Questionnaire Outline: Cigna BX Tracker 2018 171188 December 08, 2021

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LRW Study Name: Cigna Bx Tracker 2018

LRW Job Number: 171188

Date: December 08, 2021

The contents of this document are the confidential property of Lieberman Research Worldwide.  No part of this document may be
reproduced or distributed in any form without the express written permission of Lieberman Research Worldwide.


Hold CTRL and click on a question to jump there


LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 1

[A] Awareness & Usage.............................................................................................................................................................................................30
[B] Brand Health.........................................................................................................................................................................................................34
Implicit Measures: IIM and Rapid Choice - SUPPRESS AS OF APRIL 2020...........................................................................................................36
Loop Start - RapidChoice.......................................................................................................................................................................................38
Continuous GBHT1 Question.....................................................................................................................................................................................40
Loop Start - ContinuousGBHTLoop.......................................................................................................................................................................40
[C] Advertising Awareness.........................................................................................................................................................................................42
[D] Creative Exposure................................................................................................................................................................................................45
LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 2
Loop Start - SectionDLoop.....................................................................................................................................................................................72
Employer Brand Health..............................................................................................................................................................................................80
Health Literacy...........................................................................................................................................................................................................83
Concept Testing.........................................................................................................................................................................................................86
Loop Start - NameTestLoop...................................................................................................................................................................................87
Global Brand Health Tracker [YEARLY]....................................................................................................................................................................89
Loop Start - GBHTLoopLoopthroughamaxof3brandsassignedatDV_RatethesamebrandsfromIIMandRC...........................................................89
Social Cause Preference...........................................................................................................................................................................................93
Travel Insurance.........................................................................................................................................................................................................95
Multicultural Questions...............................................................................................................................................................................................97
HCP Brand Health......................................................................................................................................................................................................99
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[E] Profiling Questions..............................................................................................................................................................................................102
Subsection Start - Employer Brand Health Profiling............................................................................................................................................102
Subsection Start - Senior Segment......................................................................................................................................................................108
Subsection Start - COVID-19 Behavior Module...................................................................................................................................................111
DP Variables............................................................................................................................................................................................................114
QC Flags..................................................................................................................................................................................................................117
Appendix - Shared Lists...........................................................................................................................................................................................118

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 4

- Programmer: Term respondents who fail 5 out of the 6 QC checks

- Programmer: Flag if respondent finishes the survey in less than 12 minutes.

- Programmer: Devices allowed: PC and tablet, no smartphones

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_LinkType Hidden variable to capture link type
Select one response.

1. National PC: DV_LinkSource = anything National
2. Priority PC: DV_LinkSource = anything Priority
3. Hispanic PC: DV_LinkSource = anything Hispanic
4. IFP PC: DV_LinkSource = anything IFP
5. Senior PC: DV_LinkSource = anything Senior
6. MSA PC: DV_LinkSource = anything MSA

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_SpeederSettingMain. Captures link type to determine main section speeder threshold.
Select one response.

1. Link Type = MSA (5 Minutes) Autocode if respondent selected code [6] at
2. Link Type ≠ MSA (10 Minutes) Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-5]
at DV_LinkType.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Autocode based on 'user1' parameter from the link.
DV_LinkSourceAugment. Hidden variable to capture augment from Link Source.
Select one response.

1. National Rep
2. Priority
3. Senior
4. Hispanic
5. IFP

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Use link source to punch Yes or No.
DV_LinkSourceMSA. Punches Yes or No based on link source.
Select one response.

2. No

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 5

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_OnOff. Hidden Variable. Capture on/off status for modules.
Select one response for each.


1. Screener 1 2
2. Section A - Awareness
1 2
and Usage
3. Section B - Brand
1 2
4. Implicit Measures - IIM
1 2
and Rapid Choice
7. Continuous GBHT1
1 2
5. Advertising Awareness 1 2
6. Creative Exposure (Ad
1 2
8. Concept Testing 1 2
9. Global Brand Health
1 2
Tracker Questions
10. Social Cause
1 2
11. Multicultural Questions 1 2
12. Travel Insurance 1 2
13. Healthcare Provider
1 2
(HCP) Brand Health
14. DSA Module 1 2
15. Section E - Profiling
1 2
16. NPS 1 2
17. Health Literacy 1 2
18. Employer Brand
1 2

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Hard code all respondents at _2021
DV_Year. Hidden Variable. Capture year
Select one response.

1. 2015
2. 2016
3. 2017
4. 2018
5. 2019
6. 2020
7. 2021

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 6

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Wave. Hidden Variable. Capture wave/time period of tracker
Select one response.

1. Wave 1 + 2: August - December 2015
2. Wave 3: January - June 2016 (Q1 and Q2)
3. Wave 4: July - December 2016 (Q3 and Q4)
4. Wave 5: January - June 2017 (Q1 and Q2)
5. Wave 6: July - December (Q3 and Q4)
6. Wave 7: January - June 2018 (Q1 and Q2)
7. Wave 8: July - December 2018 (Q3 and Q4)
8. Wave 9: January - June 2019 (Q1 and Q2)
9. Wave 10: July - December 2019 (Q3 and Q4)
10. Wave 11: January - June 2020 (Q1 and Q2)
11. Wave 12: July - December 2020 (Q3 and Q4)
12. Wave 13: January - June 2021 (Q1 and Q2)
13. Wave 14: July - December 2021 (Q3 and Q4) PC: Reminder: update DV_Wave every wave to
hard-code respondents.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Month. Hidden Variable. Capture month
Select one response.

1. January
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. June
7. July
8. August
9. September
10. October
11. November
12. December

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 7

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Week_Medallia. Hidden Variable. Capture week number for Medallia
Select one response.

1. Week 1
2. Week 2
3. Week 3
4. Week 4
5. Week 5
6. Week 6
7. Week 7
8. Week 8
9. Week 9
10. Week 10
11. Week 11
12. Week 12
13. Week 13
14. Week 14
15. Week 15
16. Week 16
17. Week 17
18. Week 18
19. Week 19
20. Week 20
21. Week 21
22. Week 22
23. Week 23
24. Week 24
25. Week 25
26. Week 26
27. Week 27
28. Week 28
29. Week 29
30. Week 30

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 8

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Week_Field. Hidden variable. Capture week for Field monitoring and quotas
Select one response.

1. Week 1
2. Week 2
3. Week 3
4. Week 4
5. Week 5
6. Week 6
7. Week 7
8. Week 8
9. Week 9
10. Week 10
11. Week 11
12. Week 12
13. Week 13
14. Week 14
15. Week 15
16. Week 16
17. Week 17
18. Week 18
19. Week 19
20. Week 20
21. Week 21
22. Week 22
23. Week 23
24. Week 24
25. Week 25
26. Week 26
27. Week 27
28. Week 28
29. Week 29
30. Week 30

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Country. Hidden question. Capture country.
Select one response.

1. United States

- Show to all.
S17_Language. In which of the following languages would you prefer to take this survey?

Select one response.

1. English
2. Español

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Language. Hidden variable. Capture language used for the rest of the survey.
Select one response.

1. English Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
2. Spanish Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 9

- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if value provided at S1a_QCCurrentYear does NOT equal 2015.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS QUESTION AS OF JULY 2018
S1a_QCCurrentYear. We need to start with two silly questions just to make sure you are a real person.
What year is it?
Please enter 4 digits.


- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent did NOT select code [1] at S1b_QCHotCold.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS QUESTION AS OF JULY 2018
S1b_QCHotCold. And one more silly question. What is the opposite of hot?
Select one response.

1. Cold
2. Tree
3. House
4. Fish

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_QCLowAssigned. Low-incidence QC items assigned (randomly assign 5)
Select all that apply.

1. Ran a marathon
2. Purchased a home
3. Rode in a hot air balloon
4. Rode in a submarine
5. Went skydiving
6. Had the mumps or measles
7. Renewed a passport PC: Suppressed as of June 2021
8. Got divorced
9. Graduated from a graduate degree program
10. Purchased a boat
11. Gave birth to triplets
12. Rented an RV

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_QCHighAssigned. High-incidence QC items assigned (randomly assign 5)
Select all that apply.

1. Purchased food (at a supermarket, fast food restaurant,
2. Did laundry or washed dishes
3. Bought something (at a store, street vendor, online, etc.)
4. Watched at least 1 hour of video (TV show, movie,
sporting event, clips on YouTube, etc.)
5. Called or texted friends or family
6. Went somewhere in a car, truck, bus, subway, or train
7. Drank water, juice, or milk

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 10

- Show to all. Only show row stubs selected at DV_QCLowAssigned OR selected at DV_QCHighAssigned.
S1d_HiLowQC. Which of the following things have you done in the past 30 days?
Select all that apply.

1. Ran a marathon
2. Purchased a home
3. Rode in a hot air balloon
4. Rode in a submarine
5. Went skydiving
6. Had the mumps or measles
7. Renewed a passport PC: Suppressed as of June 2021
8. Got divorced
9. Graduated from a graduate degree program
10. Purchased a boat
11. Gave birth to triplets
12. Rented an RV
1. Purchased food (at a supermarket, fast food restaurant,
2. Did laundry or washed dishes
3. Bought something (at a store, street vendor, online, etc.)
4. Watched at least 1 hour of video (TV show, movie,
sporting event, clips on YouTube, etc.)
5. Called or texted friends or family
6. Went somewhere in a car, truck, bus, subway, or train
7. Drank water, juice, or milk
99. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent selected any codes [1-2] at DV_HiLowQCQualified.
- Programmer Comment: Terminate every other respondent who selected codes LowIncidence or HighIncidence

DV_HiLowQCQualified. Hidden variable to capture whether they passed QC

Select all that apply.

1. Low incidence (chose 1+) Terminate immediately. PC: Autocode if
respondent selected anything from
QCLowIncidience shared list at S1d_HiLowQc.
2. High incidence (chose <1) Terminate immediately. PC: Autocode if
respondent selected less than 1 item from
QCHighIncidence shared list at S1d_HiLowQc.
3. Qualified (chose 0 low incidence and 1+ high incidence) EXCLUSIVE. PC: Autocode if respondent selected
nothing from QCLowIncidence shared list AND
selected 1+ items from QCHighIncidence shared
list at S1d_HiLowQCQualified.

- Show to all.
DT_ScreenerIntro. Welcome to our study! Thank you for taking the time to share your views with us. Your answers will be kept strictly
confidential and will only be used in aggregate for research purposes only.

This questionnaire will take approximately 20 minutes to complete, on average. However, you may take as much time
as you would like.

Thank you in advance for your participation. Please click “Next” to start the survey.

- Show to all.
S1c_ZipCode. Please provide your 5-digit zip code.
Enter a numeric response.


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- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_QCZipCode. Flag if respondent has more than three failed tries entering a valid zip code.
Select one response.

1. Failed zip code QC
2. Didn't fail zip code QC

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Hidden Variable. Capture priority market status.
DV_PriorityMarketQuota. Hidden Variable. Capture priority market status.
Select one response.

1. Atlanta, GA
2. Charlotte, NC
3. Chicago, IL
4. Dallas, TX
5. Denver, CO
6. Houston, TX
7. Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, FL
8. Nashville, TN
9. New England
10. NYC/ New Jersey
11. Orlando, FL
12. Philadelphia, PA
13. Phoenix, AZ
14. Southern California
15. St. Louis, MO
16. Tampa, FL
17. Washington, D.C.
19. Baltimore, MD
21. Memphis, TN
18. Not a priority market
20. Pittsburgh
22. Salt Lake City, UT PC: Code if respondent S1c_ZipCode is within
DMA 770 (Salt Lake City)
23. Palm Beach County, FL PC: Code if respondent S1c_ZipCode is within
Palm Beach County
24. San Francisco, CA PC: Code if respondent S1c_ZipCode is within San
Francisco DMA

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Capture location of all respondents.  Prior augment markets suppressed with IFP reinstatement for Q3'21. 
Linked to QTA_PriorityMarketQuota_IFP in program.
DV_IFPMarketQuota Hidden variable to capture IFP market status.  Defined by DMA unless otherwise noted.
Select one response.

1. Chicago, IL
2. St. Louis, MO
3. Orlando, FL
4. South Florida PC: Miami DMA + Palm Beach
5. Raleigh, NC
6. Northern VA PC: Washington DC DMA AND in Virginia State
7. Denver, CO
8. Pennsylvania State PC: PA State
9. Mississippi State PC: MS State
10. Georgia State PC: GA State
11. Not an IFP Market

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 12

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Autocode based on MSA database. Please use DMA database for LA DMA.
DV_MSAPriorityMarket. Hidden variable to capture MSA priority market
Select one response.

1. Boston
2. Chicago
3. Greensboro
4. Hartford
6. Philadelphia
7. Raleigh/Durham
8. Richmond
9. San Francisco
10. Not an MSA priority market EXCLUSIVE. PC: Term if DV_LinkType = MSA

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_ControlMkt. Hidden Variable. Capture control market status
Select one response.

1. North Carolina -- Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill
1. California -- San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose
3. California -- San Diego
4. Washington -- Seattle
6. Kansas -- Kansas City
7. North Carolina -- Charlotte, Gastonia, Rock Hill
8. Washington -- Seattle
9. California -- Los Angeles
10. California -- San Diego
11. Michigan -- Detroit
12. Florida -- Jacksonville
13. Florida -- Tampa Bay Area
14. Connecticut - Hartford, and Massachusetts - Springfield
15. North Carolina - Winston-Salem, Greensboro
16. Oregon - Portland
17. Tennessee - Chattanooga
18. South Carolina - Spartanburg, Greenville
19. Tennessee - Knoxville, Eastern
20. Ohio - Cleveland, Akron
21. Utah - Salt Lake City
22. Massachusetts - Boston
23. Texas - Austin
5. Not a control market PC: Select if not a control market above

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_LocalizationMkts. Hidden question: capture localization markets based on zip codes from client
Select one response.

1. Houston
2. Central Florida
3. Mid-Atlantic
4. Chicago
5. Phoenix
6. Dallas
7. Tennessee
8. Not in a localization market PC: Select if not one of the codes above

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 13

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_State. Hidden Variable: Capture state using zip code
Select one response.

1. Alabama
2. Alaska
3. Arizona
4. Arkansas
5. California
6. Colorado
7. Connecticut
8. Delaware
9. Florida
10. Georgia
11. Hawaii
12. Idaho
13. Illinois
14. Indiana
15. Iowa
16. Kansas
17. Kentucky
18. Louisiana
19. Maine
20. Maryland
21. Massachusetts
22. Michigan
23. Minnesota
24. Mississippi
25. Missouri
26. Montana
27. Nebraska
28. Nevada
29. New Hampshire
30. New Jersey
31. New Mexico
32. New York
33. North Carolina
34. North Dakota
35. Ohio
36. Oklahoma
37. Oregon
38. Pennsylvania
39. Rhode Island
40. South Carolina
41. South Dakota
42. Tennessee
43. Texas
44. Utah
45. Vermont
46. Virginia
47. Washington
48. Washington D.C.
49. West Virginia
50. Wisconsin
51. Wyoming

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Note to client: DV for tracking reactivity for each state as of 3/20/2020.  Highly recommend addition to all US studies.
DV_ReactivityTierMar20. DV to track reactivity of each US state to COVID-19, based on 3/20/2020 reports.
Select one response.

1. Most reactive states Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 5,
7, 9, 11, 19, 28, 30, 32, 37, 39, 44, 47-48] at
2. Least reactive states Autocode if respondent selected any codes [12,
26, 34, 36, 41, 49] at DV_State.
3. Moderate reactive states Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [1-2]
at DV_ReactivityTierMar20.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 14

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Punch the county based on zip code at S1c_ZipCode.
DV_County What county do you live in?
Select one response.

1. ORANGE PC: only punch this stub if State = CA and they
live in this county
2. SAN DIEGO PC: only punch this stub if State = CA and they
live in this county
3. LOS ANGELES PC: only punch this stub if State = CA and they
live in this county
4. Other

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Please use the standard Nielsen database and code based off of CitySize.
DV_NielsenCountySize. Hidden variable to capture Nielsen county size, based on zip code.

1. A (part of 1 of the 25 largest metropolitan areas in the PC: CITYSIZE = 6
2. B (150,000+ population or a part of a metropolitan area) PC: CITYSIZE = 7
3. C (population size between 40,000 - 150,000) PC: CITYSIZE = 8
4. D (population size <40,000) PC: CITYSIZE = 9

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Capture US census region.
DV_UsRegion. Hidden Question. Capture US census region
Select one response.

1. Northeast
2. Midwest
3. South
4. West
5. Not classified

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Note to client: State reactivity nested by Region to support CTP data collection.
DV_CovidGEOGroup. US geographic region by COVID reactivity
Select one response.

1. Northeast - Most Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
DV_UsRegion AND respondent selected code [1]
at DV_ReactivityTierMar20.
2. South - Most Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_UsRegion AND respondent selected code [1]
at DV_ReactivityTierMar20.
3. West - Most Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
DV_UsRegion AND respondent selected code [1]
at DV_ReactivityTierMar20.
4. Midwest - Most Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
DV_UsRegion AND respondent selected code [1]
at DV_ReactivityTierMar20.
5. Northeast - Moderate Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
DV_UsRegion AND respondent selected code [3]
at DV_ReactivityTierMar20.
6. South - Moderate Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_UsRegion AND respondent selected code [3]
at DV_ReactivityTierMar20.
7. West - Moderate Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
DV_UsRegion AND respondent selected code [3]
at DV_ReactivityTierMar20.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 15

8. Midwest - Moderate Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
DV_UsRegion AND respondent selected code [3]
at DV_ReactivityTierMar20.
9. Least reactive states Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Capture US census division.
DV_USCensusDivision. Hidden Question. Capture US census division.
Select one response.

1. New England
2. Middle Atlantic
3. East North Central
4. West North Central
5. South Atlantic
6. East South Central
7. West South Central
8. Mountain
9. Pacific
10. Not classified

- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent selected code [1] at S2_SensitiveIndustry.
S2_SensitiveIndustry. Do you or does anyone in your household work for an advertising agency, public relations firm, or marketing
research firm?
Select one response.

1. Yes Terminate immediately.
2. No

- Show to all.
S3_Gender. Are you...?
Select one response.

1. Male
2. Female

- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if value provided at S4_Age is greater than 79 AND value provided at S4_Age is less than 26.
S4_Age. What is your age?
Enter a numeric response.


- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent did NOT select codes [1-5] at DV_Age AND respondent selected code [4] at DV_LinkType.
- Programmer Comment: Hidden Variable. Capture age breaks 2.
DV_Age. Hidden Variable. Capture age breaks.
Select one response.

1. 26-29 Autocode if value provided at S4_Age is between
(inclusive) 26 and 29.
2. 30-39 Autocode if value provided at S4_Age is between
(inclusive) 30 and 39.
3. 40-49 Autocode if value provided at S4_Age is between
(inclusive) 40 and 49.
4. 50-59 Autocode if value provided at S4_Age is between
(inclusive) 50 and 59.
5. 60-64 Autocode if value provided at S4_Age is between
(inclusive) 60 and 64.

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6. 65-69 Autocode if value provided at S4_Age is between
(inclusive) 65 and 69.
7. 70-79 Autocode if value provided at S4_Age is between
(inclusive) 70 and 79.

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- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Hidden Variable. Capture age/gender.
DV_AgeGender. Hidden Variable. Capture age/gender.
Select one response.

1. Male 26-29 Autocode if (respondent selected code [1] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [1] at
2. Male 30-39 Autocode if (respondent selected code [1] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [2] at
3. Male 40-49 Autocode if (respondent selected code [1] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [3] at
4. Male 50-59 Autocode if (respondent selected code [1] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [4] at
5. Male 60-64 Autocode if (respondent selected code [1] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [5] at
10. Male 65-69 Autocode if (respondent selected code [1] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [6] at
11. Male 70-79 Autocode if (respondent selected code [1] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [7] at
6. Female 26-29 Autocode if (respondent selected code [2] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [1] at
7. Female 30-39 Autocode if (respondent selected code [2] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [2] at
8. Female 40-49 Autocode if (respondent selected code [2] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [3] at
9. Female 50-59 Autocode if (respondent selected code [2] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [4] at
12. Female 60-64 Autocode if (respondent selected code [2] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [5] at
13. Female 65-69 Autocode if (respondent selected code [2] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [6] at
14. Female 70-79 Autocode if (respondent selected code [2] at
S3_Gender AND respondent selected code [7] at

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Hidden Variable. Capture senior quota.
DV_SeniorQuota. Hidden Variable. Capture senior quota.
Select one response.

1. Senior Autocode if respondent selected any codes [6-7]
at DV_Age.
2. Not Senior Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-5]
at DV_Age.

- Show to all.
S5_Ethnicity. Which of these best describes you?
Select one response.

1. White or Caucasian
2. Black or African American
3. Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin
4. Asian
5. American Indian or Alaskan Native
6. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
7. Some other race, ethnicity, or origin ANCHOR.

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- Show to all.
S5a_CountryCulture. What country best describes your culture?
Select one response from the drop-down box.

1. Afghanistan
2. Albania
3. Algeria
4. Andorra
5. Angola
6. Antigua and Barbuda
7. Argentina
8. Armenia
9. Australia
10. Austria
11. Azerbaijan
12. Bahamas
13. Bahrain
14. Bangladesh
15. Barbados
16. Belarus
17. Belgium
18. Belize
19. Benin
20. Bhutan
21. Bolivia
22. Bosnia and Herzegovina
23. Botswana
24. Brazil
25. Brunei
26. Bulgaria
27. Burkina Faso
28. Burundi
29. Cabo Verde
30. Cambodia
31. Cameroon
32. Canada
33. Central African Republic
34. Chad
35. Chile
36. China
37. Colombia
38. Comoros
39. Congo, Republic of the
40. Congo, Democratic Republic of the
41. Costa Rica
42. Cote d'Ivoire
43. Croatia
44. Cuba
45. Cyprus
46. Czech Republic
47. Denmark
48. Djibouti
49. Dominica
50. Dominican Republic
51. Ecuador
52. Egypt
53. El Salvador
54. Equatorial Guinea
55. Eritrea
56. Estonia
57. Ethiopia
58. Fiji
59. Finland
60. France
61. Gabon
62. Gambia
63. Georgia
64. Germany
65. Ghana
66. Greece
67. Grenada
LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 20
68. Guatemala
69. Guinea
70. Guinea-Bissau
71. Guyana
72. Haiti
73. Honduras
74. Hungary
75. Iceland
76. India
77. Indonesia
78. Iran
79. Iraq
80. Ireland
81. Israel
82. Italy
83. Jamaica
84. Japan
85. Jordan
86. Kazakhstan
87. Kenya
88. Kiribati
89. Kosovo
90. Kuwait
91. Kyrgyzstan
92. Laos
93. Latvia
94. Lebanon
95. Lesotho
96. Liberia
97. Libya
98. Liechtenstein
99. Lithuania
100. Luxembourg
101. Macedonia
102. Madagascar
103. Malawi
104. Malaysia
105. Maldives
106. Mali
107. Malta
108. Marshall Islands
109. Mauritania
110. Mauritius
111. Mexico
112. Micronesia
113. Moldova
114. Monaco
115. Mongolia
116. Montenegro
117. Morocco
118. Mozambique
119. Myanmar (Burma)
120. Namibia
121. Nauru
122. Nepal
123. Netherlands
124. New Zealand
125. Nicaragua
126. Niger
127. Nigeria
128. North Korea
129. Norway
130. Oman
131. Pakistan
132. Palau
133. Palestine
134. Panama
135. Papua New Guinea
136. Paraguay
137. Peru
138. Philippines
139. Poland
140. Portugal
198. Puerto Rico
141. Qatar
LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 21
142. Romania
143. Russia
144. Rwanda
145. St. Kitts and Nevis
146. St. Lucia
147. St. Vincent and The Grenadines
148. Samoa
149. San Marino
150. Sao Tome and Principe
151. Saudi Arabia
152. Senegal
153. Serbia
154. Seychelles
155. Sierra Leone
156. Singapore
157. Slovakia
158. Slovenia
159. Solomon Islands
160. Somalia
161. South Africa
162. South Korea
163. South Sudan
164. Spain
165. Sri Lanka
166. Sudan
167. Suriname
168. Swaziland
169. Sweden
170. Switzerland
171. Syria
172. Taiwan
173. Tajikistan
174. Tanzania
175. Thailand
176. Timor-Leste
177. Togo
178. Tonga
179. Trinidad and Tobago
180. Tunisia
181. Turkey
182. Turkmenistan
183. Tuvalu
184. Uganda
185. Ukraine
186. United Arab Emirates
187. UK (United Kingdom)
188. USA (United States of America)
189. Uruguay
190. Uzbekistan
191. Vanuatu
192. Vatican City (Holy See)
193. Venezuela
194. Vietnam
195. Yemen
196. Zambia
197. Zimbabwe

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 22

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at S5_Ethnicity.
- Programmer Comment: Do not ask if S4a_CountryCulture=Brazil and S4_Ethnicity=3.
S5b_AcculturationQuestion. Please consider how you use language in each of the following scenarios.
Select one response for each.

More More
Spanish English
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Only than Both than Only
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Spanish English equally Spanish English
1. In general, what
language do you read and 1 2 3 4 5
2. What language do you
1 2 3 4 5
usually speak at home?
3. In what language do
1 2 3 4 5
you usually think?
4. What language do you
usually speak with your 1 2 3 4 5

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Calculate average score for each respondent (sum of codes/4)

1. Low acculturated = average 1 - 2.99

2. Bicultural = average 3 - 4
3. High acculturated = average >4
DV_AccultrationLevel. Hidden Variable. Capture level of acculturation.
Select one response.

1. Low acculturation
2. Bi-cultural
3. High acculturation
4. Not Hispanic PC: All other respondents, those not asked S5b

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Hidden Variable. Capture Hispanic quota.
DV_HispanicQuota. Hidden Variable. Capture Hispanic quota.
Select one response.

1. Hispanic (acculturated) Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2-3]
at DV_AccultrationLevel.
2. Hispanic (not acculturated) Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
3. Not Hispanic Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at

- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent selected code [1] at S6b_Income_Current AND respondent selected code [4] at DV_LinkType.
S6b_Income_Current. Which of the following categories best describes your household’s expected [Insert response from DV_Year] total
household income from all sources before taxes?
Select one response.

