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The term portal is known as links page which presents information from diverse sources in a

unified way. It may contain services that provide standard search engine feature, e-mail,

news, information, databases and entertainment. Portals provide a way for enterprises to

provide a consistent look and feel with access control and procedures for multiple

applications and databases, which otherwise would have been different entities altogether.

Electronic registration or e-registration, web based registration or even online registration is a

secure website that students enter to indicate that they will attend classes in the upcoming

(fall or sprint) rain or harmattan semester (Strauss, 2000). Students can access the e-

registration site from anywhere with an internet connection. Mostly these sites are portals.

Pena-Lopez (2007) describes a web portal as a site that functions as a point of access to

information on the World Wide Web and portals present information from diverse sources.

The Google directory describes the term portal as where users control the content. There are

several terms in library and information science and indeed IT that have their origins

borrowed from other disciplines and a portal is one of such (Brakel, 2003). It must be borne

in mind that the Web, a resource of the Internet, and a tool to browse the Internet is the first

ever innovation that allows anyone to publish to a vast number of users via the Internet. The

portal in this context, is more than a gateway, it is a hub from which users can locate all the

Web content commonly needed (Nielsen, 1999). The portal is a platform for organizations –

universities, colleges, companies to leverage and for efficient communication and other in-

house operations. Put more simply a portal collates ― a variety of useful information into a

single, one-stop` web-page, helping the user to avoid being overwhelmed by infoglut` or

feeling lost on the web‖ (Looney and Lyman 2000 33). However, the Internet (Internet

gateways or libraries) are not focused on internal enterprise functions. Reasons why

organizations have a portal according to (source) include: Information customization:

Information personalization: Efficiency in accessing information (work flow): Link integrity

software issues that link work: Enhancements and features such as calendars, to do lists,

schedules, hours of operation, discussion groups and chat, announcements and alerts, job

openings, career opportunities, reports and documents, search, emails, course schedules,

grades, CPGAs (Cumulative Point Grade Average), transcripts, campus and world news,

links to reference materials, bookmarks, etc. (Brakel, 2003). The roles that a portal supports

includes those of students, faculty, staff, managers, workers, provosts, academic departments,

IT facilities, scholars, researchers, prospective students, alumni, visitors, friends and vendors.

(Katz, 2002).


The purpose of this study is to develop a web based Online Registration Portal that as a

solution to the problems of the students registration currently in the institution. The purpose

of this study is aimed to solve the following problems:

1. The registration problem due to some manual means of operations which easily

lead to misplacement or loss of student information.

2. The manual pre-assessment of student registration system is very slow and consumes

a lot of time which causes the delay in completing the entire enrolment process.

3. Consume time and human effort due to long queue in the process of paying money in

the bank and registration processes.

4. Due to manual means of generating report, such report can easily be misplaced or

loss. The outcomes from this study will assist the university to know whether or not

the problems of manual handling of students` registration and mismanagement

records have been overcome. The level of acceptance and use of e-registration by the

students of the university that will be unraveled in this study will provide a framework

for the improvement of e-registration at the university from which other universities

in the country can copy to improve their own e-registration exercise.


The purpose of this study is to prefer solution to the above stated problems being faced and to

develop a web based online registration portal for National Open University of Nigeria

(NOUN), Damaturu Study Centre using Adobe Dream weaver PHP to develop each web

page and MYSQL as the database for storage of information on the website. The objectives

are as below:

1. To have an effective way of providing courses information and exam information or

notification anywhere and anytime to the students about rapid changes of schedule.

2. To improve the privacy, user-friendliness and to enable convenient access to the

different kinds of information and services mounted on the web by users, it would be

desirable to set up a portal for channeling the vast information resources to the

different users in an efficient and effective manner.

3. To create an online Course Portal which provides a pre-assessment module that allow

courses verification to the students when login on the website. In addition, the course

portal can also automatically evaluate and showcase the report of courses of the



1. To the Students,

Through this system, the students will be able to use the Online Registration Portal

effective for their online registration process especially for registering their personal

information, courses registration and exam registration. Example: It will also promote

students easy access to information resources, materials etc.

2. To the Faculty Members,

Through this system, the faculty members can provide all the necessary information

and resource material to their students and also be able to get the student information

from the website.

3. To the Future Researchers,

The future researchers could gain knowledge from the study on the benefits,

advantages and disadvantages, impact of developing web portals which they may

apply to their research in the future. By improving on the portal in such a way that is

being connected with inter-switch whereby students will be able to make any

necessary payment through the website, payment like school fee, acceptance fee, and

departmental fee and so on.


In this study, online registration portal for National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)

Damaturu Study Centre and plan to implement the system. The study intends to provide an

online registration portal home page in which it should contain the description and brief

overview about the students, courses and exam registration processes for Computer

department. The scopes of the study are:

 Online Registration portal for student information registration

 Courses Registration
 Exam Registration


Administration – can access and controls the whole system

Payment: is an amount of money that is paid to someone.

Bank: is an institution where people or businesses can keep their money.

Accounts: are detailed records of all the money that a person or business receives and spends.

E: means electronic

Internet: is the computer network which allows computer users to connect with computers

all over the world, and which carries e-mail.

Design: it is a detail plan or arrangement to achieve a particular purpose.

Implementation:  is the carrying out execution or practice of a plan. 

Transaction: is a piece of business, for example an act of buying or selling something.

Student: is a person who is studying at a university or college.

Lecturer: is a teacher at a university or college

Institution: is a large important organization such as a university, church or bank.

Database - a collection of data neatly organized which stores the operational records

Portal – presents information from diverse sources in a unified way. Apart from the standard

search engine feature, web portals offer other services such as e-mail, announcements,

discussion board, registration, inquiry, information, databases and entertainment.

Registration – students or faculty members submits personal information to be a member to

have an access inside the campus course portal.

Courses – is a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject.

Exam – is a formal test that you take to show your knowledge or ability in a particular

subject or obtain a qualification.



Katz (2002) divides portals into two groups: horizontal and vertical (VEPs) portals. VEPs

(Vertical Enterprise Portals). Gartner (year) says include shopping mall portals and those on

sports, etc. Horizontal Enterprise Portals or MegaPortals include: Excite, yahoo, AltaVista,

etc (Gartner, 2007). Now, Intranets are also called Enterprise portals. Lakos (2004) gives the

key principles that should govern a portal rollout as (1) Simplicity – users want a simple and

clear web environment. (2) Dependability – the site and its contents should be available

always and should be predictable (3) Quantifiable value – users should feel self-sufficient and

realize added value from using the portal (4) Personalization – users should be able to change

the site to their personal preferences (5) Systematic management – long term success requires

a systematic approach and long term commitment.

A study by JISC RSC (Regional Support Centre) London on behalf of the Excellence

Gateway published in 2008 on Richmond Adult Community College: Using Technology to

make a step in business efficiency and responsiveness, was to see how the college could use

new technology on the business side first -the priority was to use new technologies to reduce

transaction costs between the college and the public. What the study projects is to get

prospectus online, web based enrolment, web registration, timetabling module, online

helpdesk and e payment. The outcomes of this project includes: Reliable electronic

registration linking the student database to finance systems and modules for payroll and staff

development - ensures accurate payments and strong financial control; Learners enjoy the

convenience of online enrolment (course permitting) with 35% of enrolments now made on

the Web; The simple web-based Quality Assurance System was an early action that greatly

improved timeliness and efficiency of getting learner feedback from the previous paper-based

process and; Co-development of many of these modules enabled them to obtain bespoke

systems more cost-effectively as the software company were able to gain commercial

advantage through the developments (JISC, 2008).

