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continues, "especially with the booming phenomenon of battle rap

and hiphop, you suddenly have all these hungry opportunists from the outside
looking in. Where were they before all of this? What did they care about
hiphop before it became a source of additional revenue for them? They
[couldn’t] care less about uplifting the culture and advancing the art form just
as long as they get their numbers at the end of the day."
In the world of underground hiphop, many share the same sentiment. It’s
nothing short of selling out when an artist signs with a mainstream label.
Anygma believes that the companies’ interest lie solely in profit, the reverse
of what he and his league work for.
“FlipTop was able to achieve what none of these heavily funded, profit-
oriented organizations would ever have the brains or balls of doing. We
brought such a niche and frowned-upon culture to mainstream-like awareness
with nothing more than a Facebook account, a YouTube account, and a lot of
hard work," he said.

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