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PERSPE C T I V E Interpreting the Coronary-Artery Calcium Score

Interpreting the Coronary-Artery Calcium Score

Paul A. Grayburn, M.D.

A 55-year-old white man pre-

sented with an abnormal
coronary-artery calcium (CAC)
CAC scoring is not helpful in
screening patients at either very
low risk or high risk for CAD.
CAC score from 39 to 119 over a
5-year period? This patient was
told that he was in danger of a
score. He exercised regularly and Guidelines vary on the question heart attack and might not make
was asymptomatic. There was no of whether it’s indicated for it to the age of 60. Was that true?
family history of premature coro- screening asymptomatic patients Did he need stress testing or cor-
nary artery disease (CAD). He at intermediate risk for CAD, onary angiography? The website
was not overweight, had never usually defined as those with a of the facility that performed his
smoked, and did not have diabe- Framingham risk score of 10 to scan states that “the higher the
tes. His blood pressure was 122/78 20% over 10 years (1 to 2% per calcium score, the greater the like-
mm Hg. In 2006, he had under- year). Screening of symptomatic lihood of a future coronary event
gone an electron-beam comput- patients with known CAD is not such as a heart attack or the
ed tomographic (CT) scan in re- helpful. A recent study of 10,037 need for angioplasty, stents or by-
sponse to a newspaper ad. His symptomatic patients undergoing pass surgery.” The patient there-
CAC score was 39. He underwent CT coronary angiography showed fore believed that the areas of
a repeat scan in 2011 and had a that the absence of CAC did not CAC would require treatment with
CAC score of 119. The radiologist rule out the presence of obstruc- stents or bypass surgery. Was
at the imaging facility told him tive CAD, nor did CAC scoring that true? If not, what therapy
that he was “in danger of heart add incremental prognostic infor- should have been prescribed?
attack and might not make it to mation to that provided by clini- In considering these questions,
60.” His only medication was cal risk factors and the severity it’s important to evaluate the
rosuva­statin, which he had been of CAD.1 CAC score within the clinical con-
taking at a 5-mg dose daily for So far, there have been no pro- text. As a rule, data from the
3 years. His high-density lipopro- spective randomized, controlled Multi-Ethnic Study of Atheroscle-
tein (HDL) cholesterol level was trials demonstrating that an ab- rosis (MESA) and other trials sug-
43 mg per deciliter, and his low- normal CAC score influences gest that a CAC score below 100
density lipoprotein (LDL) choles- treatment decisions or outcomes. indicates low risk, and a score
terol level was 86 mg per deciliter. The limitations of applying CAC above 300 indicates high risk.
More than half of Americans scoring to screening broad popu- The Framingham risk calculator
will die of cardiovascular disease, lations are numerous and have yields a 10-year risk of cardiac
and many of those will have sud- been extensively reviewed.2 Never- death or myocardial infarction of
den cardiac death or acute myo- theless, CAC scoring is offered to 4.5% (<0.5% per year) in the pa-
cardial infarction as its first man- the public by direct advertising. tient described above. According
ifestation. Therefore, the ability Such ads typically suggest paying to the guidelines, CAC scoring was
to screen for early CAD is appeal- with a flexible spending account, not needed, because this man’s
ing from a preventive heath per- health insurance, or cash. Physi- predicted coronary event rate was
spective. CAC scoring is a sensi- cian referral is not needed. Pa- low. Nevertheless, recent evidence
tive and quantitative method of tients who undergo self-referred from MESA indicates that CAC
detecting calcium in the coro- CAC scoring and have a positive scoring can significantly reclas-
nary arteries (see images). Because score are told to go to their phy- sify risk.3 The MESA website con-
CAC is almost always found with- sician for advice. How does a tains a useful tool that incorpo-
in atherosclerotic plaque, a posi- physician interpret a CAC score rates the CAC score as well as
tive CAC score directly identifies and counsel a patient such as the clinical risk factors. According to
the presence of CAD. Recent one described above? the MESA arterial age calculator
studies of CAC scoring have fo- A number of obvious clinical (, this pa-
cused primarily on risk stratifi- questions arise. Is a CAC score of tient’s 10-year risk of death or
cation. There is unanimous agree- 119 considered high? What is the myocardial infarction would be
ment among the guidelines that significance of the increase in reclassified from 4.5% according

294 n engl j med 366;4  january 26, 2012

The New England Journal of Medicine

Downloaded from at UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLOGICA DE PEREIRA on November 9, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERSPECTIVE Interpreting the Coronary-Artery Calcium Score

