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Polymer 104 (2016) 83e90

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Characterizing the structural formation of epoxy-amine networks: The

effect of monomer geometry
Keroles B. Riad a, Rolf Schmidt b, Alexandre A. Arnold c, Rolf Wuthrich a,
Paula M. Wood-Adams a, *
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Department of Chemistry, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Department of Chemistry, Universit
e du Qu
ebec a Montr
eal (UQAM), Montreal, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We develop an approach for quantifying cure that applies thermodynamic modelling to interpret DSC
Received 30 June 2016 data that is consistent with solid state NMR. The effect of elements of monomer geometry, such as the
Received in revised form angle between functional groups and the distance between them, on curing of epoxy-amine thermosets
19 September 2016
is explored experimentally using this new technique. The effect of the angle between functional groups
Accepted 23 September 2016
Available online 25 September 2016
on the glass transition temperature of the final cured network is significant. The effect of spacing be-
tween functional groups is masked by the rigidity of the spacer. Our approach to interpreting DSC data
allows us to detect processes that would have been missed otherwise. This is exemplified by the
Network topology
observation of slow exothermic deterioration reaction. Our NMR results indicate that significant ether-
DSC analysis ification occurs at 140  C, unlike the commonly held belief that it is insignificant at such low
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction topological parameters to Tg and yield stress [8], emphasizing the

importance of monomer geometry on curing and final network
Epoxy-related applications are widespread and include adhe- properties.
sives [1,2], composites [3] and stereo-lithography 3D printing [4]. The literature exploring effects of monomer architecture is rich
However, epoxy systems are particularly difficult to characterise but still incomplete. Dusek reviews many architectures, including
due to their complex network structures resulting from gelation star-like and hyperbranched [7] molecules. Kim et al. [12] show
[5], cross-linking and side reactions [6], and the variation of reac- that bulkier curing agents increase conversion rates. Studies
tivity, mobility [7] and steric hindrance [8] as the structure evolves. applying theoretical and experimental analysis show that
The effect of structure on glass transition are described by the free increasing the length of the curing agent molecule between func-
volume theory using factors such as cross-linking density and chain tional groups decreases Tg [13]. These works consider monomers
stiffness [9]. Navigating this complexity by, for example, separating with multiple geometric differences, including the angle, and
gelation from vitrification [10], is of great research interest. length between functional groups and the degrees of freedom of
Monomer geometry acts as an architectural precursor [7] for the molecule. Studying each of these geometric differences sepa-
network topology. The evolving network eventually prevents rately could enrich our understanding of these systems but this
unreacted functional groups from meeting, at a state called the work brings challenges: the structure of cured epoxy cannot be
“topological limit” [7]. Two theoretical approaches to describing simply defined and is only indirectly measurable and the monomer
epoxy systems are consistent with experiments: the lattice simu- geometry is so much smaller in scale than the cured network that
lations reviewed by Oleinik [8] and the tree-like approach of Dusek its effect could be obscured. We believe however that under-
[7] (inspired by Flory [5,11]). The lattice simulations relate standing in detail the effect of the monomer geometry is important
because it is the basis upon which the overall network structure is
built. Here, we study two elements: the angle and the length be-
tween functional groups varied without changing the degrees of
* Corresponding author.
freedom of the molecule. This is a starting point to understanding
E-mail address: (P.M. Wood-Adams).
0032-3861/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
84 K.B. Riad et al. / Polymer 104 (2016) 83e90

those elements of monomer geometry. pan and repeated a minimum of 3 times. Isothermal curing at
The cure of epoxy systems can be characterised by techniques 140  C is performed followed in some instances by isothermal post
such as titration [14], NIR [15], sol-gel analysis [16] and differential curing at a higher temperature. The DSC is heated to 140  C and
scanning calorimetry (DSC). With DSC data we typically infer per- then the sample cell is loaded and allowed to cure for 2 h. The Tg is
centage of cure via the heat emitted during the exothermic curing then measured by ramping at 5  C/min between 100  C and 200  C.
[6]. The measured heats are routinely referenced to the maximum For experiments with post curing, the 140  C curing procedure is
experimentally observed heat which is assumed to represent 100% first executed without Tg measurement and then the sample is
cure [4,10]. This reference implies that all functional groups have removed. The DSC is then heated to Tg140 C þ100  C. Here, Tg140 C is
reacted when the experimental maximum heat is achieved. How- the Tg of another sample of the same mixture previously measured
ever, it is very likely that unreacted functional groups will remain in after the curing process at 140  C. Finally, the cell is returned to the
the network after reaching the topological limit. We develop an DSC and post cured for 10 h. The final Tg is measured by ramping at
approach to calculate a more accurate percentage of cure refer- 5  C/min between 100  C and the post curing temperature.
enced to the theoretical maximum heat that would be released if all
functional groups were to react. 2.4. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)

