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Michael Nassen, Audrey Ostreicher, Meghan
Names Subject Science
Pantaleon, Daniel Lee
Unit Name: Organisms and Nonliving Things are
Unit Name and Made of Matter (Leave this
Week (Leave this blank for
Driving blank for EDSC to
of EDSC 442C)
Question Unit Driving Question: What role does fire play in 442C)
maintaining a healthy ecosystem?
Anchoring Phenomenon:
A fire has broken out at Sequoia National Park destroying all trees and wildlife in a particular area. Many
years later, however, this same area is now bustling with wildlife and with trees fully regrown despite being
completely destroyed by fire.

Anchoring Activity:
Students will create an initial model of Sequoia National Park and describe the role of fire in maintaining its
Phenomenon or
Design Problem
A fire has broken out in a particular location at Sequoia National Park, destroying all of the plants and trees
(with Anchoring
and leaving behind land that is burnt to a crisp. After some time, however, this same area is now bustling
Activity for the
with new plant life and growth even after the destruction caused by the fire. Students will first be asked to
observe a before and after picture of a fire that took place at a specific location in Sequoia National Park.
You are a Wildland firefighter for the National Park Service (NPS) that must propose a model to the local
government that describes what has taken place and explain the role that fire plays in the destruction and
revival of the ecosystem in that specific location. This model will be revisited and revised throughout the
unit and the final model will be a summative assessment to evaluate student mastery over the content.

MS-LS2-3. Develop a model to describe the cycling of matter and flow of energy among living and nonliving parts
of an ecosystem. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on describing the conservation of matter and flow
NGSS Performance of energy into and out of various ecosystems, and on defining the boundaries of the system.]
Expectation [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include the use of chemical reactions to describe the

Provide the Standard and Element(s) that Students Will

Where in the lesson can this be found?
be Engaging In
Disciplinary Core LS2.B: Cycle of Matter and Energy The DCI is introduced in the lesson phenomenon where
Ideas (DCIs) Transfer in Ecosystems students will try to identify the living and nonliving
Food webs are models that demonstrate how matter components found in the relationship between Moroccan
and energy is transferred between producers,
consumers, and decomposers as the three groups tree goats and the argan tree. Students will learn about
interact within an the distinctions between living and nonliving things
ecosystem. Transfers of matter into and out of the through direct instruction and the NET they will complete
physical environment occur at every level. Decomposers while reading an article. After gathering evidence, they will
recycle nutrients from dead plant or animal matter back be able to discern between living and nonliving things in an
to the soil in terrestrial environments or to the water in ecosystem. This knowledge will help bridge into the next
aquatic environments. The atoms that make up the lesson where students will be asked to dive deeper into
organisms in an ecosystem are cycled repeatedly this concept and learn about the cycle of matter and
between the living and nonliving parts of the ecosystem. energy in food webs across various trophic levels.

Students will be asked to complete a NET on an article

they will read. After reading the article, they will gather
evidence from the reading in order to make claims and
Science and ● Constructing explanations support with evidence in an essay. This essay will include
Engineering ● Developing models their explanations as to why they chose to identify certain
Practices (SEPs) things in an ecosystem as living or nonliving. Once they
have learned to distinguish between living and nonliving,
they will be asked to revise their model by labeling the
various components as living and nonliving.
Epistemic ● Argumentation
Practice(s) ● Negotiation of Expository Text
(Bundled SEPs)
Students will learn of various patterns that help classify
living and nonliving things. They will initially try to do so
● Patterns- Observed patterns and events that based on their prior knowledge, but after direct instruction
guide organization and classification, and they and NET of an article, they will have learned the patterns
Cross Cutting
prompt questions and the factors that influence that help them distinguish between living and nonliving
Concepts (CCCs)
them things. As they work to answer the lesson level
● Energy and Matter phenomenon, they will be introduced to concepts such as
energy and matter and how all living and nonliving things
interact with each other in preparation for the next lesson.

3D Learning
Objective (Lesson- Students will investigate and analyze patterns of characteristics between living and nonliving things through
Level Learning their own observations inside and outside the classroom environment.

Moroccan tree goats have been spotted perched on top of argan trees which are an endangered species.
What are the living and nonliving components involved in this relationship?
How does the presence of tree goats help preserve the endangered argan trees?
Connections to RST.6-8.1 - Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts.
other standards
(CCSS ELA, CCSS WHST.6-8.9 - Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Living and Nonliving Things
Target Vocab to be Interactions
Developed Patterns

