Riley 2006

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Research Article

Spatial Ecology of Bobcats and Gray Foxes in Urban

and Rural Zones of a National Park
SETH P. D. RILEY,1,2 Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA

Urbanization threatens the persistence of many wildlife populations, particularly those of wide-ranging and low-density species
such as mammalian carnivores. Effective conservation of carnivore populations requires an understanding of the impacts of
adjacent urbanization on carnivores in reserves. I compared the spatial ecology of bobcats (Lynx rufus) and gray foxes (Urocyon
cinereoargenteus) between urban and rural zones of a national park in northern California, USA. In the urban zone, gray foxes used
the entire landscape from interior natural areas across the park edges and into the neighboring developed areas, although fox core
areas were always within the park. Bobcats never entered development, and radiocollared adult female bobcats maintained home
ranges in the interior of the park, far from the urban edge. Bobcats appeared to avoid crossing paved roads, while foxes crossed
roads regularly. For adult female bobcats, home ranges were smaller in the urban zone, and core areas were both smaller and
overlapped more. Home range size and overlap did not differ between zones for gray foxes. Bobcats seem to be more affected by
the proximity of urbanization than foxes, perhaps because of differences in diet and social structure. The more flexible use of the
landscape by foxes may give them access to increased resources and habitat, but also may expose them to more human-
associated risks. If female bobcats are more sensitive to urbanization, this sensitivity could affect the long-term viability of bobcat
populations in urban areas. Knowledge of how bobcats and gray foxes use the landscape in urban areas will allow more effective
conservation and improved coexistence with these widespread carnivores by helping to predict where and why conservation or
management issues may occur. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 70(5):1425–1435; 2006)

Key words
bobcat, California, edge effects, gray fox, home range overlap, home range size, Lynx rufus, Marin County, roads,
urbanization, Urocyon cinereoargenteus.

Urbanization is a major cause of the loss and fragmentation The bobcat may represent a carnivore that is intermediate
of wildlife habitat. To manage and conserve wildlife in its sensitivity to urbanization and fragmentation (Kam-
populations, we must not only preserve habitat but also radt 1995, Crooks 2002). Although large carnivores such as
understand the impact of adjacent development on remain- mountain lions (Puma concolor) and wolves (Canis lupus) may
ing natural areas. Many species are displaced by urban- tolerate some proximity to development (Fuller et al. 1992,
ization, but others survive and even thrive in proximity to Beier 1995, Mech 1995), their extensive prey and spatial
dense human populations. Although mammalian carnivores requirements and their sensitivity to roads (Thiel 1985,
are often the hardest species to conserve because of their low Mech et al. 1988, Mladenoff et al. 1995) and other
densities, large home ranges, and specific dietary require- disturbance (Van Dyke et al. 1986) threaten their persis-
ments (Noss et al. 1996, Gittleman et al. 2001), some tence in urban areas. Bobcats may be able to coexist with
carnivores reach high densities in urban areas. This is some development as long as a minimum amount of
particularly true for more omnivorous species such as functional natural habitat remains (see also Riley et al.
raccoons (Procyon lotor; Riley et al. 1998, Prange et al. 2003). Although some carnivores can take advantage of a
2003), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes; Harris 1981), and striped variety of food resources that may be more available in
skunks (Mephitis mephitis; Rosatte et al. 1992). Even the developed areas, such as ornamental fruit, insects, garbage,
larger coyote (Canis latrans) coexists with humans in many pet food, and even pets (e.g., McClure et al. 1995, Quinn
metropolitan areas (Gill and Bonnet 1973, Bounds and 1997b, Fedriani et al. 2001), bobcats are strict carnivores and
Shaw 1997, Quinn 1997a, Fedriani et al. 2001), and generally eat only fresh meat (Ewer 1973, Anderson and
endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis motica) Lovallo 2003). Other species such as raccoons (Fritzell
maintain better body condition in the city of Bakersfield 1978, Gehrt and Fritzell 1998), red foxes (MacDonald
than outside of it (Cypher and Frost 1999). More strictly 1981), and coyotes (Bowen 1981) also have more flexible
carnivorous species, however, may be less able to persist in social systems than bobcats, in which the size and type of
urban areas. I examined the spatial ecology of 2 medium- social groups can vary depending on resources and
sized carnivores, the carnivorous bobcat (Lynx rufus) and the population density. Bobcats are generally solitary and
more omnivorous gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), in territorial, especially between adult females (Anderson and
urban and rural zones of a national park to determine the Lovallo 2003; e.g., Bailey 1974 but see Zezulak 1998,
response of each species to adjacent urban development. Nielsen and Woolf 2002).
My objectives were to determine the space use of bobcats
Present address: Santa Monica Mountains National Rec- and gray foxes relative to human development and roads, to
reation Area, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360, USA compare this use between species, and to compare the spatial

Riley  Urban and Rural Bobcats and Gray Foxes 1425

In the urban zone, Highway 101, a major 6–8-lane
freeway, was adjacent to the park (Fig. 1), and one paved
road into the park received regular use by visitors and
residents (Tennessee Valley Road). In the rural zone 2 roads
received sometimes heavy traffic from tourists and com-
muters (Fig. 1).

