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Alice in

Submitted by Ara

According to Wikipedia, Charles

Lutwidge Dodgson, better known
by his pen name Lewis Carroll, was
an English writer of children's
fiction, notably Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland and its
sequel Through the Looking-Glass.
He was noted for his facility with
wordplay, logic, and fantasy.
Lewis Carroll's Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland
(often known as Alice in
Wonderland) was published in
1865. (a pseudonym of Charles
Dodgson). Alice, a little girl,
enters a fantasy realm full of
anthropomorphic creatures
after falling down a rabbit hole.
It is considered a classic work
of literary nonsense.
CHapter 1: down the rabbit-
Due to curiosity and boredom, Alice
followed the white rabbit with a
watch in its pocket, then she fell into
a deep rabbit-hole. Alice was losing
hope because she couldn’t get into
the beautiful garden, but when she
realized that she had things to do to
solve her problem, she got motivated.
I learned that in life we should not be
hopeless and just do our best because
even though you fail at least you do
your best.
CHapter 2: The pool of tears

Alice was frustrated because everything she did

was useless in the end. When she was towering,
she cried and the pool of tears was created,
then when she got smaller, she swam on her salty
tears. When Alice was as tall as a house she
talked with the white rabbit and the white
rabbit ran away then the white rabbit dropped
his white gloves and his fan, then it made Alice
turned into being small and then she talked with
the mouse in the french language then as time
goes by, Alice reached the end of the pool of
tears. Alice wanted to get into the beautiful
garden but it was impossible to be smaller in a
minute, but Alice taught us that we should
dream of impossible things and don’t fear
failure, just rest and cry but don’t stop.
CHapter 3: conversation with
a caterpillar
Alice couldn't find the house, that was why she
rested under the flower and made her plan, she said
that for her to get bigger she must eat or drink
something, that was why she went to the mushroom,
but when she was asked by the caterpillar, who she
was, she said that she didn’t know herself, she said
that when she woke up that morning she still knew
herself but when she got into that strange world,
everything changed to the point that she didn’t know
even herself. On the mushroom, the caterpillar
helped her to get bigger by the sides the mushroom,
one side will make her bigger and the other side will
make her smaller when she was as tall as a tree, she
ate the two sides of the mushroom and she was glad
because she got twenty-five centimeters high. In
this chapter, I learned that we are not who we are
yesterday because what happened yesterday is
history, what happens tomorrow is a mystery, and
what we do today makes a difference.
CHapter 4: the Cheshire cat

Alice continued to walk through the woods and she

found a little house, a strange fish boy was
delivering a letter for the Duchess. Alice came
into the house, then the Duchess asked her to hold
the baby. When Alice was holding the baby and
they were walking, she noticed that the baby was a
pig then she left it, then the Cheshire cat came,
and that was the time when she asked it about
where to go. Even though she had already
encountered so many problems, Alice continued to
explore things about that strange world, and also
she started to discover and know herself because
she thought that she was no longer herself. We
should know ourselves because if we know
ourselves we will be aware of our abilities,
strengths, and weaknesses to be more clear about
what we want, what to do, and many more.
CHapter 5: a mad tea-party

She saw the house of the March Hare and also

she saw a big table, she sat on the chair and
continued to talk with the March
Hare and the Hatter who was despicable. Alice
learned so many strange things about that world
when she saw the watch, then when she had a
chance to leave she left because she also saw
that they will put the Dormouse on the teapot,
she entered the door of one of the trees, then
she was back at the long room with the glass
table, then she unlocked the little door and ate
a piece of mushroom, then she returned to
being a thirty centimeters high, then she
entered the beautiful garden. I learned that in
life we don’t always have to know where to go
and plan what to do because we don’t have to
see the whole staircase, just take the first step
CHapter 6: the queen’s game of
Alice entered the garden where there
were soldiers, gardeners, and especially
the awful queen and king. They killed
anyone they wanted. They wanted to cut
the head of the Cheshire cat but they
refused to do it because the Cheshire
cat’s head was floating in midair, then
they played croquet. Alice thought that
the Mock Turtle and Gryphon were just
like the queen and the king but gladly
they became friends with Alice. I
learned that it is not always about what
you see because it is about how you feel.
CHapter 7: who stole the
Gryphon and Alice went to the trial court where the
Knave of Heart was accused of stealing of the Queen’s
tarts, then Alice was surprised because her name was
called by the white-rabbit who called witnesses. Alice
had nothing to do with it, she didn't know anything.
That was why she just told them her opinion about it
confidently, Alice said that it didn’t mean anything,
that was why the Queen angrily ordered her servants
“Off with her head”, then suddenly the pack of cards
flew up into the sky then it all fell into Alice’s face.
Then she screamed and woke up, and she realized that
it was just a dream, then she told her sister about all
the strange things she experienced during her
adventures in her wonderful dream. In this chapter,
the lesson I learned was to believe in yourself because
if you believe in yourself you will be able to stand for
your own beliefs without worrying about what others
will say.
croquet - is a sport that
involves hitting wooden or plastic
balls with a mallet through hoops
embedded in a grass playing court
duchess - a woman who holds in
her own right the title to such
duchy or dukedom, or is married
to a duke, is normally styled
jury - a jury is a sworn body of
people convened to render an
impartial verdict officially
submitted to them by a court, or
to set a penalty or judgment
Cheshire - a kind of firm crumbly
cheese, originally made in
Cheshire, England According to

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