Matovu (2009) in a study titled, availability, accessibility and use of ICT in management of

students’ academic affairs in Makerere University finds that this emerged because of the

problem that there was mismanagement of students’ academic records despite the

technological advancement that had advanced in the University. Such problems include loss

of marks, miscalculation of marks to mention but a few. The study intends to establish how

ICT affected management of students’ academic affairs. It applied both correlation and cross

sectional survey design. Data were collected using semi-structured survey questionnaires and


Correlations were used to determine the extent to which ICT was related to management of

students` academic affairs and a cross sectional survey design was used because data were to

be collected at one time from the sample of lecturers and administrators of Makerere

University. Findings indicate that internet facilities, computers, management information

systems, electronic databases all were available and accessible to administrators, lecturers

and students though with restricted access for viewing results, record keeping, setting and

marking exams. ICT for registration was used for tracking students’ registration progress by

administrators and academic progressing.

Cao and Brodnick (2002) in a research titled, what social factors affect students’ use of online

registration: an exploratory study, investigated factors that affect college students; use of

online registration service that was then recently offered in a private university in Northern

California. Findings show that during the first year 31% of students who pre-registered their

courses and results show that academic and demographic factors affected students’ use of

online registration service. It also shows pharmacy and international studies students and high

income families had higher perception of use. However, results did not show a sign of impact

of gender on the use of online registration.

Brakel (2003) in his paper on Information portals: a strategy for importing external content

discusses the current lack of clarity on how to address the external information issue in

conjunction with the current popularity of portals and their multiplicity, emphasizing in

particular the confusion in regards to what constitutes each portal type. The issue of

definition intensifies when the term information portals becomes added to the current list of

portal categories. To conclude, it proposes a strategy to ensure that external information

sources are perceived by an enterprise as of strategic importance.


Foreign Literature

According to Robert Moskowitz of Matrix: The Magazine for Leaders in Education, when

you hear the word "portal" you might immediately think of one of the many commercial Web

sites, such as Yahoo or Excite, that populate the Internet today. As the term implies, these

services are the gateway to the Internet for many people, offering news, search functions,

sports scores, shopping and movie reviews.

A registration portal, on the other hand, is the entry point for a college or university. It

provides a centralized source of information and services for students, prospective students,

faculty, suppliers, administrators, alumni and friends.

The term registration portal can mean anything from a relatively simple set of Web-based

application and payment services, to a comprehensive online interface offering highly

personalized and customizable access to nearly all the features and benefits of campus life

and work.

Registration portals can provide entry points to anything from e-shopping for books and

campus regalia, to Web access, student activity information, class resources, syllabi and

assignment listings, and homework submission, as well as online class registration and tuition


A Relatively New Concept

Registration portals were pioneered by UCLA in 1999, to be followed by similar systems at

the University of Washington and the University of Buffalo. Advancements in software

simplify the work involved in building comprehensive portals from scratch. As a result, most

schools can launch a pilot portal within 12 months. Expansion and roll out takes longer,

however, and a continually evolving portal is an unending process.

Only about 5 percent of universities currently have campus portals, but many other are on the

way. Some 80 percent of U.S. colleges with enrollments of more than 1,000 will have

registration portals by 2005, predicts the Connecticut-based Gartner Group.

"They will become as essential to the campus experience as the quad," predicts Matthew

Pittinsky, chairman of Blackboard Inc., the Washington, D.C.-based vendor of enterprise

software for about 1,400 universities and schools.

"Portals are on everyone's mind right now, both within the university and externally," agrees

Dirk Herr-Hoyman, project manager at the University of Wisconsin's Department of

Information Technology, in Madison, Wisc. "In not too many years, every university will

have a personalized portal system."

Targeted Services

"A portal gives the ability to serve our constituents better, giving them what they need

without the things they don't need," says Dan Kelo, manager, special project development,

information resources at Pepperdine. "As Web sites grow, they become difficult to navigate.

Our campus portal allows us to target services to our constituents."

Herr-Hoyman agrees: "The benefits will be in keeping and attracting world-class students

and faculty," he says. "That's important to us as a university. We're not cutting staff or

expenses; we're trying to do more with the budgets we already have by providing better


While portals involve complex technologies, their cost is relatively low. Advertising-

supported systems can pay for themselves. One early portal business model was to give the

software free to institutions, then lace the portal's pages with advertising.

Vendors like Blackboard and PeopleSoft tend to bundle their portal systems with their

existing offerings, because the portals are part of the campus-wide system the universities

have already purchased from these vendors. Companies that specialize in portal design can

charge as much as $250,000. But, the acquisition cost is only a fraction of the total

implementation expense.

For example, the University of Wisconsin will spend millions for implementation and

development during the life of its portal system. Much of that cost will go to making other

applications accessible through the portal. New software is usually written with the Web in

mind, but integrating a school's standalone systems (often legacies from 20 years ago) and its

data can be time-consuming and expensive.

"A portal supports staff, alumni, students, faculty and others," says Blackboard's Pittinsky."

It's the common interface for all the services each of these constituencies cares about on


Portals lower the cost of delivering student services by leveraging the time and effort of

students and faculty, who can use the portal to complete forms online for automated

processing, reducing the need for administrative staff time. Another benefit is the students'

ability to pay fees online. This can generate higher collections, often through debit cards that

have lower transaction fees than credit cards.

What are Portals?

At the most basic level, portals gather a variety of useful information resources into a single,

“one-stop” Web page, helping the user to avoid being overwhelmed by “info glut” or feeling

lost on the Web. But since no two people have the same interests, portals allow users to

customize their information sources by selecting and viewing only the information they find

personally useful. Some portals also let you personalize your portal by including private

information (such as your stock portfolio or checking-account balance).

Put simply, an institution’s portal is designed to make an individual’s Web experience more

efficient and thereby make the institution as a whole more productive and responsive. But

portals have an economic and social impact that extends far beyond any basic functional

definition. Eighty nine percent of the estimated fifty eight million people using the Web in

the United States use some type of portal.

It is estimated that over 20 percent of the Internet’s retail e-commerce is portal-based. And

though portals have historically been developed from search-engine-based sites (e.g., Yahoo,

Excite, Lycos, Alta Vista) or ISP-based sites (e.g., AOL, Earthlink, Prodigy), their value goes

far beyond a Web page containing a directory of URLs. One author described a portal as a

place to start your day and get a little news. It is an epicenter of the Web experience, a “home

base,” a place to return to when you get lost, a place to keep your information, a place from

which to communicate with others, and a trusty guide to all things ‘Web.’

Local Literature

FEU-EAC Online Student registration Portal

For the past few years, FEU-EAC has been continuously trying to find ways on how to

improve its services for the students in terms of providing information, registration and other

school transactions. It is eyeing the step-by-step growth and enhancement from manual,

partial automation and full-automation of its systems. Considering the ideal goal of providing

fast and convenient services and also the advantage of reaching out to its students from

distant areas, online enrolment is definitely the most recommended innovation. Bearing in

mind this ultimate goal, the College took its first step by having some of it services online.

From thereon, My FEU - East Asia College Student Portal was conceptualized.