Live-Trapping and Handling
I captured animals in homemade box traps (bobcats and gray
foxes; Zezulak 1998) and Tomahawk live traps (gray foxes;
Tomahawk Live Trap Co., Tomahawk, Wisconsin). I
chemically immobilized both species with a 5:1 mixture of
ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine hydrochloride, which
was injected intramuscularly. I ear-tagged, measured, and
sexed animals, aged them as juvenile or adult based on tooth
eruption and wear and body size, and monitored vital rates
during anesthesia. I radiocollared animals of adult size
(Telonics Inc., Mesa, Arizona; model 315 radiocollar for
bobcats, model 225 radio with a nylon belting collar for gray
foxes). When the animal started to emerge from the effects
of the ketamine, I administered an intramuscular injection
of yohimbine hydrochloride to antagonize the xylazine.
When fully recovered, I released animals at the site of
capture. A protocol for all capture and handling procedures
Figure 1. Location of bobcat and gray fox study areas in urban and
was approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee at
rural zones of Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Marin County,
California, USA, 1992–1995. the University of California at Davis (protocol # 5328; May
1992). For animals that died during the study, age was
determined by counting cementum annuli of canine teeth
ecology of both carnivores between the urban and rural (Matson Laboratories, Milltown, Montana).
zones of the park. Because of their more restricted diet,
greater spatial requirements, and more restrictive social Radiotracking
system, I hypothesized that bobcats would be more affected Animals in both the rural and urban zones were intensively
by urbanization than gray foxes. Specifically, I expected that radiotracked for at least 15 months (Aug 1992–Mar 1994 in
foxes would utilize developed areas more than bobcats. I the urban zone, Jan 1994–Mar 1995 in the rural zone),
further expected that gray foxes would exhibit fewer during which period at least 2 day locations and 1 night
differences in home range size or intraspecific home range location were obtained each week for each animal. I also
overlap between the urban and rural zones of the park than conducted sequential radiotracking sessions each season
would bobcats, and that an increased utilization of develop- during which I tracked a group of 4–6 animals every hour
ment by foxes would lead to them more readily cross roads for the full 24-hour cycle, in 2 12-hour sessions. I did not
within and adjacent to the park. use the sequential locations to compute home ranges, since
they were not independent; however, the home ranges
Study Area computed from the independent locations encompassed all
I conducted my study in Golden Gate National Recreation of the sequential locations.
Area (GGNRA) in Marin County, California, USA, a Locations were obtained by triangulation of 3 compass
30,000-ha national park in the San Francisco Bay Area that bearings using an H-Adcock peak antenna. All the bearings
received approximately 14 million visitors per year. Annual for any one location were taken within 15 minutes, and
grasslands, coastal sage scrub, riparian woodlands, and oak– when I could not obtain 3 reliable bearings within this
bay woodlands characterized coastal Marin County, with period, I used 2 bearings (approx. 20% of locations). I took
occasional evergreen forests to the north. bearings from the same drainage as the radiocollared animal
I studied bobcats and foxes in 2 areas of GGNRA: the to minimize the distance to the animal and the effects of
urban zone in the southern part of the park, and the rural intervening topography. I determined receiver locations to
zone to the north (Fig. 1). In the urban zone, the park was within 2–5 m using a Global Positioning System (GPS;
adjacent to the cities of Sausalito, Marin City, and Mill Pathfinder plus, Trimble Inc., Sunnyvale, California).
Valley. The rural zone, which began 15 km to the Animals were sometimes directly observed, and these visual
northwest, was 7–17 km from any large areas of develop- locations were determined with 2 bearings or 1 bearing and
ment, although there were occasional dwellings and small the distance. I measured telemetry system accuracy using the
settlements within the park boundary. GPS locations of test collars. The mean distance between

1426 The Journal of Wildlife Management  70(5)

Figure 2. Radio-locations and home ranges (95% adaptive kernels) of
bobcats relative to development in the urban zone of Golden Gate
National Recreation Area, Marin County, California, USA, 1992–1995. Figure 3. Home ranges (100% minimum convex polygons) of gray
foxes relative to development in the urban zone of Golden Gate National
Recreation Area, Marin County, California, USA, 1992–1995. One
hundred percent minimum convex polygon home ranges are depicted
triangulated locations and test collars was 76.6 m 6 SD ¼ to show all foxes that used developed areas while not overestimating this
53.3 m, range ¼ 17.7–287.1, n ¼ 37. use, as can be the case with kernel home ranges (e.g., B001 in Fig. 2).

