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Functional Engineering Sdn.Bhd.

No.1, Spg.161, Jln Pasir Berakas,

Kpg. Lambak A, Mukim Berakas,
BB1714, Brunei Darussalam

Contract No. D-CA-2020-005

Risk Assessment & Method Statement (Sub-RAMS)


Transformer Fire Protection System (Hydrotesting)


DES Lumut Power Station

It is the responsibility of the Contractor or his employee who has been issued with this RAMS to ensure that all the
relevant information and safety requirements of this RAMS has been suitably and sufficiently communicated to the
work force in their native language prior to starting work. A toolbox talk sheet shall be completed at the worksite
with all worker’s signatures. This to verify that the information has been given to the workforce and has been
(Contractor Manager):
I confirm that I will explain all the relevant Name: Sai Jagadish
information and safety requirements of this Date:
document to the workforce in their native tongue
and provide a translated Risk Assessment to the Signature:
PIC Mobile No.: 8202554

Rev. Document Name Title Signature Date

0 Prepared By: Sai Jagadish Project Manager
Reviewed &
Approved by: Safety Officer
(Contractor HSE )
Reviewed &
Approved by: Henry C.Lino Project Manager
(FESB Management)
Reviewed &
Approved by: Patrick Wong BPC CO
(BPC Engineer)
Reviewed & Agreed DES Asset
by: Ridhwan


HOD Request for expedition Date:
Document BPC CO Contract No. Document ref no. Final Revision No.

Information Patrick Wong D-CA-2020-005

Reviewed and accepted by BPC H.S.E. Manager YES NO Signed ____________________
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BPC HSE 008B Rev 5 08 June 2020.
Printed 16 December 2021 Uncontrolled when printed.
Responsible Party Matrix


Company Functional
Responsibility Deluge Transformer Fire Protection system
Name Engineering Sdn. Bhd.


Company Techoil Company Sdn.

Name Responsibility Hydrotest of Spools & Pipelines
Name Responsibility

Name Responsibility

Name Responsibility

Company Responsibility


Name Engaged By Responsibility

Name Engaged By Responsibility

Name Engaged By Responsibility

Name Engaged By Responsibility

Responsible Persons

Asset Owner Ridhwan

CO Patrick Wong

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Method Statement.

1) Purpose
i. The purpose of this Method Statement is to describe the activities required for
the below scope at DES Lumut Power Station.

2) Scope
i. Mobilization of hydrotest equipment and material to DES LPS
ii. To perform hydrotest activities at client premises
iii. Housekeeping & Demobilization from site

3) Communications
i. Techoil Company Sdn.Bhd will liaise work scope with Functional Engineering
representatives. Apply and secure with FESB the non-employee work permit
and work permit on site. Any concerns on the duration of the work scope shall
be coordinated with BPC Contract Owner.
ii. Functional Engineering Sdn.Bhd. (FESB)
a. Project Manager: Henry C. Lino (8157057)
b. Contract Holder: Muhd. Nazri Bakhtiar (8346245),
c. Project Supervisor: Muhd. ‘Aizat bin Haji Jafri (7171262),
d. HSE Supervisor: Md.Khairulzzaim Shakespear (8959616)
e. PIC-E: Ronald (7140486)
iii. Techoil Company.
a. Quality/Technical Manager: Sai Jagadish (8202554)
b. Lead Instrument Technician: Stanley (8135588),
iv. Berakas Power Company (BPC).
BPC Contract Owner: Patrick Wong, BPC Project Supervisor: Liaw Vun Kang,
HSE Manager: James Carlin, HSE Senior Advisor: David Woodruff.
v. Department of Electrical Services (DES)
DES Asset Owner: Ridhwan, DES Control Room (3236947)

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4) Supervision & Personnel

Company Name Name Contact Number
Techoil Company Sai Jagadish 8202554
Lead Instrument
Techoil Company Stanley 8135588
Techoil Company Arif 8994298
Techoil Company Esnadi 7444269
Muhd. ‘Aizat
Project Supervisor Engineering Sdn. 7171262
bin Haji Jafri