The 5E Model
Lesson Intro Day 1: Day 1:
(Engage) ● Teacher will introduce new phenomenon by ● Students will write down their thoughts on the
showing picture of Moroccan tree goats on top tree goat phenomenon and identify what is living
TIME: 2 days
of argan trees and nonliving
● Teacher will ask students to write the living and ● Students will also write down their thoughts on
nonliving components involved in the how the goats help preserve the trees
relationship ● Students will watch an introduction video of
● Teacher will ask students to write their forest ecosystems. They will write: 3 things they
thoughts on how the presence of tree goats know about living and nonliving things, 3 things
help preserve the endangered argan trees (this that they want to know, and 3 things they did not
will be revisited in the next lesson on food know. (lab notebook)
webs) ● Exit Ticket: Students will write down 2 questions
● Teacher will show video of forest ecosystems that they still have that the class can discuss in
and have students take notes to assess prior the next class period
knowledge ( 3 things they know about living
and nonliving things, 3 things that they want to Day 2:
know, and 3 things they did not know.) ● Students will discuss in groups the questions they
● Exit Ticket: Write 2 questions they have that submitted in their exit tickets
the class can discuss in the next class period ● Students will inquire deeper thoughts on the
Day 2: phenomena and pose a question that they would
● Teacher will facilitate group discussion based want further explanation for
on the questions students gave in their exit ● Students will listen to direct instruction and
tickets in the previous class period follow guided notes
● Teacher will walk around and listen in on the ● Exit Ticket: Students will complete a RIQ to review
discussions students are having and assess their and process the new information they learned
prior knowledge regarding living and nonliving throughout the direct instruction
● Teacher will begin direct instruction and
provide guided notes on living and nonliving
● Exit Ticket: Teacher will have students complete
a RIQ and use it as a form of formative
assessment too see how much the students
have learned and what questions they could
still have
Day 3:
● Teacher will provide students with a Day 3:
observation T-Chart and have students record ● Students will go on a nature walk outside of the
their observations on what they think is living classroom.
and nonliving ● Students will record observations of what they
● Teacher will instruct students on safety and believe to be living and nonliving.
courtesy to other classes before leaving the ● Students will begin an initial model of the school
classroom environment and how living and nonliving things
● Teacher will lead students outside and have interact with each other.
them spread out around the school to find and ● Students will practice safety and be courteous to
record 10 living or nonliving things the other classes on campus by not disrupting
● Teacher will have students draw an initial their lessons
model of the environment at school showing ● Exit Ticket: Students will write 1 compliment/1
how living and nonliving things interact with feedback on how the nature walk was good and
each other how it can be improved in the future
● Exit Ticket: Teacher will have students write 1
compliment/1 feedback to assess and improve Day 4:
this activity for the future ● Students will compare their nature walk
Lesson Body observation charts with a partner and find
(Explore, Explain,
Day 4: similarities or differences
● Teacher will have students share their ● Students will read an article on living and
TIME: 2 days observation charts with a partner to find nonliving organisms. They will do NET to find
similarities and differences in their observations evidence of characteristics of living and nonliving
from the nature walk things.
● Teacher will pass out scientific article on living ● *If students finish early - Students will revisit their
and nonliving organisms and have students do initial model of the school environment and make
a Negotiation of Expository Text (NET) changes according to the evidence gathered after
● *If time available - Teacher will have students reading and doing the NET
revisit the model they drew of the school ● Exit Ticket: Students will revisit the lesson level
environment and make changes based on phenomenon and identify the living and nonliving
evidence gathered from the article components present in the relationship between
● Exit Ticket: Teacher will have students identify the Moroccan tree goats and the argan trees
the living and nonliving components in the ● HW: Students will write an essay and identify the
relationship between the Moroccan tree goats 10 things they observed in the nature walk as
and the argan trees living or nonliving while supporting their claims
● HW: Teacher will have students write an essay with evidence from the article and NET
on the 10 things they observed in the nature ● (Students will understand they must provide
walk and identify whether they are living or evidence for their claims and to explain their
nonliving and support with evidence from the reasoning clearly when writing)
Day 5:
Day 5:
● Students will participate in a review activity in the
● Blooket: Teacher will have students participate
form of Blooket and draw upon previously
in a review activity that will help assess student
learned information from this lesson
learning and growth throughout this lesson
● Students will revisit their initial models of the
● Teacher will have students revisit the models
school environment and revise according to the
drawn during the nature walk and have
evidence gathered from their NET (Models should
students revise/improve based on their
include labels of living and non living things
newfound learning
present in their environment.)
Lesson Closure ● Teacher will then have students revisit and
● Students will compare their school environment
(Evaluate) revise the models they have been making for
model to their Anchoring phenomenon model
the anchoring phenomenon and have them
TIME: 1 day and add any new elements they believe belong in
identify and label the living and nonliving
their models of the Anchoring phenomena
components of the model present in the
● Exit Ticket: Students will think back on the
relationship between tree goats and argan trees
● Exit Ticket: In preparation for the next lesson,
and write an explanation as to how the goats help
teacher will have students revisit the tree goats
preserve the argan trees based on the knowledge
and argan trees and write a new explanation
gained throughout this lesson (**This question
based on the new evidence they gathered as to
will be answered in the next lesson on food
how the goats help to preserve the endangered
webs/cycle of matter/energy)
tree species



Teacher is informed by
Some of the feedback may questions that may arise.
Recording observations in a be done through class Peaks in interesting facts or
Students will observe
T-Chart of their outside discussion. Misconceptions phenomena informs the
their own environment
environment will begin to are addressed through lesson. Some students may
Entry Level and analyze traits of
formatively assess students’ informal discussions with want to dive deeper into
living and nonliving
knowledge of living and groups and led by certain phenomena and
nonliving organisms.
instruction. some may need more

