Tugas Bingg Muhammad Atho Illah XI MIPA D 22

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Nama: Muhammad atho illah

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It is known that in the Theme 9 Thematic Book for Grade 6 Elementary School
there are 3 sub-themes. Fiction is the creation of stories from the author's
imagination even though in the work there may be references to real events or
people. The text contains stories and certain events that use a narrative style.

In essence, the fiction story is the result of the imagination of the author based
on the experience of interpreting the views of intellectual quality insight on
several events. 7 EXAMPLES OF SHORT FICTION STORY TEXTS about Education
in Novels for children Legend and its structure and moral message. This time
we will discuss an Indonesian language learning material, namely examples of
short fiction texts in novels about education for children about legends and
their structures. Mini stories are works of fiction that are shorter and very
concise compared to short stories or short stories.

Great son of Pandji Tisna. Some of his family members work for government.
You can read fiction as a whole in novels, short stories and so on.

These summaries cover the main plot of the story they summarize. The slum
shop owned by Men Negara, an old woman who has a daughter named Ni
Negari, is always full of customers, especially the Adams. Summary Definition
of Characteristics Objectives Step Benefits Experts.

The genre of fiction is a type of text that is built on imagination. The language
style is complex so it is very easy to understand by readers from various circles.
15 Examples of Fiction Text.

Fiction or fiction is imaginative. Generally these mini stories consist of a range

of 250 words to 1000 words. Mahatma Gandhi An Autobiography.
Starting from the story of The Parakeet King Parakeet in the Province of
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, the story of the rebellious child Malin Kundang in
West Sumatra, the heroism of the Pitung in Jakarta, the legend of Roro
Jonggrang in Yogyakarta, the tale of the Origin of the Mermaid in Central
Sulawesi to the fable story of the Magical Crocodile of the Tami River in Papua.
The story in this novel is dominated by love and friendship. The main effect in
fiction is that you will be immersed in feeling the emotions in it.

Example of a Fiction Novel Review Longing. Or visually you can see soap operas
on television or drama shows. This summary uses sentences like When Harry
Finds the Stone and doesn't explain what it takes to find the stone which is not
the point of the summary.

Fiction is not a real story. It has forming elements in the form of a background
theme, character plot and point of view. Several stories were found that did
not match the theme so that the stories became discordant.

This story tells of a man who builds a dam to earn money. Very much different
from short stories which usually consist of 1000 to 10000 words in one story.
Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in the state of Gujarat in India.

The story has a clear plot from the beginning to the end of the story. This book
provides a clear summary of 100 original Indonesian stories. Summary
Definition of Characteristics Objectives Step Benefits Experts.

By samhis Setiawan Posted on May 24, 2021. The summary in this case is a
brief presentation of an original essay while a comparison of parts or chapters
of the original essay.

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