1. Less than $12,000
2. $12,000 to $19,999
3. $20,000 to $29,999
4. $30,000 to $39,999
5. $40,000 to $49,999
6. $50,000 to $74,999
7. $75,000 to $99,999
8. $100,000 to $149,999
9. $150,000 to $199,999

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 23

10. $200,000 or higher

- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent selected any codes [1-2] at S6_Income AND respondent did NOT select code [4] at
S6_Income. We know COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) and its impact on the economy affected a lot of people’s incomes. Think back before the
pandemic. In 2019, what was your household’s total income, before taxes?
Select one response.

1. Less than $12,000
2. $12,000 to $19,999
3. $20,000 to $29,999
4. $30,000 to $39,999
5. $40,000 to $49,999
6. $50,000 to $74,999
7. $75,000 to $99,999
8. $100,000 to $149,999
9. $150,000 to $199,999
10. $200,000 or higher

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Note to client: DV to store difference in 2021 and 2019 income.
DV_Income_COVChange. DV to Capture Income change between 2021 and 2019 from COVID
Select one response.

1. Current income is higher than Pre-COVID income PC: Punch if factor(Income_Current) -
factor(Income) is >0
2. Current income is equal to Pre-COVID income PC: Punch if factor(Income_Current) =
3. Current income is lower than Pre-COVID income PC: Punch if factor(Income_Current) -
factor(Income) is <0

- Show to all.
S7_HaveHealthInsurance. Do you currently have health insurance?
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 24

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent selected code [10] at S8_SourceOfHealthInsurance.
S8_SourceOfHealthInsurance. Which of the following sources currently provides your primary health insurance that covers doctors,
specialists and hospital care?
Select one response.

1. My employer, union or personal business
2. My state or local government employment
3. My federal or military government employment
My spouse/partner’s employer or union
My spouse/partner’s state or local government
6. My spouse/partner’s federal or military government
7. My spouse’s/partner’s business
8. Another household member’s employer
9. Medicare
10. Medicaid Terminate immediately.
12. Disability
13. Veterans benefits
14. I purchased it directly from a broker/advisor PC: SUPPRESS AS OF JULY 2021
15. I purchased it directly from a private health insurance PC: SUPPRESS AS OF JULY 2021
16. I purchased it directly through a government-sponsored PC: SUPPRESS AS OF JULY 2021
public health insurance marketplace/exchange
(, state exchange)
17. The health insurance plan was purchased through an
employer, work or school-sponsored private health
insurance marketplace/exchange where I was offered a
variety of health and other insurance options to select
19. The plan was purchased directly from an insurance Client: ADDED JULY 2021
company representative or website
20. The plan was purchased online directly from a Federal or Client: ADDED JULY 2021
State health insurance marketplace or exchange such as (Affordable Care Act also referred to
as Obamacare)
21. The plan was purchased directly through a health Client: ADDED JULY 2021
insurance professional or consultant (i.e., advisor, agent
or broker) who helped you select which plan options you
22. The health plan was purchased from a website such as Client: ADDED JULY 2021
18. Other source ANCHOR.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_IFPQuota. Hidden Variable. Capture IFP quota
Select one response.

1. IFP Autocode if respondent selected any codes [19-
22] at S8_SourceOfHealthInsurance.
2. Not IFP Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [19-
22] at S8_SourceOfHealthInsurance.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 25

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_PIX. Hidden Variable. Capture PIX status
Select one response.

1. PIX (Private exchange) Autocode if respondent selected code [17] at
2. Not PIX Autocode if respondent did NOT select code [17]
at S8_SourceOfHealthInsurance.

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.
- Terminate at end of screener if respondent selected any codes [1-2] at S9_LikelyToGetInN12M.
S9_LikelyToGetInN12M. How likely are you to purchase or obtain health insurance in the next 12 months?
Select one response.

1. Not At All Likely Terminate at the end of [Screener].
2. Not Very Likely Terminate at the end of [Screener].
3. Somewhat Likely
4. Very Likely
5. Extremely Likely

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Terminate at end of screener if (respondent selected code [2] at DV_PuchaseLikelihood AND respondent selected code [2] at
DV_PuchaseLikelihood. Hidden Variable. Capture purchase likelihood qualification
Select one response.

1. Likely to purchase health insurance in next 12 months Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3-5]
at S9_LikelyToGetInN12M.
2. Not likely to purchase health insurance in next 12 months Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-2]
at S9_LikelyToGetInN12M.
3. Currently have health insurance Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance OR respondent selected any codes [3-5] at
S10_DecisionRole. Which of the following best describes your role in making health insurance decisions for you and your household?
Select one response.

1. I am the primary decision-maker in selecting a health
insurance provider
2. I share the decision-making in selecting a health
insurance provider with someone else equally
3. I am minimally involved in selecting a health insurance
4. I am not involved in the health insurance provider
decisions at all

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.
S11_ContactRole. Which of the following best describes your role in the contact and interaction you have with your health insurance
provider(s), such as filling out paperwork, making payments, going to their websites, asking billing questions, etc.?
Select one response.

1. I am primarily responsible for the contact and interaction
with my/my household’s health insurance provider
2. I share the responsibility for the contact and interaction
with my/my household’s health insurance provider with
someone else equally
3. Someone else is responsible for the contact and
interaction with my/my household’s health insurance

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LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 27
- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Terminate Immediately if (respondent selected code [2] at DV_DecisionContactStatus AND respondent selected code [1] at
S7_HaveHealthInsurance) OR (respondent selected code [1] at DV_PuchaseLikelihood AND respondent selected any codes [3-4] at
DV_DecisionContactStatus. Hidden Variable. Capture decision role/contact role qualification.
Select one response.

1. Decision maker/responsible for contact Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-2]
at S10_DecisionRole OR respondent selected any
codes [1-2] at S11_ContactRole.
2. Not decision maker/responsible for contact Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3-4]
at S10_DecisionRole AND respondent selected
code [3] at S11_ContactRole.

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Do not show question if insurance is obtained through spouse/partner; autopunch code 1 if S8=4, 5, 6, or
S12_MaritalStatus. Which of the following describes your marital status?
Select one response.

1. Married or living with a partner PC: Autopunch if S8=4,5,6,or 7
2. Single, never married
3. Widowed/separated/divorced
4. Other

- Show to all.
S13_Education. What is the highest level of education achieved?
Select one response for each.

For your
1. Some high school or
1 2
2. High school graduate 1 2
3. Some college or trade
1 2
4. Bachelor’s degree 1 2
5. Graduate/advanced
1 2
Show if
code [1] at

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 28

- Show to all.
S14_Employment. Which of the following best describes the employment status for you [INSERT IF S12=1 "and your spouse/partner"]?
Select one response for each.

1. Employed full-time – 30
1 2
or more hours per week
2. Employed part-time –
less than 30 hours per 1 2
3. Self-employed/business
1 2
4. Retired 1 2
5. Student, not employed 1 2
6. Homemaker, not
employed outside of the 1 2
7. Currently unemployed 1 2
8. Unable to work/disabled 1 2
9. Other 1 2
Show if
code [1] at

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.
- Programmer Comment: Autocode General Health Insurance for everyone and don't show.


S15_OtherTypesOfCoverage. Thinking about health insurance, there is medical coverage, but also other voluntary and supplemental
products that are offered. From the list below, which of the following types of health insurance coverage do
you have?
Select all that apply.

1. General health insurance ANCHOR.
2. Catastrophic health insurance
3. Vision
4. Dental
5. Mental health
6. Prescription
7. Short-term disability insurance
8. Disability income insurance
9. Long-term care insurance
10. Medicare supplemental insurance
11. Hospital indemnity insurance
12. Accidental death and dismemberment insurance
13. Other ANCHOR.
99. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 29

- Show to all.
S16_HHComposition. Which of the following family members, if any, currently live in your household?
Select all that apply.

1. Your children under 2 years old
2. Your children aged 2-5
3. Your children aged 6-12
4. Your children aged 13-17
5. Spouse Show if respondent selected code [1] at
S12_MaritalStatus. PC: Only show if S12 = 1; do
not allow codes 5 and 6 to be selected together
6. Partner Show if respondent selected code [1] at
S12_MaritalStatus. PC: Only show if S12 = 1; do
not allow codes 5 and 6 to be selected together
7. Your adult children aged 18-26
8. Your adult children aged 27 or older
9. Parents or other older extended family
10. No one else - live alone or with non-family members EXCLUSIVE.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_HHComposition. Hidden Variable: Capture household composition, code selected or not asked for each respondent
Select one response for each.


1. Your children under 2
1 2 3
years old
2. Your children aged 2-5 1 2 3
3. Your children aged 6-12 1 2 3
4. Your children aged 13-
1 2 3
5. Spouse 1 2 3
6. Partner 1 2 3
7. Your adult children
1 2 3
aged 18-26
8. Your adult children
1 2 3
aged 27 or older
9. Parents or other older
1 2 3
extended family
10. No one else - live
alone or with non-family 1 2 3

- Show to all.
S18_LGBT. How would you identify yourself?
Select one response.

1. Heterosexual or Straight
2. Gay or Lesbian
3. Bisexual
4. Other
5. I prefer not to answer

- Show to all.
S19_Veteran. Are you a U.S. veteran?
Select one response.

1. Yes, I am a U.S. Veteran
2. Yes, I am currently in the military
3. No

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 30

- Show to all.
S20_Disability. Are you currently on disability, meaning you are currently actively receiving disability benefits from a government or state
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Augment. Hidden Variable. Capture augments for pathway through survey
Select all that apply.

1. National rep PC: Auto-select for all respondents
2. Priority Market Augment Autocode if respondent did NOT select code [18]
at DV_PriorityMarketQuota.
3. Senior Augment Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Hispanic Augment Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. IFP Augment Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Augment2 Hidden Variable. Capture augments for pathway through survey, excluding Hispanic/IFP/Senior overlap
Select all that apply.

1. National rep PC: DV_LinkSource=National rep
2. Priority Market Augment PC: DV_LinkSource=Priority Market OR
(DV_LinkSource=Nat'l Rep and
DV_PriorityMarketQuota ≠ Not market,
SaltLakeCityUT, or PalmBeachCountyFL)
3. Senior Augment PC: DV_LinkSource=Senior OR
[(DV_LinkSource=Nat'l Rep or Priority Market) and
4. Hispanic Augment PC: DV_LinkSource=Hispanic OR
[(DV_LinkSource=Nat'l Rep or Priority Market) and
5. IFP Augment PC: DV_LinkSource=IFP OR
[(DV_LinkSource=Nat'l Rep or Priority Market) and
6. MSA Priority Market PC: DV_LinkSource=MSA OR
[(DV_LinkSource=Nat'l Rep or Priority Market or
Senior or Hispanic or IFP) AND
DV_MSAPriorityMarket ≠ Not an MSA market]

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 31

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_AugmentsSummary. Hidden Variable. Capture augments from DV_Augment for the AugmentsSummary quota
Select all that apply.

1. National rep ONLY Autocode if respondent selected exactly code [1]
at DV_Augment. PC: Autocode if DV_Augment2 is
exactly(National Rep) or exactly(National Rep AND
2. Nat'l Rep + Priority Market Augment ONLY Autocode if respondent selected exactly codes [1-
2] at DV_Augment. PC: Autocode if DV_Augment2
is exactly(National Rep AND Priority) or
exactly(National Rep AND Priority AND MSA)
3. Nat'l Rep + Hispanic ONLY Autocode if respondent selected exactly codes [1,
4] at DV_Augment. PC: Autocode if DV_Augment2
is exactly(National Rep AND Hispanic) or
exactly(National Rep AND Hispanic AND MSA)
4. Nat'l Rep + IFP ONLY Autocode if respondent selected exactly codes [1,
5] at DV_Augment. PC: Autocode if DV_Augment2
is exactly(National Rep AND IFP) or
exactly(National Rep AND IFP AND MSA)
5. Nat'l Rep + Senior ONLY Autocode if respondent selected exactly codes [1,
3] at DV_Augment. PC: Autocode if DV_Augment2
is exactly(National Rep AND Senior) or
exactly(National Rep AND Senior AND MSA)
6. National Rep + Multiple (2+) Augments PC: DV_Augment=1 AND at least 2 responses
from DV_Augment=2-5

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_PriorityAugmentSummary. Hidden question. Capture augments from DV_Augment2 for the Priority Augments Summary quota.
Select one response.

1. Priority ONLY Autocode if respondent selected exactly code [2]
at DV_Augment2 OR respondent selected exactly
codes [1-2] at DV_Augment2. PC: Autocode if
DV_Augment2 is exactly(Priority) or
exactly(Priority and National) or exactly(Priority
AND MSA) or exactly(Priority AND National AND
2. Priority + Hispanic Only Autocode if respondent selected exactly codes [2,
4] at DV_Augment2 OR respondent selected
exactly codes [1-2, 4] at DV_Augment2. PC:
Autocode if DV_Augment2 is exactly(Priority AND
Hispanic) or exactly(Priority AND National AND
Hispanic) or exactly(Priority AND Hispanic AND
MSA) or exactly(Priority AND National AND
Hispanic AND MSA)
3. Priority + IFP Only Autocode if respondent selected exactly codes [2,
5] at DV_Augment2 OR respondent selected
exactly codes [1-2, 5] at DV_Augment2. PC:
Autocode if DV_Augment2 is exactly(Priority AND
IFP) or exactly(Priority AND National AND IFP) or
exactly(Priority AND IFP AND MSA) or
exactly(Priority AND National AND IFP AND MSA)
4. Priority + Senior Only Autocode if respondent selected exactly codes [2-
3] at DV_Augment2 OR respondent selected
exactly codes [1-3] at DV_Augment2. PC:
Autocode if DV_Augment2 is exactly(Priority AND
Senior) or exactly(Priority AND National AND
Senior) or exactly(Priority AND Senior AND MSA)
or exactly(Priority AND National AND Senior AND
5. Priority + Multiple (2+) Augments PC: (DV_Augment2 = [2] AND at least 2 responses
from DV_Augment2 = [3-5]) OR DV_Augment2 = [1,
2] AND at least 2 responses from DV_Augment2 =
6. Not Priority Qualified Autocode if respondent did NOT select code [2] at

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 32

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF AUGUST 2017
DV_UHCAssigned. Min number of questions asked: 1
Max number of questions asked: 1
What happens if 0 brands are assigned? 
Type of assignment: [RANDOM]
Are there brand quotas? [No]
If applicable, what happens if assigned quotas are full?
Need to balance by demos? [No]
Assign based on these steps.
1. Randomly assign between Stub 2 and Stub 3

Select one response.

1. Not National Rep PC: AS OF AUGUST 2017, THIS STUB IS NOT
2. Show United Healthgroup PC: FullBrandList = 18 - Show 'UnitedHealth
Group' throughout entire survey
3. Show United Healthcare PC: FullBrandList = 68 - Show 'United Healthcare'
throughout entire survey

- Show to all.
DT_SectionAIntro. The next few questions are about health insurance companies.

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show 10 boxes - do not force responses for all 10 boxes
A1a_UnaidedAwareness. When you think about health insurance companies, which companies come to mind? Please type in all the
companies you can think of.
Enter your response in the box.

MIN: 3. MAX: 300.

999. No companies come to mind

- Programmer: QC flag: has health insurance (S7=1) but can't think of any brands at A1a

- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent selected code [99] at A1b_AidedAwareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show jpegs of brand logos with name of company underneath. Display companies/images in
random order and lock together the following items:
1. BCBS nat'l + local
2. Any BCBS + Anthem
3. Cigna + Cigna-HealthSpring
A1b_AidedAwareness. Thinking about any company that offers health insurance, please indicate which of the following companies you
have ever heard of.
Select all that apply.

Uses FullBrandList
99. None of these ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE. Terminate immediately.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 33

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_MedicareProvider. Hidden Variable. Capture Medicare provider status.
Select one response.

1. Medicare provider Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [3,
7, 12, 30, 41-43, 46, 51, 55, 58-59, 62] at
2. Not Medicare provider Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3, 7,
12, 30, 41-43, 46, 51, 55, 58-59, 62] at

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Only show codes selected at A1b (Aware of brand). Show jpegs of brand logos with name of company
underneath. Display companies/images in same random order as before. 
QC Flag if question is completed in less than 20 seconds or is straight-lined.
A2_Familiarity. How familiar are you with each of the following health insurance companies?
Select one response for each.

Not at all
familiar - I
have only
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. heard the Not very Somewhat Very
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. name familiar familiar familiar
Uses FullBrandList 1 2 3 4

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.
- Programmer Comment: Show codes selected at A1b (brands aware of). Show jpegs of brand logos with name of company
underneath. Display companies/images in same random order as before.
A3_CurrentPrimaryProvider. And from which company do you currently have your primary health insurance coverage, whether obtained
through your or your spouse’s/partner’s employer or business, purchased individually, or obtained through
another source?
Select one response.

Uses FullBrandList
98. Other ANCHOR.
99. None of the above ANCHOR.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_ProviderTracked. DV to capture if respondent's current primary provider is on our brand list.
Select one response.

1. Yes Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [98-
99] at A3_CurrentPrimaryProvider AND
respondent selected code [1] at
2. No Autocode if respondent selected any codes [98-
99] at A3_CurrentPrimaryProvider OR respondent
selected code [2] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Only show codes selected at A1b, except for code selected at A3. Autocode code selected at A3. Show
jpegs of brand logos with name of company underneath. Display companies/images in same random order as before.
A4_ProvidersConsidered. Which of the following companies have you ever considered using for health insurance, assuming they were
available to you for purchase, through your or your spouse’s/partner’s employer or business, or through another
source that provides insurance coverage?
Select all that apply.

Uses FullBrandList
98. Other ANCHOR.
99. None of these ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 34

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 35
- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: If S7=1 (currently have insurance), show codes selected at A1b (aware) and A3 (currently have). If S7=2
(don't have insurance), show codes selected at A1b (aware). Show jpegs of brand logo with name of company underneath. 
A5_LikelihoodToRenew. For each company listed below, please indicate how likely you are to consider using or renewing with that
company for health insurance, assuming they were available to you for purchase, through your or your
spouse’s/partner’s employer or business, or through another source where you can get your insurance
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Not at all Not very Somewhat Extremely

ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. likely likely likely Very likely likely
Uses FullBrandList 1 2 3 4 5

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Aware. Hidden Variable: Capture brand awareness from A1b, code selected or not asked for each respondent
Select one response for each.


Uses FullBrandList 1 2 3

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Select yes if A2=3 or 4
DV_Familiarity. Hidden Variable. Capture brand familiarity from A2, code selected or not asked for each respondent
Select one response for each.


Uses FullBrandList 1 2 3
PC: Select if
Very or
Familiar at
A2 (T2B)

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Select yes if A2=2, 3 or 4
DV_FamiliarityT3B. Hidden Variable. Capture brand familiarity from A2_Familiarity. Select 'Yes' if Codes include any of these [2, 3, 4].
Select one response for each.


Uses FullBrandList 1 2 3
PC: Select if
or Not Very
Familiar at
A2 (T3B)

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Select if selected or not asked at A4. Autocode brands selected at A3 as "Yes".
DV_Consider. Hidden Variable. Capture brand consideration from A4, code selected or not asked for each respondent
Select one response for each.


Uses FullBrandList 1 2 3

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 36

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Select code based on selected or not asked at A3.
DV_Have. Hidden Variable. Capture brand currently have from A3, code selected or not asked for each respondent
Select one response for each.


Uses FullBrandList 1 2 3

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 37

- Show to all.
DT_SectionBIntro. Important note: For the rest of this survey, when health insurance companies or coverage is mentioned, please think
about your needs and interests for supplemental insurance that you might get directly from a health insurance
company. This is not a survey about Medicare.

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Only show companies currently have (selected at A3) or ever considered (selected at A4). Display .jpeg
images of companies above their names.
B1_LikelihoodToRecommend. And how likely would you be to recommend each health insurance company to a friend or family member?
Please use a scale from 0 to 10, where a “10” means you are “Extremely Likely” and a “0” means you are
“Not At All Likely.” Of course, you may use any number between 0 and 10.
Select one response for each.

0. Not at all likely 0
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
8. 8
9. 9
10. Extremely likely 10


Uses FullBrandList [#]

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: For HCP flexibility.  Hard code.
DV_B3_WhyLTR_OnOff. DV to turn B3 on/off.
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2 AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_ProviderTracked AND respondent
selected code [1] at DV_B3_WhyLTR_OnOff.
B3_WhyLTR What influenced how likely you are to recommend [A3_CurrentPrimaryProvider]?
Please share one or two reasons...

MIN: 5. MAX: 150.

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- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show logos for each company. Show companies familiar with at DV_FamiliarityT3B.
QC Flag if question is completed in less than 20 seconds or is straight-lined.
B2_BrandOpinion. Now we would like to ask you about your opinion of some health insurance companies. For each of the following
companies, please tell us your opinion of each brand. Even if you are not very familiar with a company, please give
your answer based on your impression of it.
Select one response for each.

Very Somewhat
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. unfavorabl unfavorabl Somewhat Very
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. e e favorable Favorable favorable
Uses FullBrandList 1 2 3 4 5

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Punch codes selected at DV_Familiarity EXCEPT for WellPoint (code 20)
DV_Eligible Hidden Question. Derived Variable: Capture brands qualified to evaluate for remainder of questionnaire.
Select all that apply.

Uses FullBrandList
99. Not eligible to rate any brands EXCLUSIVE. PC: Autocode if not eligible for any

- Programmer: Random assignment based on brands eligible to rate in DV_Eligible.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Randomly assign 3 brands captured at DV_Eligible
DV_Rate. Hidden Question. Derived Variable: Assign brands to evaluate for remainder of questionnaire.
Assign 3 brands for evaluation

Uses FullBrandList
99. No brands assigned EXCLUSIVE. PC: Autocode if no brands assigned
to rate

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 39

- Programmer: Respondents will rate 3 brands they are assigned at DV_Rate in this section.

- Show to all.
DT_IIMIntro. Next, we would like to find out more about how you see your relationship with a series of health insurance companies.

You will be shown two circles: one represents yourself and the other represents a health insurance company.

Please move the circle that represents yourself in order to describe your relationship with the company.

If you don't want to move the circle at all, you can also simply click your circle and then leave it in its initial position.

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS QUESTION AS OF JUNE 2018 (per PBS' recommendation)
Implicit1_IIMName. Before we get started, please enter your first name in the field below for the exercise. If you do not want to enter your
first name, please enter your first initial.
Enter your response in the box.

MIN: 1. MAX: 20.

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: EXERCISE PLACEHOLDER: IIM. Loop through the 3 brands assigned at DV_Rate.

Please put "Me" in the circle that represents the respondent.

Implicit2IIM1_IIMExercise. Move your circle to best describe your relationship with the company. Once your circle is placed in this way,
please click the ‘Continue’ button at the bottom of your screen.
Select one response.

Uses FullBrandList

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_QCIIM. Flag if none of the circles are moved
Select one response.

1. Failed QC
2. Didn't fail QC

- Show to all.
DT_RC_Intro1. Now, we're going to try something a little different. The following exercise asks that you place your index fingers on the "E"
and "I" keys on your keyboard. We're going to ask a series of yes or no questions. Please answer by pressing the "E" key
for [INSERT ASSIGNED "YES"/"NO"] or the "I" key for [INSERT ASSIGNED "YES"/"NO"]. Please give your answer quickly
based on your first gut reaction.

To get you used to the exercise, we will first take you through an example with a series of words and ask you to indicate,
for each word, whether you know what the word means. Some of the words will be real words and some will be nonsense
words that do not have real meaning.


- Show to all.
DT_RC_Intro2. First, we’ll show you a series of words and ask you to indicate, for each word, whether you know what the word means.
Some of the words will be real words and some will be nonsense words that do not have real meaning.

Please answer as quickly as you can while still being accurate.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 40

- Show to all.
DT_RC_Intro3. Get ready to evaluate the words quickly and accurately.

- Show to all.

Do you know what this word means?


Select one response.

903. Familiar ANCHOR. PC: REAL WORD
1. Caring PC: REAL WORD
3. Empowering PC: REAL WORD
4. Engaging PC: REAL WORD
5. Traditional PC: REAL WORD
7. Sensible PC: REAL WORD
8. Reliable PC: REAL WORD
9. Helpful PC: REAL WORD
10. Supportive PC: REAL WORD
11. Honest PC: REAL WORD
12. Trusted PC: REAL WORD
13. Modern PC: REAL WORD
14. Giqyzx PC: FAKE WORD
15. Dafc PC: FAKE WORD
16. Elpacybicj PC: FAKE WORD
17. Ihsenyls PC: FAKE WORD
18. Pdukumeewon PC: FAKE WORD
19. Kugy PC: FAKE WORD
20. Xohbudso PC: FAKE WORD
21. Retyagjy PC: FAKE WORD
22. Cibrmax PC: FAKE WORD
23. Susmuqrimi PC: FAKE WORD
24. Qarakf PC: FAKE WORD
25. Bqyxvem PC: FAKE WORD
26. Fexosj PC: FAKE WORD

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_QCRCPRactice. QC flag for RC_Practice
Select all that apply.

1. Selected Yes for over half of fake words
2. Selected No for over half of real words
3. Didn't fail QC EXCLUSIVE.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 41

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_QCRCPracFake. Hidden Variable. Capture number of fake words selected Yes for at RC_Practice for Medallia
Select one response.

14. 0
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
8. 8
9. 9
10. 10
11. 11
12. 12
13. 13

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_QCRCPracReal. Hidden Variable. Capture number of real words selected No for at RC_Practice for Medallia
Select one response.

14. 0
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
8. 8
9. 9
10. 10
11. 11
12. 12
13. 13

- Show to all.
DT_RC_Intro4. Now that you’re used to the exercise, we’ll be showing you several companies.

Please decide, for each brand, whether the word you see on the screen describes the health insurance
company shown on the screen. This time, we won’t be using any nonsense words or asking you to indicate whether you
know the words’ meaning. Just indicate, using the “E” and “I” keys, whether the word describes the brand shown. Please
give your answer quickly based on your first gut reaction.

When you're ready to begin, hit the "Next" button and position your fingers on the "E" and "I" keys.

- Show to all.
DT_RC_Intro5. Get ready to evaluate each brand quickly and accurately.