2. Experimental TGA experiments are conducted to ensure that post cure tem-
peratures are lower than those for thermal degradation. The TGA
2.1. Materials samples, 20 mg each, are cured isothermally for 2 h in an open
platinum pan at 140  C and under nitrogen inside a TA Q50 TGA.
Resorcinol diglycidyl ether (>96%), o-phenylene diamine The temperature is then ramped at 20  C/min up to 1000  C to
(99.5%), m-phenylene diamine (99.9%) and p-phenylene diamine determine the thermal degradation temperature at which weight
(99%) from Sigma Aldrich; Benzidine (95%) from Toronto Research loss occurs. The lowest degradation temperature among all systems
Chemicals Inc. and dichloromethane (DCM) (99.5%) from Caledon is 300  C, well above the highest post curing temperature.
are used without further purification. Resorcinol diglycidyl ether,
initially semi-crystalline, is melted at 50  C and cooled to room 2.5. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments
temperature prior to use. Diamines are manually ground into fine
powder using a mortar and pestle. Fig. 1 shows the chemical NMR samples are prepared using an epoxy/p-phenylene
structures of the reagents. diamine mixture. About 0.5 g of the mixture is transferred to an
open platinum pan and then cured isothermally at 140  C for 2 h
2.2. Mixture preparation under nitrogen in TA Q50 TGA. The resulting solid film is manually
ground using a mortar and submitted to solid-state NMR analysis.
Each mixture weighs 1.5 g in total with a 1:1 M ratio of epoxide After analysis, the same sample is post cured at 223  C for 10 h and
to NH. The epoxy and amine monomers are dissolved separately in once again submitted to NMR analysis.
DCM (0.5 mL and 4 mL of DCM respectively) in 20 mL vials. The two All spectra are recorded on a Bruker Avance III HD operating at a
solutions are combined and stirred for 10 min. The mixture is frequency of 400.03 MHz for 1H and 100.60 MHz for 13C using a
transferred to a 250 mL beaker and placed under 600 mmHg vac- double resonance 4 mm magic-angle spinning (MAS) probe and a
uum for 30 min to evaporate the DCM. spinning frequency of 12.5 kHz. In order to make peak integration
more quantitative, cross-polarization was avoided and all spectra
2.3. DSC observation of curing were recorded using a single 3.33 ms long 90 pulse with 85 kHz
TPPM 1H decoupling during acquisition. The recycle delay is set to
DSC experiments are performed on 5e10 mg samples in her- 30 s and the acquisition time to 15 ms. Spectra were externally
metically sealed pans using a TA Q10 DSC referenced to an empty referenced with respect to TMS at 0 ppm by setting the downfield

Fig. 1. Reagents.
K.B. Riad et al. / Polymer 104 (2016) 83e90 85

peak of adamantane to 38.23 ppm. The spectra were processed where ni is the initial number of moles of the limiting functional
using MNova (Mestrelab Research S.L., Santiago de Compostela, group per gram of mixture. The percent of cure, aTcure , can then be
Spain). estimated using Equation (3):

2.6. Data reporting Hm;Tcure

aTcure ¼ (3)
Significance is judged using 90% confidence two tailed t-tests
Here, Hm;Tcure , is the total heat measured by the DSC per gram of
except for NMR data as they were not repeated.
mixture during cure. This is also used to calculate the number of
moles of the limiting functional group that have reacted per gram of
3. Methodology
mixture, nr;Tcure , according to Equation (4):