My FEU - East Asia College Student Portal was made to assist FEU-EAC students in

providing basic information related to their academic records, registration and assessments.

Likewise, this will also give privilege to the students to submit their requests and transactions

via Internet.

Enrolled students will be given accounts, usernames and passwords, to access and login to

My FEU - East Asia College Student Portal. Students can then access this portal via Internet

wherein they can now conveniently inquire information or do basic student transactions

anywhere and anytime they want.

This system basically includes the following:

 My Profile – this is where students could view their personal and contact information. A

special feature was provided for the students for possible requests to update their personal

information or records.

 Student Academic Information – this is where students could view their academic

records such as grades, class schedules and current assessments.

 On-line Self–Enrolment – this allows the regular students with no previous balances and

accountabilities to do self-enrolment via Internet.

 Other Services – this is where students could access the Student Coordinating Council

Voting System, upload files through My Portfolio or mark the important events or

activities on their calendars through My Planner.

Certainly, FEU - East Asia College Student Portal will be enhanced and additional services

will be incorporated in the future. Nevertheless, the Student Portal definitely raised the bar of

the College in rendering quality services for its students.

2.2 Review on Online course registration system at Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University offers more than 3,000 curriculums per semester, and online course

registration seven times. More than 500,000 students will register courses via those

registration activities, which have become an important part of academic administration. All

students have to register courses via the online registration system opened in 1998. To be an

exception, some compulsory courses are offered to the freshman in the entrance according to

their classification. The registration will be carried out by two kinds of drawing lots, real time

(undergraduate students) and system automatic (graduate students).

Early 2006, we started a special project in the 2nd phase of "985" named by "the

modernization of technical platform supporting education”. To emphasize the student-

oriented concept, improve the efficiency and quality of course registration, and fully meet

registration requirements, we used a totally new registration mechanism in the

implementation of this new online course registration system, which supports classification

education training for undergraduate students, common course registration of both

undergraduate and graduate students, and teaching activities across semesters. We

reconstructed the online course registration system by introducing new registration

mechanism, system architecture and design method to ensure the system more flexible and

adaptable to support all kinds of students and online courses.

The system was put into use in April 2009. After two years’ usage, with the high attention of

high level management teams, all academies and departments, proactive cooperation of all

teachers and students, the system now has reached domestic advanced level through

continuous improvement. It solved perfectly the problems like fake registration numbers,

course chose by system is not the real one wanted, and unfair registration etc. It will

introduce system design and implementation from 3 aspects:

Registration mechanism, System architecture and Design method.


The online course registration system is the central part of the educational administration

system. We did research on registration mechanism before system design. Based on the

analysis on some existing registration mechanism, we proposed three operative registration

methods: point assignment, willingness and drawing lots. After collecting feedback and

comments from all teachers and students, we decided to use the method of willingness.

Concerning the real situation and previous problems in the method of drawing lots, we

optimized and adjusted the existing drawing lots method by using multi-level, multi-

classification and multi-willingness. The students’ willingness is considered when deciding

the registration priority. It means the registration willingness will influence the rate of

drawing lots to solve the problem mentioned above like fake registration numbers to meet

students’ requirement maximally.

After finalized registration mechanism, we separated the registration process into 3 phases

which are same to previous ones: registration, adjustment and dropping. Detailed description

could be found below:

A. In the registration phase we used the willingness method. Three willing levels are

designed for compulsory courses for undergraduate students, restriction courses,

optional courses and physical courses, with exceptional high priority for optional

courses. For graduate students, three willing levels are also designed for degree

courses, non-degree courses and physical courses with exceptional high priority for

degree courses and non degree courses. For the overloaded courses, the system itself

will draw lots randomly in the background according to the students’ current training

plan and willing level.

B. In the adjustment phase the students can register via first-come-first-serve if the

capacity of the courses allows.

C. In the dropping phase the students could do nothing but drop courses.


The online registration system is a periodic heavy load system especial in the

registration phase: too many online users and concurrent operations, which are

relatively minor in other phases. So it’s very important to choose appropriate system


A. User model

First of all, we analyzed the current system users. Registration activities involve all

undergraduate students, graduate students, most of teachers, graduate schools,

academic affairs office, and all related education administrators. Considering the large

number of system users and wide coverage, the users are separated into three


• Student: It refers to the undergraduate and graduate students who will inquire

online courses and complete registration steps to generate personal registration


• Teacher: It refers to the users who will deliver courses, and check the status

of online course registration.

• Administrator: It refers to the users who will control registration process,

adjust detailed information of online courses according to the real-time

registration status, and complete administration tasks in the background

including drawing lots, willingness release, etc.


There are tens of thousands people involved in registration activities as the major part.

System administrators are relatively stable while administration operations are

complicated. Based on the analysis of user category and activities, the system design

is using the integration of C/S architecture based on Citrix and B/S architecture based

on J2EE, which is also integrated together with authorization system and official

portal of Tsinghua University.

• C/S: C/S architecture is used to implement administration functionalities.

Developing environment is PowerBuild 10.2. The B/S access method is

implemented in C/S system by applying Citrix technology. In this way, the

system implements seamless integration and roaming access between C/S and

B/S, which solves the problem that it’s not convenient for application access

and update.

• B/S: B/S architecture is used to implement all kinds of functionalities for the

students and teachers by using JAVA. The framework is based on Spring and

Hibernate. It uses MVC structure which separates view, business and model.

• Authorization: It’s integrated into authorization system directly which ensures

all kinds of users can access the online course registration system via portal,

and doesn’t require the 2nd account and password.

• View: Through the two channels of teaching and teaching management, the

system integrates all functionalities related to course registration via direct

integration with portal. The students and teachers can take required actions via

registration item listed in the channel of teaching. The administrators can run

operation according to their role assignment after entering the channel of

teaching management.


A. External relationship: As the intermediate link in the teaching chain, course

registration has relation to teaching planning, course arrangement, examination

arrangement and scores management, which means course registration system has to

cooperate with enrollment system, course system, teaching planning system, training

system, examination arrangement system and scores management system. Based on

the clarification of systems connections and relationship, the definition of system

interface and message is described in the figure 1 below:

It can be seen that enrollment system, course system, teaching planning system,

training system, are superstratum systems which provide basic data for course

registration system. Examination arrangement system and scores management system

are then substratum systems which will digest data provided by course registration

system. The system interfaces are finalized:

• For superstratum systems, course registration system read all data initiatively.

It will try to get a mass of basic data only once, and then save those data as the

base for course registration. Later on, it will update accordingly if there’s any

new information. For other kinds of data, it will read them on demand and

won’t save them at all.

• For substratum systems, they can’t access registration data directly but only

wait the data pushed out by course registration system to ensure registration

date revised unconsciously.

B. Function structure

The course registration flow consists of data preparation, registration, adjustment,

retaking and retesting, dropping in the middle phase which actually will be carried out

by students, teachers and administrators. The system functionalities are designed

based on the major flow and involved system users. Details could be found in figure


The implementation of willingness method is the key part including: priority

determination and drawing lots calculation which can refer to my another paper:

‘Research and implementation of volunteer course selection algorithm’.


