Blurred Vision: Causes

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Blurred Vision

Blurred vision refers to a lack of sharpness of vision resulting in the inability to see fine detail. It may
result from abnormalities present at birth such as nearsightedness of farsightedness that require
corrective lenses (glasses) or it may signal the presence of eye disease. It can also be a symptom of

Conditions that do not directly involve the eyes, such as migraine or stroke. A number of medications
may also lead to temporary blurring of vision as a side effect. It can affect an eye (unilateral blurred
vision) or both eyes (bilateral blurred vision), and whether it occurs often or rarely, it should never go

 Refractive Eye Conditions
 Age-related macular degeneration
 Cataracts
 Diabetic retinopathy
 Myopia
 Presbyopia
 Dry Eyes
 Migraines
 Contact Lenses
 Glaucoma
 Medicines:
o Some anticholinergics,
o anti hypertensive,
o anti-psychotropic drug,
o oral contraceptives,
o cortisone,
o anti depressants and heart medications.

Points to Remember

In elderly, cataract and presbyopia are most frequent cause of blurred vision.

 Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
 Floaters or spots
 Eye pain
 Discharge from eye
 Lass of peripheral vision
 Loss of central vision
 Dry eyes
 Itchy eyes
 Increased tear production
 Poor night vision
 Red blood hot eyes
 Bleeding from eye
 Poor near vision

Diagnostic Investigations
 Stit-lamp examination
 Refraction test
 Tonometry

 Treatment of the cause
 Measures to improve sharpness of vision

 In some cases blurry vision is inevitable. In most cases, however, blurry vision can be
corrected or prevented.
 For example, wearing sunglasses will decrease sensitivity to light, which reduces the chance
of developing temporary blurry vision.
 Also avoid drinking alcohol, which is known to alter vision.
 Regular eye examinations are extremely important, especially if an individual is over the age
of 65, or if an individual has a diabetes or high blood pressure.

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