Home Range Size

I computed 100% and 95% minimum convex polygon ANOVA. Because male bobcat home ranges are consistently
home ranges (MCPs; Hayne 1949) and 95% adaptive larger than those of females (Anderson and Lovallo 2003), I
kernel home ranges (AKs; Worton 1989) as representations also conducted contrasts between zones for males and
of the overall home range, and 50% adaptive kernel home females separately.
ranges as a representation of the core area of use (Kaufman
1962). I used 95% AKs for statistical analyses because Home Range Overlap
kernels are the most accurate estimators that incorporate I computed the percentage of home range overlap for all
location density (Seaman and Powell 1996, Powell 2000). con-specific pairs whose ranges overlapped, and I classified
Because kernel home ranges include areas outside the actual each percentage as female-on-female, male-on-male, male-
locations of the animal, a number of home ranges included on-female, or female-on-male. For the same pairs whose
open water of Bolinas lagoon in the rural zone and of the 95% ranges overlapped, I calculated core area overlap. For
Pacific Ocean in the urban zone. I removed these areas from bobcats I tested for differences in overlap of 95% AKs
the home ranges using Arcview Geographic Information between the zones and between the sex combinations with
System (GIS; ESRI, Redlands, California; Fig. 2). Often 2-way analysis of variance, after a square-root trans-
ecologically important events such as the use of residential formation. The 50% core area overlap data had a skewed
areas were represented by a small number of locations, so I distribution because of the large number of zero values, and
used 100% MCPs to show these events graphically and to it could not be effectively transformed, so I compared
reflect the use of outlying areas without exaggerating it (Fig. overlap between zones within overlap type (e.g., female-on-
3). female between urban and rural zones) using Mann–
I compared home range sizes between the urban and rural Whitney U tests.
zones and between sexes with a 2-way analysis of variance, For foxes, I also classified male-on-female and female-on-
using the program SYSTAT (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, Illinois). male overlaps as belonging to a mated pair (Fritzell 1987,
Home ranges and core areas were log- or square-root (fox Greenberg and Pelton 1994, Chamberlain and Leopold
core areas) transformed to meet the assumptions of 2000) if an adult male and adult female were regularly

Riley  Urban and Rural Bobcats and Gray Foxes 1427

Nearest Feature extension (Jenness 2000) for Arcview. These
data could not be effectively transformed, so I compared home
range and average radio-location distances to development
between sexes (within species) using Mann–Whitney U tests.
I made comparisons between sex or species groups using a
Kruskall-Wallis test and tested for pair-wise differences with
contrasts (Daniel 1990).

Home Range Use and Roads

Many studies that examine the effects of roads on wildlife
analyze the influence of road density on behavior and
ecology (e.g., Theil 1985, Mech et al. 1988, Lovallo and
Anderson 1996). In my study home ranges were too small
and road density too low for this kind of analysis. Instead, I
examined the home range placement and radio-locations of
carnivores relative to roads, specifically paved roads that
received regular vehicle use. I assumed that if an animal
inhabited an area near a road (i.e., its 100% MCP home
range overlapped or was within 500 m of the road) but
,5% of its locations were across that road, then the road
acted as a home range boundary, and the animal avoided
crossing it. I used a Fisher exact test to test for differences
between bobcats and foxes in whether roads represented
home range boundaries.

Home Range Size
Figure 4. Core areas (50% adaptive kernels) of gray foxes relative to
development in the urban zone of Golden Gate National Recreation
Bobcats.—On average, bobcat 95% AK home ranges
Area, Marin County, California, USA, 1992–1995. were 4.2 times (females) and 2.3 times (males) larger in the
rural zone, and male home ranges were 4.2 times (urban
zone) and 2.3 times (rural zone) larger than those of females
located together and had home ranges and core areas that
(Table 1; Zone: F1,15 ¼ 8.14, P ¼ 0.012; Sex: F1,15 ¼ 11.38,
overlapped by 50% or more. I compared 95% AK overlap
P ¼ 0.004). Similarly, core areas were 4.7 times (females)
between the urban and rural zones, between sex combina-
and 1.2 times (males) larger in the rural zone, and male core
tions, and between paired and unpaired animal pairs using a
areas were 6.8 times (urban zone) and 1.7 times (rural zone)
3-way analysis of variance. Overlap data were square-root
larger than female core areas (Table 1; Zone: F1,15 ¼ 5.40, P
transformed. Again, the core area overlaps could not be
¼ 0.035; Sex: F1,15 ¼ 17.45, P ¼ 0.001). The interaction
transformed, so I tested for differences between zones with
between zone and sex was not significant for home ranges
Mann–Whitney U tests.
(F1,15 ¼ 0.527, P ¼ 0.479) and was marginally so for core
Use of Interior Park, Park Edge, and areas (F1,15 ¼ 3.26, P ¼ 0.091). However, despite these
Developed Areas larger average sizes for male bobcats in the rural zone, there
In the urban zone, to establish whether animals used all parts was significant variability (Table 1), and contrasts (total a ¼
of the park or crossed the park boundary into residential areas, 0.05, Bonferroni correction) revealed no significant differ-
I determined the location of home ranges, core areas, and ence between the urban and rural zones for male bobcats for
individual radio-locations relative to development. First, I either the 95% ranges (difference ¼ 0.685, critical difference
outlined polygons of developed areas both within and outside ¼ 1.498, t ¼ 2.571, df ¼ 5) or the 50% core areas (difference
the park with Arcview using geographically rectified aerial ¼ 0.157, critical difference ¼ 1.233, t ¼ 2.571, df ¼ 5). In
photographs of the park and surrounding areas. I included all contrast, for adult females, average home range size was
urban areas adjacent to the park and the 2 larger developed significantly larger in the rural zone for both 95% ranges
areas within the park (2 southern polygons; Figs. 2–4). I then (total a ¼ 0.05, Bonferroni correction: difference ¼ 1.152,
determined whether each animal’s home range and core area critical difference ¼ 0.873, t ¼ 2.228, df ¼ 10) and 50% core
overlapped or abutted developed areas. Quantitatively, for areas (Table 1; difference ¼ 1.248, critical difference ¼
each animal I also measured the minimum distance between 0.819, t ¼ 2.228, df ¼ 10).
the closest urban development and each animal’s nearest home Gray foxes.—Gray fox 95% AK home range size and core
range boundary, and I calculated the average of the minimum area size were similar between zones (95% AKs: F1,25 ¼0.076,
distance between each of its radio-locations and the nearest P ¼ 0.785; 50% AKs: F1,25 ¼ 0.720, P ¼ 0.405) and between
development edge. I determined these distances using the sexes (95% AKs: F1,25 ¼ 0.300, P ¼ 0.589; 50% AKs: F1,25 ¼

1428 The Journal of Wildlife Management  70(5)

Table 1. Mean home range size estimates (ha) and standard deviations for bobcats and gray foxes in urban and rural zones of Golden Gate National
Recreation Area, Marin County, California, USA, 1992–1995.