Loop Start - RapidChoice

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 42

RapidChoice. RapidChoice

Uses FullBrandList


- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show for 2nd+ brand.
DT_RCNext. Now, you’ll be considering [INSERT BRAND].

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Insert brand from "Brand" list. Use image for [INSERT BRAND].
Does this word describe [INSERT BRAND]?
Select one response.

901. Strong
902. Nice
903. Familiar
1. Caring
2. Warm
3. Empowering
4. Engaging
5. Traditional
6. Safe
7. Sensible
8. Reliable
9. Helpful
10. Supportive
11. Honest
12. Trusted
13. Modern

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Hidden Question. QC flags for Rapid Choice.
Code 1 if RC_RealWords=all yes or all no Did not fail QC, code 2 if did not fail QC
DV_QC_RC QC flags for Rapid Choice.
Select one response.

1. Used same scale point (all yes or all no) for every
2. Did not select same scale point for every attribute.

Loop End - RapidChoice

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 43

Loop Start - ContinuousGBHTLoop

ContinuousGBHTLoop. ContinuousGBHTLoop

1. [Insert DV_Rate Assignment 1]
2. [Insert DV_Rate Assignment 2]
3. [Insert DV_Rate Assignment 3]


LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 44

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Repeat headers every 5 rows
Con1a_RationalContGBHT. For each of the statements listed below, please tell us how much you agree or disagree that the statement
describes [INSERT BRAND]. If you have never used [INSERT BRAND] before, please give your answers
based on your impressions of it.
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly A Enough to
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Disagree Disagree Agree Agree gree Rate
1. Helps me proactively
1 2 3 4 5 99
take good care of myself
2. Is a leader in delivering
health benefits and 1 2 3 4 5 99
wellness solutions
3. Helps me recover
1 2 3 4 5 99
quickly when ill
4. Is a company for
1 2 3 4 5 99
someone like me
5. Is a company I trust 1 2 3 4 5 99
6. Is a company I’ve heard
1 2 3 4 5 99
good things about
7. Is a health insurance
company that will always 1 2 3 4 5 99
be there for me
8. Is easy to work with 1 2 3 4 5 99
9. Is innovative and
1 2 3 4 5 99
10. Is open and
transparent in its business 1 2 3 4 5 99
11. Is sensitive to my
1 2 3 4 5 99
cultural/language needs
12. Offers coverage that
can be tailored to my 1 2 3 4 5 99
individual needs
13. Offers programs that
help me achieve better 1 2 3 4 5 99
14. Partners with me to
1 2 3 4 5 99
improve my total well-being
15. Provides a sense of
1 2 3 4 5 99
safety and security
16. Provides expert and
helpful guidance and 1 2 3 4 5 99
PC: Hide Stub -
17. Will be there "for me"
1 2 3 4 5 99 Suppress starting July
in good times and bad 2016
18. Offers products and
1 2 3 4 5 99
services that are affordable
19. Provides good value
1 2 3 4 5 99
for the money
20. Responds quickly to
1 2 3 4 5 99
my needs
21. Delivers on its
1 2 3 4 5 99
22. Provides personalized
1 2 3 4 5 99

Loop End - ContinuousGBHTLoop

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 45

- Show to all.
DT_SectionCIntro. These next few questions are about advertising for health insurance companies. We are asking people about different
companies, based on those you indicated you had some level of familiarity with.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Please suppress assigner as of May 2017.
DV_GenAdAwareAssigned. Min number of questions asked: 1
Max number of questions asked: 1
What happens if 0 brands are assigned? 
Type of assignment: [RANDOM]
Are there brand quotas? [No]
If applicable, what happens if assigned quotas are full?
Need to balance by demos? [No]
Assign based on these steps.
1. If DV_Augment2 ≠ National Rep, select Stub 1
2. If DV_Augment2 = National Rep, randomly assign between Stub 2 and Stub 3
Select one response.

1. Not National Rep Autocode if respondent did NOT select code [1] at
2. Show question C1/C2 to National Rep
3. Show question C1a/C2a to National Rep

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show all brands aware of (code 1 at DV_Aware). Show Cigna always. Display company logos as well as
their names.
C1_GenAdAware. For which of the following brands have you recently seen or heard any advertising for in the last 3 months?
Select all that apply.

Uses FullBrandList
99. None of these ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_GenAdAwareAssigned.
- Programmer Comment: Show all brands aware of (code 1 at DV_Aware). Show Cigna always. Display company logos as well as
their names.

Please suppress question as of May 2017.

C1a_GenAdAwareP3M. For which of the following brands have you recently seen or heard any advertising for in the last 3 months?
Select all that apply.

Uses FullBrandList
99. None of these ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_GenAdAware. Hidden Variable. Capture brands seen at GenAdAware, code selected or not asked for each respondent
Select one response for each.


Uses FullBrandList 1 2 3

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 46

- Hidden Question. Applies if respondent selected code [3] at DV_GenAdAwareAssigned.
- Programmer Comment: Please code this DV in reference to C1a_GenAdAwareP3M.

Please suppress DV as of May 2017.

DV_GenAdAwareP3M. Hidden Variable. Capture brands seen at GenAdAwareP3M, code selected or not asked for each respondent
Select one response for each.


Uses FullBrandList 1 2 3

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [99] at C1_GenAdAware.
- Programmer Comment: Repeat headers every 5 rows.


C2_AdSourceRecall. Please indicate where you recall hearing about each of the following companies below in the past 3 months.
Select all that apply for each.

Insert Insert Insert

Brand 1 Brand 2 Brand 3
COLS: RANDOMIZE LIST. assigned assigned assigned
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. at DV_Rate at DV_Rate at DV_Rate
1. Commercial on TV 1 2 3
2. Television show – the
character or brand was on 1 2 3
the show
3. Online ad 1 2 3
4. Read reviews about it 1 2 3
5. Newspaper/Magazine
1 2 3
6. Radio 1 2 3
7. 1 2 3
8. Saw it on a social
network site like Facebook, 1 2 3
Twitter or Instagram
9. Saw an online video
about it on a site like 1 2 3
10. My friends/family 1 2 3
11. Direct mail 1 2 3
12. Contact from a
1 2 3
company representative
13. Cinema advertising 1 2 3
14. Smartphone ads 1 2 3
15. Tablet ads 1 2 3
16. Billboards 1 2 3
17. Through my/my
1 2 3
spouse’s employer
18. In the news 1 2 3
19. Sports/Event
1 2 3
20. Other 1 2 3 ANCHOR.
21. Have not heard about
company in the past 3 1 2 3 ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE. PC: Should not be able to select if selected at C1

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 47

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [99] at C1a_GenAdAwareP3M AND respondent selected code [3] at
- Programmer Comment: Repeat headers every 5 rows.

Please suppress as of May 2017.

C2a_AdSourceRecallP3M. Please indicate where you recall hearing about each of the following companies below in the past 3 months.
Select all that apply for each.

Insert Insert Insert

Brand 1 Brand 2 Brand 3
COLS: RANDOMIZE LIST. assigned assigned assigned
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. at DV_Rate at DV_Rate at DV_Rate
1. Commercial on TV 1 2 3
2. Television show – the
character or brand was on 1 2 3
the show
3. Online ad 1 2 3
4. Read reviews about it 1 2 3
5. Newspaper/Magazine
1 2 3
6. Radio 1 2 3
7. 1 2 3
8. Saw it on a social
network site like Facebook, 1 2 3
Twitter or Instagram
9. Saw an online video
about it on a site like 1 2 3
10. My friends/family 1 2 3
11. Direct mail 1 2 3
12. Contact from a
1 2 3
company representative
13. Cinema advertising 1 2 3
14. Smartphone ads 1 2 3
15. Tablet ads 1 2 3
16. Billboards 1 2 3
17. Through my/my
1 2 3
spouse’s employer
18. In the news 1 2 3
19. Sports/Event
1 2 3
20. Other 1 2 3 ANCHOR.
21. Have not heard about
ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE. PC: Should not be able to select if selected at
company in the past 3 1 2 3

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 48

- Show to all.
DT_SectionDIntro. In the following section we will be showing you an example of advertising from a health insurance company. You will be
shown two advertisements and asked a few questions about it.

- Show to all.
DT_VideoTest. We need to test your video player to ensure the best video experience. Depending on your device the video might start
automatically. When you are ready for this test please select "OK, I Am Ready!" below.

- Show to all.
D8_ClipTest. What did you see in the video that just played?
Select one response.

1. A tiger in a zoo
2. Traffic
3. Clouds
4. A water slide

- Show to all.
D9_ClipTestAudio What did you hear in the sound that just played?
Select one response.

1. Emergency sirens
2. Water flowing in a creek
3. A tiger roaring
4. Background and crowd noises
5. Birds chirping
6. Nothing, I could not hear any sound ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Programmer: If D8_ClipTest ≠ Clouds OR D9_ClipTestAudio ≠ Birds chirping, only show image ads to respondent.

- Programmer: Ad assignment logic plan: “waterfall” which will prioritize in-market augment respondents, then non-
market augment respondents, then national rep
1. National Rep/Priority Market augment fall out + augment link in market – assign augment ad under quota button
column 1
2. National Rep augment fall out not in market – assign augment ad under quota button column 2
3. National Rep/Priority Market – assign national rep or priority market ad, as applicable

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: DV_LinkType = MSA should not see any ads
DV_AdAugMarket. Hidden Question. Capture whether respondent is from augment in market, augment not in market, or non-augment for
ad assignment.
Select one response.

1. Augment in-market PC: DV_Augment2 = 2, 3, 4, or 5 and
QTA_PriorityMarketQuota_Senior ≠ Not in market
2. Augment not in-market PC: DV_LinkSource=Nat'l Rep AND [DV_Augment2
= 2, 3, 4, or 5 and DV_PriorityMarketQuota,
QTA_PriorityMarketQuota_Senior = Not in market]
3. Non-augment (national rep) PC: DV_Augment2=1 ONLY or quotas are full for
augment ads

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 49

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_AdQualify. Hidden Variable. Capture all ads qualified to evaluate based on augment.
Select all that apply.

1. What Parents Do :30 - US PC: DV_Augment=1
2. Anthem :30 [Rev 2] - US PC: DV_Augment=1
3. Nurse :15 [Rev 2] - US PC: DV_Augment=1
4. All Good :15 [Rev 2] - US PC: DV_Augment=1
5. What Parents Do :15 - US PC: DV_Augment=1
6. Disability :15 (Digital) - US PC: DV_Augment=1
7. Pharmacy :15 (Digital) - US PC: DV_Augment=1
8. United HealthCare Our Song PC: DV_Augment=1
9. Kaiser Connect PC: DV_Augment=1
10. What Parents Do (Father's Day/FD TAG) :30 - US PC: DV_Augment=1
11. Humana Feel Better PC: DV_Augment=1
12. Humana Living Longer PC: DV_Augment=1
13. Humana Close the Gap PC: DV_Augment=1
14. Humana Stick With Us PC: DV_Augment=1
15. Partnership (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
16. Preventive (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
17. Dental (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
18. 24/7 (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
19. Disability (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
20. Pharmacy (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
21. Parents (Mother's Day) :15 - US PC: DV_Augment=2
22. Partnership A (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
23. Partnership B (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
24. 24/7 Access (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
25. Dental (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
26. Disability (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
27. Preventive 1 (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
28. Preventive 2 (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
29. Kaiser Offense PC: DV_Augment=2
30. Anthem (Hispanic) :30 - US PC: DV_Augment=4
31. Estamos Contigo (Hispanic) (OOH) PC: DV_Augment=4
32. Estamos Contigo (Hispanic) (Print) - US PC: DV_Augment=4
33. Kaiser Tres Hermanos PC: DV_Augment=4
34. Aetna Dancing Dad PC: DV_Augment=4
35. Humana Living Longer PC: DV_Augment=3
36. Humana Stick With Us PC: DV_Augment=3
37. United HealthCare Save Big PC: DV_Augment=5
38. GoKart Live Fearless PC: DV_Augment=5
39. Slide Live Fearless PC: DV_Augment=5
40. America Says Ahhh :30 PC: DV_Augment2=1
41. America Says Ahhh :15 PC: DV_Augment2=1
42. United HealthCare Ways In Lab Partners :30 PC: DV_Augment2=1
43. Anthem An Eye For Savings, A Nose For Value :30 PC: DV_Augment2=1
44. Anthem You've Got the Will, We've Got the Way :30 PC: DV_Augment2=1
45. Kaiser Grow Old With Me :30 PC: DV_Augment2=1
46. Kaiser Contrarians :30 PC: DV_Augment2=1
47. It's Time To Say Ahhh Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
48. Blood Pressure Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
49. You're Not A Number Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
50. Coach Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
51. 1 in 5 Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
52. Say Ahhh Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
53. Coach 2 Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
54. Numbers Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
55. America Says Ahhh :30 PC: DV_Augment2=2
56. America Says Ahhh :15 PC: DV_Augment2=2
57. Houston America Says Ahhh Promercial PC: DV_Augment2=2
58. New York America Says Ahhh Promercial PC: DV_Augment2=2
59. Miami America Says Ahhh Promercial PC: DV_Augment2=2
60. DC America Says Ahhh Promercial PC: DV_Augment2=2
61. Dallas America Says Ahhh Promercial PC: DV_Augment2=2
62. Atlanta America Says Ahhh Promercial PC: DV_Augment2=2
63. Kaiser Grow Old Firsts :60 PC: DV_Augment2=2
64. Say Ahhh :30 - Spanish Language PC: DV_Augment2=4
65. America Says Ahhh Promercial - Spanish Language PC: DV_Augment2=4
66. United HealthCare Lab Partners Spanish Language :60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
67. Job Swap TV with Laura Flores :30 PC: DV_Augment2=4

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 50

68. Job Swap TV with Laura Flores :60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
69. HealthSpring DRTV :60 PC: DV_Augment2=3
70. Healthspring Entourage :30 PC: DV_Augment2=3
71. IFP DRTV :60 - US PC: DV_Augment2=5
72. IFP DRTV :30 - US PC: DV_Augment2=5
73. IFP Radio :60 - US PC: DV_Augment2=5
74. IFP Pre-Enrollment Banner PC: DV_Augment2=5
75. Optum - The Pursuit of Healthier PC: DV_Augment2=1
76. Blood Pressure Banner - Priority Market PC: DV_Augment2=2
77. It's Time To Say Ahhh Banner - Priority Market PC: DV_Augment2=2
78. Univision General Preventive Care (Maggie Jimenez) PC: DV_Augment2=4
79. HealthSpring DRTV 60 Urgency PC: DV_Augment2=3
80. HealthSpring DRTV 60 Lock In PC: DV_Augment2=3
81. Isms OOP PC: DV_Augment2=5
82. Cigna IFP OOH Nashville 720x208 PC: DV_Augment2=5
83. America Says Ahhh Coach Tag - National PC: DV_Augment2=1
84. Ahhh to Aha Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
85. United Healthcare Ways In Delivery PC: DV_Augment2=1
86. United Healthcare Ways In Skateboard PC: DV_Augment2=1
87. Anthem The Drive of Remarkable People PC: DV_Augment2=1
88. BCBS Reinventing Affordable Healthcare PC: DV_Augment2=1
89. America Says Ahhh Coach Tag - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
90. Pharmacy 3 (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment2=2
91. Partnership 2 (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment2=2
92. Say Ahhh (State Specific) Billboard PC: DV_Augment2=2
93. High Cholesterol Billboard PC: DV_Augment2=2
94. $0 Annual Checkups Billboard PC: DV_Augment2=2
95. Higher BMI Billboard PC: DV_Augment2=2
96. "Go" Billboard PC: DV_Augment2=2
97. Had Your Checkup? Billboard PC: DV_Augment2=2
98. Cigna "Open Enrollment" - Spanish Language PC: DV_Augment2=4
99. BCBS "Happy Families" - Spanish Language PC: DV_Augment2=4
100. United "Options" - Spanish Language :120 PC: DV_Augment2=4
101. Sana Sana (OOH) - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2=4
102. Aetna "Your Choice" PC: DV_Augment2=3
103. United Healthcare "Combined Coverage" PC: DV_Augment2=3
104. Isms PPO PC: DV_Augment2=5
105. Aetna A New Plan PC: DV_Augment2=5
106. United Healthcare Ways In Lamp Post PC: DV_Augment2=2
107. United Healthcare Ways In Crowd Surfing PC: DV_Augment2=2
108. Anthem Window Washer PC: DV_Augment2=2
109. Anthem Glass Blower PC: DV_Augment2=2
110. Oscar Chaperone PC: DV_Augment2=2
111. Oscar First Day PC: DV_Augment2=2
112. Oscar Rude Awakening PC: DV_Augment2=2
113. Oscar Special Night PC: DV_Augment2=2
114. BCBS Dear Future PC: DV_Augment2=2
115. $0 Check-ups (OOH) PC: DV_Augment2=2
116. Wellness Starts (OOH) PC: DV_Augment2=2
117. Get Your Check-Up (OOH) PC: DV_Augment2=2
118. Kaiser "Complicated" Radio :30 PC: DV_Augment2=4
119. BCBS "Total Coverage" Radio :60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
120. BCBS "Stop in (Hola Orlando)" Radio :60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
121. Humana "Life" - Spanish Language :30 PC: DV_Augment2=4
122. United "San Antonio" - Spanish Language :120 PC: DV_Augment2=4
123. AARP/United Healthcare "The Man With The Plan" PC: DV_Augment2=3
124. United Healthcare Ways In Great Weekend PC: DV_Augment2=3
125. Anthem "Great Plan" PC: DV_Augment2=5
126. BCBS "Being Close" PC: DV_Augment2=5
127. Telemundo Open Enrollment 60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
128. Telemundo Preventive Care 60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
129. Telemundo Woman 60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
130. Telemundo Dental Care 60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
131. You're Not A Number Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
132. 1 in 5 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
133. Coach 2 Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
134. Numbers Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
135. Coach Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
136. Ahhh to Aha Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
137. Anthem "I Take Pride" :60 PC: DV_Augment2=3
138. Humana "All in One" :60 PC: DV_Augment2=3
139. Anthem "Your One Source" Banner PC: DV_Augment2=5
140. Humana "85 Percent" Banner PC: DV_Augment2=5
141. UHC "Ways In" Sports Banner PC: DV_Augment2=5
142. Kaiser "Healthy Equation" Banner PC: DV_Augment2=5

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 51

143. BCBS - Dates TV 60
144. BCBS - Subtitles TV 60
145. More Benefits PC: DV_Augment2=4
146. Take Care PC: DV_Augment2=4
147. Simple System (Lab Partners) PC: DV_Augment2=4
148. Carmen PC: DV_Augment2=4
149. BCBS - Hispanic - Choose Radio 60ss PC: DV_Augment2=4
150. Aetna Bicycle :30 PC: DV_Augment2= 5
151. BCS Florida "New Plans" PC: DV_Augment2= 5
152. Oscar "Dance" OOH PC: DV_Augment2= 5
153. Humana "Whiteboard" :60 PC: DV_Augment2= 3
154. Kaiser Permanente "5-star" :60 PC: DV_Augment2= 3
155. Humana - "Birthday"
156. Humana - "Carnival"
157. TM Top Chef Spanish Language :30
158. Humana - "Right Choice" :30
159. Humana - "Serving People" :60
160. United Healthcare - Play Your Metal Banner
161. Harken Health - Remarkable Care Banner
162. Molina Healthcare - What Does It Feel Like 60
163. Kaiser Permanente - Warm Up Banner
164. Humana - Farm PC: DV_Augment2=1
165. United Healthcare Ways In Pool Vault PC: DV_Augment2=1
166. HighMark BCBS Nudge For Health PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
167. Eligible for Medicare :60 PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
168. Highmark Kidnapping :30 PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
169. Innovation Health Prices :30 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
170. Ambetter Couch Potato Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
171. Excellus Health Is :15 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
172. Highmark Commuity Flex Plans :30 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
173. An Enjoyable Life PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
174. Passion For Health PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
175. Willy Chirino PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
176. Terry and Harry PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
177. AARP/United Healthcare The Talk 120 PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
178. Excellus Good Choice 60 PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
179. Anthem HealthKeepers Insurance IQ 120 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
180. United Healthcare Community Plan 60 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
181. What is Ambetter? PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
182. Independence Lowest Rates 30 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
183. Diabetes PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
184. Ve Informate Toma Control Digital Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
185. Explore Humana's Affordable Medicare Plans PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
186. A Better Plan :60 PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
187. When You Pick Up That Phone :30 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
188. Independence Open Your Mind :30 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
189. UnitedHealthcare - Ways In Delivery - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
190. Cigna Right There - First Step PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
191. Cigna Right There - Bus Shelter PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
192. Cigna Right There - Marital Bliss PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
193. Cigna - Stairs Experience PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
194. Blood Pressure Savings Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
195. Blood Sugar Savings Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
196. Checkup Savings Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
197. Health Numbers Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
198. Mission - 100K Lives Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
199. Preventative Care Covered 100 Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
200. TV Doctors :48 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
201. TV Doctors :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
202. TV Doctors :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
203. TV Doctors :48 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
204. TV Doctors :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
205. TV Doctors :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
206. TV Doctors Senior :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
207. United Healthcare Low Jump - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
208. United Healthcare Ways In Pool Vault - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
209. Humana - Birthday - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
210. Humana - Carnival - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
211. Humana - Farm - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
212. Dance - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
213. Una Pareja Bailando - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
214. TV Doctors Senior :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
215. Gold in Rio - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
216. Blue Cross Blue Shield Assoc. - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
217. Blood Pressure Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 52

218. Blood Sugar Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
219. Preventive Care 1 Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
220. Health Numbers Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
221. Savings Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
222. Preventive Care 2 Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
223. Romance - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
224. Walking - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
225. Pool Party - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
226. We Will Thrive :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
227. Baby's World :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
228. Relish - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
229. Live Fearless - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
230. Humana - Health - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
231. Texan Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
232. Telemundo Check-up - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
233. Telemundo Power Walk - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
234. Telemundo Brunch - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
235. Go. Know. Take Control Main Banner - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
236. Go. Know. Take Control Top Banner - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
237. Go. Know. Take Control Side Banner - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
238. Relationships :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
239. Baby's World :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
240. United Healthcare Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
241. Kaiser Permanente - Connected For You - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
242. United Healthcare - Supermom - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
243. Kaiser Permanente - California - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
244. Kaiser Permanente - Be Strong :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
245. Blue Cross Blue Shield - Better Tennessee - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
246. United - Pool Party - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
247. Molina Healthcare - Your Extended Family - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
248. Aetna - Take A Moment - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
249. Humana - Did You Know - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
250. TV Doctors myCigna Fingerprint Access Banner - PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
251. Unsick Day :55 - ZocDoc - National PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
252. Independence Blue Cross - Just Living - Priority PC: DV_Augment 2 = 2
253. BCBS - Life Change - Priority PC: DV_Augment 2 = 2
254. Kaiser Permanente - Be Strong :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment 2 = 2
255. Eat a Rainbow - Blue Cross/Blue Shield - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
256. Care - Kaiser Permanente - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
257. Hispanic Health Risk - Kaiser Permanente - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
258. Annual Medical Exam - Cigna - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
259. Better Health - Cigna - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
260. Doctor - Kaiser Permanente - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
261. Nutrition - Kaiser Permanente - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
262. Aetna - Better Quality - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
263. BCBS - Say Hello - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
264. Hero-Fingerprint Piggyback :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
265. Fingerprint Access :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
266. United Healthcare - Provider Network - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
267. BCBS - Life Change Parkour - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
268. Highmark BCBS - Make A Difference :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
269. Highmark BCBS - Rite of Passage :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
270. Fingerprint Access :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
271. BCBS - Dates :60 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
272. Aetna - Better Health Print - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
273. Humana - Dancing With the Stars :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
274. Romance Evergreen :30 - Cigna - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
275. Romance Evergreen Alt Ending :30 - Cigna - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
276. Romance Evergreen :30 - Cigna - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
277. Romance Evergreen Alt Ending :30 - Cigna - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
278. BCBS Fearless NC - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
279. BCBS - Yes NJ - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
280. BCBS - Dates (IL) - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
281. BCBS - Diferentes vidas. Diferentes presupuestos. - PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
282. BCBS - Lo unico que lo separa de ver si puede ahorrar - PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
283. BCBS - La asistencia financiera ayuda - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
284. United Healthcare - Print - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
285. Hero/Jane Piggyback :30 - Cigna - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
286. Annual Medical Exam 2 - Cigna - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
287. United Healthcare - Didn't See It Coming :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
288. BCBS - New Year California - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
289. BCBS - Tennessee - Healthier Students - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 53

290. BCBS of NC - Costly Rates :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
291. BCBS of NC - Higher Rates :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
292. United Healthcare - Dance :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
293. BCBS - Through It All - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
294. BCBS of NC - Costly Mistakes :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
295. BCBS Horizon - Yes Philadelphia - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
296. UHC - Take Care :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
297. AHHH... (Wide Skyscraper) - Cigna - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
298. AHHH... (Leaderboard) - Cigna - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
299. BCBS - State of Healthcare TV - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
300. UHC - Doctors Display Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
301. Highmark BCBS - DocTalk TV - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
302. UHC - Dual Complete TV - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
303. BCBS - Live Fearless Philadelphia - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
304. United Healthcare - Didn't See It Coming :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
305. BCBS of Illinois - You Know What to Bring :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
306. BCBS of Illinois - Treasure the Moment :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
307. BCBS of Oklahoma - Out West :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
308. BCBS of Tennessee - Live Fearless - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
309. United Healthcare - Ballerina :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
310. Kaiser Permanente - Simple :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
311. Kaiser Permanente - Prevent :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
312. Humana - Just Once TV - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
313. Kaiser - Stephen Curry :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
314. Independence BC - Stay Strong Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
315. United Healthcare - Walk This Way, Dad :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
316. BCBS - Living Proof Pittsburgh Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
317. Kaiser - Blood Pressure :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
318. United Healthcare - Virtual Visits - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
319. United Healthcare - Walk This Way, Dad :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
320. United Healthcare - Medicare Made Clear Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
321. Independence BC - Get the Power Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
322. Aetna - Freedom :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
323. Aetna - Past Curfew :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
324. Aetna - Keep Fit :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
325. Annual Check-Up Online Display - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
326. Annual Check-Up Online Display :15 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
327. Annual Check-Up Radio Live Read - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
328. Kaiser - Cuidado de Salud Online Display :15 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
329. Take Charge - David Chocarro :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
330. BS Of California - Youth TV :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
331. Aetna - Greatest Journey TV :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
332. Highmark BCBS - Mother's Day Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
333. Aetna - Houston Buffalo Bayou Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
334. Aetna - Philadelphia Health Goals Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
335. BCBS of Tennessee - Live Fearless Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
336. BCBS - Fearless Radio - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
337. Get Control Radio Live Read - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
338. BCBS Horizon - Yes Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
339. United Healthcare - Medicare Solutions Banner - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
340. BCBS Horizon - Got Medicare Banner - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
341. Highmark BCBS - Cancer Collaborative :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
342. BCBS Arizona - Low Cost Coverage Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
343. Saber tus 4 Numeros Online Display David Chocarro PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
Static - Hispanic
344. Your 4 Numbers David Chocarro :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
345. United Healthcare - Better Rates Print - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
346. Kaiser Permanente - Thrive :60 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
347. Aetna - Medicare Answers Banner - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
348. Toma Control Online Display Static - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
349. BCBS - Mud Pile OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
350. BCBS - Barefoot OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
351. Health Numbers Banner 2017 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
352. TV Doctor Emergency :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
353. TV Doctor Emergency :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
354. Fingerprint Access :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
355. TV Doctor Emergency :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
356. TV Doctor Emergency :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
357. Highmark BCBS - Cancer Collaborative Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
358. Aetna - Atlanta Stress Management Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
359. Aetna - Philadelphia Generations Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
360. Aetna - Health Ambition OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
361. Cigna - Even More Drama :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
362. Cigna - Even More Drama :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 54