The fact that use of e-registration provides information in a real-time, electronic format that

allows confirmation of students` enrollment status; Students are also able to find and

schedule more of the courses they need; it is used as confirmation of a student's intent to

remain enrolled for the semester. E-registration is a system that could easily manage its

student body while also providing added bonuses, with a main goal being to ease the transfer

of information. It simplifies the registration process through a Web-enabled, user-friendly

wizard and digitizes all supporting documents using intuitive processes and tools. The

education system requires a tremendous amount of data and documentation, and this e-

registration solution allows institutions to focus less on processing paperwork and more on

what matters most — meeting the educational needs of their students by having a cost-

efficient, secure registration process that allows for easy access to student files. Intranets and

portals are supposed to provide an infrastructure through which end-users can gain effective

access to information sources needed to assist in daily tasks such as effective decision

making, planning and research (Brakel, 2003).

Just like with the Internet, businesses have been at the forefront of tapping from the portal

technology to rethink how traditional websites can be recognized to serve and transform their

corporate goals. It is important to note that a website gives information about the organization

and its significant difference to a portal is that one does not search for information as one

does on the website but necessary information is provided at your fingertips on the portal

already personalized information. It has become popular for academic institutions and

universities in Nigeria to have their corporate presence on the Web within the last five years.

The National Universities Commission, NUC and other international bodies in tertiary

education have come up with the webometrics of universities across the world to highlight

the growing importance of the Web to the running and administration of universities

( Administrators of the universities have had to either to go about the

website creation with the use of in-house developers or contract vendors. The latter are firms

offering colleges and universities sophisticated websites through which students can obtain

campus and other information and engage various collegial and institutional services. Indeed,

at most universities abroad and at some Nigerian institutions the portal is used for specialized

learning and virtual learning. E-registration was pioneered in Nigeria by the Joint Admission

and Matriculation Board (JAMB) that discarded with the old method of manual registration

for its examinations and adopted the on-line registration, which is the system currently in

vogue worldwide. Consequently, it began with registration of thousands of candidates,

registering for the 2006/2007 Monotechnics, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education

(MPCE) examination. This was adopted and each candidate is required to either scan a

printed passport photograph or download a digital copy which is to be fixed to the form. In

addition, to this, a slip, containing the particulars and photograph of the candidate, will be

printed out, and which will be the passport to the examination hall, adding that the

examination supervisor will also have a copy of the slip for confirming the candidates

identity (Vanguard Newspapers, 2006).

Many institutions in Nigeria have been somewhat quick to recognize the powerful

transformational potential of portals and have developed and implemented their own.

One of such is the portal of National Open University of Nigeria. Broadly one could argue

that an institution with increasing student numbers, operating in a society with an increasing

desire for instant access to information, needs to carefully consider new ways in which it can

interact more effectively with its students (Brown 2000 77; Twigg and Oblinge 1997).

However, many institutions have just gone on board without any regard for infrastructural

support, availability of internet access to students, user education, etc.


The theoretical framework that will be used in the study is the Input-Process- Output Model.

In the IPO model, a process is viewed as a series of boxes (processing elements) connected

by inputs and outputs. Information or material objects flow through a series of task or

activities based on a set of rules or description points. Flow charts and process diagrams are

often used to represent the process. What goes in is the input; what causes the change is the

process; what comes out is the output. The IPO model will provide the general structure and

guide for the direction of study.

The Input-Process-Output Model also known as the IPO+S Model is a functional model and

conceptual schema of a general system. An IPO chart identifies a program’s inputs, its

outputs, and the processing steps required to transform the inputs into the outputs.

The IPO model has many interdisciplinary applications, and is used to convey systems

fundamentals in IT overview education and as a brainstorming, preliminary investigation tool

in systems development processes. It consists of at least three, and sometimes four, distinct

components. In contemporary Information Technology, it is almost always discussed as a

three component model in which the fourth is a named optional.

The components of the IPO model are defined as:

 Input - The information, ideas, and resources used

 Processing - Actions taken upon/using input or stored material

 Output - Results of the processing that then exit the system



Faculty will The student will then Student will then

inform the login into the print out the
students to start registration portal registration
the registration with his/her matric processes report
processes number & password
and commence the

Figure 1.1 Paradigm of faculty on

registration portal

Students will The faculty will The student will
login in the portal display registration fill each of the
page processes forms & submit it
to database

Figure 1.3 Paradigm of student’s

login page




Understanding of what system analysis mean will be great importance before giving into

detail discussion about analysis of existing system.

In order to just computerize without solving the problem, information collected should be

organized and analyzed because it is when the problems and potentials are clearly identified

that the new system could be use to solve the problem.


The main instrument for this study is the questionnaire and the analysis essential measure.

However, in some instances, the interview method was used to gather data. The target

population of the study was students – undergraduates of National Open University of

Nigeria, Damaturu Study Centre, Damaturu, Yobe State, Nigeria. This approach of research

is most appropriate to gather accounts of students` experiences on use of the e-registration

portal and identify user requirements to further improve acceptability and use. The study

adopted a case study research design using both questionnaire and interview. The interview

was face to face and employed open ended questions in line with De Vos (2002) that

provided a set of predetermined questions and guides them thinking about the content of the

interview to be covered. The choice of a case study approach is because it provides a basis for

closer integration of theory and practice. This is also supportive of the colorful nature of the

study. The in-depth interviews administered by the researcher in a semi-structured way were

conducted on 11 respondents in separate sessions. The respondents were adequately educated

on the purpose of the interview and on issues of confidentiality.

The questionnaire was used to collect preliminary data and thereafter the face to face

interview conducted on the 10 respondents that included key student union leaders and staff

(e-registration team members in the institute). The questionnaire items were designed to

strictly measure students` acceptance and use of web-based registration as well as outcome of

use thereby ensuring content validity, predictive validity, concurrent validity, construct

validity, face validity, reliability and test stability. Precisely, the reliability was determined

via a test-retest reliability method of two weeks interval. The reliability co-efficient via

Cronbach alpha returned an r=0.87 indicating that the instrument is highly reliable to

achieving stated objectives.


The target population of the study comprises the students of the National Open University of

Nigeria, Damaturu Study Centre, Damaturu, Yobe State, Nigeria. The Institution has six

Faculties. The targeted populations used are students from institution and most of them are

from Computer Department of about 100 students in total.


Data collected on the study were analyzed using percentages and frequency count. Because

the frequency count will shows the occurrence number and percentage will show percentage

of each of the respondents.

1. System architecture

Based upon the experiences of the previous registration process, it was anticipated

that 100 workstations would be necessary for the purposes of the registration exercise.

These workstations, which would be a mixture of PC-compatible machines and Apple

Macintosh systems, would be distributed throughout the University departments and

campus. For each of these two types of system, a user-friendly interface program

(front-end) was written, which would display the equivalent of the original paper

registration form. The student data would be retrieved from an information store,

written using System. In the following sections we shall examine this architecture in

more detail.

2. The student information storage and retrieval

It is important that the student information is stored and manipulated in a manner

which protects it from failures such as machine crashes. Furthermore, this information

must be accessible from anywhere in the campus, and consistent despite concurrent

accesses. Therefore, a distributed information store (the registration database) was

built using the facilities provided by System. The database represents each student

record as a separate persistent object, the StudentRecord, which is responsible for its

own concurrency control, state management, and replication. This enables update

operations on different student records (StudentRecord objects) to occur concurrently,

improving the throughput of the system. Each StudentRecord object was manipulated

within the scope of an atomic action, which was begun whenever a front-end system

requested access to the student data; this registration action may modify the student

record, or simply terminate without modifying the data, depending upon the front-end

user's requirements.

