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1. What are the different types of communication mode and how do they differ from each

2. What are the other forms or modes of communication that have not been discussed and
which have recently become part of virtual communication technology?

3. Explain Diana Wheatley’s quote and give one illustration:

“Meaning is made in conversation,
Reality is created in communication,
And knowledge is generated through social interaction…
Language is the vehicle through which we create our
understanding of the world.”

4. As a speaker of English as a second language, what can you say about the difficulty of
other speakers in understanding the Philippine English variety that you use?

5. With the advent of computer-mediated communication or CMC, how can you be more
responsible with what you post in your own account as a way of conveying messages to
the audience?

TASK. 2.1.1
Form yourselves into groups. Role-play any of the following situations and show how you can
initiate a conversation with a stranger or strangers.
1. You are a new student in class. After dismissal time, you saw two of your female
classmates outside the school building talking to each other. You wanted to ask about the
classes you missed and how you could cope with the lessons. You approached them but
they suddenly turned and whispered to each other. How will you initiate a conversation
with them without showing that you are offended by their actions?
2. It was your first time to fly to a foreign country and the trip takes about eight hours. You
wanted to know how to get to your destination from the airport. You were fortunate to be
seated beside a foreign national. He is not so proficient in English and you have difficulty
understanding his accent. How will you start a conversation with him?
3. You are scheduled for a job interview. When you arrived at the place, there was a long
queue of applicants. You were the tenth to be interviewed and you wanted to have an idea
about the questions that were asked. To arrest your fear, you decided to talk with the
other applicants before you. How will you start the conversation.


TASK 2.1.2
“A video conference call in real life” by Tripp and Tyler
1. What was the topic of the video conference?

2. Who were the participants? Where were they from?

3. How was the flow of the video conference?

4. Were there some technical glitches encountered? Were they resolved immediately?

5. After viewing the sample video conference, what do you think are some of the constraints
of this communication mode?

TASK 2.1.4
1. Disseminating information about the change in examination schedule.

2. Providing information about the latest school policy on conducting interviews of

university officials.

3. Explaining why the student failed in the test.

4. Expressing apology for a grave shortcoming.

5. Inviting someone to attend your lecture forum.

6. Explaining why you failed to attend the class activity.

7. Inviting classmates to join the community service program for the Aetas in Tarlac.

8. Informing schoolmates about the cancellation of classes due to a typhoon.

9. Announcing the award granted by an international organization to a teacher.

10. Reprimanding a male student for keeping a pornographic magazine.


Excellent Good Fair Poor

1. The video
conference had a
discussion flow.
2. Questions were
3. Responses were
clearly and
4. No technical
problems were
identified in the
course of the

1. How much time is spent on social media sites by Filipinos? Japanese? Brazilians?
Americans? Argentinians?

2. What conclusions can you draw from your answer in no. 1?

3. How would you compare the Internet speed in the Philippines with that in Brazil?
Argentina? South Korea?

4. What conclusions can you draw from you answer in no. 3?

5. The author claims that global Internet use is on the rise. What facts does the author
provide to support this claim?

TASK 2.2.1
In groups of five or six members, do research and conduct interviews that will help you generate
data and information about (1) various forms of communication, and (2) the advantages and
disadvantages of using these forms. The groups may be organized as follows:
Group 1 Telegrams (or telegraph messages)
Group 2 Handwritten letters or messages
Group 3 Typewritten letters or messages
Group 4 E-mail messages
Group 5 Text (or SMS) messages
Group 6 Facebook posts
Group 7 Tweets
Group 8 Instagram posts

Forms of
Communicatio Description Primary use Advantages Disadvantages

(or telegraph

letters or

letters or

E-mail messages

Text (or SMS)


Facebook posts


Instagram posts

TASK 2.2.2
Option 1: A handwritten letter to your parents or teachers
Option 2: An e-mail message to you parents or teachers
Option 3: A public Facebook post
Option 4: A public Twitter post; and a text message to your parents or teachers


Communication practices Yes No Not sure

1. Whenever I make a
public post on social
media, I first review
the content and
language of my post.
I will ‘think before I
2. In using technology
communicating a
message, I am

mindful of the
strengths and
weaknesses of the
tool I am using.
3. In using technology
communicating a
message, I vary the
language depending
on the tool I use.
4. Although I value
technology, I also
spend time for face-
to-face interaction
with people.
5. In using technology
communicating a
message, I respect
the privacy of
concerned in the

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