363. Kaiser - Personalized Healthcare Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
364. Aetna - Open Enrollment Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
365. Anthem BCBS - Personalized Healthcare Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
366. Cigna - Stat OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
367. Cigna - One Guide Long - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
368. Cigna - One Guide B2C :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
369. Cigna - One Guide B2C :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
370. Cigna - TV Doctors Health Numbers Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
371. Aetna - Atlanta Out of Step Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
372. Cigna - Stat OLV - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
373. Cigna - Even More Drama :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
374. Cigna - Even More Drama :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
375. Cigna - Sigue Estos Consejos David Chocarro Static - PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
376. Cigna - Know Your Numbers Radio :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
377. Anthem BC - Rest Easy Los Angeles :60 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
378. Cigna HS - Jane :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
379. Cigna HS - Jane :15 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
380. Cigna - TV Doctors Health Numbers Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
381. Cigna - One Guide Banner 1 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
382. Cigna - One Guide Banner 2 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
383. Cigna - One Guide Banner 3 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
384. United Healthcare - Tame the Hulk :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
385. BCBS - Most Trusted Fearless Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
386. Cigna - One Guide Banner 1 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
387. Cigna - One Guide Banner 2 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
388. Cigna - One Guide Banner 3 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
389. Highmark BCBS - All Are Covered TV :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
390. United Healthcare - Tame the Hulk :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
391. BCBS - Choice of Doctors Fearless Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
392. Cigna - Show Rehearsal In Control David Chocarro :30 - PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
393. Kaiser Permanente - Restless :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
394. Kaiser Permanente - Your Doctor Radio :60 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
395. United Healthcare - Tame the Hulk :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
396. Highmark BCBS - All Are Covered TV :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
397. United Healthcare - No Confusion TV :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
398. Humana - In Good Shape :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
399. Cigna - Phil Kessel OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
400. Kaiser Permanente - Your Doctor is Your Partner Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
- National
401. Cigna - Veteran Support Line :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
402. Kaiser Permanente - Find Your Words OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
403. Highmark BCBS - Doctor Match Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
404. Kaiser Permanente - Making the Choice :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
405. Aetna - Houston Astros Congratulations Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
406. Kaiser Permanente - Neither Will We :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
407. Horizon BCBS - NJ Family Care Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
408. Highmark BCBS - Better Together :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
409. BCBS of Texas - Built Trust :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
410. Highmark BCBS - The Right Coverage :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
411. Kaiser Permanente - Lifestyle :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
412. BCBS - Helping You :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
413. BCBS - Right Here TV :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
414. Cigna HS - 2018 LockIn :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
415. Aetna - First Love LGBT - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
416. Aetna - First Love LGBT - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
417. Aetna - First Love LGBT - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
418. Kaiser - Great Care Lives Here Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
419. United Healthcare - This Year Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
420. Cigna - TV Doctors Preventive Care Mission Digital PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
Banner - National
421. United Healthcare - Modernizing Healthcare Digital PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
Banner - National
422. Cigna - TV Doctors Preventive Care Stat Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
423. Cigna - TV Doctors Savings Look the Part Digital Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
- National
424. Kaiser - Warm Up Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
425. BCBS of Tennessee - For Moments That Matter Print - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
426. BS of California - Iza is Here :15 OLV - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
427. Highmark BCBS - Extra Mile :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 55

428. BCBS of Texas - Important Dates :30 OLV - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
429. Independence BC - Living the Dream :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
430. BCBS of Illinois - Comfort Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
431. Independence BC - Get In The Game Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
432. BCBS of Oklahoma - Dependable Coverage DRTV :60 - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
433. Independence BC - Take Charge Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
434. BCBS - Puppy :60 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
435. BCBS - Family :60 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
436. BCBS - Home :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
437. Aetna - We Join You Display - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
438. Cigna - TV Doctors Savings Posing Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
439. Aetna - One Man's Reason OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
440. Kaiser - Stay Connected OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
441. Humana - Dental & Vision :90 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
442. BCBS - Open Enrollment Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
443. Horizon BCBS - Sickness & Health - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
444. BCBS - Online Tools Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
445. Highmark BCBS - Value Care Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
446. Highmark BCBS - One of a Kind :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
447. Kaiser - Top Physicians :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
448. Kaiser - Check Up :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
449. BCBS - Important Dates OLV :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
450. United Healthcare - Senior TV :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
451. BCBS - It Will Be Fine OLV :15 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
452. United Healthcare - That's Normal :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
453. United Healthcare - Phone It In :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
454. Cigna - Dramatic Pause OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
455. Cigna - TV Doctors Health Numbers 4 Doctors Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
456. BCBS - Covering the Courageous Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
457. Highmark BCBS - A Moment of Childhood Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
458. BCBS of Texas - Search and Rescue :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
459. Highmark BCBS - Every Voice Matters :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
460. BCBS of Illinois - The Living Healthy Card :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
461. Kaiser - Partners in Thrive OOH - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
462. BCBS - Lifetime of Achievements Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
463. Cigna - Dramatic Pause OLV - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
464. United Healthcare - That's Normal :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
465. Highmark BCBS - Road Coverage :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
466. Kaiser - Top Notch :60 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
467. BCBS of Illinois - The Living Healthy Card TV :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
468. United Healthcare - Phone It In TV :15 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
469. United Healthcare - More Benefits TV :120 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
470. Cigna - Rebel Doc OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
471. Cigna - Bedside Manner OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
472. Cigna - TV Doctors Savings Blood Pressure Kate - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
473. Kaiser - Take A Break OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
474. Cigna - Melissa Stockwell Niche Video - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
475. Cigna - Noah Galloway Niche Video - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
476. Cigna - TV Doctors Preventive Care Medical Terms PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
Donald - National
477. Kaiser - Thrive Baltimore Wellness Expo Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
478. Highmark BCBS - Get Help Quickly :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
479. Highmark BCBS - True Performers Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
480. Independence BC - Reimagining Healthcare Digital PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
Banner - Priority
481. Kaiser - Take A Break OLV - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
482. United Healthcare - Doctor Video Chat Digital Video - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
483. Cigna - Bedside Manner OLV - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
484. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner LGBT - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
485. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner AA - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
486. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner Veterans - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
487. BCBS - This Could Work TV :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
488. BCBS - Youth Doesn't Fade TV :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
489. Cigna - TV Doctors Page a Doc Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
490. Humana - Steps TVC - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
491. Cigna - Rebel Doc Testing Check Up - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
492. Cigna - Rebel Doc Testing Page Doc - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
493. Cigna - Bedside Manner Testing Check Up - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
494. Cigna - Bedside Manner Testing Page Doc - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 56

495. Cigna - Page A TV Doc OOH - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
496. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner LGBT - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
497. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner AA - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
498. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner Veterans - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
499. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
500. Cigna - Opioids Combined Influencer Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
501. Cigna - Opioids Mom Blogger Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
502. Cigna - Opioids 1 in 5 Launch Film - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
503. Kaiser - Wins and Losses :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
504. Kaiser - Wins and Losses :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
505. BCBS of Oklahoma - Through It All - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
506. Cigna - Opioids 1 in 5 Launch Film - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
507. Kaiser - Wins and Losses :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
508. Kaiser - Wins and Losses :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
509. Independence BCBS - Take Charge Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
510. Kaiser - Trend Radio - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
511. United Healthcare - Child Care Radio - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
512. Kaiser - Skin Spot Radio - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
513. Cigna - Opioids 1 in 5 Moms Film - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
514. Cigna - Opioids 1 in 5 Athletes Film - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
515. Cigna - Opioids 1 in 5 Chefs Film - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
516. Providence Health & Services - Anytime Care :30 - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
517. Optum Healthcare - Find Treatment :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
518. Kaiser Permanente - Mental Illness Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
519. Optum Healthcare - Find Treatment :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
520. BCBS - Yes We Can Help With NJ Familycare Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
521. AARP Financial/Insurance - Standard Protection  TV :120 PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
- Senior
522. BCBS - Florida Blue is your Source TV :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
523. Cigna - Veterans Day Support Line :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
524. Aetna - Right Coverage :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
525. BCBS - Missed Stop :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
526. CVS - Lower Cost :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
527. Independence BC - Online Tools Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
528. BCBS - Missed Stop :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
529. CVS - Lower Cost :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
530. Cigna - Anyone Can Play Doctor Buddy :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
531. Cigna - Anyone Can Play Doctor Mom :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
532. BCBS - Así Es Mi Florida Blue :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
533. Kaiser - Doctores con Experiencia :15 Banner - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
534. Aetna - Age Actively Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
535. BCBS - Get Covered :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
536. Cigna - AA Integration :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
537. Independence BC - 80 Years Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
538. CVS - Digital Tools Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
539. BCBS - Here For You Carolina - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
540. Cigna - Marine Corp Marathon Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
541. Cigna - Sebastian Rulli :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
542. Anthem - Breathe Better :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
543. Kaiser - Healthy Choices :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
544. BCBS - Get Covered :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
545. Cigna-HealthSpring - CHS & You (Intro) :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
546. Cigna - Body and Mind Ted Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
547. Cigna - Body and Mind Nick Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
548. Cigna - Body and Mind Queen Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
549. Cigna - Nick Jonas " Happy Place" :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
550. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Stress" :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
551. Independence BCBS - 80 Years Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
552. Cigna - Bedside Manner - Four Numbers :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1 (Please Suppress)
553. Cigna - Even More Drama :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1 (Please Suppress)
554. Oscar - Tough Business :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
555. Bright Health - Waiting Room Jam :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
556. Cigna - Nick Jonas " Happy Place" :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
557. BCBS - Improving Health of Communities Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
558. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Stress" :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
559. Cigna - Even More Drama - Marine Corps Marathon :15 - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
560. Health First Health Plans - Individual Health Plans Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 57
561. BCBS - Individual and Family Plans Print - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
562. Independence BC - Medigap Freedom Plan :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
563. Cigna-HealthSpring - Lock in 2019 :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
564. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Sitting - Kittens" :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
565. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Stress" :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
566. Cigna - Ted Danson "Signing In" :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
567. Cigna - Ted Danson "Fencing" :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
568. Cigna - Queen Proof Point Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
569. Cigna - Nick Proof Point Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
570. Cigna - Ted Proof Point Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
571. BCBS NC - Black History Month Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
572. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Sitting - Kittens" :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
573. Cigna - Ted Danson "Signing In" :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
574. Cigna - Ted Danson "Fencing" :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
575. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Stress" :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
576. Anthem BC - Mother Support :15 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
577. Anthem BC - Health Questions (Bilingual) :15 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
578. Anthem BC - Healthy Lifestyle (diabetes) :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
579. Kaiser - Togetherness :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
580. Gateway Health Plans :15 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
581. Highmark Medicare Plans - A Keeper :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
582. BCBS of North Carolina - "Be Bold" Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
583. BCBS Michigan - Keeping Healthy :15 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
584. Cigna - Ted Danson "Sleep Loss" :40 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
585. Cigna - Nick Jonas "Happy Place" :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
586. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Sitting" :70 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
587. BCBS - "Togetherness Means Everything" Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
588. BCBS - "Complete Coverage" Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
589. Highmark BCBS - Meet Dr. Right Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
590. Cigna - Nick Jonas "Happy Place" :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
591. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Check-Up Tips" :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
592. Cigna - Nick Jonas Selfie Video :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
593. BS of California - "What We Stand For" :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
594. BCBS - All Covered :30 Radio - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
595. BS of California - Our Principles :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
596. BCBS - "All You Need" :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
597. Cigna - Queen Latifah Stress + PLAN :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
598. Kaiser - Healthy Mind, Body, & Soul Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
599. Kaiser - Beat Failure :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
600. Aetna - Body, Mind, and Spirit Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
601. BCBS - Take Charge with the Card Accepted by 95% PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
Banner - Priority
602. BCBS - Health Impact :96 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
603. Kaiser - Kaiser Tells Us to Thrive, but Mental Health PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
Banner - Priority
604. BCBS - Life Recovered :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
605. Cigna - Stop :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
606. Cigna - Total Health :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
607. BCBS Empire - Your Health :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
608. BCBS - Get Relief :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
609. Cigna - Ted Fencing HealthSpring - 2019 Existing :30 - PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
610. BCBS - Progress Health Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
611. BCBS Excellus - Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
612. Kaiser - Better Health :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
613. Kaiser - Time Management :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
614. CVS - At the Heart :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
615. CVS - 10,000 Communities Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
616. Kaiser - Better Health :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
617. Kaiser - Good Life :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
618. Anthem BC - Here for you, here for good Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
619. Kaiser - Quality for You and Your Family Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
620. Humana - John Smith :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
621. UHC - Entourage :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
622. Kaiser - Busy Life Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
623. Cigna - We Run :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
624. Cigna - All the Way :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
625. CVS - Here For You :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
626. Humana - Better Health Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 58

627. Cigna - We Run :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
628. Cigna - All the Way - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
629. Kaiser - Making the Choice - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
630. Kaiser - Normality - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
631. BCBS NC - Transforming Results :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
632. BCBS NC - Transforming Healthcare :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
633. CVS - Sleep Treatment :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
634. CVS - Treat Yourself :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
635. Kaiser - Do the Right Thing :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
636. BCBS - Strong Support :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
637. CVS - The Help :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
638. Kaiser - Lo Que Hagamos Ahora- COVID-19 SPA Spot : PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
30 - Hispanic
639. UHC - Need Care :15 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
640. UHC - Medicare :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
641. Humana - Live Life :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
642. Cigna - Brave of Heart :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
643. Cigna - Brave of Heart :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
644. Kaiser - Don't Lose Count :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
645. CVS - The Help :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
646. CVS - Home :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
647. BCBS - For All :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
648. BCBS - Caring For You :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
649. BCBS - Stay Together :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
650. BCBS - Get Insured :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
651. BCBS - Stay Strong :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
652. BCBS - Tough Situation :30 Radio - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
653. Kaiser - Pay Back :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
654. BCBS - Health Options :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
655. BCBS - The Same :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
656. Anthem BCBS - Lost Coverage Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
657. Cigna-Medicare Advantage - Lock In 2020 (Core 1) - PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
658. Cigna-Medicare Advantage - Lock In 2020 (Core 2) - PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
659. UHC - Medicare :15 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
660. Humana - Human Care :30 - National PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
661. CVS - Taking Care :15 - National PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
662. CVS - Most Affordable :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
663. Kaiser - Trusted Care :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
664. Kaiser - Stay Connected :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
665. Kaiser - Always There :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
666. BCBS - Confident Connection :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
667. BCBS - Better Healthcare :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
668. BCBS - Access Everywhere :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
669. BCBS - Cover it :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
670. Kaiser - Take Care :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
671. Kaiser - Healthy Chat :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
672. Kaiser - Convenient Care :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
673. Kaiser - Home Care :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
674. BCBS - Adventures :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
675. Anthem - Helping Medi-cal Families - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
676. Anthem - Recently Lost Your Insurance? - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 59

677. BCBS Always here - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
678. UHC - Amazing Plans :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
679. Aetna - Perfect Choice :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
680. CVS - Stay Healthy :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
681. BCBS - Meet the Challenge :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
682. BCBS - Long Time :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
683. Kaiser - Our Rights :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
684. Kaiser - Protect Everyone :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
685. Kaiser - Mental Support :15 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
686. Aetna - Exploring Horizons :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
687. UHC - Take Advantage :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
688. Cigna - Medicare Advantage - Lock In 2021 (Age In) :60 - PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
689. Cigna - Medicare Advantage - Lock In 2021 (Duals/LIS) : PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
60 - Senior
690. Humana - Make It Easy :30 - National PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
691. CVS - Free Delivery :30 - National PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
692. CVS - Great Review :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
693. Kaiser - Safe Vaccination :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
694. BCBS - Country Pride :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
695. BCBS - Spreading Love/Care Providers :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
696. CVS - Minute Clinic (Post-COVID) :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
697. Kaiser - Thank You :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
698. Kaiser - Working Hard :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
699. BCBS - Do it :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
700. Aetna - Accessible Care Digital Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
701. BCBS - Easy Accessible Care :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
702. Aetna - Full Coverage :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
703. CVS - One Step Closer :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
704. Humana - Affordable Care :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
705. Humana - Dental Insurance :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
706. Regence BCBS - Greater Good :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
707. Regence BCBS - Eventful Year :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
708. BCBS - High Reach :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
709. BCBS - Keeping in Shape :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
710. BCBS - Control :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
711. CVS - Almost :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
712. UHC - Care :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
713. BCBS - Without A Day :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
714. CVS - Healthier Made Easier :30 - National PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
715. BCBS - We Cover What Matters :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
716. Kaiser - App :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
717. BCBS - Care First :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
718. Kaiser - App para Medicamentos :15 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
719. Kaiser - Maternidad :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
720. Kaiser - Cita Medica Virtual Papa :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
721. BCBS - Periodo de Inscripcion 2021 :43 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
722. Kaiser - Care Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
723. BCBS - Don't Be Fooled :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
724. Cigna - Because Life Has Taught You Well :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 60

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_AdQualify_Medallia. Hidden Variable. Capture ads qualified to rate for Medallia (combines duplicate ads)
Select all that apply.

1. What Parents Do :30 - US Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
2. Anthem :30 [Rev 2] - US Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
3. Nurse :15 [Rev 2] - US Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
4. All Good :15 [Rev 2] - US Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
5. What Parents Do :15 - US Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
6. Disability :15 (Digital) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [6] at
7. Pharmacy :15 (Digital) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [7] at
8. United HealthCare Our Song Autocode if respondent selected code [8] at
9. Kaiser Connect Autocode if respondent selected code [9] at
10. What Parents Do (Father's Day/FD TAG) :30 - US Autocode if respondent selected code [10] at
11. Humana Feel Better Autocode if respondent selected code [11] at
12. Humana Living Longer Autocode if respondent selected any codes [12,
35] at DV_AdQualify.
13. Humana Close the Gap Autocode if respondent selected code [13] at
14. Humana Stick With Us Autocode if respondent selected any codes [14,
36] at DV_AdQualify.
15. Partnership (OOH) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [15] at
16. Preventive (OOH) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [16] at
17. Dental (OOH) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [17] at
18. 24/7 (OOH) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [18] at
19. Disability (OOH) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [19] at
20. Pharmacy (OOH) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [20] at
21. Parents (Mother's Day) :15 - US Autocode if respondent selected code [21] at
22. Partnership A (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [22] at
23. Partnership B (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [23] at
24. 24/7 Access (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [24] at
25. Dental (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [25] at
26. Disability (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [26] at
27. Preventive 1 (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [27] at
28. Preventive 2 (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [28] at
29. Kaiser Offense Autocode if respondent selected code [29] at
30. Anthem (Hispanic) :30 - US Autocode if respondent selected code [30] at
31. Estamos Contigo (Hispanic) (OOH) Autocode if respondent selected code [31] at
32. Estamos Contigo (Hispanic) (Print) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [32] at
33. Kaiser Tres Hermanos Autocode if respondent selected code [33] at
34. Aetna Dancing Dad Autocode if respondent selected code [34] at
35. United HealthCare Save Big Autocode if respondent selected code [37] at
36. GoKart Live Fearless
37. Slide Live Fearless

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 61

- Programmer: Assign 2 ads per respondent: random most needed. Prioritize augments before National Rep.
Randomize order of ads shown.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 62

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Derived Variable: Assign ad to evaluate
DV_AdAssign. Hidden Question. Derived Variable: Assign 2 ads to evaluate.
Select all that apply.

1. What Parents Do :30 - US PC: DV_Augment=1
2. Anthem :30 [Rev 2] - US PC: DV_Augment=1
3. Nurse :15 [Rev 2] - US PC: DV_Augment=1
4. All Good :15 [Rev 2] - US PC: DV_Augment=1
5. What Parents Do :15 - US PC: DV_Augment=1
6. Disability :15 (Digital) - US PC: DV_Augment=1
7. Pharmacy :15 (Digital) - US PC: DV_Augment=1
8. United HealthCare Our Song PC: DV_Augment=1
9. Kaiser Connect PC: DV_Augment=1
10. What Parents Do (Father's Day/FD TAG) :30 - US PC: DV_Augment=1
11. Humana Feel Better PC: DV_Augment=1
12. Humana Living Longer PC: DV_Augment=1
13. Humana Close the Gap PC: DV_Augment=1
14. Humana Stick With Us PC: DV_Augment=1
15. Partnership (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
16. Preventive (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
17. Dental (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
18. 24/7 (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
19. Disability (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
20. Pharmacy (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
21. Parents (Mother's Day) :15 - US PC: DV_Augment=2
22. Partnership A (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
23. Partnership B (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
24. 24/7 Access (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
25. Dental (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
26. Disability (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
27. Preventive 1 (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
28. Preventive 2 (Banner) - US PC: DV_Augment=2
29. Kaiser Offense PC: DV_Augment=2
30. Anthem (Hispanic) :30 - US PC: DV_Augment=4
31. Estamos Contigo (Hispanic) (OOH) PC: DV_Augment=4
32. Estamos Contigo (Hispanic) (Print) - US PC: DV_Augment=4
33. Kaiser Tres Hermanos PC: DV_Augment=4
34. Aetna Dancing Dad PC: DV_Augment=4
35. Humana Living Longer PC: DV_Augment=3
36. Humana Stick With Us PC: DV_Augment=3
37. United HealthCare Save Big PC: DV_Augment=5
38. GoKart Live Fearless PC: DV_Augment=5
39. Slide Live Fearless PC: DV_Augment=5
40. America Says Ahhh :30 PC: DV_Augment2=1
41. America Says Ahhh :15 PC: DV_Augment2=1
42. United HealthCare Ways In Lab Partners :30 PC: DV_Augment2=1
43. Anthem An Eye For Savings, A Nose For Value :30 PC: DV_Augment2=1
44. Anthem You've Got the Will, We've Got the Way :30 PC: DV_Augment2=1
45. Kaiser Grow Old With Me :30 PC: DV_Augment2=1
46. Kaiser Contrarians :30 PC: DV_Augment2=1
47. It's Time To Say Ahhh Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
48. Blood Pressure Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
49. You're Not A Number Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
50. Coach Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
51. 1 in 5 Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
52. Say Ahhh Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
53. Coach 2 Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
54. Numbers Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
55. America Says Ahhh :30 PC: DV_Augment2=2
56. America Says Ahhh :15 PC: DV_Augment2=2
57. Houston America Says Ahhh Promercial PC: DV_Augment2=2
58. New York America Says Ahhh Promercial PC: DV_Augment2=2
59. Miami America Says Ahhh Promercial PC: DV_Augment2=2
60. DC America Says Ahhh Promercial PC: DV_Augment2=2
61. Dallas America Says Ahhh Promercial PC: DV_Augment2=2
62. Atlanta America Says Ahhh Promercial PC: DV_Augment2=2
63. Kaiser Grow Old Firsts :60 PC: DV_Augment2=2
64. Say Ahhh :30 - Spanish Language PC: DV_Augment2=4
65. America Says Ahhh Promercial - Spanish Language PC: DV_Augment2=4