Each StudentRecord has methods for storing and retrieving the student's information:

retrieveRecord: obtain the student data record from the database, acquiring a read lock

in the process.

retrieveExclusiveRecord: obtain the student data record, acquiring a write (exclusive)


storeRecord: store the student data in the database; if a record already exists then this

operation fails.

replaceRecord: create/overwrite the student data in the database.

These methods are accessed through a server process; one server for each object.

To improve the availability of the database, it was decided to replicate each

StudentRecord object, as described in Section 2. Because it is possible to replicate an

object's methods (the server processes) and state independently we decided to

replicate the object states on three machines dedicated to this purpose (HP710s), the

object stores. The system could therefore tolerate the failure of two object store


Each student is identified within the University, and to the database system, by a

unique student number. With a suitable hashing function, the student number was

found to provide a uniform distribution of primary servers across the server machines.

When a primary machine failure was detected, each client machine recomputed the

location of the new primary server for each student object based upon the new number

of available machines.

It was possible to use five machines for both client and server processes. Thus eight

machines are employed in all, with up to 100 front-end systems.

Included with the front-ends were 2-5 swipe-stations, which were introduced in the

second year of operation. Registration forms were modified to include a bar-code

containing the student's registration number. This was used by the swipe-stations to

quickly determine the status of a student. These stations were only used to read the

student's data, and therefore no modification of the data occurred.

1. Registration operation

Having described the overall system architecture we shall now examine the operation

of the registration system, showing how existing students were registered, new

students were added to the system, and the data was examined.

2. Initial set-up

Prior to the start of the registration period, the database was pre-loaded with data

pertaining to existing students, and data from the national university admissions

scheme, UCAS, who supply data concerning new students who are expected to arrive

at the University. However, under some circumstances it was expected that a small

number of new student records would have to be created during the registration

process itself:

A registration transaction consists of the following operations:

(i) either opening (asking to retrieve) the record, or creating a new record.

(ii) displaying the record on the screen of the front-end system.

(iii) either closing it unmodified, or storing the record in the database.

The entire transaction occurs with an atomic action. The actual operations will be

described in more detail later but we present an overview here:

Open: retrieves an existing record from the database. This operation is used when the

record may be modified by the front-end system, and therefore a write-lock is

obtained on the database object.

New: for students not already registered in the database this operation allows a new

record to be created and modified before being stored.

Close: terminates the atomic action without modifying the record in the database.

Store: stores the record in the database, and terminates the atomic action.

Read: retrieves an existing record from the database, in read-only mode. This

operation is typically used by the swipe-stations, and does not allow modification of

the record. Therefore, the System client immediately invokes a Close request upon

receiving the student data.

In order to start the processing of a record, the user is required to enter the student

number, which is the user's method of keying into the student record database. A

registration transaction is started upon receipt by System client of an Open or New

request from a front-end; the client starts an atomic action and the object

corresponding to that record is activated. This involves the creation of a server

process, which is then requested to retrieve the object from the object store. The

architecture described above clearly implies that there is one instance of a client for

each active front end. Thus, there should be at most one such active object extant for

each client. Although the workstation programs were intended to avoid the possibility

of multiple Open calls being made, it was decided to insure against erroneous

behaviour on the part of the front-end by implementing the client program as a simple

finite state machine.


The solution proffered is to develop an online registration portal that can perform the below:

1. Registration of students in the faculty of science

2. Online Course Registration processes

3. Online Exam registration processes

4. Provision of payment details



The variables needed for the processing of registration are: name, matric no,

password, department, programme and school.


The variables are matric no and password.


The variables are matric no, password, level, course of study, course title,

course code, unit and amount.


The variables are matric no, password, level, course of study, exam duration,

exam code, venue course registered for.




The main objective of this chapter is to show and identify a fully documented operational

system that is implemental on a computer system.

By so doing, the following activities would be carried out;

1. Development of computer-based software.

2. To test-run the computer program with capture data to ensure proper execution.

3. Preparing the documentation.



The Online Registration Portal website can be implemented on any micro-computer

configuration with the following capacities:

i. An hard disk of at least 40GB

ii. 256 RAM memory

iii. Pentium IV 1.0 MHz

iv. Window 7 operating system

v. Macromedia Dreamweaver CS5

vi. Wamp server

vii. Microsoft Office suite

Any microcomputer of the above capacity is required to be used, the only important thing is

that PHP is used to design the package resides on the hard disk. The computer used in

designing and implementing the grade point average (GPA) package is HP Intel centrino

Duo. Processor 1.8 GHz, 1.4 GHz, 1.4 GB of RAM, 160 hard disk capacity.


PHP was used in designing the Online Registration Portal whereby sequential query language

(SQL) database is used in designing the database for the registration processes, which

consists of all the names of student, course code, and overall exam registration information.


This is a normalization that interprets the database form.

For the LOG IN entity



For Student data entity




For Course data entity




For Exam data entity







Field Type Null Default

Lg id int (10) No 0

Username varchar (20) No 0

Othername varchar (20) No 0

Password varchar (20) No 0


Field Type Null Default

Surname varchar (20) No 0

Othername varchar (20) No 0

Matric No varchar (20) No 0

Combination varchar (20) No 0

Level varchar (20) No 0

Session varchar (20) No 0

Semester varchar (20) No 0

Field Type Null Default

Matric No varchar (20) No 0

Course Code varchar (20) No 0

Course Title varchar (20) No 0

Course Unit varchar (20) No 0

Total unit varchar (20) No 0
Semester varchar (50) No 0
Level varchar (20) No 0

Field Type Null Default

Matric No varchar (20) No 0

Level varchar (20) No 0

Department varchar (20) No 0

Semester varchar (20) No 0

No of Courses varchar (20) No 0

Date varchar (50) No 0
Exam Code varchar (20) No 0


For a computing service to support the mission aims and strategic direction of its institution,

its support devices must be responsive to and flexible in meeting the needs of those who are

their customers and it must undertake research into what is required of them.

In order to achieve reasonable success in implementing this project, the following aspects

must be considered.

 To design by making affordable hardware for the implementation scheme.

 Configuration of the hardware which will be discussed in the next phase.

 Handling of online registration information.

 Continuous updating and upgrading of the developed systems and Infrastructures.

 The types of network implemented.


The type of network to be used in this project as discussed earlier is the local area network

(LAN). We will consider the network scale which will determine the number of client
computer to use, the review of the software and some special requirement that will leads to

the configuration of the network client/server. The entire organization will be preferred to run

on a single server network. This allows the centralization of a number of file services, the

maintaining of a strong control over the network environment, workflow and group ware

achieving simple administration and easy installation configuring the network server.

The server here performs the following tasks: client-server application, Database and

communication. They are the waiters of the network world, existing simply to satisfy the

requirements of the clients. Many computers rely on the services of a server. Good network

operating systems are therefore implemented with features such as protected pre-emptive

multitasking which prevents poorly server components software from crashing the server and

strong security which allows the management of whoever has access to the different

resources stored or provided by the server. The only difference between a server and a client

is the software each one is running.

Network operating system, which runs on the client and provides access to the resources

shared by the server. The purpose of the client network software is to make the services that

are available on the network appear to the client’s computer. After the network server

software installation is the network adapter card configuration. Servers communicate on the

network through their network adapter card.


