Consolidation Term 1

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Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence.

1. The __________ are not always happy.

A. poor B. disabled C. rich D. old
2. The teaching work in a special class is time7 __________ It takes a lot of time.
A. losing B. limit C. taking D. consuming
3. The passion for taking photographs has helped the disabled members of the club __________ their
A. escape B. avoid C. forget D. A & C
4. Winning that prize was one of the greatest __________ of my life.
A. efforts B. attempts C. manages D. achievements
5. Some parents seemed __________ to sending their disabled children to school.
A. opposed B. objected C. disliked D. detested
6. He is as __________ as a bat without his glasses.
A. dumb B. deaf C. blind D. mute
7. if you wish to learn a new language you must __________ classes regularly.
A. follow B. present C. attend D. assist
8. They eventually __________ that they had made a mistake in preventing their poor kids going to school.
A. recognized B. realized C. saw D. thought
9. Some __________ students were using their hands to talk on the stage.
A. deaf B. mute C. blind D. A & B .
10. Every time I talk to my uncle, I have to shout at the top of my voice because he is __________ of
A. hard B. short C. lack D. broke
11. The food _________ was left on the table yesterday has turned bad.
A. where B. who C. that D. when
12. I am going to complain _________ the manager _________ the bad service here.
A. with / about B. to / about C. with / on D. to / on
13. "I _________ play sport when I was young." - "Why did you stop?"
A. hardly B. seldom C. never D. used to
14. Please forgive me. I didn't mean _________ you.
A. upsetting B. to upset C. being upset D. to be upset
15. After many days of travel, we arrived at the village _________ my uncle had talked about.
A. which B.  C. where D. A & B
16. He was watching TV _________ the burglar alarm went off.
A. when B. where C. why D. that
17. The Chinese _________ known to be hard-working.
A. is B. was C. are D. were
18. Alice always left the milk out of the fridge_________ really annoyed her mother.
A. that B. what C. which D. where
19. Happiness is something _________ money cannot buy.
A. whom B. where C. who D. that
20. Last year we went to New York and we _________ at the Plaza Hotel for two weeks.
A. used to stay B. 've stayed C. were staying D. stayed
Read the passage and choose the best answer.
When percussionist Evelyn Glennie was eight, she was invited to give a short piano performance along
with several other local children at Aberdeen's Cowdray Hall. This was her first public performance in a
large hall and no doubt she was feeling nervous. All the same, she was surprised when the man behind her
tapped her on the shoulder and indicated that it was her turn to go on stage. She simply had not heard her
name being called. This was one of the early signs of a deafness which over the next few years was to
become almost total. She refused even to think of going to a school for the deaf. Even as a child she was
determined that she would find a way of managing. Deafness has never been an excuse.
She decided she wanted to play percussion. Her teacher showed her how to compensate for a loss of
hearing. His great gift to her was in opening her mind and body, if not her ears, to all the various
additional ways we "hear" sounds and experience vibrations. As she says in her autobiography, "I can tell
the quality of a note by what I feel. I can sense musical sound through my feet and lower body, and also
through my hand."
At only 24, Evelyn Glennie was voted the outstanding solo performer of 1990. She has been made an
album and plays recitals on average two days a week. Soon she is going to Polen Scandinavia, Japan and
Australia. She visits America regularly from her silence she performs remarkable music
21. What instrument did Evelyn Glennie play in her first public performance?
A. the percussion B. the violin C. the piano D. guitar.
22. Why was she surprised when the man behind her tapped her on the shoulder and indicated that it was
her turn to go on stage?