PM (Formative) To formatively assess Students will participate in Teacher will have access to This method of assessment
student understanding a review activity called the answers students is a fun way for students to
and learning after Blookete and use their provide and how successful show how much
students have received knowledge gained from the
they are throughout the information they retained
direct instruction and lesson to perform well in
activity on the computer. throughout the lesson and
completed a NET on an the activity. They will need
whether they are able to
apply this knowledge in
various situations. The
teacher can use this
information to judge
Teacher can also walk
whether students have
around and interact with
completely grasped the new
an online device in order to students as they are
article. material. This can also serve
participate. participating in the online
to show the teacher which
areas students may still be
struggling with and adapt
lessons in the future to
address these learning

Students revise initial unit

models with new Incomplete models and/or
Purpose of revising the vocabulary and analysis of models lacking correct
Anchoring models is to patterns and characteristics Visual feedback is present
vocabulary demonstrate
demonstrate that the of living and nonliving in lab notebook notes and
that lesson content may
new content on living things. They can now observations. Also the
have not been delivered in
Summative and nonliving things can determine the different models provide feedback
be incorporated types of living and nonliving the best way. This may lead
when lacking certain model
appropriately to their things through analysis and to reteaching or finding a
models of Sequoia are able to show new strategy to deliver
National Park. interactions between them content instruction.
in an ecosystem model of
the Sequoia National Park.
DIFFERENTIATION Students with Special
English Learners Striving Readers Advanced Students
-Scaffolded guided notes -Students will be paired -Provide additional prompts
-In order to provide ELs during direct instruction with another student of research regarding the
with scaffolded -Key terms highlighted in during the nature walk to tree goats and the argan
worksheets and the science article ensure safety trees if advanced students
handouts, google -Vocabulary terms -Another student can help finish early
translate is used to introduced before the record observations for -Advanced students will be
modify handouts. lesson so that striving special needs student if facilitators of group
-All videos have subtitles readers can have access to assistance is necessary discussion to aid students
are available in Spanish them before starting the -If writing an essay is not who may struggle to grasp
-ELs can draw their lesson feasible, these students can certain concepts
recordings rather than -Copies of the powerpoint verbalize their claims and -Advanced students will be
write in the nature walk slides provided beforehand evidence to the teacher or asked to provide detailed
provide drawings that will
observation T-Chart explanations on models
for striving readers to support their ideas
rather than just identifying
prepare and annotate -Extra time will be provided
and labeling
for the completion of work
Characteristics of Living Things-What makes something alive?
Materials Needed
and Links to
Instructional Powerpoint
Resources Blooket
Nature Walk Observation T-Chart
This lesson is intended to teach students how to identify and discern between living and nonliving things in an
ecosystem. In order to introduce this lesson to the students, a phenomenon on the relationship between tree goats
and argan trees was chosen to spark interest and curiosity. This phenomenon is also helpful in that it will tie nicely into
the next lesson on energy and the cycle of energy/matter in food webs. Due to this phenomenon being fairly unknown
to the students, having students write down their thoughts on what the living and nonliving components are in this
relationship will allow the teacher to assess students’ prior knowledge regarding living and nonliving things. By having
them also write down an initial explanation as to how the tree goats help to preserve the argan trees allows the
teacher to assess prior knowledge and adapt future lessons in the next lesson accordingly. After thinking about the
lesson level phenomenon, students will be introduced to forest ecosystems in a youtube video. This will get students
thinking about the various components working in an ecosystem and whether these components are living and
nonliving. They may not be sure of the criteria that makes something living or nonliving, but it is a good introduction to
wrap up Day 1 with. Students will be given the opportunity to discuss questions they may have had in Day 1’s class
during Day 2. This will also serve as an opportunity for the teacher to assess the state of the class and to see which
topics students are struggling to grasp. Throughout the direct instruction period, the teacher can be flexible and adapt
in order to address the various questions students may still have. On Day 3, students will be given an opportunity to
Implementation get out of the classroom and create an observation chart and an initial model of the school environment. The change
in scenery is a great way to increase student engagement rather than just staying in the classroom all week. It is,
however, crucial that teachers make sure students understand rules on safety and courtesy when outside of the
classroom in order to not disturb the other classes in session. Students will be able to use their creativity to find all
sorts of objects across the campus in order to record them in their charts. They will display their prior knowledge and
create their own criterias when labeling living and nonliving things. Teachers can use this activity to further assess the
preconceptions students have. By giving the students an article to complete a NET on the following day, the teacher
can hopefully address all of the preconceptions students may have had during the nature walk. Students will now have
a clear understanding of what makes living things living and nonliving things nonliving and take this opportunity to
revise their charts and models. On the final day, the teacher can formatively assess student learning through fun,
engaging activities such as Blooket. Then students will be summatively assessed by taking all of the new information
they learned from this lesson and applying it to revise their anchoring phenomenon model. Once the teacher has
finished assessing, he or she can now easily tie this lesson into the next lesson regarding food webs and the cycle of
energy/matter by using the same lesson level phenomenon of the tree goats and the argan trees.

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