Edited 95% AKa 95% AK 95% MCPb 50% AK

No. individuals Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Female bobcats
Urban zone 5 150.9 31.0 151.4 31.7 132.1 30.4 20.8 4.3
Rural zone 7 633.1 656.4 634.9 655.1 534.8 496.8 98.6 102.6
Male bobcats
Urban zone 3 638.5 407.8 674.0 413.0 641.4 479.8 141.0 89.0
Rural zone 4 1,453.0 1,254.7 1,673.3 1,490.6 1,351.7 1,262.3 165.5 117.7
Female gray foxes
Urban zone 7 100.3 51.8 100.3 51.8 87.9 61.9 16.1 9.7
Rural zone 6 78.3 31.3 81.8 29.8 61.3 14.5 11.5 2.6
Male gray foxes
Urban zone 9 85.7 40.8 85.7 40.8 59.2 31.0 9.7 8.6
Rural zone 6 96.4 44.5 110.5 64.8 66.2 18.8 13.7 5.1
AK ¼ adaptive kernel home range. Edited 95% AK home ranges are the 95% adaptive kernel home ranges with the areas of open water
removed (see methods section in text).
MCP ¼ minimum convex polygon home range.

0.430, P ¼ 0.519; Table 1). There was no significant was 9 times higher in the urban zone (Table 2; U ¼ 42, n ¼
interaction between sex and zone for home ranges (F1,25 ¼ 26, P ¼ 0.023).
1.395, P ¼ 0.249) and a marginally significant interaction for Gray foxes.—For foxes, there was no consistent relation-
core areas (F1,25 ¼ 3.52, P ¼ 0.072). ship between overlap and either zone or sex combination for
95% AK home ranges (Table 3; Sex combination: F3,85 ¼
Home Range Overlap 0.982, P ¼ 0.405; Zone: F1,89 ¼ 0.041, P ¼ 0.840), although
Bobcats.—For the 95% AK home ranges, average not surprisingly overlap was 1.7–4.0 times higher in paired
overlap was 2.3–5.6 times larger in the rural zone for 3 of than unpaired animals (F1,85 ¼ 18.50, P , 0.001). There
4 sex pairs, but not for female-on-female overlap (Table 2; was no significant interaction between sex combination and
Zone: F1,50 ¼ 11.15, P ¼ 0.002). Male-on-male and male- zone (F3,85 ¼ 0.276, P ¼ 0.843) or between paired versus
on-female overlap were 1.8–4.2 times larger than female- unpaired animals and zone (F3,85 ¼ 0.456, P ¼ 0.501).
on-male overlap, although differences based on sex combi- Similarly, core area overlap was ,12% for all unpaired foxes
nation were marginal (F3,56 ¼ 2.24, P ¼ 0.093), and there and did not vary by zone (Table 3; male-on-male: U ¼ 52, n
was also a marginally significant interaction between zone ¼ 22, P ¼ 0.502; male-on-female: U ¼ 66, n ¼ 24, P ¼ 0.872;
and sex combination (F3,56 ¼ 2.61, P ¼ 0.060) that was female-on-male: U ¼ 63, n ¼ 22, P ¼ 0.936). Sample sizes
evident in the female-on-female overlap (Table 2). Core were too small for core area overlap to make comparisons
area overlap was ,6% on average for all zone and sex with paired foxes or female-on-female overlap, although no
combinations, except for female-on-female overlap, which trends were apparent.

Table 2. Average home range overlap (%) and standard deviations for bobcats in urban and rural zone study areas of Golden Gate National
Recreation Area, Marin County, California, USA, 1992–1995.

Overlap (%) of 95% adaptive kernel home ranges

Rural zone Urban zone

Overlap type No. overlaps Mean SD No. overlaps Mean SD

Female-on-female 14 35.3 25.6 14 36.3 28.6

Male-on-male 4 54.2 34.9 6 23.6 8.7
Male-on-female 5 64.2 31.0 6 26.0 26.1
Female-on-male 5 34.8 31.0 6 6.2 7.7

Overlap (%) of 50% adaptive kernel home ranges

Rural zone Urban zone
Overlap type No. overlaps Mean SD No. overlaps Mean SD
Female-on-female 14 4.0 9.9 14 35.9 34.1
Male-on-male 4 0.1 0.2 6 0.0 0.0
Male-on-female 5 5.4 13.1 6 0.0 0.0
Female-on-male 5 2.4 5.8 6 0.0 0.0

Riley  Urban and Rural Bobcats and Gray Foxes 1429

Table 3. Average home range overlap (%) and standard deviations for gray foxes in urban and rural zone study areas of Golden Gate National
Recreation Area, Marin County, California, USA, 1992–1995.

