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SB: 3B – “Giving Your Time” pg.

Worthwhile: worth the time, effort or money.
“The trip to Columbia was worthwhile”
Slum: overcrowded street or district populated by poor people.
“Central Philadelphia has many slum neighborhoods”
Destitution: poverty to the point where one can’t even provide for
“Many countries in Africa are in a deep state of destitution”
Host Family: its adoption but not really. Giving a STUDENT a roof over their
head, a bed, their room, and a quiet place to study. Providing for them. The
student is usually from another (poor) country.
“Anar met his host family in America today”

Makeshift school??
Shine shoes??

Do these things happen in your country? What can you do to help?

Key words: homelessness, illiteracy, racism, poverty, war, crime, ageing
population, population growth, hunger.
I’ve lived in Kutaisi for 2 years and Tbilisi - 3 years. In all my years here, I’ve
realized that Georgia has a slew of problems: homelessness, racism, poverty, war,
CRIME, ageing population and hunger. Ever since covid started, I’ve noticed that the
situation has gotten far worse, to the point where I don’t feel safe in my own home
anymore. Every day, from my balcony, I’ve heard people screaming, gunshots, flicks of
needles (for drugs) and so on. A day won’t go by where I don’t see at least 3 homeless
people, just on the way to the store. Statistically, Georgia has a 19.5% homelessness
rate which is due to its poor governing and unemployment rates. Crime is the root of
most of Georgia’s problems. I’ve seen a store get robbed in front of my own eyes and no
one did anything to stop it. A hooded man tried breaking into our car by shattering the
windows and law-enforcement did nothing - only because he was hooded. Racism and
sexism are also unbelievably common. I have middle eastern friends who get pushed
around by older generations of Georgians only because they’re people of color. Men
who think you don’t know Georgian will shamelessly catcall you, only to deny it when
they’re confronted. All of this enabled by not only the government, but my everyone
who witnesses it. People complain about what Georgia has become and yet do nothing
about it (including me). It’s shameful and disappointing. I can’t do anything to help the
situation if Georgia’s own government is collapsing onto itself.

Text Summary:
What would you do if you had 3 free months? Mitch Mcgregor spent 3 months in
Rio, Brazil, where he taught English to homeless children. This text is about his
experiences there.
In his 20s, Mitch noticed that his friends would always travel during summer
break; he decided he wanted to have a memorable and life changing experience during
his travels. As he was reading about the Favelas (slums of Brazil) he realized that kids
aren’t as privileged as he was when he was a kid; most of them unable to reach 18 years
old. He dedicated himself to help these kids as much as he could.

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