The final link to connecting the client computers to the network is the network clients and the

network services software.

They are packages that bring a log into the Network but with the application of Sequential

query language (SQL) database, it makes the work very easier because SQL package is

already a network-based server, and the most important thing needed is the installation of

Database on the server and the interface in the client system.


The database runs on the server computer and only the user interface runs on the client-server

database. It provides a better database performance and reduces the network traffic.

The database runs a program in the server computer that takes over the tasks of manipulating

the database files stored on the file server. Then, the client database program send requests to

the database program to perform and manipulate for them.


As discussed earlier in the previous chapter about the module we have in the program, I shall

review them by starting the program one by one, to really see how each module is



A very good example of a graphical user interface (GUI) form is the student data form. This

serves as a link/platform between the user and the database.

It is where new records are brought into the system; there is a need to keep the records of

each one of them. Clicking the OK button on the password form, enters the student data and

immediately changes until student data is made and it is updated by clicking OK button on

student data form which updates the data entered and also data could be edited by clicking on

the edit button.

The same process of opening the Graphical User Interface (GUI) form is applicable to the

SET WP, PASSWORD, REG, this information have(their individual forms for entering data

pertaining to the information based on them.

This project has 6 forms working dependently, they are as follows:

Set-up page

Password form

Student reg. forms

Course reg. forms

Exam reg. forms

Report Page


The set up form is accessible by the staff only that it requires the user name which is the

surname and the password which must not be more than 6 (six) digits. When a new staff is

being employed into the office, his/her name and password must first be registered by

clicking on set up, here the database of staff will be displayed and the new staff is now

registered and his/her information is saved. It also contains course registration form.

The Snapshot is:


Immediately, the set up button on the set up form is clicked, the password form is displayed.

The new staff or worker now saved his/her data enters the name, username, new password

which must not be more than 6 digits. Immediately, the OK button is clicked, then the

password is saved.



This is the form that takes in the student’s information including:


Since there is database backing up this form if a name is type, followed by the Matric number
and so on, the OK button is clicked, it will now bring the course page.






The study examined acceptance and use of e-registration at National Open University of

Nigeria, Damaturu Study Centre, Damaturu, Yobe State, Nigeria. The results obtained show

that the use of e-registration by students have made more time available for them to do things

other than spend so much time on manual registration. There is a high perception of use of e-

registration by users but this can be complemented by provision of institutional access to the

internet for the students and a whole lot more of features such as access on the portal to

results, chat facility, etc. Portal management can also be made better to avoid issues such as

course codes not matching course titles, pin rejection, etc to ease frustration of users with e-

registration. The aim of this study is to investigate the acceptance and use of a university's e-

registration student users which may be used for analysis in more in-depth studies. The

research first measures the users' levels of perception. The findings and results support user

satisfaction, portal reliability, in line with the findings of Tarn, Razi, Wiley and Hsu (2007)

and that of Crawford (2004) in studies on the use of electronic information services by

students at Glasgow Caledonian University. In addition to benefit the studied university in

maintaining a more reliable, stable, and expansive portal technology and environment, it is

hoped that this study will contribute to other educational institutions when assessing portal

technology and related initiatives. The present registration portal at National Open University

of Nigeria, Damaturu Study Centre, Damaturu, Yobe State, Nigeria, like other portals started

by offering some services but should with time deliver increasing number of services such as

the results of this study show, with student requirement including access to grades,

transcripts, contact advisor, chat rooms, etc. This is in tandem with a similar study by

(Looney and Lyman 2000) that found that- most current in-house portal projects have just

begun to realize that a portal cannot be turned off once it is begun: thus campuses need to

understand that recurring budgetary commitments are needed. Lastly, while it cannot be

certain that the number of students arriving at the university with their own internet ready

devices will grow significantly over the next few years one cannot rely on this as a complete

solution and the institution will still need to cater for those that do not have this kind of

access as the results show most users of the National Open University of Nigeria registration

portal access it from outside the institution presently at public internet cafes that have to be

paid for.

The result in this project is the registration portal of students in Open and Distance Learning

Institution. PHP is used for the automation of registration processes. The final output gives us

the report of each student, instead of the formal format given to us initially that is electronic

calculation replacing the manual calculation.

The advance in php raises a more pressing question than the object-orientation, however,

because the language and environment are now so vast, does one approach it all, to be

sincere, it would now take several thousand pages to cover everything that can now be done

in PHP, particularly, if widely distributed, custom control are thrown into the mix.

Each student’s record is collected and added to the student’s database and updated.


There is an enormous amount of potential for the university to exploit the implementation of

an online registration portal. This technology can stipulate university growth and

development. The scope magnitude of change that are occurring in department today are both

exciting and daunting, very particularly we are contemplating how we will manage the many

streams of technological innovations pouring into our department and networked information


The study analyzed acceptance and use of electronic registration by students at National

Open University of Nigeria, Damaturu Study Centre, Damaturu, Yobe State, Nigeria, and the

study finds that users of the registration portal require; access to grades, contact with advisor,

communication and other features on the portal; users want more National Open University

of Nigeria, Damaturu Study Centre, Damaturu, Yobe State, Nigeria based access to the

portal. Therefore, it is concluded that studies on user requirements of e-registration should be

continuous and at intervals to receive feedback from users by managers of the portal with a

view to meeting user requirements for better ease of use. It may not be enough to just initiate

online registration and associated services without taking into consideration user perceptions,

requirements, needs and challenges, all of which will contribute to the overall goal of the

institution to enhance learning and at the same time manage student records appropriately. It

becomes even more important to conduct similar studies in our 21st century electronic driven



Based on the finding of the study, it is hereby recommended that the e-registration portal be

made to accommodate additional features required by the users. Despite the high perception

of use of e-registration, it is important for more access points to be made available on-campus

(National Open University of Nigeria, Damaturu Study Centre, Damaturu, Yobe State,

Nigeria- based) for ease of use. The general functionality of the portal should also be

improved upon such areas as ‗images upload‘, ‗back‘, ‗save page‘, ‗save and return to

complete later` and similar features. User education in ICT generally and e-registration in

particular is needed. In the case of pre-degree students` accessing the portal for enrolment,

etc, better management of access to scratch cards/pin codes for the users is crucial.

Since the single server network is being used, there are some requirements that must exist

before it can be used perfectly. The purchase of network operating systems such as windows

Netware (Window 7). This program runs on the server and gives it, its server personality. It

distinguishes a server from a client on a network or preferable host it on a website.

 Server hardware: The server is the heart or the focal point of the network.
For this reason, the server must be fast in order to quickly respond to client requests
and it must have enough capacity (hardware space and memory) to store files and
perform task for many servers.
 Special Requirements: Ethernet in a heavily network, there is no guarantee that a
computer will be able to wait for silence before transmitting the Ethernet takes the
responsibility of having a smooth flow of network.


Very particularly, there are aspects that we can more or less call our limitation; they are

discussed in this area. It is important to get people’s feedback to really have an understanding

of how we can improve rapidly, and it is important to let them know what is been done has

been, the sort of the risks that are deemed unacceptable, and what we do to minimize the

organization’s exposure to them.

For now, the program software will not be able to function as a web-based application.

Hence, external users or user that is not within Open and Distance Learning will not be able

to access information.

This limitation can be corrected by incorporating the software on a website to enable it

function as an on-line application. But this require the user of *scripting language* to code,

load the application into the website and also to set the necessary protocols and access

methods, the software will respond to.