To explore the effects of angle between functional groups, three nr;Tcure ¼ ni  aTcure (4)
epoxy-amine systems are studied where the curing agent is either
o-phenylene diamine, m-phenylene diamine or p-phenylene Similarly, Equations (5)e(7) are used to calculate the theoretical
diamine. The angle between functional groups in these diamines is total heat, Hmax;Tpost cure , that would be emitted per gram mixture if all
60 , 120 and 180 , respectively. In addition to the geometric dif- remaining functional groups were to react at the post curing tem-
ference, there are other differences between the systems including perature, Tpost cure , the percent of cure due to post curing, aTpost cure ,
nucleophilicity [17] and solvent effects [18]. We separate the two and the number of moles of the limiting functional groups that have
classes of factors using a two-step experiment: curing at a low reacted during post cure per gram mixture, nr;Tpost cure respectively:
temperature (incomplete cure) and post curing at a higher tem- 
perature (approaching the topological limit and full cure). Molec- Hmax;Tpost cure ¼ ni  nr;Tcure hTpost cure (5)
ular structures affect the free volume available presenting as steric
hindrance which could be significant enough to be observed in the Hm;Tpost cure
initial curing step. We assume that factors such as nucleophilicity aTpost cure ¼ (6)
Hmax; Tpost cure
and solvent have similar effects on the reaction during cure and
post cure. The network topology is expected to affect final prop- 
erties such as Tg only during post curing when the topological limit
nr;Tpost cure ¼ ni  nr;Tcure aTpost cure (7)
or full cure is approached giving the ultimate glass transition Here, Hm;Tpost cure is the total heat measured by the DSC per gram
temperature, Tg,∞. One should note that the measured Tg is a single of mixture during post curing at Tpost cure and ðni  nr;Tcure Þ is the
number used to describe a transition that occurs over a range of number of moles of the limiting functional group that are left
temperatures [19]. unreacted after the first curing process per gram of mixture.
We post cure at Tg140 C þ100  C to minimize the difference of the Finally, the ultimate percent of cureau , is calculated using
initial molecular mobilities in the systems [20,21] stemming from Equation (8):
the variation in the free volume available due to differences in
molecular structures. This ensures that all systems start under the nr;Tcure þ nr;Tpost cure
same mobility conditions and have approximately the same rates of
au ¼ (8)
polymeric configurational rearrangements and monomer diffusion
[22], as described by the WLF equation [23]. The WLF equation is Each amine-epoxy reaction leads to an epoxy molecule bonded
only valid within a specific temperature range [22,24]. Therefore, to an NeH group as shown in Fig. 2 for resorcinol diglycidyl ether
any observed differences in Tg between post cured systems can be reacting with p-phenylene diamine. In this analysis we assume that
attributed to the different angles between amine groups. no etherification occurs, which was previously believed to be
We studied an additional benzidine system to observe the effect reasonable for a curing temperature of 140  C [24,26]. CP is
of the monomer length. This system is compared to that with p- dependent on temperature. However, the change of Cp over a range
phenylene diamine. Benzidine is longer than p-phenylene diamine. of 100  C is only 10 J/mol K so that effect has been neglected and Cp
The overall monomer rigidity is the similar because they have a is assumed to be constant at its value at 25  C [24].
similar number of degrees of freedom. In this way, we study the
effect of length without changing the rigidity of the curing agent. 4. Results and discussion

3.1. Calculation of percentage cure Examples of the DSC traces for cure and post cure are shown in
Fig. 3 a and b respectively. As explained previously the areas under
An approach based on the molar heat of the amine-epoxy re- these curves are used in the calculations of percent of cure (Equa-
action at a given curing temperature is introduced to obtain accu- tions (3) and (6)).
rate measurements of percent of cure. The molar heat of reaction,
hT, is calculated from the standard heat of formation, h0, at 25  C 4.1. DSC results
(120.3 kJ/mol) and the molar heat capacity, Cp, (0.01513 kJ/mol K)
[25] as shown in Equation (1). Table 1 summarizes the results of all DSC experiments. The
maximum curing rate at 140  C increases with the angle between
hT ¼ h0 þ Cp DT (1) the amine functional groups. This makes sense because free volume
is lowest and steric hindrance is highest when functional groups
The theoretical total heat, Hmax; Tcure , that would be emitted per
are closest to each other as in o-phenylene diamine and vice versa
gram of mixture if all functional groups were to react at the curing
when they are furthest apart as in p-phenylene diamine. After
temperature, Tcure is calculated using Equation (2):
curing, the o, m and p-phenylene diamine systems all have a
Hmax;Tcure ¼ ni hTcure (2) percent of cure of ~70% and a Tg of ~125  C. We assume that steric
hindrance and nucleophilicity affect the curing rate most signifi-
cantly during post cure as well.
86 K.B. Riad et al. / Polymer 104 (2016) 83e90

Fig. 2. (a) The product of epoxy reacting with p-phenylene diamine. (b) Etherification.

