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Instruction : Command & Prohibition
20 Questions

1. Clean your home regularly!

a) Bersihkan kamarnya setiap hari! b) Bersihkan rumahmu kadang-kadang!
c) Bersihkan rumahmu setiap hari! d) Jangan bersihkan kamarmu!

2. Put your shoes off!

a) Masukkan sepatumu! b) Masukkan sepatu kedalam!
c) Lepaskan sepatumu! d) Lepaskan sepatumu sekarang juga!

3. Keep silent, please!

a) Tolong ambilkan itu! b) Tolong jangan berisik!
c) Jaga ucapanmu! d) Jangan berbicara lagi!

4. No smoking in this area!

a) Dilarang buang sampah disini! b) Dilarang menyanyi disini!
c) Dilarang merokok disini! d) Dilarang membawa rokok disini!


a) Jangan menjual minyak! b) Tolong buang sampah disini
c) Jangan berisik dimanapun d) Jangan buang sampah sembarangan

6. Don't be a lazy !
a) Jangan malas! b) Jangan sedih!
c) Jangan gila! d) Jangan jadi orang bodoh!
7. Don't run in the hallway!
a) Jangan main bola didalam rumah b) Jangan makan di kereta api
c) Jangan berenang terlalu jauh d) Jangan berlarian di lorong

8. Be careful and take care !

a) Berhati-hati ya b) Hati-hati dan jaga diri!
c) Hati-hati dengan hati! d) Jaga dirimu baik-baik!

9. Turn on the lamp,please!

a) Hidupkan lampu itu! b) Tolong, hidupkan lampu itu!
c) Tolong, matikan lampu itu! d) Matikan lampu itu!

10. Stay at home and don't go outside if not needed

a) Dirumahlah dan jangan kemana-mana b) Dirumahkan dan jangan keluar
c) Dirumahlah dan jangan keluar jika tidak d) Dirumahlah dan jangan melihat keluar

11. Look at the picture! The appropriate command

expression is....

a) Open the door, please b) Close the window, please

c) Close the book, please d) Open the book, please
12. Look the picture! The appropriate command expression

a) Stand up, please b) Raise your hand, please

c) Wave your hand, please d) Sit down, please

13. Rima: I want to go to the library.

Anto: _____________
Rima: why?
Anto: the library is closed until saturday.
a) Stand up, please b) Don't go there
c) Sit down d) Don't smoke

14. Teacher: Do you know what time it is?

Anwar: Yes ma'am. It's 8 a.m
Teacher: Do you know the time the class begin?
Anwar: at 07.20 ma'am
Teacher: that means you are late. Next time, ___________ !
Anwar: Yes, ma'am

a) Don't be lazy b) Don't go there

c) Don't be stupid d) Don't be late
15. Look the picture!

a) Don't be late - i'm sorry b) Don't be lazy - thank you

c) Don't do that again - i'm sorry d) Don't do it - i'm sorry

16. Don't ______ the rule anymore

a) Breaks b) Break
c) Breaking d) Broken

17. Look at ______! I want to get your photo

a) I b) Me
c) You d) Your

18. No __________ here. The wave is too hard

a) Smoking b) Smoke
c) Swimming d) Swim

19. Don't _________ on the grass!

a) Walk b) Sleep
c) Put d) Go

20. ___________ the rubbish into the rubbish bin!

a) Throw b) Throwing
c) Don't throw d) Be throwed
Answer Key
1. c 6. a 11. c 16. b
2. c 7. d 12. b 17. b
3. b 8. b 13. b 18. c
4. c 9. b 14. d 19. a
5. d 10. c 15. c 20. a

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