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Running head: Field Experience 


Field Experience

Shelby Rollins

Paris Junior College

Dr. Marian Ellis


Field Experience                                                              2

Field Experience
  In the videos we watched helped me in many ways, watching the videos made me realize

there are so many ways I could become a better teacher. In the videos is shows what I can use in

my future classroom such as; creating activities about the lesson so they can get a better

understanding of the material, and asking frequent questions to also make sure that students

understand what they are being taught, one thing I particularly liked is that the teacher relates to

the students on a personal level and it helps create a better classroom environment. The videos

gave me a better understanding of how things could be taught in my future classroom to make a

great learning environment for the students.

  I see a positive interaction between the students and the teacher, which I believe is the

most important thing to have as a teacher. Having good interactions with the class is a great thing

because that means all the students are comfortable with each other and they don’t have to be

afraid of what others think about the question or answer. In the videos I see positive interactions

by students not being afraid to speak up and answer without being called on, and the students and

teachers have more to talk about then just the lesson they are working on at the moment. I

believe all students and teachers should have a positive interaction with all students, I think that

gives them a reason to want to be at school and learn rather than wanting to skip or not come to


  Although the teachers use many learning styles, the most common one I saw was Visual

learners. Most of the teachers would have the work being shown on the boards, others would

have a PowerPoint or sheets of paper handed to the students. The other main one I had seen was

Field Experience                                                                                                                            3
Kinesthetic learning, using student generated responses. This type of learning encourages

students to study with a friend so they can communicate with others and become more confident

in the classroom and with others. I believe the best way to learn is through visual learning

because I think that’s the best way to learn. I also believe they have both of the teacher centered

and student centered, most of them had student centered philosophy but majority of the videos

had both.

  In conclusion, I believe that the videos have helped me grow as a person and a future

teacher, showing me the ways of teaching my future students and helping them become a better

student and person. I want to teach a great classroom and the videos shown me many ways to do

so, such as having a good interaction with the students I will soon to be teaching, keeping a

positive connection between all of them and connecting with them on a personal level to help me

understand what I can do better to help my students improve.

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