A B absent,1 particularly in younger

patients who may have soft fatty
atheromas (see images).
Although the CAC score has
not been shown to affect out-
LAD comes or change the appropriate
Ao therapy, it can be useful in en-
Soft plaque couraging medical compliance.
LCx in LAD
A recent randomized trial dem-
onstrated that subjects who un-
derwent CAC scoring before
counseling about risk-factor mod-
Multidetector CT Coronary Angiography in a Patient with an Abnormal Calcium Score ification had greater improve-
and Calcified Plaques (Panel A) and a Patient with Non–Flow-Limiting Atherosclerosis ments in systolic blood pressure,
without Calcification (Panel B). LDL cholesterol levels, and waist
In Panel A, calcified plaques (bright white areas) are seen in the left anterior descend- circumference than subjects who
ing (LAD) artery, the right coronary artery (RCA), and the left circumflex (LCx) coro-
did not undergo CAC scoring.5
nary artery. In Panel B, the arrows indicate the non–flow-limiting atherosclerosis in the
LAD coronary artery, without calcification; the CAC score is 0. Ao denotes aorta, and Thus, an abnormal CAC score
PA pulmonary artery. Images courtesy of Jeffrey M. Schussler, M.D. may motivate some patients to
take their prescribed medica-
to the Framingham scale to 10% tient. An abnormal CAC score in tions and follow recommended
with a CAC score of 39 and 12% an asymptomatic patient is not lifestyle changes.
with a CAC score of 119. Yet al- an indication for coronary angi- The patient described above
though the relative risk is more ography, nor are stents or bypass was very anxious about his ab-
than doubled, the absolute risk is surgery indicated to treat CAC. normal CAC score and the find-
roughly 1% per year, so the state- The abnormal CAC score should ing that it had increased between
ment that he was “in danger of a simply be viewed as documenta- 2006 and 2011. A stress echocar-
heart attack and may not make it tion of coronary atherosclerosis, diogram was ordered. He exercised
to 60” was misleading and unduly the appropriate treatment for for 13.5 minutes, in accordance
alarming. Although the change which is lifestyle modification, with the Bruce protocol, and had
in CAC score from 39 to 119 seems reduction of blood pressure and no symptoms, electrocardiograph-
to suggest progression of CAD, it LDL cholesterol levels, and anti- ic changes, or wall-motion ab-
only slightly increased this man’s platelet agents. Were the patient normalities. He was given die-
risk of myocardial infarction or to develop a clinical indication tary instruction and prescribed
death due to cardiac causes. Inter- for coronary revascularization, 325 mg of aspirin daily, and his
estingly, had this patient’s total such as an acute coronary syn- rosuvastatin dose was increased
cholesterol level been only 10 mg drome, the “culprit” lesion might to 20 mg daily. There are no plans
per deciliter higher, his MESA turn out to be a noncalcified to obtain a follow-up CAC score.
risk score would have increased plaque. In an intravascular ultra- Disclosure forms provided by the author
from 12% to 20% with a CAC sound study of the natural history are available with the full text of this arti-
cle at
score of 119 — a disparity that of CAD, the plaque characteris-
highlights the need to consider tics most predictive of subsequent From the Department of Internal Medicine,
CAC scores only in the context of coronary events were plaque bur- Cardiology Division, Baylor University Med-
ical Center, Dallas.
other clinical risk factors, particu- den, thin fibrous cap, and small
larly cholesterol levels and blood luminal area (<4 mm2), not coro- 1. Villines TC, Hulten EA, Shaw LJ, et al.
pressure. nary calcium.4 Therefore, the areas Prevalence and severity of coronary artery
A stress test can be very help- of coronary calcium visualized by disease and adverse events among sympto-
matic patients with coronary artery calcifica-
ful in patients with abnormal CT are not necessarily the same tion scores of zero undergoing coronary
CAC scores to evaluate functional lesions that cause subsequent computed tomography angiography results
capacity and the presence or ab- coronary events. It should also from the CONFIRM (Coronary CT Angiogra-
phy Evaluation for Clinical Outcomes: an In-
sence of ischemia. It can also be remembered that a CAC score ternational Multicenter) registry. J Am Coll
help to reassure an anxious pa- of 0 does not mean that CAD is Cardiol 2011;58:2533-40.

