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At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Define the communication;
b. Discuss the elements of communication;
c. Make an interpretation in one thoughts, ideas and perceptions.



Direction: Introduce yourself within 30 seconds. Take a video of yourself afterwards.

Debriefing questions: As you watch the video, answer the following questions.

1. Did you understand what you were saying?

2. What are the advantages of talking fast?


Direction: Introduce yourself same words like in the previous activity, but this time without a time limit.

Debriefing questions: After you watched the video, answer the following questions.

1. Which one was easy to understand? Why do you think so?

2. What are the advantages of talking fast?

3. What do you think is communication? Fill in some words that relates to communication.


Directions: Form a group that consist of four to five members each. You should form a line wherein the
first person should whisper the message to the person next in line. The person who got the message will
whisper it to the next person until it reaches the last person who will in charge to write the right
message on the board.

After the game, please answer the following questions.

1. What have you noticed as you pass and received the message?


2. Is effective communication important? Why or Why not?


3.What do you think is the purpose of this activity?




In previous activity, you have been experienced to communicate with each other by passing the
message to the person next to you and as we observed some member of the group can
communicate well while others fail to get their message and maybe one of the reasons is the
communication process. Now, let us learn what communication is and what are the elements
must be present in the communication process before it can be successful and effective.

Communication- The word communication is derived from the Latin word “COMMUNIS” which means
to impart, to transmit, to share or to convey meanings from one entity or group to another through the
use of mutually understood sign, symbols, or any appropriate medium. (Wikipedia)
Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one person to
another within and across channels, context, media and cultures. (McCormack, 2014)

Communication can be done through verbal and non-verbal such as face-to-face interaction, a phone
conversation, a group discussion, a meeting or interview, a letter correspondence and a class recitation.

Have you ever wondered why some people can communicate so well and while others fail to get the
message across? Let’s learn the elements that must be present in the communication process for us to
have an effective and successful communication.

Communication has been defined as the act of giving, receiving or exchanging information, ideas,
and opinions so that the message is completely understood by both parties. It involves sending and
receiving messages through different channels. The sender and the receiver take an active part in
communication process since it is a two-way process. It’s also involves encoding, translation and

The sender sends a message with a certain intention in mind, like when we speak about our
personal lives, presenting a certain topic, delivering an inspirational talk, we all direct our messages to
an audience and the sender has to translate message well to the intended audience or receiver. The
receiver of the message tries to understand and interpret the message sent. He then gives feedback to
the original sender, who in turn interprets the feedback. This process, repeated continuously,
constitutes communication. Therefore, if you want to get your message across accurately, you need to
consider these three things: The appropriate message, the audience or receiver; and how the message is
likely to be received.

Other than the definitions given in this lesson there is a different views and insight about the
communication and we will try to interpret each views about the communication.

Now, let’s explore the elements of communication which help us better understand its mechanics or
process. These elements are the following.


1. Sender- the source of message or information, or a person who send a message.

2. Message- the information, ideas, or thoughts, feelings that make up the content of communication
conveyed by the speaker in word or actions.

3. Encoding- the process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that the speaker
understands. It is essential to use the particular language that the receiver can easily interpret your

4. Channel- the medium over which the message transmitted is the channel.

Typically, the most channel used nowadays is the technology.

5. Decoding -the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by translating an idea
received from the speaker.
6. Receiver - the recipient of the message or someone who decodes the messages.

7. Feedback - the response of a receiver either descriptive or evaluative. It is very important elements of
communication. Thus, the effectivity of communication refers to the feedback of the receiver.

8. Context- the environment where communication takes place.

9. Barrier- the factors disrupt the transmission of message and affect the flow of
communication. Most commonly are the noise.


ACTIVITY#1- Direction: Analyze the following definitions of communication and write your
interpretation and explanations in the space provided.

1.“Communication is the transmission and interchange of facts, ideas, feelings or course of action”
-Leland Brown-


2.“Communication is the sum of all the things one person does; when he wants to create
understanding in the mind of another. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling,
listening and understanding”- Allen Louis-


3.“Communication is a process which involves the transmission and accurate replication of ideas
ensured by feedback for the purpose of eliciting actions which will accomplish the organizational
goals. – William Scott-


4.“Communication is transfer of information from one person to another, whether or not elicits
confidence. -S.G Breiun-


5.“The fascinating thing is that the human animal is rarely aware of its postures, movements and
gestures but can’t tell one story while its voice may be telling another”- Allan Barbara-


Activity#2- Find the Elements of Communication

Directions: Read the sample of telephone call conversation below and identify the elements found in
the conversation

A telephone conversation of Dr. Tel and Mr. Tino

Dr. Tel: Good day! Mr. Tino! How’s your module?
Mr. Tino: Hi Dr. Tel! I’m still working on it.
Dr. Tel: Great! Can I ask you to help?
Mr. Tino: Sure! What can I do?
Dr. Tel: Please consolidate all of the modules submitted by the teachers and send
it to me.
Mr. Tino: OK, no problem, I will inform the tea… to submit…… their output on
my ema…….il so that I can cons………olidate all of those.
Dr. Tel: What? Anyway, Thank you! I will see you tomorrow in school. Bye!
Mr. Tel: You’re welcome Dr. Tel! See you, Bye!
Identify the Elements of Communication found in the conversation above.











The word communication is derived from the Latin word “COMMUNIS” which means to impart, to
transmit, to share or to convey meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of
mutually understood sign, symbols, or any appropriate medium. There are several major elements in the
communication process a sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback, and context. There is both a
speaker’s intention to convey a message and a listener’s reception of what has been said. Thus, listening
skills are just as important as speaking skills in order for communication to be effective. Elements of
communication must be present in the communication process for us to have an effective and successful

Direction: Answer the following questions below!

1. _____________ the factors disrupt the transmission of message and affect the flow of

a. Barriers

b. Feedback

c. Message

d. Channel

2. _____________ the medium over which the message transmitted is the channel.

a. Barriers

b. Feedback

c. Message

d. Channel

3._____________ the information, ideas, or thoughts, feelings that make up the content of
communication conveyed by the speaker in word or actions.

a. Barriers

b. Feedback

c. Message

d. Channel

4._____________ the response of a receiver either descriptive or evaluative

a. Sender

b. Feedback

c. Message

d. Channel

5. ____________ the source of message or information, or a person who send a message

a. Sender

b. Feedback

c. Message

d. Channel
6-8. Enumerate the 3 things that you need to consider to get your message across accurately.


9-10 ESSAY WRITING: What is communication to you?

(Answer in not less than 50 words)



In this lesson I noticed that……


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