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 63

66. United HealthCare Lab Partners Spanish Language :60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
67. Job Swap TV with Laura Flores :30 PC: DV_Augment2=4
68. Job Swap TV with Laura Flores :60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
69. HealthSpring DRTV :60 PC: DV_Augment2=3
70. Healthspring Entourage :30 PC: DV_Augment2=3
71. IFP DRTV :60 - US PC: DV_Augment2=5
72. IFP DRTV :30 - US PC: DV_Augment2=5
73. IFP Radio :60 - US PC: DV_Augment2=5
74. IFP Pre-Enrollment Banner PC: DV_Augment2=5
75. Optum - The Pursuit of Healthier PC: DV_Augment2=1
76. Blood Pressure Banner - Priority Market PC: DV_Augment2=2
77. It's Time To Say Ahhh Banner - Priority Market PC: DV_Augment2=2
78. Univision General Preventive Care (Maggie Jimenez) PC: DV_Augment2=4
79. HealthSpring DRTV 60 Urgency PC: DV_Augment2=3
80. HealthSpring DRTV 60 Lock In PC: DV_Augment2=3
81. Isms OOP PC: DV_Augment2=5
82. Cigna IFP OOH Nashville 720x208 PC: DV_Augment2=5
83. America Says Ahhh Coach Tag - National PC: DV_Augment2=1
84. Ahhh to Aha Banner PC: DV_Augment2=1
85. United Healthcare Ways In Delivery PC: DV_Augment2=1
86. United Healthcare Ways In Skateboard PC: DV_Augment2=1
87. Anthem The Drive of Remarkable People PC: DV_Augment2=1
88. BCBS Reinventing Affordable Healthcare PC: DV_Augment2=1
89. America Says Ahhh Coach Tag - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
90. Pharmacy 3 (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment2=2
91. Partnership 2 (OOH) - US PC: DV_Augment2=2
92. Say Ahhh (State Specific) Billboard PC: DV_Augment2=2
93. High Cholesterol Billboard PC: DV_Augment2=2
94. $0 Annual Checkups Billboard PC: DV_Augment2=2
95. Higher BMI Billboard PC: DV_Augment2=2
96. "Go" Billboard PC: DV_Augment2=2
97. Had Your Checkup? Billboard PC: DV_Augment2=2
98. Cigna "Open Enrollment" - Spanish Language PC: DV_Augment2=4
99. BCBS "Happy Families" - Spanish Language PC: DV_Augment2=4
100. United "Options" - Spanish Language :120 PC: DV_Augment2=4
101. Sana Sana (OOH) - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2=4
102. Aetna "Your Choice" PC: DV_Augment2=3
103. United Healthcare "Combined Coverage" PC: DV_Augment2=3
104. Isms PPO PC: DV_Augment2=5
105. Aetna A New Plan PC: DV_Augment2=5
106. United Healthcare Ways In Lamp Post PC: DV_Augment2=2
107. United Healthcare Ways In Crowd Surfing PC: DV_Augment2=2
108. Anthem Window Washer PC: DV_Augment2=2
109. Anthem Glass Blower PC: DV_Augment2=2
110. Oscar Chaperone PC: DV_Augment2=2
111. Oscar First Day PC: DV_Augment2=2
112. Oscar Rude Awakening PC: DV_Augment2=2
113. Oscar Special Night PC: DV_Augment2=2
114. BCBS Dear Future PC: DV_Augment2=2
115. $0 Check-ups (OOH) PC: DV_Augment2=2
116. Wellness Starts (OOH) PC: DV_Augment2=2
117. Get Your Check-Up (OOH) PC: DV_Augment2=2
118. Kaiser "Complicated" Radio :30 PC: DV_Augment2=4
119. BCBS "Total Coverage" Radio :60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
120. BCBS "Stop in (Hola Orlando)" Radio :60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
121. Humana "Life" - Spanish Language :30 PC: DV_Augment2=4
122. United "San Antonio" - Spanish Language :120 PC: DV_Augment2=4
123. AARP/United Healthcare "The Man With The Plan" PC: DV_Augment2=3
124. United Healthcare Ways In Great Weekend PC: DV_Augment2=3
125. Anthem "Great Plan" PC: DV_Augment2=5
126. BCBS "Being Close" PC: DV_Augment2=5
127. Telemundo Open Enrollment 60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
128. Telemundo Preventive Care 60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
129. Telemundo Woman 60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
130. Telemundo Dental Care 60 PC: DV_Augment2=4
131. You're Not A Number Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
132. 1 in 5 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
133. Coach 2 Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
134. Numbers Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
135. Coach Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
136. Ahhh to Aha Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2=2
137. Anthem "I Take Pride" :60 PC: DV_Augment2=3
138. Humana "All in One" :60 PC: DV_Augment2=3
139. Anthem "Your One Source" Banner PC: DV_Augment2=5
140. Humana "85 Percent" Banner PC: DV_Augment2=5

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 64

141. UHC "Ways In" Sports Banner PC: DV_Augment2=5
142. Kaiser "Healthy Equation" Banner PC: DV_Augment2=5
143. BCBS - Dates TV 60
144. BCBS - Subtitles TV 60
145. More Benefits PC: DV_Augment2=4
146. Take Care PC: DV_Augment2=4
147. Simple System (Lab Partners) PC: DV_Augment2=4
148. Carmen PC: DV_Augment2=4
149. BCBS - Hispanic - Choose Radio 60ss PC: DV_Augment2=4
150. Aetna Bicycle :30 PC: DV_Augment2= 5
151. BCS Florida "New Plans" PC: DV_Augment2= 5
152. Oscar "Dance" OOH PC: DV_Augment2= 5
153. Humana "Whiteboard" :60 PC: DV_Augment2= 3
154. Kaiser Permanente "5-star" :60 PC: DV_Augment2= 3
155. Humana - "Birthday"
156. Humana - "Carnival"
157. TM Top Chef Spanish Language :30
158. Humana - "Right Choice" :30
159. Humana - "Serving People" :60
160. United Healthcare - Play Your Metal Banner
161. Harken Health - Remarkable Care Banner
162. Molina Healthcare - What Does It Feel Like 60
163. Kaiser Permanente - Warm Up Banner
164. Humana - Farm PC: DV_Augment2=1
165. United Healthcare Ways In Pool Vault PC: DV_Augment2=1
166. HighMark BCBS Nudge For Health PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
167. Eligible for Medicare :60 PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
168. Highmark Kidnapping :30 PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
169. Innovation Health Prices :30 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
170. Ambetter Couch Potato Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
171. Excellus Health Is :15 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
172. Highmark Commuity Flex Plans :30 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
173. An Enjoyable Life PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
174. Passion For Health PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
175. Willy Chirino PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
176. Terry and Harry PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
177. AARP/United Healthcare The Talk 120 PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
178. Excellus Good Choice 60 PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
179. Anthem HealthKeepers Insurance IQ 120 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
180. United Healthcare Community Plan 60 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
181. What is Ambetter? PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
182. Independence Lowest Rates 30 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
183. Diabetes PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
184. Ve Informate Toma Control Digital Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
185. Explore Humana's Affordable Medicare Plans PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
186. A Better Plan :60 PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
187. When You Pick Up That Phone :30 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
188. Independence Open Your Mind :30 PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
189. UnitedHealthcare - Ways In Delivery - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
190. Cigna Right There - First Step PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
191. Cigna Right There - Bus Shelter PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
192. Cigna Right There - Marital Bliss PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
193. Cigna - Stairs Experience PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
194. Blood Pressure Savings Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
195. Blood Sugar Savings Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
196. Checkup Savings Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
197. Health Numbers Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
198. Mission - 100K Lives Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
199. Preventative Care Covered 100 Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
200. TV Doctors :48 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
201. TV Doctors :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
202. TV Doctors :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
203. TV Doctors :48 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
204. TV Doctors :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
205. TV Doctors :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
206. TV Doctors Senior :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
207. United Healthcare Low Jump - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
208. United Healthcare Ways In Pool Vault - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
209. Humana - Birthday - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
210. Humana - Carnival - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
211. Humana - Farm - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
212. Dance - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
213. Una Pareja Bailando - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
214. TV Doctors Senior :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
215. Gold in Rio - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 65

216. Blue Cross Blue Shield Assoc. - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
217. Blood Pressure Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
218. Blood Sugar Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
219. Preventive Care 1 Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
220. Health Numbers Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
221. Savings Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
222. Preventive Care 2 Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
223. Romance - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
224. Walking - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
225. Pool Party - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
226. We Will Thrive :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
227. Baby's World :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
228. Relish - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
229. Live Fearless - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
230. Humana - Health - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
231. Texan Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
232. Telemundo Check-up - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
233. Telemundo Power Walk - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
234. Telemundo Brunch - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
235. Go. Know. Take Control Main Banner - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
236. Go. Know. Take Control Top Banner - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
237. Go. Know. Take Control Side Banner - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
238. Relationships :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
239. Baby's World :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
240. United Healthcare Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
241. Kaiser Permanente - Connected For You - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
242. United Healthcare - Supermom - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
243. Kaiser Permanente - California - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
244. Kaiser Permanente - Be Strong :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
245. Blue Cross Blue Shield - Better Tennessee - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
246. United - Pool Party - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
247. Molina Healthcare - Your Extended Family - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
248. Aetna - Take A Moment - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
249. Humana - Did You Know - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
250. TV Doctors myCigna Fingerprint Access Banner - PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
251. Unsick Day :55 - ZocDoc - National PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
252. Independence Blue Cross - Just Living - Priority PC: DV_Augment 2 = 2
253. BCBS - Life Change - Priority PC: DV_Augment 2 = 2
254. Kaiser Permanente - Be Strong :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment 2 = 2
255. Eat a Rainbow - Blue Cross/Blue Shield - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
256. Care - Kaiser Permanente - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
257. Hispanic Health Risk - Kaiser Permanente - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
258. Annual Medical Exam - Cigna - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
259. Better Health - Cigna - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
260. Doctor - Kaiser Permanente - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
261. Nutrition - Kaiser Permanente - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
262. Aetna - Better Quality - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
263. BCBS - Say Hello - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
264. Hero-Fingerprint Piggyback :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
265. Fingerprint Access :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
266. United Healthcare - Provider Network - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
267. BCBS - Life Change Parkour - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
268. Highmark BCBS - Make A Difference :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
269. Highmark BCBS - Rite of Passage :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
270. Fingerprint Access :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
271. BCBS - Dates :60 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
272. Aetna - Better Health Print - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
273. Humana - Dancing With the Stars :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
274. Romance Evergreen :30 - Cigna - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
275. Romance Evergreen Alt Ending :30 - Cigna - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
276. Romance Evergreen :30 - Cigna - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
277. Romance Evergreen Alt Ending :30 - Cigna - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
278. BCBS Fearless NC - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
279. BCBS - Yes NJ - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
280. BCBS - Dates (IL) - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
281. BCBS - Diferentes vidas. Diferentes presupuestos. - PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
282. BCBS - Lo unico que lo separa de ver si puede ahorrar - PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
283. BCBS - La asistencia financiera ayuda - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
284. United Healthcare - Print - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
285. Hero/Jane Piggyback :30 - Cigna - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
286. Annual Medical Exam 2 - Cigna - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
287. United Healthcare - Didn't See It Coming :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1

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288. BCBS - New Year California - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
289. BCBS - Tennessee - Healthier Students - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
290. BCBS of NC - Costly Rates :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
291. BCBS of NC - Higher Rates :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
292. United Healthcare - Dance :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
293. BCBS - Through It All - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
294. BCBS of NC - Costly Mistakes :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
295. BCBS Horizon - Yes Philadelphia - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
296. UHC - Take Care :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
297. AHHH... (Wide Skyscraper) - Cigna - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
298. AHHH... (Leaderboard) - Cigna - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
299. BCBS - State of Healthcare TV - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
300. UHC - Doctors Display Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
301. Highmark BCBS - DocTalk TV - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
302. UHC - Dual Complete TV - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
303. BCBS - Live Fearless Philadelphia - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
304. United Healthcare - Didn't See It Coming :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
305. BCBS of Illinois - You Know What to Bring :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
306. BCBS of Illinois - Treasure the Moment :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
307. BCBS of Oklahoma - Out West :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
308. BCBS of Tennessee - Live Fearless - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
309. United Healthcare - Ballerina :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
310. Kaiser Permanente - Simple :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
311. Kaiser Permanente - Prevent :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
312. Humana - Just Once TV - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
313. Kaiser - Stephen Curry :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
314. Independence BC - Stay Strong Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
315. United Healthcare - Walk This Way, Dad :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
316. BCBS - Living Proof Pittsburgh Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
317. Kaiser - Blood Pressure :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
318. United Healthcare - Virtual Visits - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
319. United Healthcare - Walk This Way, Dad :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
320. United Healthcare - Medicare Made Clear Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
321. Independence BC - Get the Power Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
322. Aetna - Freedom :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
323. Aetna - Past Curfew :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
324. Aetna - Keep Fit :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
325. Annual Check-Up Online Display - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
326. Annual Check-Up Online Display :15 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
327. Annual Check-Up Radio Live Read - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
328. Kaiser - Cuidado de Salud Online Display :15 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
329. Take Charge - David Chocarro :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
330. BS Of California - Youth TV :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
331. Aetna - Greatest Journey TV :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
332. Highmark BCBS - Mother's Day Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
333. Aetna - Houston Buffalo Bayou Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
334. Aetna - Philadelphia Health Goals Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
335. BCBS of Tennessee - Live Fearless Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
336. BCBS - Fearless Radio - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
337. Get Control Radio Live Read - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
338. BCBS Horizon - Yes Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
339. United Healthcare - Medicare Solutions Banner - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
340. BCBS Horizon - Got Medicare Banner - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
341. Highmark BCBS - Cancer Collaborative :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
342. BCBS Arizona - Low Cost Coverage Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
343. Saber tus 4 Numeros Online Display David Chocarro PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
Static - Hispanic
344. Your 4 Numbers David Chocarro :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
345. United Healthcare - Better Rates Print - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
346. Kaiser Permanente - Thrive :60 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
347. Aetna - Medicare Answers Banner - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
348. Toma Control Online Display Static - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
349. BCBS - Mud Pile OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
350. BCBS - Barefoot OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
351. Health Numbers Banner 2017 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
352. TV Doctor Emergency :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
353. TV Doctor Emergency :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
354. Fingerprint Access :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
355. TV Doctor Emergency :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
356. TV Doctor Emergency :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
357. Highmark BCBS - Cancer Collaborative Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
358. Aetna - Atlanta Stress Management Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
359. Aetna - Philadelphia Generations Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
360. Aetna - Health Ambition OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1

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361. Cigna - Even More Drama :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
362. Cigna - Even More Drama :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
363. Kaiser - Personalized Healthcare Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
364. Aetna - Open Enrollment Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
365. Anthem BCBS - Personalized Healthcare Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
366. Cigna - Stat OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
367. Cigna - One Guide Long - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
368. Cigna - One Guide B2C :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
369. Cigna - One Guide B2C :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
370. Cigna - TV Doctors Health Numbers Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
371. Aetna - Atlanta Out of Step Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
372. Cigna - Stat OLV - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
373. Cigna - Even More Drama :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
374. Cigna - Even More Drama :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
375. Cigna - Sigue Estos Consejos David Chocarro Static - PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
376. Cigna - Know Your Numbers Radio :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
377. Anthem BC - Rest Easy Los Angeles :60 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
378. Cigna HS - Jane :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
379. Cigna HS - Jane :15 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
380. Cigna - TV Doctors Health Numbers Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
381. Cigna - One Guide Banner 1 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
382. Cigna - One Guide Banner 2 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
383. Cigna - One Guide Banner 3 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
384. United Healthcare - Tame the Hulk :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
385. BCBS - Most Trusted Fearless Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
386. Cigna - One Guide Banner 1 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
387. Cigna - One Guide Banner 2 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
388. Cigna - One Guide Banner 3 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
389. Highmark BCBS - All Are Covered TV :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
390. United Healthcare - Tame the Hulk :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
391. BCBS - Choice of Doctors Fearless Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
392. Cigna - Show Rehearsal In Control David Chocarro :30 - PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
393. Kaiser Permanente - Restless :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
394. Kaiser Permanente - Your Doctor Radio :60 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
395. United Healthcare - Tame the Hulk :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
396. Highmark BCBS - All Are Covered TV :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
397. United Healthcare - No Confusion TV :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
398. Humana - In Good Shape :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
399. Cigna - Phil Kessel OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
400. Kaiser Permanente - Your Doctor is Your Partner Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
- National
401. Cigna - Veteran Support Line :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
402. Kaiser Permanente - Find Your Words OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
403. Highmark BCBS - Doctor Match Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
404. Kaiser Permanente - Making the Choice :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
405. Aetna - Houston Astros Congratulations Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
406. Kaiser Permanente - Neither Will We :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
407. Horizon BCBS - NJ Family Care Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
408. Highmark BCBS - Better Together :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
409. BCBS of Texas - Built Trust :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
410. Highmark BCBS - The Right Coverage :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
411. Kaiser Permanente - Lifestyle :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
412. BCBS - Helping You :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
413. BCBS - Right Here TV :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
414. Cigna HS - 2018 LockIn :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
415. Aetna - First Love LGBT - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
416. Aetna - First Love LGBT - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
417. Aetna - First Love LGBT - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
418. Kaiser - Great Care Lives Here Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
419. United Healthcare - This Year Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
420. Cigna - TV Doctors Preventive Care Mission Digital PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
Banner - National
421. United Healthcare - Modernizing Healthcare Digital PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
Banner - National
422. Cigna - TV Doctors Preventive Care Stat Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
423. Cigna - TV Doctors Savings Look the Part Digital Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
- National
424. Kaiser - Warm Up Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
425. BCBS of Tennessee - For Moments That Matter Print - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 68
426. BS of California - Iza is Here :15 OLV - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
427. Highmark BCBS - Extra Mile :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
428. BCBS of Texas - Important Dates :30 OLV - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
429. Independence BC - Living the Dream :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
430. BCBS of Illinois - Comfort Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
431. Independence BC - Get In The Game Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
432. BCBS of Oklahoma - Dependable Coverage DRTV :60 - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
433. Independence BC - Take Charge Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
434. BCBS - Puppy :60 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
435. BCBS - Family :60 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
436. BCBS - Home :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
437. Aetna - We Join You Display - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
438. Cigna - TV Doctors Savings Posing Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
439. Aetna - One Man's Reason OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
440. Kaiser - Stay Connected OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
441. Humana - Dental & Vision :90 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
442. BCBS - Open Enrollment Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
443. Horizon BCBS - Sickness & Health - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
444. BCBS - Online Tools Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
445. Highmark BCBS - Value Care Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
446. Highmark BCBS - One of a Kind :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
447. Kaiser - Top Physicians :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
448. Kaiser - Check Up :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
449. BCBS - Important Dates OLV :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
450. United Healthcare - Senior TV :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
451. BCBS - It Will Be Fine OLV :15 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
452. United Healthcare - That's Normal :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
453. United Healthcare - Phone It In :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
454. Cigna - Dramatic Pause OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
455. Cigna - TV Doctors Health Numbers 4 Doctors Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
456. BCBS - Covering the Courageous Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
457. Highmark BCBS - A Moment of Childhood Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
458. BCBS of Texas - Search and Rescue :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
459. Highmark BCBS - Every Voice Matters :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
460. BCBS of Illinois - The Living Healthy Card :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
461. Kaiser - Partners in Thrive OOH - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
462. BCBS - Lifetime of Achievements Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
463. Cigna - Dramatic Pause OLV - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
464. United Healthcare - That's Normal :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
465. Highmark BCBS - Road Coverage :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
466. Kaiser - Top Notch :60 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
467. BCBS of Illinois - The Living Healthy Card TV :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
468. United Healthcare - Phone It In TV :15 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
469. United Healthcare - More Benefits TV :120 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
470. Cigna - Rebel Doc OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
471. Cigna - Bedside Manner OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
472. Cigna - TV Doctors Savings Blood Pressure Kate - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
473. Kaiser - Take A Break OLV - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
474. Cigna - Melissa Stockwell Niche Video - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
475. Cigna - Noah Galloway Niche Video - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
476. Cigna - TV Doctors Preventive Care Medical Terms PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
Donald - National
477. Kaiser - Thrive Baltimore Wellness Expo Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
478. Highmark BCBS - Get Help Quickly :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
479. Highmark BCBS - True Performers Print - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
480. Independence BC - Reimagining Healthcare Digital PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
Banner - Priority
481. Kaiser - Take A Break OLV - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
482. United Healthcare - Doctor Video Chat Digital Video - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
483. Cigna - Bedside Manner OLV - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
484. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner LGBT - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
485. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner AA - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
486. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner Veterans - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
487. BCBS - This Could Work TV :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
488. BCBS - Youth Doesn't Fade TV :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
489. Cigna - TV Doctors Page a Doc Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
490. Humana - Steps TVC - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
491. Cigna - Rebel Doc Testing Check Up - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
492. Cigna - Rebel Doc Testing Page Doc - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 69

493. Cigna - Bedside Manner Testing Check Up - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
494. Cigna - Bedside Manner Testing Page Doc - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
495. Cigna - Page A TV Doc OOH - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
496. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner LGBT - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
497. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner AA - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
498. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner Veterans - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
499. Cigna - Stay Strong Banner - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
500. Cigna - Opioids Combined Influencer Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
501. Cigna - Opioids Mom Blogger Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
502. Cigna - Opioids 1 in 5 Launch Film - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
503. Kaiser - Wins and Losses :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
504. Kaiser - Wins and Losses :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
505. BCBS of Oklahoma - Through It All - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
506. Cigna - Opioids 1 in 5 Launch Film - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
507. Kaiser - Wins and Losses :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
508. Kaiser - Wins and Losses :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
509. Independence BCBS - Take Charge Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
510. Kaiser - Trend Radio - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
511. United Healthcare - Child Care Radio - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
512. Kaiser - Skin Spot Radio - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
513. Cigna - Opioids 1 in 5 Moms Film - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
514. Cigna - Opioids 1 in 5 Athletes Film - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
515. Cigna - Opioids 1 in 5 Chefs Film - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
516. Providence Health & Services - Anytime Care :30 - PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
517. Optum Healthcare - Find Treatment :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
518. Kaiser Permanente - Mental Illness Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
519. Optum Healthcare - Find Treatment :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
520. BCBS - Yes We Can Help With NJ Familycare Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
521. AARP Financial/Insurance - Standard Protection  TV :120 PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
- Senior
522. BCBS - Florida Blue is your Source TV :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
523. Cigna - Veterans Day Support Line :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
524. Aetna - Right Coverage :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
525. BCBS - Missed Stop :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
526. CVS - Lower Cost :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
527. Independence BC - Online Tools Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
528. BCBS - Missed Stop :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
529. CVS - Lower Cost :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
530. Cigna - Anyone Can Play Doctor Buddy :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
531. Cigna - Anyone Can Play Doctor Mom :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
532. BCBS - Así Es Mi Florida Blue :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
533. Kaiser - Doctores con Experiencia :15 Banner - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
534. Aetna - Age Actively Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
535. BCBS - Get Covered :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
536. Cigna - AA Integration :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
537. Independence BC - 80 Years Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
538. CVS - Digital Tools Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
539. BCBS - Here For You Carolina - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
540. Cigna - Marine Corp Marathon Digital Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
541. Cigna - Sebastian Rulli :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
542. Anthem - Breathe Better :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
543. Kaiser - Healthy Choices :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
544. BCBS - Get Covered :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
545. Cigna-HealthSpring - CHS & You (Intro) :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
546. Cigna - Body and Mind Ted Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
547. Cigna - Body and Mind Nick Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
548. Cigna - Body and Mind Queen Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
549. Cigna - Nick Jonas " Happy Place" :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
550. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Stress" :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
551. Independence BCBS - 80 Years Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
552. Cigna - Bedside Manner - Four Numbers :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1 (Please Suppress)
553. Cigna - Even More Drama :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1 (Please Suppress)
554. Oscar - Tough Business :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
555. Bright Health - Waiting Room Jam :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
556. Cigna - Nick Jonas " Happy Place" :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
557. BCBS - Improving Health of Communities Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
558. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Stress" :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
559. Cigna - Even More Drama - Marine Corps Marathon :15 - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 70
560. Health First Health Plans - Individual Health Plans Banner PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
561. BCBS - Individual and Family Plans Print - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
562. Independence BC - Medigap Freedom Plan :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
563. Cigna-HealthSpring - Lock in 2019 :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
564. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Sitting - Kittens" :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
565. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Stress" :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
566. Cigna - Ted Danson "Signing In" :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
567. Cigna - Ted Danson "Fencing" :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
568. Cigna - Queen Proof Point Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
569. Cigna - Nick Proof Point Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
570. Cigna - Ted Proof Point Digital Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
571. BCBS NC - Black History Month Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
572. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Sitting - Kittens" :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
573. Cigna - Ted Danson "Signing In" :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
574. Cigna - Ted Danson "Fencing" :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
575. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Stress" :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
576. Anthem BC - Mother Support :15 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
577. Anthem BC - Health Questions (Bilingual) :15 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
578. Anthem BC - Healthy Lifestyle (diabetes) :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
579. Kaiser - Togetherness :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
580. Gateway Health Plans :15 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
581. Highmark Medicare Plans - A Keeper :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
582. BCBS of North Carolina - "Be Bold" Digital Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
583. BCBS Michigan - Keeping Healthy :15 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
584. Cigna - Ted Danson "Sleep Loss" :40 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
585. Cigna - Nick Jonas "Happy Place" :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
586. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Sitting" :70 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
587. BCBS - "Togetherness Means Everything" Banner - PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
588. BCBS - "Complete Coverage" Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
589. Highmark BCBS - Meet Dr. Right Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
590. Cigna - Nick Jonas "Happy Place" :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
591. Cigna - Queen Latifah "Check-Up Tips" :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
592. Cigna - Nick Jonas Selfie Video :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
593. BS of California - "What We Stand For" :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
594. BCBS - All Covered :30 Radio - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
595. BS of California - Our Principles :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
596. BCBS - "All You Need" :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
597. Cigna - Queen Latifah Stress + PLAN :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
598. Kaiser - Healthy Mind, Body, & Soul Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
599. Kaiser - Beat Failure :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
600. Aetna - Body, Mind, and Spirit Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
601. BCBS - Take Charge with the Card Accepted by 95% PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
Banner - Priority
602. BCBS - Health Impact :96 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
603. Kaiser - Kaiser Tells Us to Thrive, but Mental Health PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
Banner - Priority
604. BCBS - Life Recovered :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
605. Cigna - Stop :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
606. Cigna - Total Health :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
607. BCBS Empire - Your Health :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
608. BCBS - Get Relief :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
609. Cigna - Ted Fencing HealthSpring - 2019 Existing :30 - PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
610. BCBS - Progress Health Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
611. BCBS Excellus - Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
612. Kaiser - Better Health :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
613. Kaiser - Time Management :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
614. CVS - At the Heart :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
615. CVS - 10,000 Communities Banner - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
616. Kaiser - Better Health :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
617. Kaiser - Good Life :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
618. Anthem BC - Here for you, here for good Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
619. Kaiser - Quality for You and Your Family Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
620. Humana - John Smith :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
621. UHC - Entourage :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
622. Kaiser - Busy Life Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
623. Cigna - We Run :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
624. Cigna - All the Way :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 71

625. CVS - Here For You :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
626. Humana - Better Health Banner - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
627. Cigna - We Run :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
628. Cigna - All the Way - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
629. Kaiser - Making the Choice - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
630. Kaiser - Normality - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
631. BCBS NC - Transforming Results :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
632. BCBS NC - Transforming Healthcare :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
633. CVS - Sleep Treatment :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
634. CVS - Treat Yourself :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
635. Kaiser - Do the Right Thing :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
636. BCBS - Strong Support :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
637. CVS - The Help :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
638. Kaiser - Lo Que Hagamos Ahora- COVID-19 SPA Spot : PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
30 - Hispanic
639. UHC - Need Care :15 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
640. UHC - Medicare :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
641. Humana - Live Life :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
642. Cigna - Brave of Heart :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
643. Cigna - Brave of Heart :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
644. Kaiser - Don't Lose Count :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
645. CVS - The Help :15 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
646. CVS - Home :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
647. BCBS - For All :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
648. BCBS - Caring For You :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
649. BCBS - Stay Together :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
650. BCBS - Get Insured :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
651. BCBS - Stay Strong :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
652. BCBS - Tough Situation :30 Radio - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
653. Kaiser - Pay Back :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
654. BCBS - Health Options :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
655. BCBS - The Same :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
656. Anthem BCBS - Lost Coverage Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
657. Cigna-Medicare Advantage - Lock In 2020 (Core 1) - PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
658. Cigna-Medicare Advantage - Lock In 2020 (Core 2) - PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
659. UHC - Medicare :15 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
660. Humana - Human Care :30 - National PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
661. CVS - Taking Care :15 - National PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
662. CVS - Most Affordable :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
663. Kaiser - Trusted Care :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
664. Kaiser - Stay Connected :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
665. Kaiser - Always There :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
666. BCBS - Confident Connection :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
667. BCBS - Better Healthcare :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
668. BCBS - Access Everywhere :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
669. BCBS - Cover it :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
670. Kaiser - Take Care :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
671. Kaiser - Healthy Chat :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
672. Kaiser - Convenient Care :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
673. Kaiser - Home Care :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 72
674. BCBS - Adventures :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
675. Anthem - Helping Medi-cal Families - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
676. Anthem - Recently Lost Your Insurance? - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
677. BCBS Always here - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
678. UHC - Amazing Plans :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
679. Aetna - Perfect Choice :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
680. CVS - Stay Healthy :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
681. BCBS - Meet the Challenge :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
682. BCBS - Long Time :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
683. Kaiser - Our Rights :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
684. Kaiser - Protect Everyone :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
685. Kaiser - Mental Support :15 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
686. Aetna - Exploring Horizons :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
687. UHC - Take Advantage :60 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
688. Cigna - Medicare Advantage - Lock In 2021 (Age In) :60 - PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
689. Cigna - Medicare Advantage - Lock In 2021 (Duals/LIS) : PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
60 - Senior
690. Humana - Make It Easy :30 - National PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
691. CVS - Free Delivery :30 - National PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
692. CVS - Great Review :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
693. Kaiser - Safe Vaccination :60 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
694. BCBS - Country Pride :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
695. BCBS - Spreading Love/Care Providers :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
696. CVS - Minute Clinic (Post-COVID) :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
697. Kaiser - Thank You :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
698. Kaiser - Working Hard :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
699. BCBS - Do it :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
700. Aetna - Accessible Care Digital Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
701. BCBS - Easy Accessible Care :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
702. Aetna - Full Coverage :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
703. CVS - One Step Closer :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
704. Humana - Affordable Care :30 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
705. Humana - Dental Insurance :60 - National PC: DV_Augment2 = 1
706. Regence BCBS - Greater Good :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
707. Regence BCBS - Eventful Year :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
708. BCBS - High Reach :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
709. BCBS - Keeping in Shape :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
710. BCBS - Control :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
711. CVS - Almost :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
712. UHC - Care :30 - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
713. BCBS - Without A Day :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
714. CVS - Healthier Made Easier :30 - National PC: DV_Augment 2 = 1
715. BCBS - We Cover What Matters :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
716. Kaiser - App :15 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
717. BCBS - Care First :30 - Priority PC: DV_Augment2 = 2
718. Kaiser - App para Medicamentos :15 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
719. Kaiser - Maternidad :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
720. Kaiser - Cita Medica Virtual Papa :30 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
721. BCBS - Periodo de Inscripcion 2021 :43 - Hispanic PC: DV_Augment2 = 4
722. Kaiser - Care Banner - IFP PC: DV_Augment2 = 5
723. BCBS - Don't Be Fooled :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3
724. Cigna - Because Life Has Taught You Well :30 - Senior PC: DV_Augment2 = 3

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 73

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_AdAssign_Medallia. Hidden Variable. Capture ads assigned to rate for Medallia (combines duplicate ads)
Select all that apply.