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Downloaded from at UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLOGICA DE PEREIRA on November 9, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERSPE C T I V E Interpreting the Coronary-Artery Calcium Score

2. Bonow RO. Should coronary calcium 4. Stone GW, Maehara A, Lansky AJ, et al. testing: the EISNER (Early Identification of
screening be used in cardiovascular preven- A prospective natural-history study of coro- Subclinical Atherosclerosis by Noninvasive
tion strategies? N Engl J Med 2009;361:990-7. nary atherosclerosis. N Engl J Med 2011;364: Imaging Research) prospective randomized
3. Polonsky TS, McClelland RL, Jorgensen 226-35. trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;57:1622-32.
NW, et al. Coronary artery calcium score and 5. Rozanski A, Gransar H, Shaw LJ, et al. Copyright © 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society.
risk classification for coronary heart disease Impact of coronary artery calcium scanning
prediction. JAMA 2010;303:1610-6. on coronary risk factors and downstream

Selling Bone Marrow — Flynn v. Holder

I. Glenn Cohen, J.D.

O n December 1, 2011, in Flynn

v. Holder, the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held
poration that wanted to offer
$3,000 awards in the form of
scholarships, housing allowances,
sion was not challenged on ap-
peal, nor was it addressed by the
Ninth Circuit.2
that the ban on selling “bone or gifts to charities selected by Second, the plaintiffs argued
marrow” that is part of the Na- donors, initially to minority and that as applied to bone marrow,
tional Organ Transplant Act mixed-race donors of bone mar- NOTA violates the Equal Protec-
(NOTA) of 19841 does not encom- row cells.2 tion Clause, because there is no
pass “peripheral blood stem cells” Before the district court, the rational basis for allowing com-
obtained through apheresis. This plaintiffs raised two primary argu- pensation for providing blood,
ruling means that the sale of ments.3 First, they argued that sperm, and eggs while disallow-
blood stem cells for transplanta- the NOTA prohibition on selling ing compensation for providing
tion will now be permitted.2 The bone marrow violates the sub- bone marrow. The Equal Protec-
court based its holding solely on stantive due-process protections tion Clause, which underlies much
statutory interpretation of NOTA, of the Constitution, which pro- of the Supreme Court jurispru-
not the plaintiffs’ more radical tect a person’s power to possess dence on racial discrimination, re-
claim that the prohibition on or do certain things despite the quires the state to articulate a
selling bone marrow violates the desire of the government to the rational basis for distinctions that
Equal Protection Clause of the contrary. Specifically, the plain- it makes in the law (with a more
U.S. Constitution, which prohibits tiffs argued that when a patient demanding inquiry if the distinc-
the federal and state governments needs an organ to survive and tions are based on race or sex).
from denying any person the equal someone is willing to sell it to Both the district court and the
protection of the law. For those the patient, the Constitution pro- Ninth Circuit rejected this chal-
seeking to establish a constitu- hibits the state from interfering lenge and found several possible
tional right to buy and sell body with that exchange. The some- rational bases for the ban on sell-
parts in the United States, this what amorphous doctrine of sub- ing bone marrow, including that
case was a loss, but for those stantive due process underlies it is morally wrong to sell bone
narrowly focused on blood stem Supreme Court jurisprudence on marrow (just as it is wrong to
cells obtained through apheresis, contraception and abortion, and sell other body parts) because do-
the decision legally sanctions a litigants have tried (unsuccessful- ing so would turn human beings
commercial market. ly) to use it to get courts to rec- into commodities; that poor peo-
In Flynn, NOTA was challenged ognize a constitutional right to ple would be coerced by financial
by a group of plaintiffs with vari- assisted suicide. In Flynn, the dis- pressure into selling their organs;
ous interests, including parents trict court rejected this argument, that the rich would be at a sub-
of children with leukemia and drawing an analogy between the stantial advantage in obtaining
aplastic anemia, which can be blood-stem-cell case and the D.C. organs; that donors would have a
fatal without bone marrow trans- Circuit Court decision in Abigail strong incentive to provide an in-
plantation; a parent of mixed- Alliance v. von Eschenbach, which accurate medical history; and that
race children, for whom sufficient- held that terminally ill patients although blood can legally be
ly matched donors are especially had no fundamental right to ob- sold, certain differences between
scarce; and MoreMarrowDonors tain experimental drugs.3,4 This blood and bone marrow justify
.org, a California nonprofit cor- aspect of the district court deci- the view of Congress that provid-

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Copyright © 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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