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Life As A Universe Unfolding Eventuation

Ian Beardsley

(University of Oregon, Department of Physics, 2021)

Genesis Project ⋅ California ⋅ 2021

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The idea that life could be part of a Universal Natural Process has been around for some time,
perhaps starting with the astronomer Fred Hoyle. In my effort to show artificial intelligence and
biological life elements are mathematical constructs I had formed a new constant that was
interesting in itself. This short paper treats just it and what follows from it, since it has life
connected to more universal values such as Planck’s constant, the universal constant of
gravitation, the speed of light, the fine structure constant, the radius of a proton, and the mass
of a proton. A program is written that shows it has incredible properties that predict all of the
elements. It is suggested that its value is in design so a definition of design is used from
Buckminster Fuller’s Synergetics.

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Theory For Inertia

In order to present the elements as mathematical structures we need to explain the matter from
which they are made as mathematical constructs. We need a theory for Inertia. I had found
(Beardsley Essays In Cosmic Archaeology. 2021) where I suggested the idea of proton
seconds, that is six protons-seconds, which is carbon the core element of biological life if we
can figure out a reason to divide out the seconds. I found

1 h 4π rp2
Equation 1. = 6proton s

t1α 2 mp Gc

Where h is Planck’s constant 6.62607E—34 Js, r_p is the radius of a proton 0.833E-15m, G is
the universal constant of gravitation 6.67408E-11 (Nm2)/(kg2), and c is the speed of light
299,792,459 m/s. And t_1 is t=1 second. α is the Sommerfeld constant (or fine structure
constant) is 1/137. The mass of a proton is mp = 1.67262E − 27kg.

The fine structure constant squared is the ratio of the potential energy of an electron in the first
circular orbit to the energy given by the mass of an electron in the Bohr model times the speed
of light squared:

α2 =

mec 2
Matter is that which has inertia. This means it resists change in position with a force applied to
it. The more of it, the more it resists a force. We understand this from experience, but what is
matter that it has inertia?

I would like to answer this by considering matter in one of its simplest manifestations, the
proton, a small sphere with a mass of 1.6726E-27 kg. This is a measure of its inertia.

I would like to suggest that matter, often a collection of these protons, is the three dimensional
cross-section of a four dimensional hypersphere.

The way to visualize this is to take space as a two-dimensional plane and the proton as a two
dimensional cross-section of a sphere, which would be a circle.

In this analogy we are suggesting a proton is a three dimensional bubble embedded in a two
dimensional plane. As such there has to be a normal vector holding the higher dimensional
sphere in a lower dimensional space. Thus if we apply a force to to the cross-section of the
sphere in the plane there should be a force countering it proportional to the normal holding it in
a lower dimensional universe. This counter force would be experienced as inertia. It may even
induce in it an electric field, and we can see how it may do the same equal but opposite for the
electron. Refer to the illustration on the following page…

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1 h 4π rp2
= (6proton s)(1secon d )

α 2 mp Gc

1 h 4π rp2
= (1proton)(6secon d s)

α 2 mp Gc
α2 =

mec 2

I made a program that looks for close to whole number solutions, I set it at decimal part equal
to 0.25. You cam choose how may values for t you want to try, and by what to increments
them. Here are the results for incrementing by 0.25 seconds then 0.05 seconds. Constant to all
of this is hydrogen and carbon. The smaller integer value of seconds gives carbon (6 protons at
1 second) and the largest value integer values of seconds give hydrogen (1 proton at six
seconds) and outside of that for the other integer values of protons you run are at t>0 and t<1.
Equation 1 really has some interesting properties. Here are two runs of the program( depart is
just me verifying that my boolean test was working right to sort out whole number solutions):