Although, in any computer based process, computer applications, as we all know are

susceptible to virus. The only measure for this is to install an antivirus, which protects the

project from being destroyed by them. Also on the user’s part, some flaws are bound to

happen since users are not 100% perfect, errors such as wrong typing of information and

accessing information from a wrong module are bound to happen.

Another consideration may be the limitation to accommodate new kinds of information. As

different kinds of information are required by the department, it is possible that the software

will become obsolete overtime.

Hence, in order to be able to store such information, there will be a need for modification,

addition modules and adjustments of the already existing modules. This can be costly in most

cases depending on the amount of work to be done. The school would have to decide on

either buying new software or modifying the old one at almost the same cost.


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<td>Matric No</td>
<td><label for="mat_no"></label>
<input type="text" name="mat_no" id="mat_no" />*</td>
<td>State Of Origin</td>
<td><label for="state"></label>
<input type="text" name="state" id="state" /></td>
<td><label for="s_name"></label>
<input type="text" name="s_name" id="s_name" />*</td>
<td>Local Govt.</td>
<td><label for="lga"></label>
<input type="text" name="lga" id="lga" /></td>
<td>Other Names</td>
<td><label for="o_name"></label>
<input type="text" name="o_name" id="o_name" /></td>
<td>Year Of Admission</td>
<td><label for="entryyr"></label>
<input type="text" name="entryyr" id="entryyr" />*</td>
<td><label for="sx"></label>
<input type="text" name="sx" id="sx" /></td>
<td><label for="lvl"></label>
<input type="text" name="lvl" id="lvl" /></td>
<td>Date Of Birth</td>
<td><label for="dob"></label>
<input type="text" name="dob" id="dob" />*</td>
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<input type="text" name="session" id="session" /></td>
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<input type="text" name="age" id="age" /></td>
<td><label for="fac"></label>
<input type="text" name="fac" id="fac" /></td>
<td>Phone No</td>
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<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
<table width="1000" bgcolor="#fff" height="500">
<th colspan="3" class="red"><strong>Please Fill In Your Details
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<th align="left" scope="col" width="100"><span
class="red">Matric No: </span></th>
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<th width="411" scope="col" >COURSE CODE</th>
<th width="242" scope="col">NO. OF UNITS</th>
<th width="318" scope="col">STATUS</th>
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<label for="c1"></label>
<select name="c1" id="c1">
<option>--Select Course--</option>
<option>CIT102 - Application Software Skills</option>
<option>CIT208 - Information Systems</option>
<option>CIT211 - Introduction to Operating Systems</option>
<option>CIT215 - Introduction to Programming
<option>CIT289 - Industrial Training I</option>
<option>CIT292 - Computer Laboratory I</option>
<option>CIT311 - Computer Networks</option>
<option>CIT341 - Data Structures</option>
<option>GST211 - Computer Fundamentals</option>
<option>CIT309 - Computer Architecture</option>
<option>CIT333 - Software Engineering</option>
<option>CIT381 - File processing and Management</option>

<option>CIT392 - Computer Laboratory II</option>
<option>GST122 - Introduction to Philosophy and
<option>MTH281 - Mathematical Methods I</option>
<option>CIT342 - Formal Languages and Automata
<option>CIT344 - Introduction to Computer Design</option>
<option>CIT351 - C# Programming</option>
<option>CIT411 - Microcomputers and
<option>CIT425 - Operations Research</option>
<option>CIT427 - Database Management and
<option>MTH282 - Mathematical Methods II</option>
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="u1" id="u1">
<td><label for="t1"></label>
<label for="t1"></label>
<select name="t1" id="t1">
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="c2" id="c2">
<option>--Select Course--</option>
<option>CIT102 - Application Software Skills</option>
<option>CIT208 - Information Systems</option>
<option>CIT211 - Introduction to Operating Systems</option>
<option>CIT215 - Introduction to Programming
<option>CIT289 - Industrial Training I</option>
<option>CIT292 - Computer Laboratory I</option>
<option>CIT311 - Computer Networks</option>
<option>CIT341 - Data Structures</option>
<option>GST211 - Computer Fundamentals</option>
<option>CIT309 - Computer Architecture</option>
<option>CIT333 - Software Engineering</option>
<option>CIT381 - File processing and Management</option>
<option>CIT392 - Computer Laboratory II</option>
<option>GST122 - Introduction to Philosophy and
<option>MTH281 - Mathematical Methods I</option>
<option>CIT342 - Formal Languages and Automata
<option>CIT344 - Introduction to Computer Design</option>
<option>CIT351 - C# Programming</option>
<option>CIT411 - Microcomputers and
<option>CIT425 - Operations Research</option>

<option>CIT427 - Database Management and
<option>MTH282 - Mathematical Methods II</option>
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="u2" id="u2">
<td><label for="select21"></label>
<select name="t2" id="t2">
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="c3" id="c3">
<option>--Select Course--</option>
<option>CIT102 - Application Software Skills</option>
<option>CIT208 - Information Systems</option>
<option>CIT211 - Introduction to Operating Systems</option>
<option>CIT215 - Introduction to Programming
<option>CIT289 - Industrial Training I</option>
<option>CIT292 - Computer Laboratory I</option>
<option>CIT311 - Computer Networks</option>
<option>CIT341 - Data Structures</option>
<option>GST211 - Computer Fundamentals</option>
<option>CIT309 - Computer Architecture</option>
<option>CIT333 - Software Engineering</option>
<option>CIT381 - File processing and Management</option>
<option>CIT392 - Computer Laboratory II</option>
<option>GST122 - Introduction to Philosophy and
<option>MTH281 - Mathematical Methods I</option>
<option>CIT342 - Formal Languages and Automata
<option>CIT344 - Introduction to Computer Design</option>
<option>CIT351 - C# Programming</option>
<option>CIT411 - Microcomputers and
<option>CIT425 - Operations Research</option>
<option>CIT427 - Database Management and
<option>MTH282 - Mathematical Methods II</option>
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="u3" id="u3">
<td><label for="select21"></label>

<select name="t3" id="t3">
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="c4" id="c4">
<option>--Select Course--</option>
<option>CIT102 - Application Software Skills</option>
<option>CIT208 - Information Systems</option>
<option>CIT211 - Introduction to Operating Systems</option>
<option>CIT215 - Introduction to Programming
<option>CIT289 - Industrial Training I</option>
<option>CIT292 - Computer Laboratory I</option>
<option>CIT311 - Computer Networks</option>
<option>CIT341 - Data Structures</option>
<option>GST211 - Computer Fundamentals</option>
<option>CIT309 - Computer Architecture</option>
<option>CIT333 - Software Engineering</option>
<option>CIT381 - File processing and Management</option>
<option>CIT392 - Computer Laboratory II</option>
<option>GST122 - Introduction to Philosophy and
<option>MTH281 - Mathematical Methods I</option>
<option>CIT342 - Formal Languages and Automata
<option>CIT344 - Introduction to Computer Design</option>
<option>CIT351 - C# Programming</option>
<option>CIT411 - Microcomputers and
<option>CIT425 - Operations Research</option>
<option>CIT427 - Database Management and
<option>MTH282 - Mathematical Methods II</option>
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="u4" id="u4">
<td><label for="select21"></label>
<select name="t4" id="t4">
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="c5" id="c5">
<option>--Select Course--</option>
<option>CIT102 - Application Software Skills</option>
<option>CIT208 - Information Systems</option>