1. What Parents Do :30 - US Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
2. Anthem :30 [Rev 2] - US Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
3. Nurse :15 [Rev 2] - US Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
4. All Good :15 [Rev 2] - US Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
5. What Parents Do :15 - US Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
6. Disability :15 (Digital) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [6] at
7. Pharmacy :15 (Digital) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [7] at
8. United HealthCare Our Song Autocode if respondent selected code [8] at
9. Kaiser Connect Autocode if respondent selected code [9] at
10. What Parents Do (Father's Day/FD TAG) :30 - US Autocode if respondent selected code [10] at
11. Humana Feel Better Autocode if respondent selected code [11] at
12. Humana Living Longer Autocode if respondent selected any codes [12,
35] at DV_AdQualify.
13. Humana Close the Gap Autocode if respondent selected code [13] at
14. Humana Stick With Us Autocode if respondent selected any codes [14,
36] at DV_AdQualify.
15. Partnership (OOH) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [15] at
16. Preventive (OOH) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [16] at
17. Dental (OOH) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [17] at
18. 24/7 (OOH) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [18] at
19. Disability (OOH) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [19] at
20. Pharmacy (OOH) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [20] at
21. Parents (Mother's Day) :15 - US Autocode if respondent selected code [21] at
22. Partnership A (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [22] at
23. Partnership B (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [23] at
24. 24/7 Access (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [24] at
25. Dental (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [25] at
26. Disability (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [26] at
27. Preventive 1 (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [27] at
28. Preventive 2 (Banner) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [28] at
29. Kaiser Offense Autocode if respondent selected code [29] at
30. Anthem (Hispanic) :30 - US Autocode if respondent selected code [30] at
31. Estamos Contigo (Hispanic) (OOH) Autocode if respondent selected code [31] at
32. Estamos Contigo (Hispanic) (Print) - US Autocode if respondent selected code [32] at
33. Kaiser Tres Hermanos Autocode if respondent selected code [33] at
34. Aetna Dancing Dad Autocode if respondent selected code [34] at
35. United HealthCare Save Big Autocode if respondent selected code [37] at
36. GoKart Live Fearless
37. Slide Live Fearless

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 74

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_AdBrand. Hidden Variable. Capture brands of ads being evaluated for analysis and pipe ins throughout the section.
Select all that apply.

1. Cigna Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-7,
10, 15-28, 30-32, 40-41, 47-62, 64-65, 67-74, 76, 78-
84, 89-98, 101, 104, 115-117, 127-136, 157, 184, 190-
206, 214, 217-224, 231-237, 250, 258-259, 264-265,
270, 274-277, 285-286, 297-298, 325-327, 329, 337,
343-344, 348, 351-356, 361-362, 366-370, 372-376,
378-383, 386-388, 392, 399, 401, 414, 420, 422-423,
438, 454-455, 463, 470-472, 474-476, 483-486, 489,
491-502, 506, 513-515, 523, 530-531, 536, 540-541,
545-550, 552-553, 556, 558-559, 563-570, 572-575,
584-586, 590-592, 597, 605-606, 609, 623-624, 627-
628, 642-643, 657-658, 688-689, 724] at
2. Humana Autocode if respondent selected any codes [11-14,
35-36, 121, 138, 140, 153, 155-156, 158-159, 164,
175, 185, 187, 209-211, 230, 238, 249, 273, 312, 398,
441, 490, 620, 626, 641, 660, 690, 704-705] at
3. UnitedHealth Group Autocode if respondent selected any codes [8, 37,
42, 66, 85-86, 100, 103, 106-107, 122, 124, 141, 145-
148, 160, 165, 167, 174, 177, 180, 183, 189, 207-208,
212-213, 225, 240, 242, 246, 266, 284, 287, 292, 296,
300, 302, 304, 309, 315, 318-320, 339] at
4. Aetna Autocode if respondent selected any codes [34,
102, 105, 150, 248, 262, 272, 322-324, 331, 333-334,
347, 358-360, 364, 371, 405, 415-417, 437, 439, 524,
534, 600, 679, 686, 700, 702] at DV_AdAssign.
5. Kaiser Permanente Autocode if respondent selected any codes [9, 29,
33, 45-46, 63, 118, 142, 154, 163, 173, 176, 186, 215,
226-227, 239, 241, 243-244, 254, 257, 260-261, 310-
311, 313, 317, 328, 346, 363, 393-394, 400, 402, 404,
406, 411, 418, 424, 440, 447-448, 461, 466, 473, 477,
481, 503-504, 507-508, 510, 512, 518, 533, 543, 579,
598-599, 603, 612-613, 616-617, 619, 622, 629-630,
635, 638, 644, 653, 663-665, 670-673, 683-685, 693,
697-698, 716, 718-720, 722] at DV_AdAssign.
6. Capital Blue Cross Autocode if respondent selected any codes [38-
39] at DV_AdAssign.
7. Anthem Autocode if respondent selected any codes [43-44,
87, 108-109, 125, 137, 139, 365, 377, 542, 576-578,
618, 656, 675-676] at DV_AdAssign.
8. Optum Autocode if respondent selected any codes [75,
517, 519] at DV_AdAssign.
9. Blue Cross Blue Shield Autocode if respondent selected any codes [88,
99, 114, 119-120, 126, 143-144, 149, 151, 166, 168,
171-172, 178-179, 182, 188, 216, 228-229, 245, 252-
253, 255, 263, 267-269, 271, 278-283, 288-291, 293-
295, 299, 301, 303, 305-308, 314, 316, 321, 330, 332,
335-336, 338, 340-342, 349-350, 357, 385, 389, 391,
396, 403, 407-410, 412-413, 425-436, 442-446, 449,
451, 456-460, 462, 465, 467, 478-480, 487-488, 505,
509, 520, 522, 525, 527-528, 532, 535, 537, 539, 544,
551, 557, 561-562, 571, 581-583, 587-589, 593-596,
601-602, 604, 607-608, 610-611, 631-632, 636, 647-
652, 654-655, 666-669, 674, 677, 681-682, 694-695,
699, 701, 706-710, 713, 715, 717, 721, 723] at
10. Oscar Autocode if respondent selected any codes [110-
113, 152, 554] at DV_AdAssign.
11. AARP Autocode if respondent selected any codes [123,
521] at DV_AdAssign.
12. Harken Health Autocode if respondent selected code [161] at
13. Molina Healthcare Autocode if respondent selected any codes [162,
247] at DV_AdAssign.
14. Innovation Health Autocode if respondent selected code [169] at
15. Centene Autocode if respondent selected any codes [170,
181] at DV_AdAssign.
16. Zocdoc Autocode if respondent selected code [251] at

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 75

17. United Healthcare Autocode if respondent selected any codes [8, 37,
42, 59, 66, 85-86, 100, 103, 106-107, 122, 124, 141,
145-148, 160, 165, 167, 174, 177, 180, 183, 189, 207-
208, 212-213, 225, 240, 242, 246, 266, 284, 287, 292,
296, 300, 302, 304, 309, 315, 318-320, 339, 345, 384,
390, 395, 397, 419, 421, 450, 452-453, 464, 468-469,
482, 511, 621, 639-640, 659, 678, 687, 712] at
18. Providence Health & Services Autocode if respondent selected code [516] at
19. CVS Autocode if respondent selected any codes [526,
529, 538, 614-615, 625, 633-634, 637, 645-646, 661-
662, 680, 691-692, 696, 703, 711, 714] at
20. Bright Health Autocode if respondent selected code [555] at
21. Health First Health Plans Autocode if respondent selected code [560] at
22. Gateway Health Plans Autocode if respondent selected code [580] at

- Programmer: Show respondents video or photo and allow playing video only twice. They cannot press “next” until
they’ve watched the video at least once, if applicable.

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Insert after ad plays once. If yes is selected, play ad again. If no is selected, continue to questions.
D1a_VideoPlay. Would you like to see/hear the ad again?
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No

Loop Start - SectionDLoop

SectionDLoop. SectionDLoop

1. [DV_AdAssign Assignment 1]
2. [DV_AdAssign Assignment 2]


- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Insert screenshot of ad at top of page.
D1_OverallLike. Which statement best describes your feeling about the ad?
Select one response.

1. I disliked it very much
2. I disliked it
3. I neither liked nor disliked it
4. I liked it
5. I liked it very much

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 76

- Show to all.
D2_BrandIdentification. Which, if any, of these companies was this advertisement for?
Select one response.

1. Blue Cross Blue Shield
2. Anthem (Wellpoint)
3. UnitedHealth Group PC: SUPPRESS AS OF AUGUST 2017
4. Aetna Inc.
5. Cigna Corporation
6. Kaiser
7. Humana
8. Capital Blue Cross
9. Optum
10. Oscar
11. AARP
12. Harken Health
13. Molina Healthcare
14. Innovation Health
15. Centene
16. Zocdoc
17. United Healthcare
18. Providence Health & Services
19. CVS
20. Bright Health
21. Health First Health Plans
22. Gateway Health Plans
99. None of these ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 77

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_CorrectIDBrand. Hidden Variable. Capture those who correctly identify brand in ad shown
Select one response.

1. Cigna Autocode if (respondent selected code [1] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [5] at
2. Humana Autocode if (respondent selected code [2] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [7] at
3. UnitedHealth Group Autocode if (respondent selected code [3] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [3] at
D2_BrandIdentification). PC: SUPPRESS AS OF
4. Aetna Autocode if (respondent selected code [4] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [4] at
5. Kaiser Permanente Autocode if (respondent selected code [5] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [6] at
7. Capital Blue Cross Autocode if (respondent selected code [6] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [8] at
8. Anthem Autocode if (respondent selected code [7] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [2] at
9. Optum Autocode if (respondent selected code [8] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [9] at
10. Blue Cross Blue Shield Autocode if (respondent selected code [9] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [1] at
11. Oscar Autocode if (respondent selected code [10] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [10]
at D2_BrandIdentification).
12. AARP Autocode if (respondent selected code [11] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [11]
at D2_BrandIdentification).
13. Harken Health Autocode if (respondent selected code [12] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [12]
at D2_BrandIdentification).
14. Molina Healthcare Autocode if (respondent selected code [13] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [13]
at D2_BrandIdentification).
15. Innovation Health Autocode if respondent selected code [14] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [14]
at D2_BrandIdentification.
16. Centene Autocode if respondent selected code [15] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [15]
at D2_BrandIdentification.
6. Did not correctly ID brand PC: Select if no code selected above
17. Zocdoc Autocode if respondent selected code [16] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [16]
at D2_BrandIdentification.
18. United Healthcare Autocode if (respondent selected code [17] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [17]
at D2_BrandIdentification).
19. Providence Health & Services Autocode if (respondent selected code [18] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [18]
at D2_BrandIdentification).
20. CVS Autocode if (respondent selected code [19] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [19]
at D2_BrandIdentification).
21. Bright Health Autocode if (respondent selected code [20] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [20]
at D2_BrandIdentification).
22. Health First Health Plans Autocode if (respondent selected code [21] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [21]
at D2_BrandIdentification).
23. Gateway Health Plans Autocode if (respondent selected code [22] at
DV_AdBrand AND respondent selected code [22]
at D2_BrandIdentification).

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 78

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Insert screenshot of ad at top of page.
D3_BrandFit. Which of the following statements best describes the advertisement you just saw/heard?
Select one response.

1. This advertisement could only be for [INSERT BRAND]
2. This advertisement could be for any health insurance
3. This advertisement could be for any company

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Insert screenshot of ad at top of page.
D4_AdFamiliarity. Which statement best describes your familiarity with the ad?
Select one response.

1. I have never seen/heard it
4. I have seen/heard it but just once or twice
3. I have seen/heard it a few times
4. I have seen/heard it frequently

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Insert screenshot of ad at top of page.
D5_AdEvaluation. Following are some statements that people like you have made about ads. We’d like to know how you feel after looking
at/hearing this advertisement. Do this by selecting a response from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree for each
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly

ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Agree
1. The ad tells me
something new about 1 2 3 4 5 6
2. (Brand) suits the kind of
1 2 3 4 5 6
person I am
3. The ad reminded me of
1 2 3 4 5 6
how I feel at times
4. I wasn’t sure what was
1 2 3 4 5 6
going on in the ad
5. I enjoyed
1 2 3 4 5 6
watching/listening to the ad
6. I do not believe what is
1 2 3 4 5 6
being said about (brand)
7. The message was
1 2 3 4 5 6
meaningful to me
8. The ad was original 1 2 3 4 5 6
9. I’ve seen/heard this ad
so many times, I’m tired of 1 2 3 4 5 6
10. It is obvious the ad is
1 2 3 4 5 6
for (Brand)
11. Made me feel more
1 2 3 4 5 6
positively about (Brand)

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 79

- Show to all.
D6_Persuasion. Based on the ad you just saw/heard, are you more, the same or less likely to consider having [Brand] as your primary
health insurance provider?
Select one response.

1. Much less likely
2. Somewhat less likely
3. Equally likely
3. Somewhat more likely
5. Much more likely

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-2, 4-17] at DV_AdBrand.
- Programmer Comment: Ask about all brands of ads.
D7_Communications. How much, if at all, do you agree the ad you just saw/heard communicated the following things?
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly

ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Agree
PC: Pipe in Brand
Name from
1. [DV_AdBrand] wants to
1 2 3 4 5 6 DV_AdBrand for
be my partner in well-being corresponding ad
PC: Pipe in Brand
2. Name from
[DV_AdBrand] understand 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV_AdBrand for
s me and my needs corresponding ad
PC: Pipe in Brand
3. [DV_AdBrand] will be Name from
there in good times and 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV_AdBrand for
bad times corresponding ad
PC: Pipe in Brand
Name from
4. [DV_AdBrand] provides
1 2 3 4 5 6 DV_AdBrand for
me with peace of mind corresponding ad

Loop End - SectionDLoop

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 80

Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2 AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_ProviderTracked

- Programmer: Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2 AND respondent selected code [1] at

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2 AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_ProviderTracked.
DT_NPS_Intro. Now, please think about your current primary health insurance provider again.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2 AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_ProviderTracked.
N1_Experience. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following?
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Strongly agree nor Strongly a
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. disagree Disagree disagree Agree gree
1 2 3 4 5
er] is a good value for the
total price I pay
1 2 3 4 5
er] makes it easy for me to
receive the care that I need
1 2 3 4 5
er] is on my side and an
advocate for me
1 2 3 4 5
er] provides timely and
helpful information to me
er] communicates with me 1 2 3 4 5
in the way I like (online,
mail, email, text, etc.)

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2 AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_ProviderTracked.
N2_EaseOfUse. Thinking about your current health insurance, how easy is it to…
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Very difficult
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. difficult Difficult nor easy Easy Very easy
1. Select the plan that is
the best fit for me and my 1 2 3 4 5
2. Understand what is
covered and not covered 1 2 3 4 5
by my plan
3. Figure out how much it
will cost before I go to the 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 81

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2 AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_ProviderTracked.
N3_SurpriseCosts. In the past year, have you received any bills for medical care or service that surprised you?
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No
3. Prefer not to say

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2 AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_ProviderTracked.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at N3_SurpriseCosts.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF NOVEMBER 2020
- Note to client: Question to be suppressed after October read.
N4_SurpriseBill. What was the unexpected or surprise bill for?
Select all that apply.

1. Emergency room visit
2. Surgery or hospital stay
3. Medical testing (labs, ultra-sounds, x-rays, etc.)
4. Chiropractor or physical therapy
5. Mental or behavioral health
6. Other__________ ANCHOR. PC: min 3 characters, max 50

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2 AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_ProviderTracked.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at N3_SurpriseCosts.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF NOVEMBER 2020
- Note to client: Question to be suppressed after October read.
N5_BillResponse. When you received the unexpected bill, what was the first thing you did?
Select one response.

1. Paid the bill (or made arrangements to pay the bill)
2.Contacted the medical provider to figure out what the bill
was for
3. Contacted your health insurance provider to
understand the cost or what the bill was for
4. Waited to see if the issue resolved itself
5. Asked a family member or friend to help you understand
the bill
6. Other__________ ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE. PC: min 3 characters, max
100 characters

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2 AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_ProviderTracked.
N6_ForgoTreatment. During the last 12 months, was there a time you did not receive medical care because you could not afford it?
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No
3. Prefer not to say

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 82

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2 AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_ProviderTracked.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF NOVEMBER 2020
- Note to client: Question to be suppressed after October read.
N7_NetworkImpact. Insurance companies make agreements with specific health care providers to provide care for their members. These
providers are referred to as "in-network."

How do you expect choosing an in-network provider would impact the cost to you?
Select one response.

1. An in-network doctor would cost more
2. An in-network doctor would cost about the same
3. An in-network doctor would cost less
4. The definition of in-network is unclear

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2 AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_ProviderTracked.
- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at N7_NetworkImpact.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF NOVEMBER 2020
- Note to client: Question to be suppressed after October read.
N8_NetworkCheck. When you make an appointment with a new provider (doctor, therapist, lab, etc.) that you have not seen before, do
you check to see whether the doctor or facility is in-network?
Select one response.

1. I check every time
2. I check sometimes
3. I do not check if I have a referral
4. I never check
5. Does not apply to me

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 83

Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1]

- Programmer: Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1]

- Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1].
DT_EmployerBHIntro. Now, we are going to ask you a few questions about your job or career.

- Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1].
EBH1_CareerChange. If the right opportunity came along in the next 2 years, how likely would you consider a job/career change?
Select one response.

1. Definitely would not
2. Probably would not
3. Might or might not
4. Probably would
5. Definitely would

- Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1].
- Show if respondent selected any codes [3-5] at EBH1_CareerChange.
- Programmer Comment: Require respondents to rank top 3.
EBH2_InfluenceChange. What factors would most likely influence your decision to consider a job/career change?
Please rank your top 3 most influential factors with 1 being the most influential, 2 as the second, and 3 as the


1. Salary [1]
2. Work/life balance [1]
3. Benefits package [1]
4. Work schedule [1]
5. Ability to flex time
between an office and [1]
remote work locations
6. Company culture and
7. Leaders that reflect my
8. Projected growth/health
of a company
9. Friend/family member
working at the company
MIN: 1. MAX:

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 84

- Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1].
- Show if respondent selected any codes [3-5] at EBH1_CareerChange. Only show row stubs selected at A1b_AidedAwareness.
- Note to client: Company logos will be shown.
EBH3_ConsiderWork. How likely would you consider working for these companies?
Select one response for each.

I'm not
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Definitely Probably Might or Probably Definitely familiar
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. would not would not might not would would enough
1. Cigna 1 2 3 4 5 99
2. Blue Cross Blue Shield 1 2 3 4 5 99
3. Aetna 1 2 3 4 5 99
4. Humana 1 2 3 4 5 99
5. United Healthcare 1 2 3 4 5 99
6. CVS Health 1 2 3 4 5 99
101. Google 1 2 3 4 5 99 Client: Always show
102. Amazon 1 2 3 4 5 99 Client: Always show
103. Apple 1 2 3 4 5 99 Client: Always show
104. Cisco 1 2 3 4 5 99 Client: Always show

- Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1].
- Hidden Question. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4-5] at EBH3_ConsiderWork.
DV_ConsiderWork. Hidden variable to capture companies T2B would consider working for.
Select all that apply.

1. Cigna
2. Blue Cross Blue Shield
3. Aetna
4. Humana
5. United Healthcare
6. CVS Health
101. Google
102. Amazon
103. Apple
104. Cisco
99. None of these Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [1-6,
101-104] at DV_ConsiderWork.

- Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1].
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: Prioritize assigning Cigna if selected at DV_ConsiderWork
DV_EBHAssigned. Assigner
Select all that apply.

Eligibility variable: DV_ConsiderWork

Maximum number of categories to assign: 1
If less than 1 category is assigned: Continue, but skip questions with logic referencing DV_EBHAssigned

Step 1:
Assignment type: Random
Maximum number of categories that can be assigned to this step: 1
Only assign specific categories?: Yes, one or more stubs from the eligibility variable


Programmer Comment: If Cigna is eligible, assign this.

Step 2:
Assignment type: Random
Maximum number of categories that can be assigned to this step: 1
Only assign specific categories?: No, anything eligible can be assigned

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 85

Programmer Comment: If Cigna is not eligible, randomly assign another eligible company.

- Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1].
- Programmer Comment: Prioritize Cigna if selected at DV_ConsiderWork.  Else, randomly assign another brand selected at
EBH4_WorkPerceptions. Please think about: [Brand Assigned]
What is your perception of its work culture?
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Strongly agree nor Strongly
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. disagree Disagree disagree Agree agree
1. The company is
invested in diversity in its 1 2 4 4 5
2. There is a culture of
1 2 4 4 5
3. There is a focus on
1 2 4 4 5
employee wellness
4. The company
emphasizes work/life 1 2 4 4 5

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 86

Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2
Programmer Comment: SUPPRESSED AFTER OCTOBER 2020 READ (Turned off @ DV_OnOff)

- Programmer: Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Show if respondent selected code [2] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.
DT_ChoosingPlan. Next, we would like to know how confident you feel about choosing a health insurance plan.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.
DT_Choosing_UsingPlan. Next, we would like to know how confident you feel about choosing a health insurance plan and using your
current plan's benefits.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
H1_PickingPlan. When choosing a health insurance plan, how confident are you that you…
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Not at all Slightly Somewhat  Very confi

ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. confident confident confident dent Don't know
1. Understand health
insurance words, phrases 1 2 3 4 99
or language
2. Know what questions to
ask so you can choose the 1 2 3 4 99
best plan for you
3. Can estimate what you
have to pay for your health
care needs in the next 1 2 3 4 99
year, not including
4. Would choose the
health plan that is best for 1 2 3 4 99
5. Know where to go for
help if you are having
1 2 3 4 99
trouble paying for your
health care
6. Know where to find the
information you need to
1 2 3 4 99
choose the health plan that
is best for you

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 87

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
H2_ComparingPlans. When comparing health insurance plans, how likely are you to…
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Not at all Not very Somewhat

ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. likely likely likely Very likely Don't know
1. Understand how the
1 2 3 4 99
plans differ
2. Find out if you have to
meet a deductible for 1 2 3 4 99
health care services
3. Look to see which
doctors and hospitals are 1 2 3 4 99
covered in each plan
4. Understand what you
would have to pay for 1 2 3 4 99
prescription medications
5. Understand what you
would have to pay for
1 2 3 4 99
emergency department
6. Understand what you
would have to pay for 1 2 3 4 99
specialists visits

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.
H3_NavigatePlan. Thinking about your current primary health insurance plan, how confident are you that you know…
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Not at all Slightly Somewhat  Very confi

ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. confident confident confident dent Don't know
1. How to find out what will
and will not be covered 1 2 3 4 99
before you receive care
2. How to figure out your
share of the cost for care,
1 2 3 4 99
after your health insurance
pays their share
3. What questions to ask
your health insurance
1 2 3 4 99
provider if you have a
coverage problem
4. What to do if your
health insurance refuses to
1 2 3 4 99
pay for care you think
should be covered

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 88

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.
H4_UsingPlan. When using your health insurance plan, how likely are you to…
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Not at all Not very Somewhat

ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. likely likely likely Very likely Don't know
1. Look into what your
health plan will and will not
1 2 3 4 99
cover before you receive
2. Contact your health
insurance provider to
1 2 3 4 99
determine what is covered
before you receive care
3. Find out if a
doctor/provider is in-
1 2 3 4 99
network before you see
4. Review the statement
from your health insurance
showing what you owe and 1 2 3 4 99
what they covered after
you receive care

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 89

Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Language

- Programmer: Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Language

- Programmer: Please only show Concept Testing section to National Rep (DV_Augment2=NationalRep)

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Language.
- Hidden Question.
DV_ShowConcept. Hidden variable: capture whether the concept testing section is showing for respondents or not (quota button)
Select one response.