By what value would you like to increment?: 0.25

How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?): 100

24.1199 protons 0.250000 seconds 0.119904 decpart

12.0600 protons 0.500000 seconds 0.059952 decpart

8.0400 protons 0.750000 seconds 0.039968 decpart

6.0300 protons 1.000000 seconds 0.029976 decpart

4.0200 protons 1.500000 seconds 0.019984 decpart

3.0150 protons 2.000000 seconds 0.014988 decpart

2.1927 protons 2.750000 seconds 0.192718 decpart

2.0100 protons 3.000000 seconds 0.009992 decpart

1.2060 protons 5.000000 seconds 0.205995 decpart

1.1486 protons 5.250000 seconds 0.148567 decpart

1.0964 protons 5.500000 seconds 0.096359 decpart

1.0487 protons 5.750000 seconds 0.048691 decpart

1.0050 protons 6.000000 seconds 0.004996 decpart

0.2487 protons 24.250000 seconds 0.248659 decpart

0.2461 protons 24.500000 seconds 0.246121 decpart

0.2436 protons 24.750000 seconds 0.243635 decpart

By what value would you like to increment?: 0.05

How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?): 100

40.1998 protons 0.150000 seconds 0.199837 decpart

30.1499 protons 0.200000 seconds 0.149879 decpart

24.1199 protons 0.250000 seconds 0.119904 decpart

20.0999 protons 0.300000 seconds 0.099918 decpart

17.2285 protons 0.350000 seconds 0.228500 decpart

15.0749 protons 0.400000 seconds 0.074938 decpart

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12.0599 protons 0.500000 seconds 0.059950 decpart

10.0500 protons 0.600000 seconds 0.049958 decpart

8.0400 protons 0.750000 seconds 0.039966 decpart

7.0941 protons 0.850000 seconds 0.094088 decpart

6.0300 protons 1.000000 seconds 0.029975 decpart

5.2435 protons 1.150000 seconds 0.243457 decpart

5.0250 protons 1.200000 seconds 0.024980 decpart

4.1586 protons 1.450000 seconds 0.158605 decpart

4.0200 protons 1.500000 seconds 0.019985 decpart

3.1737 protons 1.899999 seconds 0.173673 decpart

3.0923 protons 1.949999 seconds 0.092296 decpart

3.0150 protons 1.999999 seconds 0.014989 decpart

2.2333 protons 2.699999 seconds 0.233325 decpart

2.1927 protons 2.749999 seconds 0.192719 decpart

2.1536 protons 2.799999 seconds 0.153564 decpart

2.1158 protons 2.849998 seconds 0.115782 decpart

2.0793 protons 2.899998 seconds 0.079303 decpart

2.0441 protons 2.949998 seconds 0.044061 decpart

2.0100 protons 2.999998 seconds 0.009993 decpart

1.2433 protons 4.850000 seconds 0.243294 decpart

1.2306 protons 4.900001 seconds 0.230607 decpart

1.2182 protons 4.950001 seconds 0.218177 decpart

Here is the code for the program:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

int n;

float value=0, increment,t=0, p=1.67262E-27, h=6.62607E-34,G=6.67408E-11,



printf("By what value would you like to increment?: ");

scanf("%f", &increment);

printf("How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?): ");

scanf("%i", &n);

while (n>=101);

for (int i=0; i<n;i++)


int intpart=(int)protons[i];

float decpart=protons[i]-intpart;


if (decpart<0.25)

{ printf("%.4f protons %f seconds %f decpart \n", protons[i], t-increment, decpart);


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While I understand that one second is a human invention and can’t be taken as significant, the
equations have meaning in that there are two equations each utilizing a second so they are
connected. But what really makes me wonder is how one can predict carbon, the other
hydrogen so accurately with the unit of a second. It was a conspiracy on the part of those who
formulated the duration of a second a long time ago to be what it is? The Ancient Egyptians,
The Babylonians, The Julian calendar—who, what, when?