Overlap (%) of 95% adaptive kernel home ranges

Rural zone Urban zone

Overlap type No. overlaps Mean SD No. overlaps Mean SD

Female-on-female 2 19.2 6.1 11 23.8 21.4

Male-on-male 10 29.2 30.2 12 32.0 29.7
Male-on-female, pairs 1 97.0 — 4 83.5 18.7
Female-on-male, pairs 1 82.7 — 4 56.6 24.9
Male-on-female, unpaired 8 36.9 33.9 17 34.5 25.4
Female-on-male, unpaired 8 20.9 21.7 17 33.8 26.6

Overlap (%) of 50% adaptive kernel home ranges

Rural zone Urban zone
Overlap type No. overlaps Mean SD No. overlaps Mean SD
Female-on-female 2 0.0 0.0 11 0.0 0.0
Male-on-male 10 3.9 8.3 12 9.6 17.9
Male-on-female, pairs 1 70.7 — 4 75.9 17.7
Female-on-male, pairs 1 75.0 — 4 61.7 34.2
Male-on-female, unpaired 8 10.8 27.0 17 6.1 14.9
Female-on-male, unpaired 8 7.5 18.0 17 11.4 28.8

Use of Interior Park, Park Edge, and ranges that did not either include or border on developed
Developed Areas areas (Fig. 3), and these 3 animals were also monitored for
Bobcats.—No bobcats were ever radio-located outside of 4 months each. Although the rural zone was 7–17 km
the park (Fig. 2). Among radiocollared animals, adult male from any urban centers, foxes in the rural zone also utilized
bobcats in the urban zone used the landscape differently areas of human use including the town of Stinson Beach,
than adult females. All 3 adult male bobcats either used the another small settlement in the northern part of the rural
edges of the park out to Highway 101 and over a freeway zone, and a feeding station stocked nightly by a park
tunnel to the borders of the residential areas of Sausalito and resident (see also Riley et al. 2004).
Marin City (B001 and B002), or they had a home range Fox core areas were located within the park (Fig. 4).
centered around developed areas (office and residential Although 2 foxes had core areas centered on stables and
buildings) within the park (B005; Fig. 2). residences within the park, only 1 of 17 animals had a core
The 5 adult female bobcats that I radiotracked in the area that included any urban area outside the park (Fig. 4).
urban zone had home ranges far from the urban edge or One fox in the urban zone, G010, died after only 10
areas of intense human activity (Fig. 2). Adult female bobcat locations, so I did not compute home ranges for her,
home ranges centered on dense riparian vegetation although 8 of her 10 locations were within the Marinview
surrounded by scrub and grasslands. One yearling female community (Fig. 3).
was an exception in that she utilized areas along the freeway Distance from development.—Distance to development
and the urban edge. She appeared to be a transient animal (Table 4) was not different between male and female foxes
(Litvaitis et al. 1987) searching for a territory, and she was for either home range edges (Mann–Whitney U ¼ 33, n ¼
located throughout the urban zone before settling in a home 17, P ¼ 0.761) or radio-locations (U ¼ 31, n ¼ 17, P ¼
range in the interior of the park. Her range after settling also 0.630), so I pooled male and female foxes for comparisons
centered on dense riparian vegetation and grasslands in an with bobcats. On average, the minimum distance between
area previously used by 2 older radiocollared females, 7 and home range edges and development was 30 times smaller,
11 years old, that had recently died. and the average distance between radio-locations and
In the rural zone, no radiocollared bobcats ever entered the development was 2.2 times smaller for male bobcats than
town of Stinson Beach or utilized the other small for female bobcats (Table 4; Minimum home range distance:
settlements within the park, although the home ranges of U ¼ 15, P ¼ 0.024, n ¼ 8; Average radio-location distance: U
2 male bobcats included or abutted these developed areas. ¼ 15, P ¼ 0.024, n ¼ 8). Therefore, I treated male and female
Gray foxes.—Of 18 foxes radiotracked in the urban zone, bobcats as separate groups for comparison with foxes.
10 were located in residential areas outside the park at least On average, foxes, male bobcats, and female bobcats
once (Fig. 3). Two others were located near areas of intense differed for both home range distance (Table 4; H ¼ 11.07,
human use within the park including stables, offices and P ¼ 0.004, df ¼ 2) and average radio-location distance
residences. Of the remaining 6 animals, 3 had home ranges (Table 4; H ¼ 9.23, P ¼ 0.010, df ¼ 2). Specifically, for home
that abutted the Marinview development (Fig. 3). Thus, range distance to closest development, there was no
only 3 of 18 collared foxes in the urban zone had home significant difference between male bobcats and foxes

1430 The Journal of Wildlife Management  70(5)

Table 4. Mean, standard deviation, and range for minimum home range distance to development and average radio-location distance to
development for bobcats and gray foxes in the urban zone of Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Marin County, California, USA, 1992–1995.