<option>CIT211 - Introduction to Operating Systems</option>
<option>CIT215 - Introduction to Programming
<option>CIT289 - Industrial Training I</option>
<option>CIT292 - Computer Laboratory I</option>
<option>CIT311 - Computer Networks</option>
<option>CIT341 - Data Structures</option>
<option>GST211 - Computer Fundamentals</option>
<option>CIT309 - Computer Architecture</option>
<option>CIT333 - Software Engineering</option>
<option>CIT381 - File processing and Management</option>
<option>CIT392 - Computer Laboratory II</option>
<option>GST122 - Introduction to Philosophy and
<option>MTH281 - Mathematical Methods I</option>
<option>CIT342 - Formal Languages and Automata
<option>CIT344 - Introduction to Computer Design</option>
<option>CIT351 - C# Programming</option>
<option>CIT411 - Microcomputers and
<option>CIT425 - Operations Research</option>
<option>CIT427 - Database Management and
<option>MTH282 - Mathematical Methods II</option>
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="u5" id="u5">
<td><label for="select21"></label>
<select name="t5" id="t5">
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="c6" id="c6">
<option>--Select Course--</option>
<option>CIT102 - Application Software Skills</option>
<option>CIT208 - Information Systems</option>
<option>CIT211 - Introduction to Operating Systems</option>
<option>CIT215 - Introduction to Programming
<option>CIT289 - Industrial Training I</option>
<option>CIT292 - Computer Laboratory I</option>
<option>CIT311 - Computer Networks</option>
<option>CIT341 - Data Structures</option>
<option>GST211 - Computer Fundamentals</option>
<option>CIT309 - Computer Architecture</option>
<option>CIT333 - Software Engineering</option>
<option>CIT381 - File processing and Management</option>
<option>CIT392 - Computer Laboratory II</option>

<option>GST122 - Introduction to Philosophy and
<option>MTH281 - Mathematical Methods I</option>
<option>CIT342 - Formal Languages and Automata
<option>CIT344 - Introduction to Computer Design</option>
<option>CIT351 - C# Programming</option>
<option>CIT411 - Microcomputers and
<option>CIT425 - Operations Research</option>
<option>CIT427 - Database Management and
<option>MTH282 - Mathematical Methods II</option>
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="u6" id="u6">
<td><label for="select21"></label>
<select name="t6" id="t6">
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="c7" id="c7">
<option>--Select Course--</option>
<option>CIT102 - Application Software Skills</option>
<option>CIT208 - Information Systems</option>
<option>CIT211 - Introduction to Operating Systems</option>
<option>CIT215 - Introduction to Programming
<option>CIT289 - Industrial Training I</option>
<option>CIT292 - Computer Laboratory I</option>
<option>CIT311 - Computer Networks</option>
<option>CIT341 - Data Structures</option>
<option>GST211 - Computer Fundamentals</option>
<option>CIT309 - Computer Architecture</option>
<option>CIT333 - Software Engineering</option>
<option>CIT381 - File processing and Management</option>
<option>CIT392 - Computer Laboratory II</option>
<option>GST122 - Introduction to Philosophy and
<option>MTH281 - Mathematical Methods I</option>
<option>CIT342 - Formal Languages and Automata
<option>CIT344 - Introduction to Computer Design</option>
<option>CIT351 - C# Programming</option>
<option>CIT411 - Microcomputers and
<option>CIT425 - Operations Research</option>
<option>CIT427 - Database Management and
<option>MTH282 - Mathematical Methods II</option>

<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="u7" id="u7">
<td><label for="select21"></label>
<select name="t7" id="t7">
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="c8" id="c8">
<option>--Select Course--</option>
<option>CIT102 - Application Software Skills</option>
<option>CIT208 - Information Systems</option>
<option>CIT211 - Introduction to Operating Systems</option>
<option>CIT215 - Introduction to Programming
<option>CIT289 - Industrial Training I</option>
<option>CIT292 - Computer Laboratory I</option>
<option>CIT311 - Computer Networks</option>
<option>CIT341 - Data Structures</option>
<option>GST211 - Computer Fundamentals</option>
<option>CIT309 - Computer Architecture</option>
<option>CIT333 - Software Engineering</option>
<option>CIT381 - File processing and Management</option>
<option>CIT392 - Computer Laboratory II</option>
<option>GST122 - Introduction to Philosophy and
<option>MTH281 - Mathematical Methods I</option>
<option>CIT342 - Formal Languages and Automata
<option>CIT344 - Introduction to Computer Design</option>
<option>CIT351 - C# Programming</option>
<option>CIT411 - Microcomputers and
<option>CIT425 - Operations Research</option>
<option>CIT427 - Database Management and
<option>MTH282 - Mathematical Methods II</option>
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="u8" id="u8">
<td><label for="select21"></label>
<select name="t8" id="t8">

<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="c9" id="c9">
<option>--Select Course--</option>
<option>CIT102 - Application Software Skills</option>
<option>CIT208 - Information Systems</option>
<option>CIT211 - Introduction to Operating Systems</option>
<option>CIT215 - Introduction to Programming
<option>CIT289 - Industrial Training I</option>
<option>CIT292 - Computer Laboratory I</option>
<option>CIT311 - Computer Networks</option>
<option>CIT341 - Data Structures</option>
<option>GST211 - Computer Fundamentals</option>
<option>CIT309 - Computer Architecture</option>
<option>CIT333 - Software Engineering</option>
<option>CIT381 - File processing and Management</option>
<option>CIT392 - Computer Laboratory II</option>
<option>GST122 - Introduction to Philosophy and
<option>MTH281 - Mathematical Methods I</option>
<option>CIT342 - Formal Languages and Automata
<option>CIT344 - Introduction to Computer Design</option>
<option>CIT351 - C# Programming</option>
<option>CIT411 - Microcomputers and
<option>CIT425 - Operations Research</option>
<option>CIT427 - Database Management and
<option>MTH282 - Mathematical Methods II</option>
<td><label for="textfield"></label>
<select name="u9" id="u9">
<td><label for="select21"></label>
<select name="t9" id="t9">
<td><label for="textfield"></label></td>
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<td>Matric No</td>
<td><label for="mat_no"></label>
<input type="text" name="mat_no" id="mat_no" />*</td>
<td><label for="state"></label></td>
<td><label for="s_name"></label>
<input type="text" name="s_name" id="s_name" />*</td>
<td><label for="lga"></label></td>
<td><label for="o_name"></label>
<input type="text" name="o_name" id="o_name" /></td>
<td><label for="entryyr"></label></td>
<td>Date Reg</td>
<td><label for="sx"></label>
<input type="text" name="sx" id="sx" /></td>
<td><label for="lvl"></label></td>
<td>Exam Code</td>
<td><label for="dob"></label>
<input type="text" name="dob" id="dob" />*</td>
<td><label for="session"></label></td>
<td>No of Courses</td>
<td><label for="age"></label>
<input type="text" name="age" id="age" /></td>
<td><label for="fac"></label></td>
<td><label for="phone"></label>
<input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" /></td>
<td><label for="dept"></label></td>

<td><label for="addy"></label>
<input name="addy" type="text" id="addy" value="" /></td>
<td><label for="passd"></label></td>
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