6 protons gives a little more than a second. This makes a shorter day. We have

1 h 4π rp2
Equation 2. = 1.004996352secon d s

6α 2 mp Gc

H=1.00784 g/mol, carbon = 6 protons

h=6.62607E-34, r_p=0.833E-15, G=6.67408E-11, c=299,792,459


Over the past several billion years the length of the year has not deviated much from 365.25
days because of Kepler’s period for the orbit of a planet but, because the earth loses energy to
the moon, its days becomes longer over time by 0.0067 hours per million years which, we can
see from examining sedimentation band growth, which follows the lunar month. To get our
23.8806837 hours per day we have to go back about 18 million years:


t=17.80840299 million years

This is the Miocene, a time which the Earth cooled slowly towards a series of ice ages,
between the Oligocene and the Pliocene defined by the boundaries of the cooler Oligocene
and the warmer Pliocene. See Messinian Salinity Crisis and Zarclean Flood. When the
dinosaurs roamed the Earth 70 million years ago the day was 23.7 hours long, about a half an
hour shorter. They seemed to have gone extinct about 65 million years ago when an asteroid
hit in the Yucatan, probably because we were moving through a place in the galaxy full of
debris, through which we pass every 27 million years. But asteroids in the asteroid belt pose a
threat as well, and that is why we catalog their trajectories. The asteroid belt is about 1AU thick
at 2.2 to 3.2 AU from the sun, the earth-sun separation being 1 AU. Carbon-12 the basis of life
as we know it is 12.01 g/mol. It is made in stars from Beryllium-8 is 8.0053051 g/mol. Thus we

C Mars
8 Be
= Δx

Ear th

Δx = 1AU

Delta x equal to 1 AU is both Earth and The Asteroids. Mars is at 1.52AU. Delta X cancels with
the Earth leaving Mars equal to carbon to beryllium, which is life, Does this say we need to be
able to colonize Mars to succeed as a species?

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C = 4 He + 8 Be

Or, does it mean we need to put bases on the moon to mine Helium-3 as a clean, renewable
energy source.

Not does this only mean the second is related to the earth orbital period, but now to other
things; By dividing the day into 24 hours, the hour into 60 minutes, and the minute into 60
seconds, the second is 1/86400 of day. By doing this we have a twelve-hour daytime at spring
and fall equinox on the equator, 12 being the most divisible number for its size (smallest
abundant number). That is to say that twelve is evenly divisible by 1,2,3,4,6 which precede it
and 1+2+3+4+6=16 is greater than twelve. As such there is about one moon per 30 days and
about 12 moons per year (per each orbit) giving us a twelve-month calendar. This is all further
convenient in that the moon and earth are in very close to circular orbits and the circle is evenly
divisible by 30, 45, 60, and 120 if we divide the circle into 360 degrees which are special angles
very useful to the workings of physics and geometry. Further, the 360 degrees of a circle are
about the 365 days of a year (period of one earth orbit) so as such the earth moves through
about a degree a day in its journey around the sun. Thus, through these observations down
through the ages since ancient times we have constructed the duration of a second wisely
enough to make a lot work together. Now we see 6 protons, which is carbon the core element
of biological life on the planet where all of this came together is deeply connected with the
second that defines it all. With this idea of proton-seconds describing hydrogen and carbon the
basis of life the hydrocarbons in a cycle of 6 with respect to one another, the motion of the
earth around the sun and moon around the earth, and the basis of geometry the 360 degree
circle, equation 1 connects them with the universal constant of gravitation, the speed of light,
the fine structure constant and Planck’s constant that characterizes the physics of the atom. I
really wonder if other star systems are connected so well their planets with their star as the
Earth with the Sun. We really can’t resolve planets around other stars because the stars are too
far and so bright compared to their orbiting planets and the planets have to be large enough to
be inferred by the motion they induce in the star they orbit. It is hard to do so with earth sized
planets that might harbor life. However that may change in the near future.

Since the earth day gets longer at a rate of one hour per 0.0067 million years then, the earth
will be (24)(365.25)/(360)=24.35 hours per day when it goes through 360 days per year. This will
be in 0.35/0.0066=52.2388 million years or, the year 522,408,21.