Minimum distance from home-range edge Average radio-location distance

to development to development

No. individuals Mean SD Range Mean SD Range

Female bobcats 5 893.8 216.3 534.1–1080.1 1493.4 53.0 1424.2–1544.6

Male bobcats 3 29.8 51.7 0.0–89.5 665.6 414.5 313.4–1122.4
Gray foxes 17 248.6 318.8 0.0–894.8 842.8 487.4 227.2–1690.9

(Contrasts with total a ¼ 0.05, Bonferroni correction: mean between regions and landscapes, and I hope that future
rank difference ¼ 3.57, critical difference ¼ 9.03), but female studies will continue to elucidate the relationship between
bobcat ranges were 3.6 times farther from development than these common predators and expanding urbanization.
those of foxes (Contrast: mean rank difference ¼ 10.96, Although they are few, other studies of the relationship
critical difference ¼ 7.34). Similarly, for average radio- between development and gray foxes and bobcats have
location distance to closest development, male bobcats and found similar results. Harrison (1997, 1998) compared gray
foxes exhibited no differences (Contrasts with total a ¼ 0.05, fox ecology and recorded bobcat sightings in rural residential
Bonferroni correction: mean rank difference ¼ 2.53, critical and undeveloped landscapes in New Mexico, USA. Foxes
difference ¼ 9.03), while on average female bobcat locations also appeared to tolerate and even benefit from residential
were 1.7 times farther from development than those of foxes areas as long as the human density was not too high (,125
(mean rank difference ¼ 10.60, critical difference ¼ 7.34). residences/km2), and home range size was not significantly
different between foxes in the residential and undeveloped
Home Range Use and Roads landscapes (Harrison 1997). Harrison (1997) also found that
In the urban zone, 2 males (B001 and B002) were the only gray foxes could coexist with roads, especially if culverts
bobcats with home ranges near roads (Table 5). They were were present, and that foxes in the residential area had more
both located adjacent to the 101 freeway but were never irregularly shaped home ranges that included satellite areas,
located across it except in the vicinity of the ridge over the peninsulas, and intra-home range gaps. I found no
freeway tunnel (Fig. 2) where they did not have to cross the indication of these kinds of home range irregularities, but
freeway surface itself. Seven bobcats in the rural zone and 5 this may have been because the New Mexico foxes lived
foxes in both the rural and urban zones had home ranges entirely within the residential areas. The urban zone foxes in
along roads (Table 5). Roads represented home range my study were all initially captured within the park and
boundaries for 7 of 9 bobcats but for only 2 of 10 foxes that maintained core areas outside the residential areas, even
lived near roads (Fisher exact test, P ¼ 0.023). The 2 bobcats though they moved into them. It is possible that there were
for which .5% of locations were across roads were yearling foxes that were more urban-associated than those that I
females, while 6 of the 7 bobcats for whom roads radiotracked (i.e., animals that maintained their entire
represented home range boundaries were adults. ranges within the developed landscape). Interestingly,
bobcats in New Mexico were sighted by homeowners often
Discussion ,25 m from buildings (Harrison 1998). Nielsen and Woolf
Rarely has the spatial ecology of either bobcats or gray foxes (2001) also found bobcats near, and occasionally within,
been investigated in urban landscapes, and it was interesting, human structures in rural Illinois, although overall bobcats
although perhaps not surprising, that both carnivores were avoided the area around human dwellings, and there were
predominantly located in natural habitat within the park. fewer dwellings within bobcat core areas than within home
Both species were affected by development and roads, but as ranges. In a highly fragmented landscape in southern
I expected, bobcats were affected more than foxes. Although California, bobcats, particularly females, also utilized
the core areas of both species were within the natural habitat developed areas less than a sympatric canid, in that case
of the park, no radiocollared bobcats were ever located in coyotes (Riley et al. 2003), although bobcats did utilize
developed areas outside the park, but .50% of collared gray developed areas more than in the current study.
foxes were, particularly at night. For gray foxes, home range The different diets of foxes and bobcats likely contributed
size, core area size, home range overlap, and core area to differences in the use of development. Although the more
overlap were not significantly different between the urban omnivorous foxes may find ornamental fruits and nuts,
and rural zones of the park, whereas for bobcats, home range insects, and human foods (e.g., pet food or garbage) in
size, home range overlap, and core area size were all related residential areas, none of these items are common food for
to zone, and female bobcats, in particular, had smaller home the more strictly carnivorous bobcats. Many successful urban
ranges, smaller core areas, and greater core area overlap in mammals, including raccoons, red foxes, opossums (Didel-
the urban zone. Roads also represented home range phis virginianus), and coyotes, are similarly omnivorous, and
boundaries for 75% of the bobcats that lived near them, I found that fruit and insects were important in the diet of
but for only 1 in 5 foxes. Carnivore spatial ecology can vary foxes (Riley 1999, 2001). Although residential or developed

Riley  Urban and Rural Bobcats and Gray Foxes 1431

Table 5. Percentage of radio-locations across roads from core area, for bobcats and gray foxes in urban and rural zones of Golden Gate National
Recreation Area, Marin County, California, USA, 1992–1995.