The maximum obtained Tg, where the systems are closest to between functional groups has a significant effect on the network
their topological limits, are 129, 131 and 148  C for o, m, and p- properties close to the topological limit. A spot check using MDSC
phenylene diamine respectively which occurs after the curing step (Table S-1) validates the Tg data reported in Table 1 for all three
in the case of o-phenylene diamine and after post curing for the systems.
other two systems. The differences between their ultimate Tg The p-phenylene diamine and benzidine systems illustrate the
values are much more significant than those differences between effect of monomer length. Percentage of cure on a mass basis is not
the same systems after only cure. This indicates that the angle useful for comparing these two systems as the two curing agents
K.B. Riad et al. / Polymer 104 (2016) 83e90 87

Fig. 3. Example DSC traces of: (a) curing at 140  C and (b) post curing of the same sample, resorcinol diglycidyl etherand o-phenylene diamine at 229  C. The total heat is the area
between the curve and the baseline.

Table 1
Summary of study of geometric factors, angle and distance between amine functional groups.a

Cure at 140  C Post cure at Tg140  C þ 100  C

Material and angle between amine
aT nr;Tcure Max. Curing rate Tg aU nr;Tpost cure Tg
groups ( )
(%) (mole/g mixture) (mol/g$ min) ( C) (%) (mol/g mixture) ( C)
[6] [6] [6] [3] [3] [3] [3]

o-phenylene diamine 60 71 0.0051 0.0010 129 82 0.0009 113

(2) (0.0002) (0.0002) (7) (1) (0.0003) (5)
m-phenylene diamine 120 73 0.0052 0.0022 125 97 0.0019 131
(4) (0.0002) (0.0002) (2) (7) (0.0003) (6)
p-phenylene diamine 180 67 0.0048 0.0070 123 106 0.0025 148
(7) (0.0005) (0.002) (3) (8) (0.0004) (7)
Benzidine 180 76 0.0048 0.0011 154 110 0.0025 175
(3) (0.0002) (0.0001) (3) (7) (0.0006) (10)
Values inside square brackets are sample size. Values in round brackets are standard deviations.

have different molecular weights. Therefore, we make the com- is deteriorating in the post curing process. The apparent percent of
parison on a molar basis using the hr parameters. Both systems have cure of the p-phenylene diamine, m-phenylene diamine and
the same number of moles of amine-epoxy reaction per gram of benzidine systems are higher than 100% after post curing, implying
sample after curing and after post curing. Here, a mole of reaction is that more heat is emitted than can be accounted for by the curing
where 1 mol of epoxide groups reacts with 1 mol of NH groups. reaction. Including etherification in our analysis does not explain
Note that the monomer molecular weight also affects Tg. The Tg of the excess heat since 1 mol of etherification emits less heat than
the benzidine system is higher than the p-phenylene diamine 1 mol of amine-epoxy reaction [24]. That is to say that if all epoxide
system after curing and after post curing. The conclusions of pre- groups left react with alcohol groups instead of amine groups, less
vious studies [12] may indicate that systems with the shorter heat will be emitted contrary to the excess heat observed. To
monomer, p-phenylene diamine would have a higher Tg, if those explore further, a benzidine system is post cured for a much longer
conclusions are generalized. time showing a decrease in Tg from 175 (10) C after 10 h of post
Note that there are two types of components in the networked cure to 158  C after post cure for only 34 h. Also, the “apparent”
systems: rigid benzene rings and flexible chains. There are more percent of cure increases from 110 (7)% after 10 h of post cure to
benzene rings in the benzidine system compared to that in the p- 136% after post cure for only 34 h. These results indicate that an
phenylene diamine system. This means that the benzidine system exothermic network deterioration process occurs during post
has a larger rigid fraction leading to a higher Tg than that of the p- curing leading to erroneously high values for percent of cure and
phenylene diamine system. Also, the packing density in the unexpectedly low values of Tg.
benzidine system is likely lower than in the p-phenylene diamine For the benzidine system, post curing results in a higher Tg than
system due to the increase in length. Thus, there are two competing only curing, meaning that on the face of it one might expect nothing
effects on Tg as the monomer length increases in this case: the unusual to be happening. In other DSC approaches to determine
increased rigid fraction and the decreased packing density. Soni percent of cure, the measured heat is referenced to the maximum
et al. [12] increased monomer length by increasing flexible chain heat obtained. Our approach, which references the theoretical heat
length. In that case, the increased flexible fraction lead to the of reaction, allows us to unambiguously capture the network
observed decrease in Tg. Considering both the observations of the deterioration process.
current study and those of Soni et al. [12] we can conclude that Table S-2 summarizes additional spot check experiments look-
length certainly affects packing in an unambiguous way, but its ing at Tg after post curing at Tg140 C þ100  C for shorter times (10,
effect on Tg may be primarily determined by the rigidity of the 30, and 60 min) as well as after post curing at Tg140 C þ50  C for
units. 10 h. These results indicate that the high post curing temperatures
Further, we compare Tg after cure and after post cure in Table 1. used here are necessary to reach the topological limits. Addition-
Tg increases after post curing for all systems with the exception of ally, they show that both the m-phenylene diamine and p-phe-
that of the o-phenylene diamine system which decreases from nylene diamine systems continue curing over time, further in the
129  C to 113  C during post curing. This indicates that the network case of the p-phenylene diamine system. However, the o-phenylene
88 K.B. Riad et al. / Polymer 104 (2016) 83e90