The constant described in the section Theory For Inertia, has had interesting applications with
asteroids, now I apply it again. Its Nature that most fascinates me is that the largest integer
value of six seconds predicts carbon and its smallest integer value of 1 second predicts
hydrogen. All other elements are predicted by values less than 1 and greater than zero. By
fractional values of seconds. So here I look at this considering the prebiotic path to amino
acids, the building blocks of life, which are NH3, CH4, CO2,…and I look at CH4 in that it is a
hydrocarbon the backbone of organic matter. Here are the calculations written out by hand
(next pages)…

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Thus we consider methane (CH4) since it is the simplest hydrocarbon that is one of the
prebiotic pathways to the amino acids, the building blocks of life:

CH4 ==> C = 6 protons = 1 second

H4 ==> H = 1 proton = 6 seconds

H4 ==> 4 protons = 1.5 second

We have: (6 protons)(4 protons) = 24 protons

24 protons = 0.25 seconds

4 1 1 h 4π rp2 6 1

Gc ∫0 ∫0
Equation 3. ⋅ 2⋅ x yd x d y = 24proton s

9 α mp
6 1
4 4 6 1
9 ∫0 ∫0 9 ∫0 ∫0
= [6] x yd x d y = 6 x yd x d y=

4 6 x2 1
9 ∫0 2 0
6 yd y=

4 1
⋅ 6 ⋅ ⋅ 18 = 24proton s

9 2
Which is chromium, element 24 which is 52 protons and neutrons or it is magnesium, which is
is element 12 and 24 protons and neutrons. This is the volume above a square and below the
surface f(x,y)=xy. See the figure below…

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The Objective: To show that equation 1 is design.

1 h 4π rp2
= 6proton s

t1α 2 mp Gc

Where t6 = 6secon d s is hydrogen and 6 is the largest integer value of seconds predicting an
element, t1 = 1secon d is carbon is the smallest integer value for seconds predicting an
element, and where these are the hydrocarbons which form the backbone of organic matter.

To do this we need a working definition of design and I think here that Buckminster Fuller’s will
do fine from his work Synergetics: Design is that which gives you more degrees of freedom. He
coined his work as Design Science. In a sense we could say the Italian Renaissance artist and
inventor Leonardo Da Vinci was a design scientist. When he drew-up the first designs for a
helicopter, and a parachute, he was giving us more degrees of freedom.

In the sense that this work strives to show Life as a Universal Natural Process we need a
definition for that as well. Here Buckminster Fuller works quite well again:

“Humanity [is a] macro → micro Universe-unfolding eventuation.”

He further wrote:

“In its complexities of design integrity, the Universe is technology…The technology evolved by
man is thus far amateurish compared to the elegance of non humanly contrived regeneration…
[It is] the gradual discovery of the function in Universe which humanity has been designed to

Working theorems from his work will help:

610.01 By structure, we mean self-stabilizing pattern. The triangle is the only self-stabilizing

609.01 Any polygon with more than three sides is unstable. Only the triangle is inherently

Fulfilling The Objective

We seek to to show then, that:

Humanity [is a] macro → micro Universe-unfolding eventuation.

We have:

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1 h 4π rp2
= (6proton s)(1secon d )

α 2 mp Gc

1 h 4π rp2
= (1proton)(6secon d s)

α 2 mp Gc

Hydrocarbons are the backbone of organic matter (from which life is centered)

6 protons is carbon the core element of biological life as we know it. 1 proton is hydrogen
which combines with carbon to make hydrocarbons. Asteroids are very useful for studying the
formation of the terrestrial planets. We have a time t, from

h 4π rp2
= 5.373681066E − 31proton ⋅ secon d s

(5.373681066E − 31) = 1E 7kg = 6E44proton s

(10E − 44)(1.67202E − 27)

Because the mass of a proton is 1.67202E-27kg. 1E-44 is the Planck time.