No. locations % locations

Zone Age and sexa No. locations across roads across roads

B017 Rural Ad F 96 2 2.1
B020 Rural Ad F 130 2 1.5
B018 Rural Yg F 134 50 37.3
B024 Rural Ad M 120 3 2.5
B023 Rural Ad F 110 1 0.9
B022 Rural Yg F 102 24 23.5
B021 Rural Ad F 89 1 1.1
B001 Urban Ad M 214 0 0.0
B002 Urban Ad M 217 0 0.0
Gray foxes
G047 Rural Yg F 46 1 2.2
G045 Rural Ad M 57 23 40.4
G046 Rural Yg M 54 23 42.6
G041 Rural Ad F 138 66 47.8
G042 Rural Ad M 139 40 28.8
G019 Urban Ad M 152 35 23.0
G008 Urban Ad M 57 11 19.3
G002 Urban Ad F 157 16 10.2
G024 Urban Ad F 133 1 0.8
G004 Urban Ad M 206 83 40.3
Ad F ¼ Adult female, Yg F ¼ yearling female, Ad M ¼ Adult male, Yg M ¼ yearling male.

areas may have provided occasional bobcat prey in the form area of usable landscape was larger than the park. However,
of woodrats (Neotoma fuscipes), Norway (Rattus norvegicus) foxes maintained core areas almost entirely within the
or black rats (Rattus rattus), house mice (Mus musculus), or natural habitats of the park, so gray fox populations may still
songbirds, quality habitat for the common bobcat prey items require a certain amount of undeveloped area adjacent to
in this region (e.g., lagomorphs [Lepus californicus and development to persist. Moreover, utilization of developed
Sylvilagus bachmani], pocket gophers [Thomomys bottae], and areas could expose foxes to risks associated with develop-
especially voles [Microtus californicus]; Riley 2001) were not ment (e.g., increased exposure to disease from domestic
present. The residential areas of southern Marin County animals; Riley et al. 2004). Radiocollared bobcats did not
were mostly built on steep forested hillsides and lacked the cross park boundaries, so for this species, the park was at
grassland habitat (or even lawns) preferred by these species. I most as large as its official size. If female bobcats are more
do not have information on the abundance of prey species sensitive to human presence or disturbance than males and
from inside or outside of the park, so it is possible that even avoid the urban edge (see below), then the acreage of the
though the diversity of prey decreased outside the park, the urban zone of the park that effectively supports bobcat
overall abundance of suitable prey may not have. reproduction could actually be smaller than its boundaries.
Foxes actually appeared to reach their highest densities in Both bobcats and gray foxes exhibited less landscape
the areas near and including urbanization (Fig. 3), although flexibility, i.e., they utilized less of the landscape than, for
Figure 3 should not imply that foxes did not utilize all of the example, red foxes in England, which den in backyards and
natural zones of the park, since I was not able to radiotrack maintain home ranges and core areas entirely within cities
every fox in the area or even every fox that I captured. (Saunders et al. 1997).
Increased food resources and perhaps a reduction in The fact that bobcats crossed hard landscape boundaries
interference competition from other carnivores, specifically such as roads and development less often than foxes may
bobcats (Riley 2001), could contribute to increased fox have contributed to the greater differences between the
density along the urban edge. Coyotes, which can cause zones in home range size and overlap. In comparison to
significant gray fox mortality (Fedriani et al. 2000, Farias et other studies, the bobcat home ranges (for both sexes) from
al. 2005), had been extirpated from the urban zone and were the urban zone were among the smallest reported (Anderson
essentially absent during my study. and Lovallo 2003), with a few other studies in the southeast
If individual animals avoid areas outside a reserve or even (Marshall and Jenkins 1966, Hall and Newsom 1976, Miller
the edges of the reserve, then the reserve is smaller than its and Speake 1979) and 2 in southern California (Lembeck
administrative boundaries for that species (Schonewald-Cox and Gould 1979, Riley et al. 2003) reporting bobcat home
and Bayless 1986). However, if a species is able to utilize the ranges of a similarly small size. For gray foxes, there are
whole park and the matrix outside of it, then the reserve relatively few studies for comparison, particularly with
essentially becomes larger than just the area within it. The sample sizes .10; however, home ranges from the urban
urban gray fox population I studied used the entire park out and rural zones were similar to those in other parts of the
to its borders and even across them, so for this species the west (Cypher 2003). Small home ranges are likely related to