5) Sequence of Work Activities

a) Prior to entering power station, to record individual temperature and scanning
of entry QR code on BruHealth.
b) Ensure person coming into premise carry out Person On Board processes to
monitor personnel present on site.
c) Temperature of personnel is to be recorded daily when entering the site.
d) Discuss and agree with BPC Contract Owner and FESB Project Manager on the
scope of work and the sequence of work activities at the work site.
e) Check that all personnel are equipped with appropriate PPE. Ensure that all tools
and equipment necessary for the work are fit for purpose and functioning
f) The Techoil PIC and personnel shall report daily to the Shift in Charge at the
Power Station Control Room before proceeding to the work area in the power
station; and before moving out of the power station.
g) The Techoil PIC, through the FESB Supervisor, shall obtain from the Power
Station Shift in Charge (SIC) DES Permit to Work, Hot Work Permit and any other
permits that will be required in line with DES/BPC Safety Rules and System
Operating Regulations. Where appropriate, display a copy of the permits, this
RAMS and relevant MSDS at a prominent location at site.
h) Conduct toolbox talks and ensure attendance sheet is filled in before
commencement of works. PIC will brief workers on the site situation, scope of
works, and safety control measures.

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i) Barricade the work area where workers will be working. Access to work area will
be restricted to trained and authorized personnel only.
j) Regular housekeeping will be carried out to keep the place clean from debris
and prevent people from tripping.
k) The Air compressor will be brought into the testing facility by means of HIAB, for
which the certificate will be provided one week in advance before actual
commencing of the hydrotest
l) The personnel and other tools and equipment required for the hydrotest will be
mobilized through Toyota Hilux and comfort. Details of vehicle attached.
m) Pre Works
i) Conduct visual inspection of all test equipment (refer to attached Pressure
Testing document – TCC/WI/M-13, Pg.9 for checklist).
ii) Connect all hoses and fittings involved in the hydrotest process.
iii) Filling of water in the spools/pipes.
iv) To get air compressor ready for pressuring pump.
v) Get water source ready.
vi) To check for barriers.
vii) To remove air traps inside the spools if any.
viii)Connection of all equipment like pressure gauge, PRV, chart recorder to the
n) Working phase (Commence actual hydrotest)
i) Seal all openings using plugs or covers that can withstand the test pressure
and can be completely removed after the test
ii) The test fluid (water) inlet should be located at a lower position with the
trapped air vent at the highest point.
iii) A Pressure Release Valve (PRV) or Safety Release Valve (SRV) shall be used
for safety reasons upon prior request and agreement with the customer,
connected to the test equipment in which the range or set point of the PRV
used should not exceed 10 % of the test pressure.
iv) Ensure that the master is properly connected and the Software is switched
ON ensuring that the graph is live.
v) Before pressurizing is begun, inspect the outside of the test equipment to
verify it is dry and all welds and connectors are exposed if a visual inspection
is to conducted.
vi) Start to pressurize slowly by opening the valve of the pump up to 25 % of the
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test pressure and hold for 5 minutes, if there is no leak or drop in the
pressure reading continue pressurizing slowly up to 50 % of the test pressure
and hold for 5 minutes, similarly for 75 % and up to 100 % of the test
vii) The test personnel shall ensure that the hydrostatic test pressure is
maintained for minimum of 15 minutes at 100 % test pressure to determine
whether there are any leaks.
viii)This is recorded live by the graph and can be monitored for leakage.
ix) After the stabilization time, the joints, connection, welds, fittings are visually
examined for leaks. Examination for leakage shall be made of all accessible
joints and connections, attachment welds where practical, weep holes for
paddings and attachments (if any). Also inspect the area around inaccessible
leakage sites.
x) If there any leak found during the inspection, the inspector can mark or
circle the area with a marker (preferably red color)
xi) After inspection release the pressure slowly. The air vents need to be
opened during draining to admit air and prevent collapsing of the test
xii) Leakage detected in welded joints shall be repaired by draining, repair
welding, nondestructive testing and retested to the original test pressure.
xiii)Mechanical joint leakage at permanent joints shall also be repaired or
replaced, and examined and retested to the original test pressure.
xiv)Hydrotest until required time / witness form client
o) Post Work
i) Drain water after hydrotest
ii) Dismantling of equipment and fitting
iii) Housekeeping