1. Concept testing section on
2. Concept testing section off

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Language.
DT_ConceptIntro Thank you for your time so far. For the next section, we have a product or service concept that we would first like you to
. review. We will then show you different potential names for this concept and ask you for your feedback.

Please read the concept carefully before you click the "Next" button.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Language.
- Programmer Comment: Allow respondent to click "next" after 10 seconds
DT_ConceptText. Cigna is introducing a brand new model of customer service and would like your help in determining the best name for
this service.

The Digital Stand Alone Decision Support (SADS) tool provides you with assistance in selecting a medical plan, network,
and PCP for Cigna medical plans. First, you answer a few brief questions about your health and medical plan needs.
Then you receive a customized summary of your medical plan choices ranked by ‘Best Fit,’ ‘Next Best Fit’ and ‘Good
Fit’. Depending on the options provided by your employer, you will have the option to compare plans and make the best
choice based on your needs. For complex plan designs, such as narrow network or high deductible plans, this tool
provides you with a simplified approach to making a big decision.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Language.
- Hidden Question.
DV_FirstAssigned. Hidden question: Capture concept name assigned to rate first to check for bias
Select one response.

1. Cigna 90 Now PC: Select if first message assigned at Name Test
Loop; August 2016 Suppressed.
2. Cigna Script Ease 90 PC: Select if first message assigned at Name Test
Loop; August 2016 Suppressed.
3. Cigna Steady Script 90 PC: Select if first message assigned at Name Test
Loop; August 2016 Suppressed.
4. Cigna Hospital Care Plan PC: Either show code 4 or 5, not both; August
2016 Suppressed
5. Cigna Hospital Care Plus – Plan PC: Either show code 4 or 5, not both; August
2016 Suppressed
6. Cigna Hospital Support Plan PC: Either show code 6 or 7, not both; August
2016 Suppressed
7. Cigna Hospital Support Plus – Plan PC: Either show code 6 or 7, not both; August
2016 Suppressed
8. Cigna Hospital Indemnity Plan PC: August 2016 Suppressed
9. Guided Benefit Source PC: August 2016 Suppressed
10. Pathlight Benefit Solutions PC: August 2016 Suppressed
11. Cigna One Guide PC: February 2017 Suppressed
12. Cigna Sure Guide PC: February 2017 Suppressed
13. Cigna Easy Choice Tool PC: New for February 2017; Select if First Message
Assigned at Name Test Loop
14. Cigna Choice Assist Tool PC: New for February 2017; Select if First Message
Assigned at Name Test Loop

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 90

15. Cigna Choose Well Tool PC: New for February 2017; Select if First Message
Assigned at Name Test Loop

Loop Start - NameTestLoop

- Programmer Comment: Show name on screen at the top of each question.
NameTestLoop. NameTestLoop

1. Cigna 90 Now PC: August 2016 Suppressed
2. Cigna Script Ease 90 PC: August 2016 Suppressed
3. Cigna Steady Script 90 PC: August 2016 Suppressed
4. Cigna Hospital Care Plan PC: Either show code 4 or 5, not both; August
2016 Suppressed
5. Cigna Hospital Care Plus – Plan PC: Either show code 4 or 5, not both; August
2016 Suppressed
6. Cigna Hospital Support Plan PC: Either show code 6 or 7, not both; August
2016 Suppressed
7. Cigna Hospital Support Plus – Plan PC: Either show code 6 or 7, not both; August
2016 Suppressed
8. Cigna Hospital Indemnity Plan PC: August 2016 Suppressed
9. Guided Benefit Source PC: August 2016 Suppressed
10. Pathlight Benefit Solutions PC: August 2016 Suppressed
11. Cigna One Guide PC: February 2017 Suppressed
12. Cigna Sure Guide PC: February 2017 Suppressed
13. Cigna Easy Choice Tool PC: New for February 2017; Select if First Message
Assigned at Name Test Loop
14. Cigna Choice Assist Tool PC: New for February 2017; Select if First Message
Assigned at Name Test Loop
15. Cigna Choose Well Tool PC: New for February 2017; Select if First Message
Assigned at Name Test Loop


- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Language.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Programmer Comment: Show scale horizontally.
In relation to the concept you have just read, how much do you like the name presented above?
Please select one response. You may choose any point on the scale.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Language.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Programmer Comment: Show scale horizontally.
How well do you think this name fits with the concept that you reviewed earlier?
Please select one response. You may choose any point on the scale.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Language.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Programmer Comment: Show scale horizontally.
In relation to the concept you have just seen, how unique is the name presented above?
Please select one response. You may choose any point on the scale.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 91

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Language.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Programmer Comment: Show scale horizontally.
How memorable is the name presented above?
Please select one response. You may choose any point on the scale.

Loop End - NameTestLoop

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Language.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
Concept5_ForceChoice. In relation to the concept you have just seen, which of the following names do you like the most?
Select one response.

1. Cigna 90 Now PC: August 2016 Suppressed
2. Cigna Script Ease 90 PC: August 2016 Suppressed
3. Cigna Steady Script 90 PC: August 2016 Suppressed
4. Cigna Hospital Care Plan PC: Either show code 4 or 5, not both; August
2016 Suppressed
5. Cigna Hospital Care Plus – Plan PC: Either show code 4 or 5, not both; August
2016 Suppressed
6. Cigna Hospital Support Plan PC: Either show code 6 or 7, not both; August
2016 Suppressed
7. Cigna Hospital Support Plus – Plan PC: Either show code 6 or 7, not both; August
2016 Suppressed
8. Cigna Hospital Indemnity Plan PC: August 2016 Suppressed
9. Guided Benefit Source PC: August 2016 Suppressed
10. Pathlight Benefit Solutions PC: August 2016 Suppressed
11. Cigna One Guide PC: February 2017 Suppressed
12. Cigna Sure Guide PC: February 2017 Suppressed
13. Cigna Easy Choice Tool PC: New for February 2017; Select if First Message
Assigned at Name Test Loop
14. Cigna Choice Assist Tool PC: New for February 2017; Select if First Message
Assigned at Name Test Loop
15. Cigna Choose Well Tool PC: New for February 2017; Select if First Message
Assigned at Name Test Loop

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 92

Loop Start - GBHTLoopLoopthroughamaxof3brandsassignedatDV_RatethesamebrandsfromIIMandRC

- Programmer Comment: Show brands assigned at DV_Rate
GBHTLoopLoopthroughamaxof3brandsassignedatDV_RatethesamebrandsfromIIMandRC. GBHTLoopLoopthroughamaxof3brandsassignedatDV_Ratethes



LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 93

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: ASK ONCE A YEAR IN OCTOBER TO COMPARE WITH GBHT. Repeat headers every 5 rows.
GBHT1_RationalBrandRatings. For each of the statements listed below, please tell us how much you agree or disagree that the statement
describes [INSERT BRAND]. If you have never used [INSERT BRAND] before, please give your answers
based on your impressions of it.
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Enough to
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Rate
1. Helps me proactively
1 2 3 4 5 99
take good care of myself
2. Is a leader in delivering
health benefits and 1 2 3 4 5 99
wellness solutions
3. Helps me recover
1 2 3 4 5 99
quickly when ill
4. Is a company for
1 2 3 4 5 99
someone like me
5. Is a company I trust 1 2 3 4 5 99
6. Is a company I’ve heard
1 2 3 4 5 99
good things about
7. Is a health insurance
company that will always 1 2 3 4 5 99
be there for me
8. Is easy to work with 1 2 3 4 5 99
9. Is innovative and
1 2 3 4 5 99
10. Is open and
transparent in its business 1 2 3 4 5 99
11. Is sensitive to my
1 2 3 4 5 99
cultural/language needs
12. Offers coverage that
can be tailored to my 1 2 3 4 5 99
individual needs
13. Offers programs that
help me achieve better 1 2 3 4 5 99
14. Partners with me to
1 2 3 4 5 99
improve my total well-being
15. Provides a sense of
1 2 3 4 5 99
safety and security
16. Provides expert and
helpful guidance and 1 2 3 4 5 99
PC: Hide Stub -
17. Will be there "for me"
1 2 3 4 5 99 Suppress starting July
in good times and bad 2016

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 94

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Repeat headers every 5 rows. ASK ONCE A YEAR IN OCTOBER
GBHT2_StatementEval. Listed below are some phrases. Please tell us how much you agree or disagree that the phrase describes
[INSERT BRAND]. Even if you are not very familiar with this company, please rate it based on anything you may
know or have heard about the company. For each statement, please rate the company and then move on to the
next statement.
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Enough to
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Rate
1. Delivers on promise 1 2 3 4 5 99
2. Has an easy and
1 2 3 4 5 99
efficient claims process
3. Offers programs that
helps me achieve better 1 2 3 4 5 99
health and peace of mind
4. Has a culture that puts
1 2 3 4 5 99
customer first
5. Is a premier provider of
healthcare insurance 1 2 3 4 5 99
6. Has expertise in the
field of helathcare 1 2 3 4 5 99
7. Cares about its
1 2 3 4 5 99
8. Treats its customers
1 2 3 4 5 99
with dignity and respect
9. Provides good value for
1 2 3 4 5 99
the money
10. Recognizes each of its
customers as an individual 1 2 3 4 5 99
with unique needs
11. Helps improve the
1 2 3 4 5 99
quality of healthcare
12. Has been
1 2 3 4 5 99
recommended to me
13. Has a broad network
of hospitals, doctors, and 1 2 3 4 5 99
clinics that meet my needs
14. Treats its customers
with compassion and 1 2 3 4 5 99
15. Is a company that I
1 2 3 4 5 99
can relate to
16. Offers coverage that
can be tailored to my 1 2 3 4 5 99
individual needs
17. Gives customers
information and options so
1 2 3 4 5 99
they can make affordable
18. Provides expert and
helpful guidance and 1 2 3 4 5 99
19. Has
integrated/comprehensive 1 2 3 4 5 99
20. Strives to improve
1 2 3 4 5 99
affordability and value

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 95

21. Has relevant data that
can help me choose
doctors and medical
provides that may be right
1 2 3 4 5 99
for my needs

22. Provides the best

possible quality healthcare 1 2 3 4 5 99
23. Is easy to do business
1 2 3 4 5 99
24. Is reliable and
1 2 3 4 5 99
25. Provides personalized
1 2 3 4 5 99
26. Anticipates customer
1 2 3 4 5 99
27. Comes up with fresh
ideas for new products and 1 2 3 4 5 99
28. Is a company that
1 2 3 4 5 99
shares my values
29. Is a health insurance
company that would 1 2 3 4 5 99
always be there for me
30. Portrays what a really
good health insurance 1 2 3 4 5 99
company should be like
31. Has a positive
1 2 3 4 5 99
message I feel good about
32. Is meaningful to me 1 2 3 4 5 99
33. Offers customers
1 2 3 4 5 99
choice and flexibility
34. Makes health
insurance easier to 1 2 3 4 5 99
understand/ less confusing
35. Treats customers like
1 2 3 4 5 99
an individual, not a number

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: ASK ONCE A YEAR IN OCTOBER
GBHT3_NonRationalBrandRatings_GBHT. Listed below are some characteristics or personality traits. For [INSERT BRAND], please select
all the characteristics that you feel describe this company.
Select all that apply for each.


1. Caring 1
2. Honest 1
4. Inspirational 1
7. Reliable 1
8. Creative 1
9. Modern 1
11. Trustworthy 1
15. Intrusive 1
17. Straightforward 1
20. Empowering 1
24. Old-fashioned 1
25. Consistent 1
27. Passionate 1
29. Open-minded 1
30. Credible 1
31. Empathetic 1
32. Engaging 1
33. Insightful 1
34. Personal 1
35. Proactive 1

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 96

36. Reassuring 1
37. Responsive 1
38. Supportive 1
39. Transparent 1
99. None of these 1

Loop End - GBHTLoopLoopthroughamaxof3brandsassignedatDV_RatethesamebrandsfromIIMandRC

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 97

Show if respondent selected code [5] at A1b_AidedAwareness AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2

- Programmer: Show if respondent selected code [5] at A1b_AidedAwareness AND respondent selected code [1] at

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at A1b_AidedAwareness AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Programmer Comment: Do not show code 11 “Not aware of Cigna.” Autocode as code 11 if not asked question.
Social3_CharitySupport. Which of the following types of charities have you supported in the past?
Select all that apply.

1. Hunger
2. Disaster relief
3. Environment/animals
4. Healthcare/disease
5. Access to clean water
6. Economic/community development
7. Education
8. Arts/culture
9. Religion
10. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at A1b_AidedAwareness AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Programmer Comment: Do not show code 10. Autocode as code 10 if not asked question.

Force respondents to enter 1, 2, and 3 in ranking the stubs - do not allow multiple entries of the same number.
Social4_CharityPriority. How would you rank the following non-profit or charity categories for a company to focus on in the future? Please
rank your top priority as "1," your second as "2," and your third as "3."
Please rank your top 3.


1. Hunger [1]
2. Disaster relief [1]
3. Environment/animals [1]
4. Healthcare/disease [1]
5. Access to clean water [1]
6. Economic/community
7. Education [1]
8. Arts/culture [1]
9. Religion [1]
MIN: 1. MAX:

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at A1b_AidedAwareness AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Hidden Question.
DV_SocPriorityAsk Hidden Variable. Capture whether question is asked for CharityPriority
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 98

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at A1b_AidedAwareness AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Programmer Comment: DO NOT show column 5. Autocode as "Not Aware of Cigna" if not asked question.
Social1_CignaSpon. How familiar are you with Cigna's sponsorship of:
Select one response for each.

Not Aware
of Cigna
COLS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Not at All Not Very Somewhat Very [DO NOT
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Familiar Familiar Familiar Familiar SHOW]
1. March of Dimes 1 2 3 4 5
2. Achilles International
Athletic Competitions (for
1 2 3 4 5
those with physical
Autocode if
not asked

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at A1b_AidedAwareness AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Programmer Comment: Do not show code 7 “Not aware of Cigna.” Autocode as code 7 if not asked question.
Social2_CignaSupp. Are you aware of Cigna's support of any of the following initiatives, including those in your local community?
Select all that apply.

1. Hunger and nutrition initiatives
2. Efforts to improve community health
3. Health education/awareness
4. Mentoring and education programs
5. Disaster relief
6. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 99

Show if for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1] AND respondent selected code [1] at

- Programmer: Show if for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1] AND respondent
selected code [1] at DV_Augment2

- Show if for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1] AND respondent selected code [1] at
Travel1_TravelFrequency. How often do you travel out of country for work?
Select one response.

1. More than 75% of the time
2. 50-75%
3. 25-49%
4. 10-24%
5. Less than 10% of the time
6. Never

- Show if for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1] AND respondent selected code [1] at
- Show if respondent did NOT select code [6] at Travel1_TravelFrequency.
Travel2_OfferInsurance. Does your employer offer you business travel insurance to cover you when out of country?
Select one response.

1. Yes - For all my business travels
2. Yes - For most business trips
3. Yes but rarely
4. No
5. Don't know/not sure

- Show if for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1] AND respondent selected code [1] at
- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at Travel2_OfferInsurance.
Travel3_InsuranceCovered. What is covered by your employer sponsored business travel insurance while you are travelling outside of the
Select all that apply.

1. Accidental death
2. Loss of luggage
3. Trip delays/cancellation
4. Repatriation/evacuation
5. Medical expenses
6. Other ANCHOR.
7. Don’t know/not sure ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 100

- Show if for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1] AND respondent selected code [1] at
- Show if respondent did NOT select code [6] at Travel1_TravelFrequency.
Travel4_InsuranceBrands. Thinking about business travel insurance, please indicate which of the following companies you have ever
heard of for business travel insurance.
Select all that apply.

1. AIG
2. American Express
3. Travelex Insurance Services
4. ACE
5. Chubb
6. IMG
7. Seven Corners
8. HTH
9. Cigna
11. Anthem
12. Blue Cross / Blue Shield
10. Don't know ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Show if for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1] AND respondent selected code [1] at
- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at Travel2_OfferInsurance.
- Programmer Comment: Randomize codes in same order as Travel4
Travel5_UsualCoverage. From which company or companies do you usually get business travel insurance coverage?
Select all that apply.

1. AIG PC: Show if selected at Travel4
2. American Express PC: Show if selected at Travel4
3. Travelex Insurance Services PC: Show if selected at Travel4
4. ACE PC: Show if selected at Travel4
5. Chubb PC: Show if selected at Travel4
6. IMG PC: Show if selected at Travel4
7. Seven Corners PC: Show if selected at Travel4
8. HTH PC: Show if selected at Travel4
9. Cigna PC: Show if selected at Travel4
10. Blue Cross / Blue Shield PC: Show if selected at Travel4
11. Anthem PC: Show if selected at Travel4

- Show if for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1] AND respondent selected code [1] at
- Hidden Question.
DV_UsualCoverage. Hidden variable. Capture usual travel insurance coverage, code selected or not asked for each respondent
Select one response for each.


1. AIG 1 2 3
2. American Express 1 2 3
3. Travelex Insurance
1 2 3
4. ACE 1 2 3
5. Chubb 1 2 3
6. IMG 1 2 3
7. Seven Corners 1 2 3
8. HTH 1 2 3
9. Cigna 1 2 3
10. Blue Cross / Blue
1 2 3
11. Anthem 1 2 3

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 101

Show if (respondent did NOT select code [1] at S5_Ethnicity AND respondent did NOT select codes [32, 188] at
S5a_CountryCulture) AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2

- Programmer: Show if (respondent did NOT select code [1] at S5_Ethnicity AND respondent did NOT select codes [32,
188] at S5a_CountryCulture) AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2

- Show if (respondent did NOT select code [1] at S5_Ethnicity AND respondent did NOT select codes [32, 188] at
S5a_CountryCulture) AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
Multi1_Services. Listed below are some services that a culturally sensitive organization can offer its customers.
A culturally sensitive company considers cultural differences like language and traditions when providing a product or
service to its customers.

Please RANK each service from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most valuable activity to you and 5 being the least valuable.
Enter numeric responses.


1. Helps me find a doctor
that speaks my preferred [1]
2. Offers customer
service in my preferred
language to avoid the use
of an interpreter
3. Provides me with
documents, brochures
and materials, like [1]
enrollment information in
my preferred language
4. Offers health services,
such as health coaching,
tailored to my cultural
values and practices
5. Provides websites,
mobile and other digital
tools in my preferred
6. None of the above is
[1] ANCHOR. PC: Show as separate stub. If selected, no numeric responses can be input.
important to me
MIN: 1. MAX:

- Show if (respondent did NOT select code [1] at S5_Ethnicity AND respondent did NOT select codes [32, 188] at
S5a_CountryCulture) AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Show if any row [6] at Multi1_Services, the value in any column [1].
Multi2_ProviderChoice. Suppose you have to decide between two health insurance providers, Company A and B; both offer the same
plan coverage and network.

- Company A: charges a lower premium/cost for the coverage, but it is not culturally sensitive to your needs and
doesn’t offer any of the activities listed in the previous question.
- Company B: charges a higher premium/cost for the coverage but it is sensitive to your cultural needs (offers
most of the activities listed in the previous question)

How much more would you be willing to pay to choose Company B and have a healthcare provider that is
culturally sensitive to your needs?
Select one response.

1. I would not be willing to pay more
2. I would be willing to pay a little bit more
3. I would be willing to pay somewhat more
4. I would be willing to pay significantly more

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 102

- Show if (respondent did NOT select code [1] at S5_Ethnicity AND respondent did NOT select codes [32, 188] at
S5a_CountryCulture) AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_Augment2.
- Show if any row [6] at Multi1_Services, the value in any column [1].
Multi3_ProviderNeeds. Thinking of health insurance companies, please indicate how important each of these is to you in a health
insurance company.
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Not at all Not very Somewhat Very Extremely
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. important important important important important
1. Has a broad network of
hospital, doctors, clinics 1 2 3 4 5
that meet my needs
2. Provides good value for
1 2 3 4 5
the money
3. Offers coverage that
can be tailored to my 1 2 3 4 5
individual needs
4. Provides expert and
helpful guidance and 1 2 3 4 5
5. Treats each customer
like an individual, not a 1 2 3 4 5
6. Is easy to work with 1 2 3 4 5
7. Offers programs and
helps me achieve better 1 2 3 4 5
health and peace of mind
8. Delivers on its promise 1 2 3 4 5
9. Understands and meets
my cultural and language 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 103

- Show to all.
HCP1_Awareness Thinking about any company that offers healthcare services, please indicate which of the following companies you have
. ever heard of.
Select all that apply.

Uses HCPBrandList
999. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_HCPAware. Hidden Variable. Capture code selected or not asked for each respondent at HCP Awareness
Select one response for each.


Uses HCPBrandList 1 2 3

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show only brands selected at HCP1_Awareness (Aware of brand).
HCP2_HCPFamiliarity. How familiar are you with each of the following healthcare providers?
Select one response for each.

Not at all
familiar - I
have only
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. heard the Not very Somewhat Very
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. name familiar familiar familiar
Uses HCPBrandList 1 2 3 4

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show only brands selected code [2, 3 or 4] at HCP2_HCPFamiliarity.
HCP3_Favorability. For each of the following companies, please tell us your opinion of each brand. Even if you are not very familiar with a
company, please give your answer based on your impression of it.
Select one response for each.

Very Somewhat
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. unfavorabl unfavorabl Somewhat Very
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. e e favorable Favorable favorable
Uses HCPBrandList 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 104

Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at DV_County

- Programmer: Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at DV_County

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at DV_County.
DT_DSAIntro. Now, we are going to ask you a few questions about partnerships between health insurance companies and hospital/
doctors’ groups.

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at DV_County.
- Programmer Comment: Show brand logos.
DSA1_DSAAwareness. Which of the following partnerships have you ever heard of?
Select all that apply.

Uses DSABrandList
999. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at DV_County.
- Only show row stubs selected at DSA1_DSAAwareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show brand logos. Keep logos in the same order as DSAAwareness.
DSA2_DSAFamiliarity. How familiar are you with each of the following insurance company partnerships?
Select one response for each.

Not at all
familiar - I
have only
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. heard the Not very Somewhat Very
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. name familiar familiar familiar
Uses DSABrandList 1 2 3 4

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at DV_County.
- Hidden Question.
DV_DSAFamiliarity. Hidden variable to capture T3B familiarity for Medallia.
Select one response for each.


Uses DSABrandList 1 2 3

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at DV_County.
- Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [1] at DV_DSAFamiliarity.
- Programmer Comment: Show only brands that selected Yes at DV_DSAFamiliarity.

Show brand logos.  Keep logos in the same order as DSAAwareness.

DSA3_DSAFavorability. For each of the following, please tell us your opinion of each partnership. Even if you are not very familiar with a
partnership, please give your answer based on your impression of it.
Select one response for each.

Very Somewhat
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. unfavorabl unfavorabl Somewhat Very
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. e e favorable Favorable favorable
Uses DSABrandList 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 105

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at DV_County.
- Hidden Question.
DV_DSAFavorability. Hidden variable to capture T2B Favorability for Medallia.
Select one response for each.


Uses DSABrandList 1 2 3

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at DV_County.
- Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [1] at DV_DSAFamiliarity.
- Programmer Comment: Show only brands that selected Yes at DV_DSAFamiliarity.

Show brand logos.  Keep logos in the same order as DSAAwareness.

DSA4_DSAPerception. How does each partnership impact your perception of Cigna?
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Significantl Somewhat Somewhat Significantl

ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. y worse worse No change better y better
Uses DSABrandList 1 2 3 4 5

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at DV_County.
- Hidden Question.
DV_DSAPerception. Hidden variable to capture T2B Perception for Medallia.
Select one response for each.


Uses DSABrandList 1 2 3

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 106

- Show if, for any row [1-2] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1].
E1_SizeOfCompany. About how many people are currently employed on a full-time basis by your company?
Select one response.

1. Fewer than 50
2. 50 to 250
3. 251 to 499
4. 500 to 999
5. 1,000 to 1,499
6. 1,500 to 4,999
7. 5,000 to 9,999
8. 10,000 or more

Subsection Start - Employer Brand Health Profiling

Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1]

- Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1].
E15_EBH_Industry. What area of professional/work expertise do you most align with?
Select one response.

1. Marketing/Communications
2. Operations
3. Technology
4. Customer Service
5. Administrative
6. Human Resources
7. Legal
8. Sales
9. Patient Care/Pharmacy
10. Finance
11. Data & Analytics
12. Other ANCHOR.

- Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1].
E16_EBH_YearsExperience. Approximately how many years of experience do you have in your field?
Enter a numeric response.


Subsection End - Employer Brand Health Profiling

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 107

- Show if, for any row [1-3] at S14_Employment, the respondent selected code [1].
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF APRIL 2020
E2_IndustryofWork Which of the following best describes the industry in which you work?
Select one response.