A. Because she didn't think it was her turn. B. Because she hadn't heard her name being called.
C. Because she was too nervous. D. Because it was her first public performance.
23. What did she do to overcome her deafness?
A. She went to a school for the deaf.
B. She depended on hearing aids.
C. She thought deafness was never an excuse.
D. She decided to play percussion.
24. What can be inferred from the way the teacher showed her to compensate for a loss of hearing?
A. She could sense musical sound through her mind and body
B. She could hear the sounds through her ears.
C. She could play the percussion in a loud voice.
D. She could sense music with the help of sign language.
25. What is true about the passage?
A. It was not until 9 years old that she knew that she was deaf.
B. The teacher refused to show her how to play the percussion.
C. Her deafness has not prevented her from becoming an outstanding percussionist.
D. She has visited a lot of countries except America.
1. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
26. A. maths B. passion C. calm D. exam
27. A. sport B. sorrow C. oral D. course
28. A. labourer B. disable C. native D. retarded
29. A. effort B. attend C. parents D. mental
30. A. reason B. deaf C. feature D. teacher
2. Choose the word with the different stress pattern
31. A. escape B. service C. display D. subtract
32. A. disability B. photography C. exhibition D. information
33. A. complain B. resolve C. subject D. prevent
34. A. semester B. attitude C. quality D. photograph
35. A. opposition B. secondary C. photographic D. demonstration
1. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence.
36. A computer programmer writes __________ which is used to control the operation of the hardware.
A. computer B. software C. hardware D. memos
37. Large collections of data are managed by the computer, which is considered an electronic __________
A. storage B. saving C. storing D. keeping
38. We can __________ with people around the world by the Internet.
A. talk B. write C. touch D. interact
39. Computer- __________ music is very popular, especially with teenagers.
A. played B. sung C. sold D. composed
40. You can __________ the volume of the television by using the remote control unit.
A. adjust B. press C. turn off D. turn on
41. Ben wants a pocket __________ for his birthday.
A. calculating B. calculation C. computer D. calculator
42. The price of __________ has gone up again.
A. electric B. electricity C. electronic D. electron
43. I had to look up the number in the telephone __________.
A. directory B. direction C. director D. directive
44. Before turning on the computer, Bill __________ it in.
A. turned B. connected C. plugged D. clicked
45. In Vietnam, if you want to call an ambulance, __________ 115.
A. dial B. ask C. set D. turn
46. Today computers give their users many more options __________ before.
A. as B. like C. than D. just like
47. The salesclerk __________ the woman the latest computers.
A. shown B. showed C. showing D. show
48. Companies want to get consumers __________ their new products, so they send them free samples.
A. try B. trying C. tried D. to try
49. The letter __________ a week ago, and it arrived yesterday.
A. mailed B. mailing C. was mailing D. was mailed
50. Do you know when __________ invented?
A. the telephone was B. was the telephone
C. have the telephone D. the telephone
51. The room looks very tidy. It __________ by my sister.
A. has cleaned B. is cleaning C. cleaned D. has been cleaned
52. I don't know the name of the woman __________ I spoke on the phone.
A. whom B. to whom C. who D. that
53. Why do you blame me for everything __________ has gone wrong?
A. what B. it C. when D. that
54. Have you forgotten the password __________ on the computer?
A. which used B. using C. you use D. you using
55. Alexander Graham Bell was the man __________ the telephone.
A. invented B. who invented C. had invented D. who inventing
1. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage.
Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman who came to the United States in 1871, (56) __________ the
telephone. Bell was a teacher of the deaf in Boston. At night, he experimented with a harmonic telegraph,
a device for (57) __________ several telegraph messages at once over one wire. Bell developed the idea
of the telephone (58) __________ 1874 but continued experiments with the harmonic telegraph.
On June 2, 1875, (59) __________ of the metal reeds of the harmonic telegraph stuck. Bell's assistant,
Thomas A. Watson, plucked the reed to loosen it. Bell, (60) __________ was in another room, heard the
sound in his receiver. He realized that the vibrations of the reed (61) __________ caused variations of
electric current. In turn, the electric current had reproduced the same variations in the receiver he (62)
__________ using.
On March 10, 1876, Bell finally succeeded in speaking words over a telephone. He (63) __________
about to test a new transmitter. In another room, Watson waited for the test message. Suddenly, Bell
spilled some acid from a battery on (64) __________ clothes. He cried out, "Mr. Watson, come here. I
want you!" Watson (65) __________every word clearly and rushed into the room. In June 1876, Bell
exhibited his telephone at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia.
