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Running Head: Reflection Paper 1

Reflection Paper

Shelby Rollins

Bryan Renfro

Paris Junior College

Running Head: Reflection Paper 2

A lot of students have had a very important teacher in their life, some have impacted the life

of the student and have made many friendships with the teacher who have pushed them to go far

in life. Everything about a classroom and teaching is all very interesting and gives the confidence

and motivation to become a teacher in the future. It has always been in my interest to teach

children and help them become something. I have noticed and learned a lot doing my

observations in the classroom and it has made me want to be the best kind of teacher I can be and

influence my students to the best they can and to never give up.

Although, I am not a teacher yet I have learned a lot to know the things to do with my future

classroom. Teachers have a lot of one-on-one interaction with the student, they influence

students to do their best and to try hard. Students rely on the teacher to show them and teach

them the importance of school. Teachers use a lot of notes and have to explain things over most

of the times for students do not comprehend the first time, the teacher gives a lot of patience to

those who cannot comprehend as fast as the others can. They make children laugh but also learn

at the same time, using videos and funny pictures to pull the student interest in but giving them

knowledge at the same time.

Teachers have their own subject and they have a way of teaching it their way, teachers use the

subject they like the most and teach it with energy and they keep it fun. The teachers I observed

talked about some of the other subjects to the student but only to make it more clear to them,

they all did things differently. I believe that you could teach any subject that you wanted as long

as you had the interest and energy to make it interesting but they still learn from it. The teachers I

had observed used interpersonal, kinesthetic, and linguistic learning styles in the classroom as

they should it would give other students the opportunity to learn in many different ways. Student
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have their own unique way of learning and when teachers use many different ways so it gives

many opportunities.

The teachers always had a positive interaction with the students, they may get on to them

when they are off topic or doing something they are not supposed to do. They want them to do

good and be good so they reward them when they are good but discipline them when they

constantly interrupt the class or the teacher, including time getting taken off the recess or losing

free time, or moving the card or chip down. Students begin to realize what they can and cannot

do when they are in school, they eventually the learn the teachers attitudes and what the teacher

expects them to know and learn. Especially teaching younger students they have to know when

and where the right place to act is.

Some classroom have a teacher centered class or a student centered class, the classes that I

observed uses both. Teachers have the main decision making but students get to throw out ideas

to the teachers and classmates on what they think the decision should be. Teachers do not rely on

lectures and textbooks now, they use hands on activities and videos to grab the student’s

attention, using textbooks make the class stay focused on the topic. Teachers may change some

classwork up a little to make it more understanding to those who do not, making it easy for them

comprehend so they do not teach based on standards. I think that the classrooms where both but

majority of the time it is student centered teaching.

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