15. Accommodation or Food services
18. Advertising, public relations, marketing or market
1. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing
16. Arts, entertainment, or recreation
3. Construction
19. Education (Higher education)
20. Education (K-12 education)
21. Education (Other educational services)
22. Finance or insurance other than health insurance
23. Government (Federal government)
24. Government (Municipal government)
25. Government (Other public administration)
26. Government (State government)
27. Health insurance and/or other employee benefits
28. Healthcare (Hospitals)
29. Healthcare (Other)
10. Information such as publishing (book, software,
magazine, etc.), telecommunications (cable, satellite,
radio, etc.), internet services
4. Manufacturing
2. Mining
17. Professional Services, Scientific, and Technical Services
(such as computer systems design, IT, Management)
11. Real Estate or Rental / Leasing
6. Retail trade
30. Social assistance
8. Transportation or warehousing
5. Utilities such as communications, electric, gas, and
sanitary service
7. Wholesale trade
98. Other ANCHOR.

- Show to all.
E3_PeopleInHH. Including yourself, how many people are currently living in your household?
Enter a numeric response.


- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Code based on numeric responses at E3_PeopleInHH
DV_PeopleinHH. Hidden Variable. Capture number of people in HH for segmentation algorithm
Select one response.

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5 
6. 6
7. 7
8. 8
9. 9
10. 10+

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 108

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF APRIL 2020
E4_EligibleForGovernmentAssistance. Are you eligible for any subsidies or assistance from the government in paying for your health
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No
3. Don't know/Not sure

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 109

- Show if respondent did NOT select codes [6-7] at DV_Age AND respondent selected code [1] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.
- Programmer Comment: Repeat headers every 5 rows
QC Flag if question is straight-lined.
E5_HealthCondition. Please indicate whether you, or the person in your household who has the largest care needs on your healthcare
plan in the past 12 months, have been diagnosed with the following health conditions.
Select all that apply for each.

1. Breathing/lung
problems (chronic
1 2
bronchitis or emphysema,
asthma, COPD, etc.)
2. Heart problems
(coronary artery disease,
chronic heart failure, high
blood pressure, peripheral 1 2
vascular arterial disease
(PAD), angina, arrhythmia,
3. Pain/disability 1 2
4. Cancer 1 2
5. Stroke 1 2
6. Kidney problems
(enlarged prostate,
incontinence, kidney 1 2
stones, overactive bladder,
7. Chronic low back pain
1 2
8. Weight problems
(obesity, anorexia, bulimia, 1 2
9. Sleep problems 1 2
10. Arthritis or other
rheumatic diseases 1 2
(fibromyalgia, gout, etc.)
11. Osteoarthritis 1 2
12. Diabetes (type 1 or
1 2
type 2)
13. Stress, mental or
emotional disorders
(anxiety disorder, attention
1 2
deficit disorder,
depression, autism, panic
attacks, etc.)
14. High cholesterol 1 2
15. Digestive disorders
1 2
(ulcers, colitis, etc.)
16. Neurological disorders
(Alzheimer’s, ALS/Lou
1 2
Gehrig’s disease, cerebral
palsy, epilepsy, etc.)
17. None of the above 1 2 ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.
Show if
provided at
HH is
greater than

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 110

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF APRIL 2020
E5a_AnnualVisit. An “annual health check-up” is a visit to a physician where various physical/mental wellness exams (e.g., height, weight,
BMI, blood pressure, history, psychosocial/behavioral assessment) can be performed and anticipatory guidance and risk-
reduction education are given.

Thinking about last year, Jan 1, 2019 to Dec 31, 2019, did you see a provider for an annual health check-up or wellness
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No, I was planning to go but didn’t get the chance
3. No and I wasn’t planning to

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF APRIL 2020
E5b_FutureAnnual. Now thinking about [DV_Year], have you or do you plan to have an annual health check-up or wellness visit in
Select one response.

1. I already had an annual check-up in 2020
2. I have not yet had the appointment but I plan to/ have one
3. I don’t plan to have an annual check-up in 2020

- Show if respondent did NOT select codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
E6_DoctorVisits. Approximately how many total individual doctor visits, including to your primary care doctor and specialists, have you
personally had in the last 12 months?
Enter a numeric response.


- Show if respondent did NOT select codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
E7_Weight. What is your weight? If unsure of your exact weight, please provide your best estimate.
Enter a numeric response.


- Show if respondent did NOT select codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
E8_Biometrics. In the past 12 months, how many times have you personally checked biometrics, including cholesterol, glucose, or
triglyceride levels?
Select one response.

1. None
2. Once
3. Twice
4. Three or more times

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 111

- Show if respondent did NOT select codes [6-7] at DV_Age AND respondent selected code [1] at S7_HaveHealthInsurance.
E9_AlsoCovered. In addition to yourself, who is covered under your current health insurance plan?
Select all that apply.

1. My spouse/partner Show if respondent selected any codes [5-6] at
2. Children (under age 2) Show if respondent selected code [1] at
3. Children (age 2 – 5) Show if respondent selected code [2] at
4. Children (age 6 – 17) Show if respondent selected any codes [3-4] at
5. Children (age 18 – 26) Show if respondent selected code [7] at
6. Other Family Members PC: Show all.
7. No one else ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Hidden Question. Applies if respondent did NOT select codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
DV_AlsoCovered. Hidden Variable: Capture other people covered under insurance plan, code selected or not asked for each respondent
Select one response for each.


1. My spouse/partner 1 2 3
2. Children (under age 2) 1 2 3
3. Children (age 2 – 5) 1 2 3
4. Children (age 6 – 17) 1 2 3
5. Children (age 18 – 26) 1 2 3
6. Other Family Members 1 2 3
7. No one else 1 2 3

- Show if respondent did NOT select codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
E10_AlcoholConsumption. On average, how many alcoholic drinks, if any, do you consume each week? By alcoholic beverages, we mean
beer, wine, or spirits (hard alcohol).
Select one response.

1. None
2. 1-2
3. 3-5
4. 6-9
5. 10 or more

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 112

- Hidden Question. Applies if respondent did NOT select codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
DV_Segment. Hidden question. Capture consumer's segment based on Cigna's segmentation algorithm
Age: S4_Age
Income: S6_Income
Gender: S3_Gender
Marital status: S12_MaritalStatus
Ethnicity: S5_Ethnicity
Education: S13_Education
Conditions: E5_HealthConditions
Number of doctor visits: E6_DoctorVisits
Weight: E7_Weight
Healthcare behaviors: E8_Biometrics
Others covered: DV_AlsoCovered
Alcohol: E10_AlcoholConsumption
Select one response.

1. Segment 1
2. Segment 2
3. Segment 3
4. Segment 4
5. Segment 5
6. Segment 6
7. Segment 7
8. Segment 8

Subsection Start - Senior Segment

Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age

- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
F1_GeneralHealth. How often do you experience each of the following behaviors about your general health?
Select one response for each.


ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always
1. You get preventive care
and recommended
1 2 3 4 5
screenings to optimize
your health
2. You would like to learn
how to manage your stress 1 2 3 4 5
more effectively
3. You have lots of energy 1 2 3 4 5

- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
F2_PCPVisits. Approximately how many visits to your primary care doctor have you personally had in the last 12 months?
Enter a numeric response.


- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
F3_NumMedications. Approximately how many different medications have you been prescribed in the last 12 months?
Enter a numeric response.


LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 113

- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
F4_NumActivities. In the past 12 months, how many times have you personally done any of the following?
Select one response for each.

ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. None Once Twice more
1. Had a yearly wellness
0 1 2 3
or physical exam
2. Had your biometrics
checked, including
0 1 2 3
cholesterol, glucose, or
triglyceride levels

- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
F5_FluShot. Have you had a flu shot since July 1 of 2021?
Select one response.

1. Yes
0. No

- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
F6_PneumoniaShot. Have you ever had a pneumonia shot?
This shot is usually given only once or twice in a person's lifetime and is different from a flu shot. It is also called the
pneumococcal vaccine.
Select one response.

1. Yes
0. No/Don't Know

- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
F7_Conditions. Have you been diagnosed with any of the following:
Select one response for each.


1. Cancer 1 0
2. Arthritis or other
rheumatic diseases 1 0
(fibromyalgia, gout, etc.)
3. Diabetes (type 1 or type
1 0
4. Stress, mental or
emotional disorders
(anxiety disorder, attention
1 0
deficit disorder,
depression, autism, panic
attacks, etc.)
5. High cholesterol 1 0
6. Digestive disorders
1 0
(ulcers, colitis, etc.)

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 114

- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
F8_OverallHealthRating. In general, would you say your health is…?
Select one response.

1. Poor
2. Fair
3. Good
4. Very Good
5. Excellent

- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
F9_ActivityFreq. How often do you do the following activities?
Select one response for each.

A few A few A few

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. times a Once a times a Once a times a
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Never year month month week week Daily
1. Exercise for at least 20
minutes at a time raising
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
your heart rate and
breaking a sweat
2. Feel stressed out 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
F10_AlcoholicDrinks. On average, how many alcoholic drinks do you consume each week?
By alcoholic beverages, we mean beer, wine or distilled spirits (hard alcohol).
Select one response.

0. None
1. 1-2
2. 3-5
3. 6-9
4. 10 or more

- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
F11_WeightSenior. What is your weight?
If unsure of your exact weight, please provide your best estimate.
Enter a numeric response.


- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
F12_Assets. Many households have assets that they use to invest for multiple purposes.
Please include your household's savings and investable assets from all sources including checking and savings accounts,
brokerage accounts and retirement accounts.
Please exclude your primary residence, real estate, closely-held businesses, or assets held in any employer-sponsored
savings or retirement plans such as 401(k) plan or 403(b) plan.

Which of the following ranges best describes your household's current total investable assets?
Select one response.

1. Under $250k
2. $250k to under $2.5 Million
3. $2.5 Million or More
4. Don't know/Prefer not to answer

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 115

- Show if respondent selected any codes [6-7] at DV_Age.
- Hidden Question.
DV_SeniorSegment. Hidden question. Capture senior segment based on Cigna's segmentation algorithm
F1_General Health
F2_PCP Viits
Select one response.

1. Segment 1
2. Segment 2
3. Segment 3
4. Segment 4
5. Segment 5
6. Segment 6

Subsection End - Senior Segment

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_SegmentCombined. Hidden variable to combine segment values for Medallia.
Select one response.

1. Consumer Segment 1 Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
2. Consumer Segment 2 Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
3. Consumer Segment 3 Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
4. Consumer Segment 4 Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
5. Consumer Segment 5 Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
6. Consumer Segment 6 Autocode if respondent selected code [6] at
7. Consumer Segment 7 Autocode if respondent selected code [7] at
8. Consumer Segment 8 Autocode if respondent selected code [8] at
9. Senior Segment 1 Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
10. Senior Segment 2 Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
11. Senior Segment 3 Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
12. Senior Segment 4 Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
13. Senior Segment 5 Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
14. Senior Segment 6 Autocode if respondent selected code [6] at

Subsection Start - COVID-19 Behavior Module

Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF Q3'21

- Show to all.
DT_COVIntro. Lastly, we would like to ask you a few questions about whether your daily activities have been affected by current

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 116

- Show to all.
- Note to client: Initial question on COVID-19 behavior change.   Asked of all markets.
E11_BehaviorChange. Have you changed your behavior in response to COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”)?
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No
99. Prefer not to say

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at E11_BehaviorChange.
- Programmer Comment: If "No" to BehaviorChange, autocode all rows as "Same as before".
- Note to client: Global question on individual activity changes.
E12_ActivityChanges. To what extent, if any, has the COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) outbreak impacted how often you do the following?
Select one response for each.

Less often More often

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Stopped than Same as than Prefer not
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. entirely before before before to say
1. Going out to restaurants
1 2 3 4 99
or entertainment venues
2. Shopping in stores 1 2 3 4 99
3. Shopping online 1 2 3 4 99
4. Taking surveys 1 2 3 4 99
5. Taking public
transportation (e.g., taxis, 1 2 3 4 99
ride sharing apps, bus, etc)
6. Traveling out of town
1 2 3 4 99
(via airplane, car, etc)
7. Buying nonessentials
1 2 3 4 99
(toys, games, clothes, etc)

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at E11_BehaviorChange.
- Programmer Comment: If "Prefer not to say" at BehaviorChange, autocode as "Prefer not to say".
- Note to client: Optional follow-up for Heavily Affected Markets such as China/HK. Add Country/Market logic as appropriate.
E13_BehaviorResume. And how soon do you believe you will be back to your typical behavior and activities impacted by COVID-19
Select one response.

1. Within the week
2. Within the month
3. 2-3 months from now
4. More than 3 months from now
99. Prefer not to say

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 117

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF JANUARY 2021
- Note to client: Income adjustment question. To be asked of all consumers.
Suppressed as of January 2021 for DV_Income_COVChange.

E14_COVIncomeChange. How has the outbreak of COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") impacted your household’s income?
Select one response.

1. Our income has halted and we have nothing to fall back
2. Our income has halted, but we have enough saved to get
by for 3 months
3. We have had a significant reduction that will require some
belt tightening
4. Our income has stayed roughly the same
5. We are among the lucky few whose incomes have
6. Prefer not to say

Subsection End - COVID-19 Behavior Module

- Show to all.
- Note to client: Suppressed double ending screens as of 7/2017.
DT_Ending. This concludes our interview.

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 118

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_DV_HalfYear. Message to Future SE: DV created in D_POST_PrepData.dms script to capture the half year
Message to Project team: When adding a new half please make sure to use the exact syntax in the PCs in the previous
stubs. Thank you!
Select one response.

1. 2H'15 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2015
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""1/1/2016 12:00:00 AM"""
2. 1H'16 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""1/1/2016
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""7/1/2016 12:00:00 AM"""
3. 2H'16 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2016
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""1/1/2017 12:00:00 AM"""
4. 1H'17 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""1/1/2017
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""7/1/2017 12:00:00 AM"""
5. 2H'17 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2017
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""1/1/2018 12:00:00 AM"""
6. 1H'18 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""1/1/2018
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""7/1/2018 12:00:00 AM"""
7. 2H'18 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2018
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM"""
8. 1H'19 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""1/1/2019
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""7/1/2019 12:00:00 AM"""
9. 2H'19 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2019
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""1/1/2020 12:00:00 AM"""
10. 1H'20 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""1/1/2020
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""7/1/2020 12:00:00 AM"""
11. 2H'20 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2020
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""1/1/2021 12:00:00 AM"""

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 119

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Quarter. Message to Future SE: DV created in D_POST_PrepData.dms script to capture the Quarter
Message to Project team: When adding a new Quarter please make sure to use the exact syntax in the PCs in the previous
stubs. Thank you!
Select one response.

1. Q3 2015 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2015
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""10/1/2015 12:00:00 AM"""
2. Q4 2015 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""10/1/2015
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""1/1/2016 12:00:00 AM"""
3. Q1 2016 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""1/1/2016
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""4/1/2016 12:00:00 AM"""
4. Q2 2016 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""4/1/2016
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""7/1/2016 12:00:00 AM"""
5. Q3 2016 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2016
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""10/1/2016 12:00:00 AM"""
6. Q4 2016 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""10/1/2016
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""1/1/2017 12:00:00 AM"""
7. Q1 2017 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""1/1/2017
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""4/1/2017 12:00:00 AM"""
8. Q2 2017 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""4/1/2017
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""7/1/2017 12:00:00 AM"""
9. Q3 2017 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2017
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""10/1/2017 12:00:00 AM"""
10. Q4 2017 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""10/1/2017
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""1/1/2018 12:00:00 AM"""
11. Q1 2018 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""1/1/2018
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""4/1/2018 12:00:00 AM"""
12. Q2 2018 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""4/1/2018
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""7/1/2018 12:00:00 AM"""
13. Q3 2018 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2018
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""10/1/2018 12:00:00 AM"""
14. Q4 2018 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""10/1/2018
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM"""
15. Q1 2019 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""1/1/2019
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""4/1/2019 12:00:00 AM"""
16. Q2 2019 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""4/1/2019
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""7/1/2019 12:00:00 AM"""
17. Q3 2019 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2019
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""10/1/2019 12:00:00 AM"""
18. Q4 2019 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""10/1/2019
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""1/1/2020 12:00:00 AM"""
19. Q1 2020 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""1/1/2020
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""4/1/2020 12:00:00 AM"""
20. Q2 2020 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""4/1/2020
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""7/1/2020 12:00:00 AM"""
21. Q3 2020 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2020
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""10/1/2020 12:00:00 AM"""
22. Q4 2020 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""10/1/2020
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""1/1/2021 12:00:00 AM"""
23. Q1 2021 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""1/1/2021
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""4/1/2021 12:00:00 AM"""
24. Q2 2021 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""4/1/2021
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""7/1/2021 12:00:00 AM"""

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 120

25. Q3 2021 PC: "DataCollection.StartTime > ""7/1/2021
12:00:00 AM"" and DataCollection.StartTime <
""10/1/2021 12:00:00 AM"""

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 121

Terminate if respondent has accumulated at least 3 points.

Flag Type Apply To Rule Points

Timer Screener 6 Minutes 1
Timer Main + Screener 8 Minutes 1

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 122


1. Cigna/Scripps
2. Cigna/St. Joseph Hoag Health
3. Cigna/HealthCare Partners

Referenced Questions:


1. Aetna
2. Anthem
3. Assurant PC: Suppress for Q1 2020.
4. Blue Cross Blue Shield
5. Cigna
56. Cigna-HealthSpring
6. EmblemHealth Inc.
8. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
9. Health Net
10. HealthPartners (MN)
11. Humana
12. Intermountain Healthcare
13. Kaiser
14. Medica
15. Premera
16. Regence
17. Tufts Health
18. UnitedHealth Group PC: SUPPRESS AS OF AUGUST 2017
61. Coventry Health Care
19. SantaFe Healthcare PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=7,11 or 16
21. Preferred Medical Plan PC: Suppress for Q1 2020. Show if
22. Molina Healthcare PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4, 6, 7, 14
OR DV_IFPMarketQuota=9
23. Centene PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1, 7 OR
DV_IFPMarketQuota=5, 8, 9, 10 OR DV_State=42
24. Summa Health System PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=8
25. Independence Blue Cross PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10,12 OR
26. FirstHealth of the Carolinas PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=2
27. Health Alliance (IL) PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15 or 3
28. Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5, 9, 15, or
29. Health First (FL) PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=11
30. Land of Lincoln Health PC: Suppress for Q1 2020. Show if
31. Union Pacific PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=3
32. Fallon Community Health PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=9
34. Partners HealthCare PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=9
35. Colorado Choice Health PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
36. Denver Health Medical Plan, Inc. PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
37. Lovelace Health PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
38. Presbyterian Health PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
39. Rocky Mountain Health PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
41. Meritus PC: Suppress for Q1 2020. Show if
42. Alliant Health Plans PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1
43. Athens Area Health Plan Select, Inc. PC: SUPPRESS AS OF AUGUST 2017
44. Sentara Health PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
45. City of Los Angeles PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 123

46. SeeChange Health PC: SUPPRESS AS OF AUGUST 2017
55. Oscar PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4, 10, 14 OR
DV_State=Tennessee OR
DV_PriorityMarketQuota=Atlanta, Phoenix OR
DV_ControlMarket=California – San Francisco,
Oakland, San Jose OR DV_IFPMarketQuota=3, 4,
5, 7, 8
47. Affinity Health Plan (NY) PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
48. America`s 1st Choice Holdings PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
49. Capital District Physicians` Health Plan, Inc. PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
50. Fidelis Care PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
51. Health Republic Insurance of New York PC: Suppress for Q1 2020. Show if
52. Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
53. MetroPlus Health PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
54. MVP Health Care PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
62. Oxford Health Plans PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
57. Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
58. Innovation Health PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17 or 19
59. Colorado HealthOp PC: Suppress for Q1 2020. Show if
63. Florida Blue PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=7, 11, 16 OR
DV_IFPMarketQuota=3, 4
64. Anthem Blue Cross California PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
65. Blue Shield of California PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
66. CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17 or 19 OR
67. Health New England PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=9
68. United Healthcare
69. Collective Health
70. Quantum Health
71. Accolade
72. Bright Health
73. Friday Health Plans PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
74. Iron Road Healthcare PC: Show if DV_PriorityMarketQuota=3
75. CVS Health
76. Ambetter PC: Show if DV_IFPMarketQuota=1,2,3,4
77. AvMed PC: Show if DV_IFPMarketQuota=3,4
78. BCBS of Illinois PC: Show if DV_IFPMarketQuota=1
79. BCBS of North Carolina PC: Show if DV_IFPMarketQuota=5
80. BCBS of Tennessee PC: Show if DV_State=42
81. WellFirst (SSM) PC: Show if DV_IFPMarketQuota=2
82. CareSource PC: Show if DV_IFPMarketQuota=10

Referenced Questions:


1. Piedmont Healthcare PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1

2. Northside Hospitals PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1
3. Wellstar Health System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1
4. Emory Healthcare PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1
5. Children’s Hospital of Atlanta-CHOA PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1
6. Resurgens PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1
7. Atlanta Womens Health Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 124

8. Piedmont Clinic PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1
9. Emory Clinic PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1
10. Wellstar PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1
11. Dekalb PHO PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1
12. Snellville Pediatrics PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1
13. Perimeter OB/GYN Associates PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=1
14. Memorial Hermann Healthcare System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
15. Houston Methodist PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
16. HCA PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4, 6, 11, 16, 17
17. St. Luke’s PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
18. MD Andersen Cancer Center PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
19. Texas Children’s Hospital PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
20. Tenet PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
21. Kelsey-Seybold Clinic PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
22. Renaissance Physicians Organization (RPO) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
23. St. Luke’s IPA PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
24. CardioVascular Care Providers (CVCP) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
25. Ob/Gyn Associates (OGA) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
26. Fondren Orthopedic Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
27. Village Health Partners PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
28. TX Children’s Pediatrics (TCPA) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
29. University of TX Physicians PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
30. Medical Clinic of Houston PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=6
31. New York-Presbyterian Healthcare PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
32. North Shore - LIJ Health System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
33. Mount Sinai PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
34. LIHN (Long Island Health Network) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
35. NYU Health PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
37. Montefiore Health System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
42. UPN (NYU Health) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
43. Mount Kisco Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
44. Well Cornell Physicians PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
45. Montefiore Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
48. Atlantic Health System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
49. Barnabas Health PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
51. Hackensack University Medical Center PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
52. RWJ Healthcare (Robert Wood Johnson) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
53. Meridian Health System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
54. Summit Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
58. Hunterdon Health Partners PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=10
59. HCA / HealthONE hospitals PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
60. Centura Health hospitals PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
61. University Health Hospital PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
62. Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Hospitals PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
63. Children’s Hospital PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
64. National Jewish PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
65. Denver Health PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
66. Boulder Medical Center PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
67. University Physicians Inc. (UPI) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
68. New West Physicians PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
69. Centura Health Physician Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
70. Rocky Mountain Cancer Center PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
71. HealthOne Physicians PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
72. Steadman Hawkins PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
73. Community Medical Associates PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=5
74. John Hopkins Health System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
75. Medstar Health PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
76. Capital Women's Care PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
77. Capital Digestive Care PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
78. Adventist Health PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
79. George Washington Medical Faculty PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
80. University of Maryland Medical System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
81. Maryland Primary Care PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
82. Inova Health System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
83. HCA-Reston PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
84. Privia Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
85. Virginia Hospital Center PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
86. Fairfax Family Practice PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
87. Loudoun Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
88. Nova Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
89. VCU PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=17
90. St. Joseph Hoag Health PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
91. Hoag Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
92. Mission Heritage Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
93. St. Joseph Heritage Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 125

94. St. Jude Heritage Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
95. MemorialCare Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
96. Children’s Hospital of Orange County PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
97. Regal Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
98. Cedars-Sinai Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
99. Providence Health & Services PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
100. Facey Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
101. Healthcare Partners Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
102. Huntington Memorial Hospital PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
103. UCLA (University of CA Los Angeles) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
104. Heritage Provider Network PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
105. UCLA Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
106. Cedars Hospital PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14
107. BJC Health System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
108. Mercy Health System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
109. SSM Managed Care Organization, LLC PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
110. St. Luke’s Hospital PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
111. St. Anthony’s Medical Center PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
112. St. Louis University Hospital PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
113. Washington University School of Medicine (Wash U) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
114. Mercy Clinic East Communities PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
115. SSM St. Charles Clinic Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
116. SLU Care (physician group of Saint Louis University) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
117. Signature Medical Group (various group names in PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
118. BJC Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
119. Esse Health PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=15
120. BayCare Health System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=16
121. Florida Hospital System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=16
122. Tampa General Hospital PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=16
123. H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=16
124. Florida Medical Clinic PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=16
125. BayCare Physician Partners PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=16
126. USF Physicians Group (Univ of S FL) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=16
127. Florida Orthopedic Institute PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=16
128. Florida Cancer Institute PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=16
129. Women's Care of Florida PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=16
130. Orlando Health PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=11
131. Florida Hospital System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=11
132. Nemours Children's Hospital PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=11
133. Physician Associates of Florida PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=11
134. Orlando Health Physician Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=11
135. Florida Hospital Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=11
136. Jewett Orthopaedic Clinic PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=11
137. Florida Pediatric Associates PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=11
138. Banner Health PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
139. HonorHealth PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
140. Dignity Health PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
141. Abrazo Health/Tenet PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
142. Iasis Healthcare PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13  SUPPRESSED
143. Phoenix Children’s Hospital PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
144. Maricopa Integrated Health System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
145. Cigna Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
146. Banner Health Network PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
147. Mayo Clinic AZ PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
148. Ortho Arizona PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
149. Phoenix Children’s Medical Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
150. Ironwood Physicians PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
151. Arizona Oncology Associates PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
152. THR/Texas Health Resources PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
153. Baylor Scott & White Health PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
154. Methodist Health System PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
155. University of TX Southwestern Medical Center PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
156. Children’s Medical Center of Dallas PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
157. Cook Children’s Medical Center PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
158. Texas Health Physicians Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
159. Health Texas Provider Network PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
160. USMD Medical Clinic of North TX (MCNT) PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
161. University of TX Southwestern Physicians Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
162. Village Health Partners PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
163. Catalyst Health Network PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
164. Dallas Methodist Physicians Network PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
165. Dignity Health Physicians PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4
166. Children's Health Pediatric Group PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=4

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 126

167. Commonwealth ACO PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
168. Scottsdale Health Partners PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
169. John C Lincoln Health Network PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
170. HealthChoice Preferred PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
171. Arizona Care Network PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=13
172. Scripps PC: DV_PriorityMarketQuota=14

Referenced Questions:

LRW # 171188 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 127

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