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Course/Section BSA42_______

Test 1. Write National if the statement is true; Global if false. 2 points each. Not following the instruction
would result to a 10-point deduction.

Global_______1. Since the state, through its government, has the power to enforce order in the society, it
therefore has an absolute power to use force in the fulfillment of the said duty even if its action is not in
accordance with the law of the land.

Global_______2. Based on Garner’s definition of the state, the following elements can be derived; people,
territory, government, and sovereignty. There is sovereignty if the state is able to govern itself even if another
state is able to dictate upon it with respect to its political affairs.

Global________3. The most significant outcomes of the Treaty of Westphalia is that it has solidified the
sovereignty of the states. Nonetheless, the Roman Catholic Church continues to dictate upon Catholic countries
regarding how they will run their government.

National______4. The European Union is an example of a supranational entity. Although, each member-state
still has its own government that can pass laws, the EU laws are more dominant because if there is a conflict
between the two, the latter prevail.

National______5. Because of Transnational Activism and the advancement in communication technology,

the people of the world can now come together to promote their rights. They have become more aware not only
of the things happening in their respective countries, but also in other parts of the world.

National_______6. Since the integration of states has become very significant, many have come together to
form regional blocks and one of them is the European Union. It can be described as supranational institution
that is empowered to diminish, one way or another, the sovereignty of its member states.

Global_________7. There is no way that transnational activism would affect the relationship of states with
their own people and other entities in the global stage like international organizations.

Global_________8. Global governance means that there is an actual institution that will dictate upon states,
people, international organizations, and multinational corporations on how the global political-economy should

Global_________9. The United Nations, which has the power to enforce international law, was established in
1945 to maintain peace, order, and security of the first world countries.

Global_________10. According to Sarikakis, one of the repercussions of the media oligopoly is that, it has
turned the people as consumers of media services and accumulators of cultural goods. On the contrary, through
media oligopoly, people have become members of an informed and active citizenry.

National________11. Cultural convergence suggests that globalization will bring about a growing sameness of
cultures. Nonetheless, cultural convergence may result to ‘cultural imperialism.’

Global_________12. Media has been so instrumental in manufacturing or engineering the consent of the
people and the same is being realized through the employment of propaganda. And because the power of media
has become so strong, it would be impossible for people to protect their minds from being manipulated.
National_________13. The advancement in communication technology has resulted to wider platforms that
paved the way for people in different parts of the world to experience political interaction not only amongst
each other, but also with states and other stakeholders.

National_________14. The Multinational corporations have become so powerful in the era of globalization.
They do not only have economic power but they have also gained political power. This claim can be
substantiated by the fact that they can affect even the policies a state would enact and implement.

National_________15. According to Whitman, governance is a” social function centred on the making of

collective choices regarding matters of common concern to the members of human groups’, involving both
‘command’ processes but crucially ‘public and private deliberation’. This definition shows the importance of
the active participation of both the government and people in the decision-making process.

Global__________16. It has been said that media technology is being used to promote capitalism, militarism,
profit, and power. The said claim is not true because it can be observed that all that the media is doing is to
make the public be informed of what is happening around.

National________17. The spread of capitalism has obviously impacted the lives of people because the
economic decisions that they make everyday are affected by what they see in media. One of the obvious
manifestations of the aforementioned claim is the prevalence of consumerism in the world today.

National________18. It can be surmised that the media and government (take the case of the US) can connive
as to what issue/s to be sensationalized so as to draw the masses’ attention. On the other hand, they can also
downplay certain events even the same are relevant in the society.

National________19. The Public Relations industry which is said to be an American creation, but has spread
throughout other parts of the world. It’s actually devoted to controlling the public mind. It is not only useful in
government but also in business.

Global_________20. Propaganda is not necessary in democratic states because people are free. They cannot be
dictated upon on what to believe in, what to buy, what actions to take as citizens, and many others.

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