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Portfolio of Practices

Summative Assessment for postgraduate programs

Akhilesh Kumar

Even semester 2021

Phase 1 (Final)

Introduction/ Concept note:

In this assessment, I will be showing my selective work during My second semester of the PG
Programme. My main goals in showcasing my work in my portfolio are to compile my learning
which can fit me in industry standards. In this semester we have gone through various phases
of design practices and building experiences for all.
I am encouraged to look at any concept from the maximum lenses possible and could come up
with a justified solution toward my idea. As we arrived at the end of the Semester of my PG
Course, I had been evolving myself with the Engagements to the process and findings during
my work and time in the creation of “Portfolio of Practice”.

Observe and sift

Mind mapping and brainstorm
Choose and annotate
1. Rock, Paper scissors:
Advanced Topic in game design
In this course, we have learned about various aspects of game design with
This game concept is based on the classic game called Rock, paper, and scissors.
In which Rock will destroy scissor, scissor will destroy paper and paper will destroy the
Gameplay and comments
This will be my game screen and the player will be at the bottom of the line and the
wave of Rock paper and scissor are coming to destroy him.

What does he have to do in order to save himself?

Player can collect the last object of any column by just
clicking in the row and then he has to shoot to its counterpart like he can shoot scissors
towards the paper. Every time counterpart should be stronger than the target

If a player does the same then only he can destroy the

coming paper. If he shoots the counterpart then only he can kill the stone paper and
scissors. Every time counterpart should be stronger than Target.
He can increase the score by killing more and more
objects from the counter objects only.

If a player shoots a weaker part to the object then he’ll increase the power of the target
and will become bigger and stronger.

The game-play Mechanics

The basic gameplay mechanics of the game is Player can suck any only last item from
any column by clicking on that particular column and he can shoot it back to the weaker
target to destroy them by just clicking on the column. If he shoots an object to the
stronger target then that stronger object will take 2 counter objects to destroy.
When the player shoots wrong then the target will
become double stronger and next time it that object needs 2 strong parts to die.

Players losing condition:-

If the player cannot destroy objects quickly before the wave of Stone paper and scissors
cross the bottom line. He will die.

Game design mockups

The main reason for doing this is to find out the difficulty level by integrating a number of
lines for enemies’ waves.
Technical learning
For this game, I have worked on Adobe Illustrator for art output and used Unity 3d as a
game engine For developing it. This process of developing games is only started once
the necessity of working on the concept and gameplay was done.
Because this kind of subject required a high level of design skills in particular software
like Adobe illustrator and Unity 3d before doing that I have completed all the parts of
research and documentation to fulfill my goals.
I have gained knowledge of rectifying 1 concept by redrawing it multiple times and
present ideas with the best look and feel.
Adobe Illustrator

The Output of this project had enriched my thinking skills, decision-making, and
rectification of my product which was very challenging for me to understand at some
point in time. But, now I am good at it. I have developed learn to operate adobe
illustrator and Unity 3d game engine.

Choose and Annotation:

In our class, I mostly spent time on writing concepts and ideas. I had upgraded myself a
lot during my class. Being a practitioner all the exercises are related to building my self
adaptability and creativity among peers.

Classes - Film Studies, Advance Game topics and Game design project
Practice - Character Sketch Writing,

1. What makes this special for me ?

In this class, I got to communicate certain messages through the course of nature.
Whereas its title is oversimplified and clear, its modern-day meaning isn't as clear-cut.
Luckily, understanding what constitutes “contemporary” is completely conceivable once
one follows the concept's history and investigates its fundamental themes. In its most
essential sense, the term modern craftsmanship/ practitioner alludes to art—namely,
portray, design, photography, establishment, execution, and video art—produced
nowadays. Even though
2. What kind of question does it raise for me ?
Damien Hirst, Ai Wei Wei, Marina Abramović, Yayoi Kusama, and William Kentridge,
proceed to make avant-garde works of portray, form, establishment, and execution art. In
expansion to these celebrated figures, numerous up-and-coming modern specialists are
shocking the world with their unique approach to concepts.
I had figure out lot of queries and these practice solves lot of question for me like:
How in 1960-70 cinema did the young practitioner communicate their ideas ?
How does the establishment of nature in the scene also communicate ?

3. How did this work expand my understanding of the

Understanding or optimizing contemporary artskills and building new ideas. It is
important to clarify because contemporary art or modern art does not refer to the art of
the modern age since it comprises a historical period before the current (from the
fifteenth to the eighteenth century). While contemporary art includes the period from the
late nineteenth century to the middle of the second half of the twentieth century.
Sometimes recently getting genuine with computerized art, it’s imperative to get to know
almost it's sort. It shows that more sorts of modern art keep coming in as the long time
rolls by. as well, keeps developing each year. While there are numerous diverse sorts of
modern art out there.

4. What did you set out to achieve through this work and were you able to do
so, if not why?
By my practices I am set to achieve different styles of quality by minimum amount of
resources. Learning about the experiences of several practitioners and my own practices help
me to develop my vision very creatively. These are some outcomes that I thought were right
according to me if we introduce the kind of practice which I have done in my process. And this
will give very effective results to institutes and organizations that want to explore more toward
learning and understanding. The Indian education system is inspired from Indian heritage and
cultures. Which is great and till now brought the country to another level of recognition. We are
very progressive in how we see the world and respond to it but that nature should shape kids
from the Institute of education only.

Group of work

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