1 1 h 4π rp2
t= 2⋅ = 5.79E − 11secon d s

α (6.032214111E44) Gc
Consider Iron-Nickel meteorites, and sand SiO2 (silicon dioxide) these are the backbone or
base, of the solar system. We have:

∫0 R 2
GMm dr → Move − a steroid − to − a steroid belt = 3.78E18Joules

Because the asteroid belt is 329E26km to 478.7E6km=>403.85E6km and the mass of the sun
is 11.989EE30kg. The mass of our asteroid is 11501300.88kg from density of asteroid is 4200
kilograms per cubic meter. And since we said t=5.79E-11 seconds, at the speed of light this is
4 3
17.35797 meters and from V = π R we have the mass of our asteroid. The earth has a
kinetic energy of:

5.972E 24kg(30k m /s)2 = 2.6874E 27J

Thus our final result is:

2.6874E 27
= 7E8proton s

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The mass of a proton is 1.67262E-27kg giving 1E-18 molecules.

As the universe unfolds from Asteroids to the backbone of a mammal which has mineral
component hydroxyapatite (HA):

H A = Ca5(PO4)3OH = 502.32g/m ol

Is at 602E23 molecules per mole, 8.34E-25 kilograms per molecule. Thus…

1E − 18
= 1E6m olecules

8.34E − 25
One million molecules of hydroxyapatite. Sand, or SiO2, is 9.968E-26kg per molecule is:

1E − 18
= 1E 7m olecules

9.96678E − 26
One million molecules of silicon dioxide.

Now the iron-nickel meteor: With only trace amounts of Nickel for our purposes we need only
to consider Iron:

(55.85 g/mol)(mol/6.02E23 atoms)(kg/1000 g)-(9.28E-26kg)/(atom Fe)

1E − 18
= 1E 7atom s

9.28E − 26
Thus for:

Humanity [is a] macro → micro Universe-unfolding eventuation.

1) Meteorite (Iron, Fe) is 1E7 atoms

2) Silicon Dioxide (Sand, SiO2) is 1E7 molecules

3) Bone (Hydroxyapatite, Ca5(PO4)3OH) is 1E6 molecules

Notice bone is one exponent 7 (one) silicon dioxide is one exponent 7 (one) hydroxyapatite is
one exponent 6 (one) and,…

1 h 4π rp2
= (6proton s)(1secon d )

α 2 mp Gc

1 h 4π rp2
= (1proton)(6secon d s)

α 2 mp Gc
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One second, one proton,..

One second finds its significance in:

(365 days)(24hrs/day)(60min/hr)(60s/min)=3.15 seconds per year is one orbit of earth around

the Sun.

360 degrees is approximately 365 days, 2(12)=24 and 12 is divisible evenly by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,… is
1+2+3+4+6=16 is greater than 12 making it the most divisible number for its size (abundant
number in mathematics). And, 360 is evenly divisible by angles in special triangles 360\6=6,
360/4=90, 360/30=12, 360/24=15,…

Carbon is the basis for the periodic table of the elements being element 6 with just as many
neutrons as protons has a molar mass of 12 grams per mole. It is the basis of biological life as
we know it because it has 4 valence electrons giving it the ability to form long chains with
hydrogen, 1 proton, the element made in the big bang that gave birth to the Universe from
which the heavier elements are ultimately made by stars in fusion. For mammalian life we need
a solid surface, or mantle to have a terrestrial planet of which there are four, Mars, Venus,
Mercury, and of course the Earth. It is chiefly silicon, and sand (whose major component is
silicon dioxide or glass, silicon burned in oxygen).

Let us consider 1, 2, and 3 in more detail:

1) Meteorite (1E7 Molecules)

Alpha decay is the decay of elements where a helium nucleus is ejected from an element (alpha
particles). This happens with atoms heavier than nickel because the atom has to be heavy
enough that the internal repulsion between protons is high enough that the binding force has
trouble holding them together. However, interestingly beryllium-8 is an exception; it is much
lighter than nickel. Beryllium-8 was determined by Fred Hoyle to make carbon in nuclear
synthesis in stars by combining with helium. He sought to find the process by which carbon is
created because the Universe needs to make it if we are to have life as we know it.

