Handout 2 Module 3 AR and Gustar

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Wednesday, September 16, y

Handout 2 Module 3
AR Verbs
Part 1

Translate the following phrases into English. Use the chart on p. 46 of the textbook as a guide. 1
pt. each

desear= to want/wish for esperar= to hope/wait for necesitar= to need

Example: We need (nosotros) necesitamos.

1. He waits for (El) espera.

2. You need (Tu) necesitas.

3. They want (Ellos) desean.

4. We hope (Nosotros) esperamos.

5. She waits for (Ella) espera.

6. We need (Nosotros) necesitamos.

Check your answers with your partner and discuss any differences.

Part 2

A) Look at the list of verbs on p. 47 of the textbook. Write one thing you want to do (desear),
one thing you hope to do (esperar), and one thing you need to do (necesitar) following the verb +
infinitive pattern. 3 pts. each

Example: Necesito lavar el carro. I need to wash the car.

1. Deseo comprar comida.

7. Espero cenar.

8. Necesito desayunar.

B) In pairs, read your lists to each other. Write down one sentence about your partner. Be sure to
change the ending on the main verb. 5pts. each

Example: Clara espera viajar a Europa/ Clara hopes to travel to Europe.

-Haley desea bailar.

Wednesday, September 16, y
C) Write one thing you have in common. Again, make sure to change the ending on the main

Example: Nosotros deseamos tomar un café./ We want to drink coffee.

-Nosotros queremos desayunar.

Part 3 Gustar
Write down one thing you like to do. 5pts.

Examples: Me gusta cantar en la duche. I like to sing in the shower.

Me gustan los gatitos. I like kittens.

Me gusta el gato de mi vecino. I like my neighbor’s cat.

-Me gusta dormir.

Write one question to ask if your partner likes something. 5 pts.

Example: ¿Te gustan los perros? Do you like dogs?

¿Te gusta el helado? Do you like ice cream?

-¿Te gusta la musica?

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