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Logic Model Template

Students will identify a problem that their field experience site aims to solve to create a problem statement for their logic model (Part 1). Students
should work with their field experience supervisor to identify the problem. Perhaps the site is working to improve the eating habits of a local
population or improve customer satisfaction scores. The logic model is a framework by which the student can conceptualize the effort needed to
address the problem identified. The student will assess the current situation, the activities that contribute to addressing the problem, the resources
required to do so, external factors that influence results, and lastly, evaluation criteria that can demonstrate the problem has been solved (Part 2).
● Part 1: Developing Problem Statement
● Part 2: Develop Your Logic Model

Part 1: Learning Objectives & Problem Statements

Your Name:

Choose 2 different problems that your field experience site is aiming to address. Write a problem statement for each. Download a copy of this
document as a Word doc. Name your file LogicModel_Part1_LastName_FirstName (ex: LogicModel_Part1_Esquivel_Monica). Submit the file in
Laulima Assignments by the due date.
After submitting, your instructor will help you select one problem statement to develop your full logic model.

Problem Statement 1: To respond to emergency situations involving medical emergencies

pertaining to equines.

Problem Statement 2: To aid in medical procedures and diagnosing for equines.

Part 2: Develop Your Logic Model
Your Name:

Follow these steps to complete and submit your logic model:

● Read through the WK Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide (chapter 1)
● Download a copy of this document
● Name your file LogicModel_Part2_LastName_FirstName (ex: LogicModel_Part2_Esquivel_Monica)
● Below, fill in your problem statement and learning objective you and your instructor chose in lesson 3.1.
● Identify and fill in 1-3 bullets in each box of your Logic Model Template below (inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impact).
● Save file as PDF.
● Submit to your instructor via Laulima.

The Logic Model Rubric will be used to evaluate your work.

Problem Statement & Learning Objective

Problem Statement: Young people in Hawaii are not receiving a comprehensive sexual education

Problem Statement: Basic and emergency medical services are not readily available to horse owners

See next page for Logic Model Template


Inputs/Resources Activities Outputs Outcomes Impact

-Resources must -Answering phone -Ability to be -Life of animal is in -Health and

be mobile to meet calls promptly in onsite within an good hands and can longevity of
needs of clients order to assess hour as response to be improved horses on island
-Availability on situations and be unexpected calls -Clients are happy -Repeat customers
weekends and able to respond with that require and will continue to that are satisfied
holidays is a must to haste immediate attention come back or -Clients are able to
respond to -Flexibility with -Accommodation recommend to make quick
emergency calls scheduling to meet for last minute others recoveries
-Accessibility to the needs of clients or those with -Patients are
various medication emergency weekly/monthly treated properly
and medical situations needs without major
supplies/equipment -Keeping a -Able to prescribe complications or
consistent stock and perform complaints and able
and current diagnosis and on to make quick
inventory of items site with the proper recovery
dosage and
→ → expected outcomes → →

Originally I had stated that the issue being addressed through my field experience internship was that there needed to be an emergency
response team for situations involving medical emergencies that pertained to equines around the island of Oahu. I thought that this was a good
problem statement because I noticed that when I looked up equine facilities and clinics on the island and asked horse owners, many had responded
with one man’s name. Manny Himenes had quiet the reputation, and it was no surprise after working for him this semester. I have learned that there
are many more horses on the island than I had previously thought and there are far less equine veterinarians than I had imagined. He works six days a
week with an additional crew including another veterinarian but seems to be the only vet of his kind that works full time and on horses. Since horses
are such large animals, the vet needs to be mobile and be able to respond quickly to emergency situations. I still stand by my problem statement
because I think that Manny needs some healthy competition in the vet world so there are others who are capable of responding to emergency calls.
In order to solve this type of problem,one must have the correct resources, availability and accessibility to the right tools. Calls need to be
answered promptly and situations prioritized based on severity, schedule needs to be flexible and open enough to accommodate many different
situations, and inventory stock must be kept up to date and in supply. When onsite, one must be able to access the situation and diagnose properly
and prescribe medication and recommendations while also being prepared for any type of emergency. The ability to transport to the location of the
client in a timely manner is also of the utmost importance, especially for dire situations. If these issues are able to be resolved the life of the animal
will be greatly improved, clients will be happy and patients will be able to be treated properly with the right care. When customers are happy they
will return and recommend your services to others, further prolonging business relationships. With quick response and proper treatment, horses will
be able to get the care they deserve and will also live a life of satisfaction. It is important to address issues such as these because we are one herd, one
planet, one health. One mans problem is all of our problem and a sick animal could mean spreading of diseases if not treated properly. Thank god for
Mannny Himenes and his swiftness and knowledge in emergency response to medical situations for equines.

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