6) Risks
The following issues may contribute towards a major incident or accident:
i. Liquid jets of small cross section and very high velocity.
ii. Shock waves in the surrounding atmosphere caused by the sudden release of
pressure – when there is a bursting of test equipment due to pressure testing.
iii. Projection of fragments of the equipment or of parts coming loose.
iv. Buildup of pressure during hydrotest may lead to bursting of pipeline
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7) Health & Safety Management and Control Measures
i. Brunei Workplace Safety and Health Order 2009 (WSHO 2009).
ii. Toolbox Meeting will be conducted by Worksite Supervisor on sites for the
iii. Copy of approved RAMS to be kept by the PIC at all times.
iv. Signage stating that pressure testing is in progress to prevent personnel and
bystanders from accidentally entering the pressure testing area.
v. Full PPE is required for the performance of pressure testing.
vi. Removal of all non-essential personnel (personnel who are not involved in
pressure testing activities) form the pressure test area.
vii. All the personnel shall be stationed perpendicular to likely projectile path of
free travel.
viii. Prior commencing a pressure test, all test equipment or parts of a test
equipment shall be properly to prevent projection of fragments or parts
coming loose.
ix. Pressure Relief Valves are installed in the hydrotest equipment setup such
that any buildup of additional pressure will not cross the threshold limit.
x. First aid kit to be kept at work place.
xi. Rest Area will be provided by Functional Engineering Sdn. Bhd. Cleanliness
and condition to be observed.
xii. Portable toilets will be provided by Functional Engineering Sdn. Bhd.
Cleanliness and condition to be observed.

8) Tools & Equipment

a) Pressure Chart Recorder
b) Air Driven Liquid Pump
c) Pressure gauges
d) Pressure relief valve
e) Portable air compressor

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f) Hoses & Fittings

9) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements

a) Safety Helmet (EN 397)
b) Safety Shoes (EN 345)
c) Safety goggles (EN 166F)
d) Safety Gloves (EN 420)
e) Coverall (EN 531)

10) Emergency Procedures

a) Emergency procedures are carried out as per attached hydrotest procedure
b) Medical Emergencies
i) In an event of non-emergency injuries:
 Use First Aid Kit on site; administer first aid treatment by certified first
aider to treat minor injuries such as bruises, cuts, etc.
 Report non-emergency injuries to HSE Officer/Representatives or BPC’s
emergency representatives and other relevant authorities.
ii) In an event of medical emergency:
 Call 991 for medical treatment by trained medical staff.
 Relocate the injured person (IP) to safe location.
 Administer first aid. Do not administer first aid techniques that you are not
trained in.
 Report all injuries to HSE Officer/Representatives, supervisors and
Technical Manager.
 Prepare and submit incident report to BPC HSE Manager.
c) Fire Emergencies - Follow BPC Emergency Response.
d) Emergency Contact No.
i) Ambulance – (991)
ii) Fire & rescue Department – (995)
iii) Police Department – (993)
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iv) Search and Rescue – (998)
v) DES Lumut Power Station Control Room – (323 6947)

11) Permits to Work

a) DES Permit To Work
b) All Permit to Work shall be obtained from DES prior to commencing any site
work. The Permit to Work is issued to the PIC who shall be on site full time
during the works.

12) Training
a) BPC Safety Induction Training (As attached)
b) DES Safety Induction Training (As attached)
c) All personnel are trained in the basics of pressure testing, hazards faced during
the pressure test, operation of pump and pressure testing according to defined
hydrotest procedure.
d) Refer certs attached

13) Legislation & Standards

i) All operations conducted in Brunei will as a minimum comply with The
Workplace Safety and Health Order 2009 and subsequent regulations.
ii) N/A

14) Certifications
1) All certifications are provided for personnel & equipment
2) Refer certs attached

15) Risk Assessment

contained in the following section is based upon the Sequence of Work Activities
documented under Section 5 (a).

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Risk Assessment: SOW Title
Brief Description of work:
Hydrotest of spools/pipes RAMS ref no.:
(Method Statement Title)
Location of Work: Lumut Contract No.
Contact Number:
Created By: Sai Jagadish (Mobile Phone No.)
8202554 Date Created:

Hazard Category (what might go wrong)