Alpha particles (helium nuclei) have a typical kinetic energy of 5MeV and a speed of 15,000,000
m/s. This is 1.6E-12 Joules and 1.5E7 m/s. Note the defining point here is nickel. This
becomes important because most meteors and asteroids are iron-nickel.

1.5E 7 ⋅ (1secon d ) = x

This is 1.5E7 meters

1.6E − 12N ⋅ m
= 1.0667E − 19N ≈ 1E − 19Ne wton s

1.5E 7m
The Solar mass is M⊙ = 1.989E 30kg

m 1 m
1E − 19kg ⋅ = 5E − 50

s 2 1.989E 30kg s2
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(5E − 50m /s 2)(6,378,000m)2

M= = 3.0E − 26kg

6.67432E − 11

We have (mp = 1.67262E − 27kg)

= 19.54kg


About 40 pounds. A meteor has to have a size of at least 1 meter in diameter so as not burn up
completely before making it to the ground. That is the size required for a meteor to become a
meteorite. About 3.3 feet in diameter. By the time it makes it to the ground it is 128-256 grams.
For stony irons, that is a density of 4 g/cm3 which is 4000 kg/m3 by these figures. The average
density of a so-called asteroidal chondritic meteor is 4200 kg/m3. Thus we have:

4 kg
π (0.5m)3 ⋅ 4200 3 = 2,100kg

3 m
We have 128 grams is 0.128kg in the lower limit for a meteorite. If we want to temper the
meteorite with the meteor before it burns up in the lower limit for size by using the geometric
mean we have multiplying both sides by two for second planet Venus:

4,200 ⋅ 0.17357kg = 27kg

Using an exact value for the mass of the sun:

= 19.54kg


= 0.72

This is Venus orbit in astronomical units, which is Venus orbit divided by Earth orbit. Venus is
said to be a failed Earth in that she underwent a runaway greenhouse effect. The chondritic
meteoroid is a meteor that came from the asteroid belt. We currently study the asteroid belt to
catalog asteroid orbits to see if any might be on a trajectory to collide with earth, so we can
knock it off such a trajectory and not suffer the fate of the dinosaurs whose extinction was
brought about by such an asteroid landing in the Yucatan. What this amounts to is:

Eα 1 Re2 1
⋅ ⋅ = 19.54kg/s

vα t1 M⊙ G mp

Where Eα is the energy of an alpha particle, and vαits velocity. Re is the radius of the Earth.

4Rc3 Mm ⋅ ρc = 27kg

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Where the c subscript denotes chondritic meteors. Combining equations 1, 2, and 3 we have

Eα 1 RE 2 1
vα t1 M⊙ Gm p 19.54
= = 0.72

4Rc3 ρc Mm 27

In work of mine (Essays In Cosmic Archaeology Volume Four, 2021) I explained the relationship
between planetary orbits and the primary semiconductor elements silicon (Si) and germanium
(Ge) with the very accurate result (silicon also being the main component of sand).

1 2SiGe + Ge
= 0.72

Ge2 1+
Ge 2

By molar mass. This gives

Eα 1 RE 2 1
Si 3
vα t1 M⊙ Gm p 1 2SiGe + Ge
Equation 4. =

4Rc3 ρc Mm Ge 2 1+
Si 2
Ge 2

2) Sand (1E7 Molecules)

I processed the 20 genetically encoded amino acids according to the following scheme:

a minogroup

In hopes of finding a connection between artificial intelligence and the biological. The result
was that two of the amino acids were equal to elements in the periodic table of the elements
and they were perfectly carbon (C) the core element of biological life, and silicon (Si) the core
element of of artificial intelligence. The amino acids are the building blocks of life, synthesized
into proteins by DNA. The two amino acids were serine and glutamine as follows,…

H3 N
(CH2 + OH ) = C

H3 N
(2CH2 + CO + NH2) = Si


H3 N 5−1
= (1 − ϕ) ϕ=

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(1 − ϕ) =

(CH2 + OH ) = C

(CH2 + OH ) = Ge

(2CH2 + CO + NH2) = Si

(2CH2 + CO + NH2) = Ge

Ge is the other core semiconductor element.

