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English HW: SB pg.

36-37, 2f - Skyscraper Farms

Check these words: wonder, structure, lush, long gone, drain, rise, soar,
equivalent, spring up, vertical farming, solution, nutrients, food shortage,
environmentally friendly, powered, transport costs, local produce,
permanent light source, industrial greenhouse, mankind, horizontally,
consume, convert, wasteland.
A basic overview of the text:
The text starts off with one of the seven wonders of the world which is: “the
hanging gardens of Babylon.” This is brought up because food prices are
rising and most of the farming lands are occupied, so a modern-day
equivalent will be invented.
By the year 2050 (if we even live that fucking long) the population will reach
up to 9 billion and we’ll need farming land the size of Brazil to keep us alive,
so scientists created a new and efficient way to farm – “vertical farming.” Its
plain and simple yet slightly unrealistic: we make farms in apartment-like
buildings. Every floor is designated for a different kind of plant, the walls will
be made of glass, and they will be grown in nutrient water instead of soil
(drugged plants oogabooga). Dr. DICKinson of Columbia university suggests
that a 30-floor vertical farm could feed 10,000 people. The idea is counted
as environmentally friendly because you’ll have fresh produce right next to
your house instead of buying imported goods. Its also solar and wind
Obviously one of the biggest problems is the fact that, without enough
sunlight none of the crops will grow. With vertical skyscrapers, the
distribution of sunlight is uneven, but a solution could be having a
permanent light source.
In the end of the text, it points out that we should “start growing up”
(hahHA funny jOke) since 80 percent of our farmland is in use and if we
don’t do something about it, we’re fucked <3
No. 2
1) C
2) F
3) H
4) E
5) G
6) A
7) B
No. 3
1) Challenge
2) Risen
3) Springing up
4) Save
5) Powered
6) Drains
7) Produce
8) rising
No. 4) (make sentence examples) (es winadadebebi pirdapir ar gadaiwerot
tu rame, ubralod frazas shesaferisi winadadeba sheuxame)
1) food
2) friendly
3) real
4) Wind
5) Vertical
6) Local
7) Costs
8) Direct
4.1) if the population rises, there will be a food shortage
4.2) lets travel in an environmentally friendly way
4.3) getting my homework done is a real challenge
4.4) I saw many wind turbines on my road trip to batumi
4.5) vertical farming sounds like an unrealistic idea
4.6) local produce is hard to come by
4.7) transport costs are a hassle sometimes
4.8) if you sit under direct sunlight, you’ll get sunburnt

No. 5 (damezara)

1) Will have been living
2) Will have started
3) Will have been working
4) Will not have finished
5) Will we have found
No.7 (cant help u guys with this)
I hope im rich and have a villa by the time im 30
2 things ive been doing over the past 5 years: school and crying

I learned from the text that humanity has a bad tendency of wasting
resources and that if we don’t do something, we will have a food crisis by
2030. We need to find more innovative ways to solve upcoming problems
like global warming and food. I also learned that vertical farming could be
innovative but very impractical since first: money, second: if there are other
skyscrapers or buildings in general around this “vertical farm,” the plants
would have no source of sunlight and would just die. I also learned that Dr.
DICKinson has a funny lastname.

No. 9
Why are vertical farms a good idea?
They’re not. They’re a terrible fucking idea. If they were a good idea, it
would be because it takes up less space and is environmentally friendlier.

How can they benefit society?

The food will be fresher since its locally grown, therefore society will always
have fresh food at their disposal.

Write about this topic for 3 mins: no

WB. 2f - Pg22:
No. 1
1) Environmentally friendly
2) Nutrients
3) Wonders
4) Structure
5) Mankind
6) Convert
7) Wasteland
8) Consume
9) Lush
10) Soared

No. 2
1) Risen
2) Challenge
3) Produce
4) Springing
5) Save
6) Draining
7) Powered
8) Rising
No.3 (grammar-shi vichedebi xolme sorry)
1) Will have mowed
2) Will have finished
3) Will have written
4) Will have increased
5) Will have been repairing
6) Will have closed
7) Will have been traveling
1) Will have finished it
2) Will have been driving
3) Will have been working
4) Will have been waiting
5) Will have sold it
6) Will have recieved

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