Potential Hazards Potential Hazards Potential Hazards






1 Contact with Electricity ☐ ☐ ☐ 17 Exposure to Vibration ☐ ☐ ☐ Other Hazards
2 Lifting Operations
☐ ☒ ☐ 18 Repetitive Motion / Action
☐ ☒ ☐ 33
Trapped Between ☐ ☐ ☐
3 Working at Height
☐ ☐ ☐ 19
Collision (Moving Objects / ☐ ☒ ☐ 34
Fall Down Stairs / ☐ ☐ ☐
Vehicles) Steps
4 Manual Handling ☐ ☒ ☐ 20 Struck By Moving Object ☐ ☒ ☐ 35 Excessive Noise ☐ ☒ ☐
5 Struck by Falling Object ☐ ☐ ☐ 21 Explosion ☐ ☒ ☐ 36 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐
6 Collapse / Overturning ☐ ☐ ☐ 22 Drowning ☐ ☐ ☐ 37 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐
Contact with Air / Water ☐ ☒ ☐ Loss of Containment
☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
7 / Pressure / Pressurized 23
(Liquid / Gas)
38 Enter hazard here
Gas / Gas / Liquid
8 Trip / Fall on Same Level ☐ ☒ ☐ 24 Asphyxiation ☐ ☐ ☐ 39 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐
Fire / Flammable ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
25 Adverse Weather 40 Enter hazard here
Contact with Tools / ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Equipment / Etc.
26 Strike Stationary Object 41 Enter hazard here
11 Contact with Projectiles ☐ ☒ ☐ 27 Radiation ☐ ☐ ☐ 42 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐
12 Excavations ☐ ☐ ☐ 28 Exposure to Fumes / Dust ☐ ☐ ☐ Other Considerations ☐ ☐
13 Sharp Objects ☐ ☐ ☐ 29 Young Person ☐ ☐ ☐ 1 Waste Products ☐ ☐ ☐
14 Fall from Height (person)
☐ ☐ ☐ 30 Contact with Heat / Cold
☐ ☐ ☐ 2
Young People / ☐ ☐ ☐
Pregnant Women
Contact with Hazardous ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
31 Environmental Threat 3 Enter hazard here
16 Exposure to Noise ☐ ☒ ☐ 32 Asbestos ☐ ☐ ☐ 4 Enter hazard here ☐ ☐ ☐
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Hazard Identification and Mitigation
Risk Matrix
Moderat Majo
Severity Insignificant Minor
e r

1 2 3 4 5
Likelihoo Moderat Majo
Description Insignificant Minor Catastrophic
d e r
5 5 10 15 20 25
Likely 4 4 8 12 16 20
Possible 3 3 6 9 12 15
Unlikely 2 2 4 6 8 10

Rare 1 1 2 3 4 5

In case of Emergency: Immediately stop work and make the area safe. Report to your supervisor, and notify the BPC Representative.
Emergency Services


Role Name Contact Number

Contractor Manager Sai Jagadish 8202554
BPC CO Patrick Wong 719 0103
BPC Supervisor Liaw Vun Kang 719 1374
Supervisor / PIC Muhd. ‘Aizat bin Haji Jafri 717 1262
Emergency Contact Personnel DES Lumut Power Station Control Room 323 6947
Risk Assessment Matrix
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Risk Evaluation Responsible Party Control
Risk Evaluation
Work Activity without for maintaining measure review
Hazards Control Measures with Controls
(Job task steps) Controls control measures frequency
 Survey work area to select
safe means of access for the
 Damage to existing asset truck to be moved and
 Strike stationary object positioned 1) Person-In-
 Collision (Moving
 Trained and competent Charge
1. Loading / Unloading of During the
Materials objects/Vehicles)
3 2 6 operator to operate HIAB 2 2 4 2) HIAB Crane activity
crane truck Operator
 Tight space to maneuver

can cause truck to hit
Provide banksman to give 3) Banksman
signals to operator
DES structures/facilities
 All vehicles will remain on
paved surfaces/roads
2. Setting up of Hydrotesting  Contact with hazardous 3 3 9  Toolbox talk prior to work 2 3 6 1) Person-In- During the
equipment Charge activity
substances from previous  Check equipment prior to
assembly and clean with
 Incorrect hand tools or correct cleaning agents if
defective equipment. required.
 Incorrect body position  Wear correct PPE
and manual handling  Wash hands after handling
which can result in back
the materials.
 Malfunction of equipment
 Use mechanical aids where
can lead to property
damage /injury to  Personnel to take regular
personnel. breaks if required.
 Compressor fuel/oil leak  Avoidance of manual
creating a flammable handling or use of lifting
atmosphere. equipment. Use proper
technique for manual
 Incompetent crew handling.
 Equipment assigned must be
inspected and attached with
approved certificates.
 Drip pan under generator to
catch any leaking oil.
 Personnel involved to be

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Risk Evaluation Responsible Party Control
Risk Evaluation
Work Activity without for maintaining measure review
Hazards Control Measures with Controls
(Job task steps) Controls control measures frequency
trained and certified.