(CH2 + OH ) C

(2CH2 + CO + NH2) Si
(CH2 + OH )
C= Si

(2CH2 + CO + NH2)
These equation are nearly 100% accurate.

CH2+OH=12.01+2(1.01)+16,00+1.01=14.03+17.01=31.04 g/mol




100 = 99.98%






100 = 99.2976%

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The idea is to try to understand biological life, in particular its origins, by looking at something
we understand, artificial intelligence.

The equations imply:

H3 N
Ge ≈ Si

The primordial compounds from which amino acids are made — water (H2O) methane (CH4)
and ammonia (NH3)—seem to be related to primitive AI which would be a tungsten filament (W)
encased in a glass tube (SiO2) to make vacuum tubes for switches as follows:

≈ 2 + + 1

SiO2 CH4 CH4

3) Bone (1E6 Molecules)

Density of silicon is Si=2.33 grams per cubic centimeter.

Density of germanium is Ge=5.323 grams per cubic centimeter.

Density of hydroxyapatite is HA=3.00 grams per cubic centimeter.

This is

3 1
Si + G e ≈ H A where H A = Ca5(PO4 )3OH
4 4
Where HA is the mineral component of bone, Si is an AI semiconductor material and Ge is an AI
semiconductor material. This means

[ HA ]
Si Si
Si + 1 − Ge = HA

The harmonic mean between Si and Ge is HA,…

2SiG e
≈ HA
Si + G e

This is the sextic,…

x 2(x + y)4 − x y(x + y)4 + 2x y 2(x + y)3 − 4x 2 y 2(x + y)2 = 0

Which has a solution

Si 1
Ge 2+1
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Where x=Si, and y=Ge. It works for density and molar mass. It can be solved with the online Wolfram
Alpha computational engine. But,…

[ HA ]
1 Ge Ge
Si2 − 2
Si + −1 = 0

1 Ge 4G e
Si = Ge ± HA − +4
2 HA2 HA

Si = G e − H A
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[ HA ]
Si Si
Si + 1 − Ge = HA

Si2 Si
+ Ge − Ge ≈ HA
1 Ge
Si2 − Si + G e ≈ H A
1 2 Ge Ge
Si − Si + ≈1
H A2 H A2 HA
1 2 Ge Ge
Si − Si + −1≈0
H A2 H A2 HA

[ HA ]
1 2 Ge Ge
Si − Si + −1 = 0
H A2 H A2
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(x + a)(x + a) = x 2 + 2a x + a 2

(x + a)2 = x 2 + 2a x + a 2

We see that the square of the binomial is a quadratic where the third term is the square of one half the
middle coefficient. This gives us a method to solve quadratics called completing the square:

a x 2 + bx + c = 0

a x 2 + bx = − c

b c
x2 + x =−
a a

(2 a)
1b 1 b2
4 a2

b 1 b2 c 1 b2
x2 + x+ = − +
a 4 a2 a 4 a2

( 2 a)
1b b 2 − 4a c
x+ =
4a 2

b b 2 − 4a c
x+ =±
2a 2a

−b ± b 2 − 4a c
x =
22 of 27

[ HA ]
1 Ge Ge
Si2 − 2
Si + −1 = 0

−b ± b 2 − 4a c
x =

[ HA ]
1 Ge Ge
a= b =− c= −1
HA 2
H A2

2[ HA ]
G e2 1 Ge
b 2 − 4a c = 4
−4 −1

G e2 4G e 4
= − +
H A4 H A3 H A2

G e2
2[ ]
1 4G e
= − +4

b 2 − 4a c = (G e /H A − 2)2
H A2

− 2]
Ge 1 Ge
x = 2

[ HA ]
1 1 Ge
= Ge ± HA −2
2 2

1 1
= Ge ± Ge − HA
2 2
1 1
Si = Ge + Ge − HA
2 2
Si = G e − H A
23 of 27

Si ≈ G e − H A

2SiG e
HA ≈
Si + G e
2SiG e
Si ≈ G e −
Si + G e
(Si + G e)G e (Si + G e)Si 2SiG e
− − =0
Si + G e Si + G e Si + G e

G e 2 − 2SiG e − Si2
Si + G e

x 2 − 2x y − y 2 = 0

x 2 − 2x y = y 2

x 2 − 2x y + y 2 = 2y 2

(x − y)2 = 2y 2

x −y =± 2y

x =y+ 2y

x = y(1 + 2)
=1+ 2
y 1
x 2+1

Si 1

Ge 2+1
24 of 27

a a b
A ratio is and a proportion is = which means a is to b as b is to c.
b b c

The Golden Ratio (Φ)

a b
= and. a = b + c
b c

2 b2
a c = b or c =
a =b+
−a +b = 0
b2 b
−1+ = 0
a 2 a

b b
+ −1= 0

b b 1 1
+ + =1+
a 4 4

(a 2)
b 1 5
+ =

b 1 5 b 5−1 a 5+1
=− ± = =
a 2 2 a 2 b 2

5−1 5+1 1
ϕ= Φ= ϕ=
2 2 Φ
25 of 27

The mineral component of bone hydroxyapatite (HA) is

Ca5(PO4 )3OH = 502.32
m ol

The organic component of bone is collagen which is

C57 H91 N19O16 = 1298.67
m ol

We have

Ca5(PO4 )3OH
= 0.386795722
C57 H91 N19O16

ϕ = 0.618033989

1 − ϕ = 0.381966011

Ca5(PO4 )3OH
≈ (1 − ϕ)
C57 H91 N19O16

100 = 98.75%
Si 28.09
= = 0.386861314 ≈ (1 − ϕ)
Ge 72.61

Si Ca5(PO4 )3OH

Ge C57 H91 N19O16
26 of 27


While the equations

1 h 4π rp2
= (6proton s)(1secon d )
α 2 mp Gc

1 h 4π rp2
= (1proton)(6secon d s)
α 2 mp Gc

Produce the elements for values less than 1 and greater than zero (fractional values) 1 second
produces hydrogen and 6 seconds produces carbon, and these are the lower and upper limits
for integers producing a whole number of elements, putting hydrocarbons, the backbone of life
chemistry as having components out of phase with one another by cycles of six in seconds.
Seconds come from having divided the calendar according to the cycles of the moon, the spin
frequency of the Earth, and its orbital period such that they all mesh with one another
approximately according to special angles recurrent throughout mathematics and physics.
These two equations have G, the universal gravitational constant among other parameters
associated with the physics of everything. The cycle of six for the phase shift from hydrogen to
carbon may be characteristic of physical forces because six-fold symmetry is often more
characteristic of the physical where five-fold is more characteristic of life as was pointed-out by
the Russian Scientist Shubnikov. One might look at this as something physical, like snowflakes
form six points (six-fold radial symmetry) due to acceleration of an ice particulate against air
gathering moisture and freezing it as it falls under earth gravity, and five-fold symmetry, as in
the large variety of five-petaled flowers (five-fold radial symmetry) because it has the golden
ratio in it, the ratio of the chord of a regular pentagon to its side, and six-fold symmetry
embodies unity as the radius of a regular hexagon is equal to its side and the golden ratio is
often used by life for closest packing, as occurs in the hundreds of petals in a rose spiraling in
as a golden spiral to its center. These equation take us through a Universe-unfolding
eventuation considering meteors, sand, and iron, and indeed themselves.

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The Author

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