1432 The Journal of Wildlife Management  70(5)

high-quality habitat, and indeed the smaller home ranges One possible explanation is that I did not capture and
must obviously still provide the requisite resources to sustain radiotrack the adult female bobcats using the urban edge. It
the individual bobcats. In urban landscapes such as my study is my experience, as well as that of other bobcat researchers,
area, bobcats may also have smaller home ranges because of that female bobcats can be particularly difficult to recapture,
the reduction of suitable habitat, and for the female bobcats and generally male bobcat home ranges overlap those of
in my study, smaller home ranges and more intra-sexual multiple females (Anderson and Lovallo 2003). Based on
overlap were consistent with restricted use of the landscape. my experience in the field, I do not believe that uncollared
Red foxes (Harris 1981) and an avian predator, Cooper’s female bobcats occupied the urban edges in my study area.
hawks (Mannan and Boal 2000), have exhibited high Because my primary goal was to evaluate the effects of
population density and small home ranges in urban areas, urbanization on both species, I trapped intensively along the
although this may be related to rich urban resources rather urban edge when I initially radiocollared animals and again
than, or in addition to, a restriction of available space. at the end of my study, when I attempted to remove
The reluctance of bobcats to cross paved roads also is radiocollars, and I captured 2 male bobcats and many foxes
consistent with the results of other bobcat and lynx (Lynx that used the edge. Also, in a heavily visited National Park
canadensis) studies. Bobcats in Wisconsin, USA, crossed where bobcats were regularly visible, I never saw uncollared
paved roads less than expected given the road density within bobcats near the residential areas nor received reports of
home ranges (Lovallo and Anderson 1996), and Canadian them, but I did receive reports from park employees and
lynx seemed to be indifferent to unpaved forest roads visitors of collared bobcats in edge areas. However, it is
(Mowat et al. 2000) but avoided crossing paved roads and essentially impossible to reliably establish the absence of
also treated roads as home range boundaries (Apps 2000). uncollared animals, so the presence of uncollared female
Bobcats may actually prefer unpaved roads for travel and bobcats remains a possibility. Another potential explanation
hunting (e.g., Bradley and Fagre 1988), and bobcats in my is that female bobcats are more wary of areas of intense
study often deposited scat or were seen on dirt roads in the human use than males (or foxes). If so, it may be because
park, roads which were not open to vehicle access by the female bobcats raise kittens on their own and must,
public. In the rural zone, the only 2 bobcats for which .5% therefore, maintain secure denning areas and fulfill the
of locations were across roads were yearling females, and a resource needs of both themselves and their offspring within
yearling was the only female in the urban zone to move out their home range. Other studies in a highly fragmented
to the park edge and near the freeway. Younger female urban landscape in southern California have also docu-
bobcats may be more willing to cross roads and venture near mented sex differences in the sensitivity of bobcats to
developed areas than adult females, since they are less likely urbanization (Tigas et al. 2002, Riley et al. 2003). If it
to have kittens and may be searching for an empty territory proves to be real and repeatable, the sexual difference in
(see also Riley et al. 2003). space use in these urban studies represents another example
The increased frequency of road crossings by foxes could of sexual dimorphism in bobcats, a species with pronounced
lead to more deaths from vehicles, although even animals dimorphism both morphologically and ecologically. Male
that rarely traversed roads were susceptible to this mortality bobcats are larger, have consistently larger home ranges
source. Only one radiocollared fox was killed by a vehicle (Anderson and Lovallo 2003), and often take larger prey
during my study, but I recovered uncollared foxes killed by (Fritts and Sealander 1978, Toweill 1982, Litvaitis et al.
vehicles, usually young animals, on highways in the urban 1984). Connor et al. (1999) also found that over time, the
and rural zones. Late in my study, 2 bobcats were killed by home ranges of individual female bobcats decrease in size
vehicles: a juvenile male bobcat that dispersed from the while those of males become larger, presumably because
urban zone to the rural zone, and an adult female in the males are searching for more mating opportunities. In urban
rural zone that was located across paved roads only once, out areas, differences in landscape use may reflect not only an
of .120 locations, before her death. In urban southern increased sensitivity of females to disturbance, but also an
California, roads were the major source of bobcat mortality increased willingness by males to explore new areas, perhaps
even for animals with little or no developed area within their again in search of new females.
home range (Riley et al. 2003). As in the current study,
roads often formed home range boundaries in southern Management Implications
California, and a large freeway represented a significant Wildlife managers in urban areas should be aware that gray
barrier, not only to movement but also to gene flow (Riley et foxes may cross roads and venture outside reserves, and they
al. 2003, 2006). Land managers and planners should be will, therefore, be more visible to people and more likely to
aware of the potential effects of paved roads, both large and be involved in conflicts, real or perceived. Bobcats, on the
small, on individuals and populations of carnivores such as other hand, may be more restricted to undeveloped natural
bobcats. areas. Female bobcats, in particular, may be restricted to
Adult female bobcats were located in or near urbanized higher-quality habitat in the interior of reserves, which is
areas significantly less often than gray foxes or male bobcats, important from a management perspective because females
and no female bobcat home ranges abutted urban areas. drive population dynamics in this species. Conservation
There are a number of potential explanations for this result. plans or habitat suitability maps for bobcats may need to

Riley  Urban and Rural Bobcats and Gray Foxes 1433

incorporate landscape restrictions in urban areas. However, thank Earthwatch for financial support, 18 teams of Earth-
the reduced tendency for bobcats to cross roads does not watch volunteers for their assistance and enthusiasm, and C.
eliminate the potential for vehicle mortality (see also Riley et Wardner, P. Donegan, and especially B. McKeon and G.
al. 2003). Finally, smaller home ranges and higher home Brooks for excellent and tireless assistance in the field. S.
range overlap in urban areas may result in increased bobcat Skartvedt and M. Semenoff-Irving provided training and
density and thereby a greater susceptibility to disease or
help with Geographic Information Systems software and
increased levels of interaction with other species (e.g.,
Global Positioning System units, and A. Fish and B. Hull
competitors; Riley 2001).
provided support and excellent trapping lures. I thank J.
Acknowledgments Hadidian for introducing me to urban wildlife, carnivores,
I thank Golden Gate National Recreation Area for logistical and the right attitude about animals and research. I thank B.
and financial support throughout the field portion of this Sacks, J. Neale, T. Caro, B. Lewison, C. Bromley, R.
work and J. Howell, C. Schonewald, and D. Van Vuren for Sauvajot, D. Kamradt, and 2 anonymous reviewers for
encouragement and assistance both in the field and after. I comments on earlier versions of this work.

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