56. A. invented B. discovered C. inventing D. discovering
57. A. making B. make C. sending D. send
58. A. on B. for C. until D. in
59. A. those B. one C. that D. each
60. A. who B. when C. he D. then
61. A. was B. had C. is D. has
62. A. has been B. is C. were D. was
63. A. was B. wanted C. decided D. had been
64. A. some B. his C. those D. these
65. A. listened B. had C. read D. heard
1. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
66. A. fool B. food C. look D. tool
67. A. cook B. school C. foot D. stood
68. A. full B. June C. rude D. rule
69. A. improve B. move C. sold D. who
70. A. lose B. most C. Post D. told
2. Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
71. A. keyboard B. hardware C. system D. collect
72. A. computer B. beautiful C. magical D. capable
73. A. option B. music C. appear D. software
74. A. document B. interact C. typewriter D. interesting
75. A. device B. receive C. subtract D. memo
1. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence.
76. On the first day of our holiday, we just ________ by the hotel pool.
A. enjoyed B. calmed C. comforted D. relaxed
77. Write to me and tell me ________ about your holiday in Switzerland.
A. every B. all C. much D. some
78. Lisa wondered whether her parents would give her ________ to join her classmates for the excursion.
A. permission B. allowance C. permit D. agreement
79. It's a great _______ that the cave that we want to visit will not open until after Tel.
A. pity B. sorrow C. complaint D. sadness
80. There is bad weather at the airport and all ________ have been delayed.
A. journeys B. flights C. voyages D. flies
81. My neighbor went on a guided________ of Rome.
A. trip B. travel C. tour D. All are correct
82. Jenny is _________ on holiday for a week.
*A. away B. out C. in D. to
83. I prefer going on________ to going shopping in supermarkets.
A. travels B. excursions C. visiting D. sightseeing
84. "Excuse me, is this seat free?" - ''I'm sorry it is already ________"
A. occupying B. occupied C. full D. filled
85. My whole class will__________ at the school gate before a bus comes and takes us to the camp site.
A. assemble B. focus C. collect D. attend
2. Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the sentence.
86. There ________ a cinema here but it's been pulled down.
A. used to be B. used to have C. used to being D. is used to
87. I ________ an old friend this evening, so I am unable to join you for a game of tennis.
A. meet B. am meeting C. have met D. met
88. Rita ________ getting up early. She finds it difficult.
A. is used to B. has a habit of C. isn't used to D. is always
89. Dinner __________served as soon as the guests have been seated.
A. is B. will be C. has been D. had been
90. The elderly man swims in the sea in the night and takes cold baths, ________ is quite unusual indeed.
A. that B. whose C. who D. which
91. "It's hot in here _______ I open the window?"
A. Do B. Shall C. Will D. Would
92. The pupils __________told that jewellery cannot be worn in school.
A. have been B. had been C. were being D. would be
93. I don't like to live in houses _______ other people have lived in before.
A. which B. where C. that D. A & C
94. When I was young, I__________ always walk to school in the morning.
A. would B. could C. will D. did
95. Before she knew it they _______ an agreement and made a deal.
A. reached B. were reaching C. had reached D. have been reached
1. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage.
This is just a quick letter to let you know that I'm fine. We're all working quite hard because the exams
are only a few weeks away but the teacher (1) __________he thinks we'll do well.
