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GE 101


Dominic N Rejano

BSCS A2021

1. List down 3 things that you significantly learned from the reading.

- There is no defined way of locating one’s self, others proclaim that our body is the true self,
while some declared that our consciousness is in terms of philosophy.
- In terms of science, there is a study showing that our identity is being dictated by our genes,
stating that our genes are “fine-tuning” our personalities
- Some people such as philosophers and scientists will even go to such lengths just to discover
the unknown, taking drugs like LSD or acid that are very prone to damaging your body.

2. List down 3 things that are still unclear to you

- Why do we need to discover one’s self if we are going to die anyway?
- What is the true self that the scientists and philosophers that they are searching for?
- If we can make a teleporter work by vaporizing a passenger to send people in a blink of an
eye, will it be called a “death-porter”

3. List down 3 things that you want to ask about the reading.
- Can we sense or even find our self?
- If we did find about our true self, what will happen next?
- What form will our true self take?

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