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A. Translate the following sentences into Indonesian!

1. Guru-guru kami sedang mengajar di kelas.

Our teachers are teaching in class.

2. Mereka bekerja di kantor tiap hari.

They work in the office every day.

3. Saya sudah minum kopi.

I have been drinking coffee.

4. Rahmad memberikan buku itu pada Johan minggu lalu.

Rahmad gave the book to Johan last week.

5. Mira dan Latif akan datang ke sini besok.

Mira and Latif will come here tomorrow.

6. Apa yang sedang anda baca sekarang?

What are you reading now?

7. Apa yang mereka sedang pelajari?

What are they studying?

8. Apakah anda sedang belajar matematika?

Are you studying math?

9. Apakah anda seorang mahasiswa PGSD?

Are you a PGSD student?

10. Apakah anda senang belajar di PGSD?

Do you enjoy studying at PGSD?

11. Apakah anda datang ke sekolah kemarin?

Did you come to school yesterday?

12. Kemana anda pergi tadi malam?

Where did you go last night?

13. Bagaimana caranya anda datang ke kampus kemarin?

How did you come to campus yesterday?

14. Mengapa mereka datang ke kampus kemarin?

Why did they come to campus yesterday?

15. Siapa wanita yang berdiri di bawah pohon itu?

Who is the woman standing under the tree?

B. Buatlah dua (2) kalimat bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan tenses berikut ini:

16. Simple Present Tense.

- ali always goes to school every day

- I play tennis on Sunday

- I come to your house on Friday

17. Present Continuous Tense

- I am listening to the radio now

- there are wearing a coat

- budi is listening to the radio at present

18. Simple Past Tense

- I opened the door

- winda went to Balikpapan last week

- aulia read the English book yesterday

19. Future Tense

- I shall visit you tomorrow

- my mother will buy a motorcycle the day after tomorrow

- bobi will play soccer next week

20. Present Perfect Tense

- I have bought an umbrella

- she has sent me a letter

- I have already studied English

- I have already moved to my new house

C. Isilah yang kosong dengan ‘Personal Pronoun’. Contoh: Cindy thought the winner
was ........ but she was wrong. (her)

21. Budi and I are watching movie. We are watching Harry Potter.

22. Joko and Aprilia are my good friends. They always visit Me
23. Sinta and I are good in Mathematics. Next week We are going to have Math competition.

24. Ronald is my brother. Have you met Him before?

25. The cat is playing under the table. Is It your cat?

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