Piq 6

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6. Think about an academic subject that inspires you.

Describe how you have furthered this interest

inside and/or outside of the classroom.

As a kid I’ve always had an interest in engineering because my father was one. My father

was an engineer that fixed airplane parts. At my dad's job, he would have “bring your family to

work”, my dad would give tours of where he would work, and I would be in awe. Ever since

those events, I’ve always kept it in mind as a career and as an interest. Once I got into high

school and had to choose a pathway, I knew immediately that it had to be Environmental,

Science, Engineering, and Technology (ESET). I started to pick all of the engineering classes

that ESET had offered. I instantly knew that this career path was for me. The intro to engineering

class was so much fun and it introduced me into the world of engineering, we learned all of the

basics. It made me realize this is what I wanted to do and made me feel better about myself for

my future career. This class was all about learning the basics of engineering and how to build

bridges and make sure that the structure is secure. My sophomore year, I took a senior

engineering class. It was the same teacher as the intro engineering class, he asked students who

would want to take the class next year and he picked who he wanted for the class. The class was

a bit harder, it experimented with knowing how to create a product. Learning all about patents,

trademarks, and copyrights, digging into this new world of creating a product. At the end of the

class we had to create a new product and bring in a prototype into class and present it. Due to

COVID we weren't able to make it and present them to the class. I had so much fun in that class

and I learned so much in the world of engineering. It's important to me because I’ve had family

members who worked in this career field and it's always stuck with me.

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