 Use of pressure release valve

to safety reduce pressure.
 Leak of high pressure
 Personnel to wear
water during hydrotest
appropriate PPE
 Shock waves in the
 Personnel involved in the
surrounding area due to 1) Person-In- During the
3. Conduct Hydrotest 4 3 12 Hydrotest are to be trained 3 3 9
sudden release of Charge activity
and certified.
 Flying shrapnel/fragment
 Hydrotest area to be
barricaded and isolated to
from equipment or of
lower chance of injury for
parts coming loose.
personnel or bystanders.

 Release pressure from
vessel/equipment via
pressure release valve
according to safe practice.
 High water pressure from  Check materials for any rough
hydrotest equipment or sharp edges prior to lifting /
 Incorrect body position
4. Dismantling hydrotest and manual handling  Use mechanical aids where
1) Person-In- During the
which can result in back 3 2 6 possible. 2 2 4
equipment Charge activity
injury  Personnel to take regular
 Improper handling of breaks if required.
materials or rubbish may  Avoidance of manual
cause injury handling or use of lifting
equipment. Use proper
technique for manual
 Wear correct PPE
5. Housekeeping  Poor housekeeping may 2 2 4  Provide designated area for 1 2 2 1) Person-In- During the
lead to accident. the storage. Charge activity
 Improper handling of  Storage area to be
materials or rubbish may barricaded.
cause injury.  Check materials for any rough

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Risk Evaluation Responsible Party Control
Risk Evaluation
Work Activity without for maintaining measure review
Hazards Control Measures with Controls
(Job task steps) Controls control measures frequency
or sharp edges prior to lifting /
 Ensure to dispose rubbish on
appropriate bins.
 Regular housekeeping. Place
tools, equipment and
materials in barricaded area.
 Keep egress/ingress clear of
debris, tools and materials.
 Share manual handlings
 Slip, trip or fall duties, use team lifting
 Manual handling 1) Person-In- During the
6. All activities 3 2 6  Use mechanical aids where 2 2 4
 Repetitive motion/action possible.
Charge activity

 Adverse weather  Provide appropriate handling

 Personnel to take regular
breaks when required.
 No activities during heavy rain
or rainy days, thunderstorm
and strong wind.
7. Enter the Specific Work step  Enter the Hazards present
# # #  Enter the Control Measures to
# # # 1) Responsible Party Frequency
here. with this work step. mitigate these hazards.
8. Enter the Specific Work step  Enter the Hazards present
# # #  Enter the Control Measures to
# # # 1) Responsible Party Frequency
here. with this work step. mitigate these hazards.
9. Enter the Specific Work step  Enter the Hazards present
# # #  Enter the Control Measures to
# # # 1) Responsible Party Frequency
here. with this work step. mitigate these hazards.
10. Enter the Specific Work step  Enter the Hazards present
# # #  Enter the Control Measures to
# # # 1) Responsible Party Frequency
here. with this work step. mitigate these hazards.
11. Enter the Specific Work step  Enter the Hazards present
# # #  Enter the Control Measures to
# # # 1) Responsible Party Frequency
here. with this work step. mitigate these hazards.