diamine system degrades as soon as 30 min into post curing.

The thermal degradation reaction may involve bonds breaking C  N formed due to amine  epoxy reaction concentrationfC11
and weaker ones being created, and/or chain rearrangements [27]. (12)
Dyakonov et al. [28] have found that systems consisting of DGEBA
and p-phenylene diamine are less thermally stable than those  
unreacted epoxy
consisting of DGEBA and m-phenylene diamine. Here, we see that %epoxy cure ¼ 1  100% (13)
initial epoxide
systems with o-phenylene diamine is the least stable of all three
isomeric curing agents.
%amine  epoxy reaction
C  N formed due to amine  epoxy reaction
4.2. Solid state NMR results ¼  100%
initial N  H concentration
NMR analysis investigates which reactions are occurring during (14)
cure and post cure and verifies our DSC method for determining
percent of cure. NMR measurements are conducted on the epoxy %Etherification ¼ %epoxy cure  %amine  epoxy reaction (15)
monomer, the p-phenylene diamine, and the cured and post cured
Percent of cure (Table 3) is calculated with reference to each
samples. Table 2 shows the resulting chemical shifts and corre-
separate shift in Equations (9) and (10) to obtain the average and
sponding assignments.
standard deviation. Note that the unreacted epoxy concentration is
The carbons are numbered in Figs. 1 and 2 and assigned ac-
proportional to half of the area of the shift at 47.8 because the area
cording to the literature [29e30] for resorcinol diglycidyl ether, p-
of C1 equals that of C2.
phenylene diamine and their reaction products. We assume that
Based on the data in Table 3 we observe that the average areas
the C1 and C2 chemical shifts are merged somewhere in the middle
representing epoxide concentration and NeH concentration are
of their respective chemical shifts in the cured and post cured
similar within experimental uncertainty, consistent with the 1:1 M
samples. Two unassigned shifts, X1 and X2, that cannot be associ-
ratio of the mixtures. The NMR-calculated percent of cure, 85 (7)%,
ated with the curing reactions, appear only in the post cured
is not far from the DSC-calculated percent of cure, 67 (6)% consid-
samples. These shifts fall in the regions of aromatics and aliphatics
ering the uncertainty. However, the DSC value is lower because of
respectively supporting the hypothesis that another reaction is
the inherent assumption that etherification is insignificant while
occurring during post curing as indicated by our DSC calculations
clearly, 39 (11)% of etherification is significant. Since this result
and the bimodal DSC trace (Fig. 3b). This degradation reaction may
differs from the literature [24,25], an additional analysis of the NMR
differ from the thermal degradation observed with TGA at 300  C
data is performed using the shift at 69.4 ppm. This shift includes
(well above post curing temperatures) or it could be the early stages
carbons 3, 10, 12 and 13. The etherification percentage can be
of such thermal degradation that is yet to produce a significant
derived from C12 which also equals to C13 and calculated as follows:
amount of volatile fragments. It would not likely have been asso-
ciated with a degradation reaction in DSC studies using the con- Area69  C3  C10
ventional approach to calculating percent of cure. OH  epoxy reaction concentrationf (16)
Percent of cure is calculated from NMR spectra using peak areas
which depend on the concentration of the carbons corresponding
C3 ¼ Average initial epoxide concentration (17)
to those shifts. Below, Ci is the area associated with carbon i.