Anyway, we had a wonderful time at .half term. I went off to Paris for (2) __________days with some
of the others from the school, and we went on a guided (3) __________of the city. We saw most of the
famous (4) __________like the Louvre, (5) __________they have an amazing collection of paintings and
the Eiffel Tower. Then we went down to the south of France by train. It was so fast - the whole (6)
__________was only about four hours. We spent a little time in Nice and in Cannes as well, and we all
enjoyed it. On our last day, we went to a small island (7) __________the Ile des Pelerins, and we saw the
castle where they (8) __________keep the "Man in the Iron Mask". All in all, we had a great time and (9)
__________weather was really good as well.
Anyway, I must go now as I've got to do a lot of homework for tomorrow. (10) __________ you write
96. A. says B. tells C. speaks D. talks
97. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few
98. A. trip B. visit C. tour D. excursion
99. A. shows B. sights C. views D. looks
100. A. where B. which C. that D. who
101. A. voyage B. travel C. drive D. journey
102. A. spoken B. called C. said D. told
103. A. used B. used to C. often D. were used to
104. A. any B. a C. the D. those
105. A. Must B. Should C. May D. Will
1. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
106. A. teacher B. learn C. term D. sunburnt
107. A. relax B. campfire C. botanic D. assemble
108. A. picnic B. routine C. visit D. trip
109. A. instead B. please C. seat D. cheap
110. A. inform B. warmer C. from D. glorious
2. Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
111. A. pagoda B. anxious C. occasion D. excursion
112. A. recent B. relax C. prefer D. persuade
113. A. assemble B. delicious C. left-over D. convenient
114. A. geography B. destination C. refreshment D. permission
115. A. suitable B. various C. waterfall D. picturesque
Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
116. A. learn B. head C. deaf D. death
117. A. excursion B. return C. further D. ensure
118. A. software B. become C. often D. sorrow
119. A. letter B. prefer C. other D. teacher
120. A. school B. book C. foot D. stood
Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
121. A. confirmation B. technology C. disappearance D. entertainment
122. A. weekend B. tonight C. request D. enjoy
123. A. suitable B. delicious C. pagoda D. suggestion
124. A. prevent B. subtract C. delay D. language
125. A. magical B. mentally C. understand D. program
Choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage.
Electronic technology can change people's lives. Jan is deaf and she can't use telephone. She (126)
__________ask her father to make phone calls for her. She spoke to him (127) __________ language and
he "translated". But many of Jan's friends are deaf. So they need a "translator" to receive the phone call,
too. This is very (128) __________. Now Jan can use the (129) __________ herself. When she uses it, she
simply types 'ling on her keyboard and the other person can read it immediately on their text phone, they
type an answer and so on. They can have a (130) __________
126. A. can B. used to C. is going to D. has to
127. A. sign B. hand C. foreign D. deaf
128. A. useless B. time-consuming C. inconvenient D. disadvantageous
129. A. text phone B. telephone C. videophone D. mobile phone
130. A. translation B. conservation C. conversation D. demonstration
2. Chose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence.
131. Teacher asked her students to do their __________
A. homework B. home duty C. housework D. housewife
132. All the students were asked to__________ in the school ground.
A. assemble B. concentrate C. see D. crowd
133. My grandmother is__________. Her__________ prevents her from hearing well.
A. the deaf / deafness B. deaf / deafness
C. deaf / the deaf D. deafness / deaf
134. The match is being played by two__________ teams.
A. miraculous B. special C. different D. professional
135. He decided to take some__________ lessons to understand more about the __________.
A. computer / computing B. computing / computer
C. computation / computing D. computing / computation
136. A(n) __________arrived at the scene of the accident and took the injured to hospital.
A. bus B. car C. ambulance D. lorry
137. Have you seen the__________ of paintings by Picasso?
A. exhibition B. entertainment C. performance D. show
138. My hotel room overlooks a__________ fishing harbour.
A. interesting B. picturesque C. colourful D. attractive
139. Mr. Tan works as a __________for Life magazine.
A. photograph B. photography C. photographer D. photographic
140. Although he looks handsome, he is _________ -retarded.
A. mentally B. completely C. personally D. strangely
1. Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the passage.
