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Amando, Faith Martina L.

ABM 102
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is machine intelligence that is artificially created, as opposed
to human intelligence that is inherent in life itself. In its most basic form, AI occurs when a
man-made machine begins to acquire the ability to "think" and act intelligently as a human.
Artificial intelligence is impacting the future of virtually every industry and every human
being. Artificial intelligence has acted as the main driver of emerging technologies like big
data, robotics, and IoT, and it will continue to act as a technological innovator for the
foreseeable future.
AI will eventually have an impact on all industries to varying degrees. AI and its
variants, such as machine learning (ML), can be applied in a wide range of application
scenarios. They will be increasingly common in areas where large amounts of data must be
analyzed and evaluated. AI systems are better equipped than humans to analyze massive
amounts of data, correlate the data with various reference points, and thus create a more
solid foundation for decision making. Scientists and technology experts all agree that the
"AI" that most people are familiar with today is simply automation. Rather than a self-
thinking and self-evolving artificial entity, we now have groups of programmed processes
that are set to run in response to a specific trigger, condition, or command. It automates
tasks and performs tasks for humans, but it cannot learn or "think" for itself. It still needs to
be programmed and coded to respond appropriately. Artificial intelligence has the
potential to significantly improve the efficiencies of our workplaces while also augmenting
the work that humans can do. When AI takes over repetitive or dangerous tasks, it frees up
the human workforce to do work that they are better suited for, such as tasks requiring
creativity and empathy. People may be happier and more satisfied at work if they are doing
work that they enjoy. With the introduction of autonomous transportation and AI
influencing our traffic congestion issues, our society will gain countless hours of
productivity, not to mention the other ways it will improve on-the-job productivity.
Humans will be able to spend their time in a variety of other ways once they are free of
stressful commutes.
 Artificial intelligence-assisted systems have a wide range of potential applications
that could greatly improve the quality of our lives. On the one hand, it can be a boon to
society if used for enhancement, but it can also be a curse if it falls into the wrong hands.
Dilmegani, C. (2019, October 21). Future of AI according to top AI experts of 2021: In-Depth
Guide. Retrieved from Future of AI according to top AI experts of 2021: In-Depth Guide
Thomas, M. (2021, July 21). How Artificial Intelligence will Change the World. Retrieved
from Future of AI: 7 Ways Artificial Intelligence Changes The World | Built In
Marr, B. (2021, July 2) The Impact of Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved from What Is The
Impact Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) On Society? | Bernard Marr

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