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My Philosophy
Using Technology in the Classroom

Kathleen Iannone
Instructional Technology

My Philosophy

Technology In The Classroom

“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” –John Dewey

As a teacher, our lives and classrooms are ever changing. From one year to the next, we must be

willing to re-create lessons, change how they are presented, and give our students knowledge that can

be carried into their futures. We incorporate our own knowledge, along with that of the text books and

technology, to create master lessons for our classrooms. Technology can fit into every aspect of

teaching; and into every lesson if we wanted it to. I want the children in my classroom to have a wide

variety of learning processes, including to, but not limited to technology based lessons. Certain lessons

should be built with technology included, giving the students a new way to learn information.

Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on,

an afterthought, or an event.” –Heidi-Hayes Jacobs, Educational Consultant

Technology can be incorporated in reading, with the use of nooks (or similar items), and with

testing (IE. The Associated Reading, “AR” tests). Technology can also be included by allowing the

students to go online searching for certain items, giving them access to search engines, essentially

learning how to get the information they desire from the World Wide Web. We can use technology to

teach typing skills, there are many online resources that have typing lessons and games to make learning

to type more fun and enjoyable for beginners ( is one of my personal favorites).

“It is important to remember that educational software, like textbooks, is only one tool in the learning

process. Neither can be a substitute for well-trained teachers, leadership, and parental involvement.”

–Keith Krueger, CEO, CoSN

“There can be infinite uses of the computer and of new age technology, but if the teachers themselves

are not able to bring it into the classroom and make it work, then it fails.”

–Nancy Kassenbaum, U.S. Senate

Teachers need to know the ins and outs of each program they are teaching to the students.

Knowing what could go wrong and how to fix everything the students may encounter can be the

difference in a successful lesson- or a total flop. Knowing about the problems, and what to expect, will

help keep the lesson going smooth, and gives the teacher confidence with the subject matter at hand.

Students will have more respect and be more attentive with a teacher who shows that they know the

programs, and who does not flinch when a problem arises. Having problems solved immediately, creates

less down-time for students, thus giving them less time to get off track or distracted.

In my instructional technology class, I have gained many tools that I can implement into my own

classroom. I have picked a handful of my favorites to talk about;;; Jing; Quizlet; and

I plan to teach 4th or 5th graders, and from what I experienced in my observations, and discussed

with teachers, they are more than capable of working with computers, and many programs available. I

can use their current understanding of technology, and expand that knowledge to allow them to use to find the proper information they are looking for online, with pre-approved

websites that I have found myself. I can “jing” the instructions for students and give them either a

printout with all of the pictures of the steps, or I can have them available in a file on the computer for

them to access. I can use the “awesome highlighter” to highlight certain steps in the instructions that

need to capture their attention. Quizlet can be used to help with vocabulary, and can be manipulated to

help students study for upcoming tests in any subject. I like this tool because of its ability to change so

easily, and you can save the information for students to access anywhere, even from home. is a blog site, and in itself can be used for many important tasks. I think the most

useful for this particular age group is for parent/teacher communication or if a student is absent so they

can get proper assignments. I could set up a private page, and put the information on how to access it

on the syllabus. On the page, I would put the dates of every week of class, and have links to every

assignment due, what we talked about in class, and what to expect for the future week. Parents can use

this site to check up on their child’s assignments, making sure that all assignments that should have

made it home actually made it there. This can be used as a huge advantage to help them study for

upcoming quizzes and tests, and have all of the appropriate information from what is going on in the

classroom, right at their fingertips.

There are many aspects of technology that I did not discuss, but there are so many to choose

from I couldn’t possibly talk about them all. However, I did discuss some important information that will

be useful in my future classes. I look forward to teaching, with technology as an aid. I look forward to

seeing the “spark” in the eyes of children when something that seemed just out of reach becomes

something that they understand. Furthermore, I look forward to sending my students off to the next

grade level, fully confident in the knowledge they gained from my classroom.

“The principle goal of education is to create men and women who are capable of doing new things, not

simply repeating what other generations have done.” –Jean Piaget

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