Initial epoxide concentration fC4 ¼ C5 ¼ 2C6 ¼ 2C7 (9) C10 ¼ C11 (18)

Initial N  H amine concentrationfC9 ¼ 2C8 (10) OH  epoxy reaction
%etherification ¼  100% (19)
initial epoxide
Unreacted epoxide concentrationfPeak47:8 2 =
Accordingly, etherification is 68 (27)% which does not contradict
the data in Table 3 considering uncertainty.

Table 2
NMR results for reactant material, epoxy and p-phenylene diamine and resulting networks after curing at 140  C and post curing at 223  C.

Chemical shift epoxy Chemical shift p-phenylene diamine Chemical shift 140  C cured sample Areaa 140  C cured Chemical shift 223  C post cured sample
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) sample (ppm)

C1 44.6 e Missing e Missing

C2 50.2 e 47.8 0.09 48.7
C3 68.9 e 69.4 1 69.4
C4 159.8 e 159.7 0.18 159.6
C5 107.4 e 111 0.34 111
C6 130.1 e 130 0.19 129.7
C7 101.9 e 103.8 0.27 104.4
C8 e 138.5 140.3 0.18 140.9
C9 e 116.6 117 0.41 119.7
C10 e e 69.4 1 69.4
C11 e e 54.5 0.15 54.7
C12 e e 69.4 1 69.4
C13 e e 69.4 1 69.4
X1 e e e e 146.7
X2 e e e e 12.0
Values are normalized with respect to the value for C3.
K.B. Riad et al. / Polymer 104 (2016) 83e90 89

Table 3
NMR calculations of percentages of cure.a

Average area corresponding to epoxide Average area corresponding to NeH Epoxy percentage of cure Amine percentage of cure Etherification
concentration concentration (%) (%) (%)

0.36 (0.15) 0.34 (0.09) 85 (7) 45 (13) 39 (11)

Values inside round brackets are standard deviations.

Table 4
Comparison between heat emitted according to NMR and DSC Analyses.a


Heat emitted from amine (J/g sample) Heat emitted from etherification (J/g sample) Total heat emitted (J/g sample) Average Heat (J/g sample)
391 (109) 290 (84) 681 (138) 573 (59)
Values inside round brackets are standard deviations.

Further, the heat of reaction approach is used to back-calculate that there is significant etherification in our systems even at tem-
how much heat would be emitted due to the amine-epoxy reac- perature as low as 140  C. We hope that this finding invites future
tion and etherification, if they occur according to the NMR- work to determine more accurately the enthalpy and heat capacity
calculated percentages in Table 3. Table 4 compares the calculated of the amine-epoxy reactions as most previous work does not ac-
heats with that measured by DSC. The NMR-back-calculated-heat count for etherification. We have shown that NMR characterisation
does not contradict the raw heat data measured with DSC. is required to verify if etherification is occurring.

5. Conclusions
This work was funded by the National Sciences and Engineering
Several challenges in the studying of the effects of monomer
Research Council of Canada (NSERC) (218056-2012) (Ottawa, ON,
geometry on thermosetting experimentally are addressed here. The
Canada) and Concordia University (Montreal, Qc, Canada).
complexity of the system is simplified by separating the geometric
or topological factors from the other effects using a two-step
experiment: curing and post curing. Steric hindrance, nucleophi- Appendix A. Supplementary data
licty and solvent effects affect the curing rate much more signifi-
cantly than Tg and the percent of cure after the first step. They are Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://
assumed to have the same effects during post curing. Geometric
effects are only expected to be measurable close to the topological
limit during post curing. A WLF approach is used to influence References
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