My friend Matt and (141) _______ arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. There we had
everything (142) ________ we needed (beds, blankets, food), and we were pleased to be out of the city
and in the fresh air.
On Saturday morning, we met the (143) __________ten members of our group. Half of us spent the
morning carving while the others went rock-climbing. Matt and I went to the caves first. Climbing out was
harder (144) __________in, but after a good deal of pushing, we were out at last - covered in mud but
pleased and excited by what we (145) __________.
141. A. me B. I C. mine D. my
142. A. who B. what C. that D. whom
143. A. other B. others C. another D. anothers
144. A. as going B. than going C. as go D. than go
145. A. had done B. were doing C. did D. have done
2. Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the sentence.
146. _______ poor need our help.
A. People B. A C. The D. Person
147. Whose books are they? They__________ on my desk since yesterday.
A. were left B. left C. have left D. have been left
148. He's the man at the party last week.
A. I spoke to B. I spoke to him C. who I spoke D. who I spoke to him
149. When he was young, my father__________ walk to school in the mornings.
A. will B. is going to C. used to D. could
150. Nam passed his driving test the first time, __________surprised everybody.
A. that B. which C. it D. and
151. I _____ with my uncle when I go to Bangkok next summer.
A. stay B. stayed C. will be stayed D. am going to stay
152. The subject ________ I'm interested is English.
A. which B. in which C. that D. in that
153. When a little boy, __________to the concert twice a month.
A. I used to take my father B. my father used to take me
C. I used to be taken D. B & C
154. Why don't you choose Paris for your holiday? I'm sure you__________ your stay there.
A. will enjoy B. will be enjoyed C. have enjoyed D. enjoy
155. What's the name of the man ________ gave you a lift?
A. whose B. he C. which D. that
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
156. (A) The children who (B) are learning to read and (C) write in her class (D) they are disabled.
157. The (A) boy's mother bought (B) him a (C) five-speeds bicycle (D) for his birthday.
158. My grandfather used to (A) jogging every morning (B) but now he's (C) too old to do (D) that.
159. (A) A new (B) apartment for (C) the old (D) has just built in our city.
160. My car (A) is broken down. So (B) I'm going to take a bus (C) to work (D) instead.
Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Almost everyone says that computers are wonderful and they are changing our lives for the better by
making everything faster and more reliable, but I'm not so sure that this is the case. The other day I was
standing in a large department store waiting to pay for a couple of films for my camera when the assistant
announced that the till had stopped working. I didn't think it was a big problem and I set off to find
another counter, but of course, all the machines are part of the same system.
So there we were a shop full of customers, money at the ready, waiting to make our purchases, but it
was quite clear that none of the assistants knew what to do. They weren't allowed to take the money and
give customers a written receipt, because the sales wouldn't have been recorded on the computer system.
In the end, like many other people, I left my shopping on the counter and walked out. Don't you think
that's ridiculous? It would never have happened before computers, and that, for me, is the problem: we
are beginning to depend on these machines so completely that we simply can't manage without them any
161. Through the passage, the writer is trying to explain
A. why the computer went wrong. B. why he dislikes computers.
C. why customers find computers reliable. D. why the assistants kept customers waiting.
162. It's true that
A. computers make everything work faster. B. we depend on computers completely.
C. we can't manage without computers. D. computers never go wrong.
163. The writer went to the department store to
A. buy a camera. B. buy some films for his camera.
C. pay for a couple of films. D. take out his money.
164. What did he finally do?
A. He kept standing in the queue waiting to pay for his purchases.
B. He gave the assistant a written receipt.
C. He left his shopping on the counter and walked out.
D. He set off to find another counter.
165. The word we in the sentence "there we were" refers to
A. the writer and his friends.
B. the writer and the customers.
C. the writer, the customers and the assistants.
D. None of the people above.

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