain. Reception problems are caused by flaws in the ears and eyes.

The message must be designed, encoded, and conveyed in a way that the recipient may
easily comprehend. Avoid using technical terms, jargon, and symbols that are
difficult to understand. The receiver might be a listener, a viewer, or a reader,
depending on the channel.


this stage will lead the listners to understand what the speaker wants to convey.
understanding takes place only upon receiving the ideas of the speaker through the
voice with supplementary gestures. the voice and gestures are symbols that
facilitate the comprehension of the listeners.

-=-=-The audience will be able to understand what the speaker is trying to say at
this point. Only when the speaker's ideas are received through the voice and
accompanied by gestures can understanding be achieved. Voice and gestures are
symbols that help listeners understand what you're saying.

-=-=-=-reaction or feedback

it is normal situation to see listeners giving responses to what they hear from the
speakers. the listeners' failure to give responses may hinder the speakers from
"giving feedback" on the reactions.

-=-=-Listeners responding to what the speakers say is a common occurrence. The lack
of the listeners to respond may prevent the speakers from "feedbacking" on the
replies. If necessary, feedback assists the sender in modifying his message. It
also allows the recipient to clarify any queries he may have about the message, as
well as the sender to assess the communication's effectiveness. The communication
procedure is finished when information is returned.

the speaker should be sensitive in giving the needs of his listeners. this stage
should not be disregarded because it is only through monitoring that the speaker
determines if comprehension takes place. the speaker should look into the kind of
reactions of the listeners.
=--==The speaker should be responsive to the demands of his listeners. This stage
should not be overlooked because it is only by monitoring that the speaker can
evaluate whether or not comprehension occurs. The speaker should pay attention to
the reactions of the audience.

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