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Annex B - Checklist of BPC HSE Procedures
Select the relevant procedures to be used and/or referenced. (Tick if applied)
HSE No. Description Applied HSE No. Description Applied
001 Working at Height 027 Hydrogen Sulphide
002 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment 028 Non-Compliance Reports
003 Control of Hazardous Substances 029 Hot Work
004 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ✓ 030 Mobile Elevated Work Platforms
005 Inductions Staff/Contractors/Visitors ✓ 031 HSE Contract Owner
006 Reporting of Accidents, Incidents and Near Misses 032 Emergency Response to WHRU Fire
007 Health Safety & Environment Essentials ✓ 033 Response to Fire Alarms on the Oregen Plant
008 Risk Assessment & Method Statements ✓ 034 LPS Emergency Response
009 Site Safety Inspections 035 LPS Plant Process Safety Management
010 Office Safety 036 Hazards and Working with Cyclopentane
011 Forklift Trucks 037 Management of operational Change and Project
Management Change
012 Control of HSE Documents 038 Use of Lorry Mounted Cranes (HIAB)
013 Noise at Work ✓ 039 Contractor Contractual responsibility for HSE Compliance
014 Manual Handling ✓ 040 BPC DES Checklist Agreement
015 Occupational Health 041 Cable & Service Detection
016 Abrasive Wheels (Fixed and Portable) 042 Use of Electronic devices in LPS & Hazardous Zone
017 Driving Vehicles for Work 043 Mandatory Equipment Inspections
018 General Electrical Safety 044 Person-In-Charge
019 Machinery & Work Equipment 045 Physical Security
020 Confined Spaces 046 Access Procedures
021 Excavations 047 Signs and Barriers ✓
022 Garden Maintenance & Tree Cutting 048 To be assigned
023 Permit to Work Excavation & Confined Spaces 049 RAMS Tracking Process
024 Emergency Response
025 First Aid
026 Gas Cylinders
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Annex C - Point of Work Assessment
This form can be used in isolation in the event of a breakdown and/or emergency situation,
where the basic hazards need to be identified and controlled. This is not to be used an alternative
to undertaking suitable and sufficient RAMS wherever possible or as a way of shortcutting the

Station Location RAMS Ref.


Identify if any of the hazards listed below are present or have emerged at your Work Site then
record what further controls, if any, are required to control risk. Record any Hazards not listed
below, together with any further controls required to eliminated or mitigate the risk to an
acceptable level.
If the controls are suitable and sufficient, sign the assessment before starting work. If you find
any hazard which, in your opinion, cannot be adequately mitigated, identify this on the form ad
notify your supervisor.
NO work is to be performed until all risks have been mitigated to an acceptable standard.

Machinery Transport/ Plant Electricity Fire/ Explosion

Hot Substance Chemicals Person Falling Collision
Slips & Trips Dropped Objects Collapse Hand Tools
Handling Mechanical Noise Vibration
Lifting Dust/ Fume Lighting Vehicle
Access & Egress Weather Other
Further Controls Required (Detail)

Contractor Signature: _______________________________ Date: ________________

CO Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ________________
Senior Engineer Signature: ___________________________ Date: ________________

Annex D - Rating


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Guide Likelihood of occurrence
Highly unlikely, but it may occur in exceptional
1 Rare
circumstances. It could happen, but probably never will.
Not expected, but there is a slight possibility it may occur
2 Unlikely
at some time.
The event might occur at some time as there is a history
3 Possible of casual occurrence at the site &/or similar types of
worksite or facilities.
There is a strong possibility the event will occur as there
4 Likely is a history of frequent occurrence at the site &/or similar
types of worksite or facilities.
The event is expected to occur in most circumstances as
5 Almost Certain there is a history of regular occurrence at the site &/or
similar types of worksites.

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Annex D (cont’d)
Staff/ 3rd Party Health and Reputation & Corporate Financial
Rating Description Environmental Business Interruption
Safety Image Objectives Impact
1 Insignificant No or minor personal No consequential impact. Negligible: Critical Negligible Resolved in Minimal
injury may require first aid systems unavailable for Impact. day to day Financial loss <
but not days lost less than one hour. management. $1000
2 Minor Minor Injury, medical Moderate on-site damage, Inconvenient: Critical Advert local Minor Impact $1000 - $10000
treatment & possible days reportable liquid or gas systems unavailable for media coverage not covered by
lost release several hours. only insurance.
3 Moderate Injury; possible Major site equipment Client Dissatisfaction: Adverse capital Significant $10000 -
hospitalization & damage, reportable liquid Unavailable more than city media Impact. $100000 not
numerous days lost or gas release potentially several hours but less coverage. covered by
beyond site, not affecting than one day. insurance.
safety, environment or
4 Major Single death &/or long- Reportable liquid or gas Critical Systems Adverse and Major Impact. $100000 - $5M
term illness or multiple release potentially beyond unavailable for 1 day or extended not covered by
serious injuries. site potentially affecting a series of prolonged national media insurance
public safety, the outages coverage
environment or property.
5 Catastrophic Fatalities or permanent Major site equipment or Critical systems Demand for Disastrous Above $5M not
disability or ill health infrastructure loss, Release unavailable for more Government Impact. covered by
of liquid or gas beyond the than one day. Inquiry. insurance.
site, uncontained and
effecting environment.

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