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LRW Study Name: 2021 Coffee Maker Concept Test

LRW Job Number: 211563

Date: December 09, 2021

The contents of this document are the confidential property of Lieberman Research Worldwide.  No part of this document may be
reproduced or distributed in any form without the express written permission of Lieberman Research Worldwide.


Hold CTRL and click on a question to jump there

Subsection Start - Hi/Low QC Check.......................................................................................................................................................................3
Subsection Start - Age..............................................................................................................................................................................................4
Subsection Start - Coffee Making Funnel................................................................................................................................................................8
Concept Evaluation....................................................................................................................................................................................................23

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 1

Loop Start - ConceptLoop......................................................................................................................................................................................23
Subsection Start - Cell Questions..........................................................................................................................................................................31
Demos / Other............................................................................................................................................................................................................33
Subsection Start - German Coffee Segmentation..................................................................................................................................................33
QC Flags....................................................................................................................................................................................................................38

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 2

- Programmer: Please only allow these devices into the survey: PC, Tablet, Mobile.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_PanelRiver. Hidden variable to capture whether link is from panel or river
Select one response.

1. Panel
2. River

- Show to all.
- Note to client: BSH team, please look to DV_OwnerQualification, DV_IntenderQualification, and DV_OwnerIntender to see who
classifies as each. There is also a matrix at the bottom of the Screener section that displays the termination criteria.
DT_Intro We appreciate your interest in our survey. Please be assured that this survey is completely confidential, and we will only use this
. information for research purposes. This survey should take you approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Simply answer each question by clicking inside the appropriate box. During the survey please do not use your browser's forward
and back buttons. Instead please use the NEXT button below to move through the survey.

Subsection Start - Hi/Low QC Check

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_QCLowAssigned. Low-incidence QC items assigned (randomly assign 5)
Select all that apply.

1. Bought a home
2. Used a kit to build a radio-controlled sailboat
3. Defrosted your freezer
4. Reupholstered a sofa
5. Made over $1 million trading commodities
6. Ran a 4 minute mile
7. Graduated from a graduate degree program
8. Bought a boat
9. Bought a pack of floppy disks
10. Rented an RV (recreational vehicle)
11. Video streamed an opera starring Anna Netrebko
12. Gave yourself a body piercing at home

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_QCHighAssigned. High-incidence QC items assigned (randomly assign 5)
Select all that apply.

21. Bought food (from a supermarket, fast food restaurant
22. Did laundry or washed dishes
23. Bought something (at a store, street vendor, online, etc.)
26. Watched at least 1 hour of video (TV show, movie,
sporting event, YouTube video, etc.)
27. Called, texted or video chatted with friends or family
29. Went somewhere in a car, truck, bus, subway, or train
30. Drank water, juice, or milk

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 3

- Show to all. Only show row stubs selected at DV_QCLowAssigned OR selected at DV_QCHighAssigned.
- Programmer Comment: Term immediately if the respondent selects 1 or more low incidence items
S1_HiLowQC. Which of the following things have you done in the past 7 days?
Select all that apply.

1. Bought a home
2. Used a kit to build a radio-controlled sailboat
3. Defrosted your freezer
4. Reupholstered a sofa
5. Made over $1 million trading commodities
6. Ran a 4 minute mile
7. Graduated from a graduate degree program
8. Bought a boat
9. Bought a pack of floppy disks
10. Rented an RV (recreational vehicle)
11. Video streamed an opera starring Anna Netrebko
12. Gave yourself a body piercing at home
21. Bought food (from a supermarket, fast food restaurant
22. Did laundry or washed dishes
23. Bought something (at a store, street vendor, online, etc.)
26. Watched at least 1 hour of video (TV show, movie,
sporting event, YouTube video, etc.)
27. Called, texted or video chatted with friends or family
29. Went somewhere in a car, truck, bus, subway, or train
30. Drank water, juice, or milk
99. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

Subsection End - Hi/Low QC Check

- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent selected any codes [1-3, 7-8] at S2_SensitiveIndustry.
S2_SensitiveIndustry. Are you or is anyone in your family employed in any of the following industries?
Select all that apply.

1. Advertising or public relations Terminate immediately.
2. Marketing or market research Terminate immediately.
3. News media, including newspapers, magazines, TV, Terminate immediately.
radio, or internet news
4. Education
5. Financial services, including banking, lending, and/or
6. Production, manufacturing, or sales of automobiles
7. Production, manufacturing, or sales of large home Terminate immediately.
appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, or
washing machines
8. Production, manufacturing, or sales of coffee appliances Terminate immediately.
such as grinders, coffee machines, coffee tampers, etc.
9. Production, manufacturing, or sales of large home
furniture such as beds, dining tables, sofas, etc.
99. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Show to all.
S3_Gender. Please select your gender.

1. Male
2. Female
3. Non-binary / third gender

Subsection Start - Age

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 4

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Set current year as max.
S4_YearBorn. In what year were you born?
Enter a numeric response.


- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Terminate Immediately if value provided at DV_Age is less than 25 OR value provided at DV_Age is greater than 65.
- Programmer Comment: Calculate age based on current year.
DV_Age. Hidden variable to capture age based on YearBorn
Enter a numeric response.


- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_AgeRange. Hidden variable to capture age ranges.
Select one response.

1. 25-34 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 25 and 34.
2. 35-39 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 35 and 39.
3. 40-44 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 40 and 44.
4. 45-49 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 45 and 49.
5. 50-54 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 50 and 54.
6. 55-59 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 55 and 59.
7. 60-65 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 60 and 65.

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 5

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_AgeGender. Hidden Variable to capture nested age and gender.
Select one response.

1. Male 25-34 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 25 and 34 AND respondent selected
code [1] at S3_Gender.
2. Male 35-39 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 35 and 39 AND respondent selected
code [1] at S3_Gender.
3. Male 40-44 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 40 and 44 AND respondent selected
code [1] at S3_Gender.
4. Male 45-49 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 45 and 49 AND respondent selected
code [1] at S3_Gender.
5. Male 50-54 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 50 and 54 AND respondent selected
code [1] at S3_Gender.
6. Male 55-59 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 55 and 59 AND respondent selected
code [1] at S3_Gender.
7. Male 60-65 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 60 and 65 AND respondent selected
code [1] at S3_Gender.
8. Female 25-34 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 25 and 34 AND respondent selected
code [2] at S3_Gender.
9. Female 35-39 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 35 and 39 AND respondent selected
code [2] at S3_Gender.
10. Female 40-44 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 40 and 44 AND respondent selected
code [2] at S3_Gender.
11. Female 45-49 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 45 and 49 AND respondent selected
code [2] at S3_Gender.
12. Female 50-54 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 50 and 54 AND respondent selected
code [2] at S3_Gender.
13. Female 55-59 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 55 and 59 AND respondent selected
code [2] at S3_Gender.
14. Female 60-65 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 60 and 65 AND respondent selected
code [2] at S3_Gender.
15. Non-binary / third gender Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at

Subsection End - Age

- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at S5_Income.
S5_Income. Which of the following categories best describes your total annual household income before taxes?
Select one response.

1. Under $25,000 Terminate immediately.
2. $25,000 to $34,999 Terminate immediately.
3. $35,000 to $49,999 Terminate immediately.
4. $50,000 to $74,999
5. $75,000 to $99,999
6. $100,000 or more

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 6

- Show if respondent selected code [6] at S5_Income.
S6_IncomeFollowUp. And, more specifically, which of the following categories best describes your total annual household income before
Select one response.

1. $100,000 to $124,999
2. $125,000 to $149,999
3. $150,000 to $174,999
4. $175,000 to $199,999
5. $200,000 to $224,999
6. $225,000 to $249,999
7. $250,000 or more

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_IncomeNets. Hidden variable to capture netted income for quotas and weighting.
Select one response.

1. $50,000 - $99,999 Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-5]
at S5_Income.
2. $100,000 - $149,999 Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-2]
at S6_IncomeFollowUp.
3. $150,000 or more Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3-7]
at S6_IncomeFollowUp.

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Allow up to 3 tries. Else, hard term.
S7_Zip. What is your zip code?
Enter your response in the box.

MIN: 5. MAX: 5.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Region. Hidden variable to capture Region based on zip
Select one response.

1. Midwest
2. Northeast
3. South
4. West

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 7

- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if, for any row [2] at S8_DecisionMaking, the respondent selected any codes [1-2].
S8_DecisionMaking. Which of the following statements best describes your role in making decisions about each of the following?
Select one response for each.


I share the
Someone equally
Does not else makes with I make all
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. apply to the someone of the
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. me decisions else decisions
1. Buying a major kitchen
appliance (e.g.,
refrigerator, dishwasher, 1 2 3 4
wall oven, range, cooktop,
2. Buying a small kitchen
appliance (e.g., toaster,
1 2 3 4
coffee/espresso maker,
microwave, etc.)
3. Remodeling your home
1 2 3 4
4. Buying a new car 1 2 3 4
5. Buying a major piece of
home furniture (e.g., bed,
1 2 3 4
dining room table, sofa,
6. Household electronics
and small appliances (TV,
1 2 3 4
media devices, kitchen
gadgets etc.)

Subsection Start - Coffee Making Funnel

- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent did NOT select code [1] at S9_BeveragesMakeHome.
S9_BeveragesMakeHome. Which of these beverages do you make yourself regularly at home? These can be beverages you regularly
make for yourself to drink or for others in your household.
Select all that apply.

1. Coffee / espresso
2. Tea
3. Juice
4. Soda
5. None of these ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Show to all. Only show row stubs selected at S9_BeveragesMakeHome.
- Terminate Immediately if, for any row [1] at S10_BeverageMakeFeeling, the respondent did NOT select codes [3-4].
S10_BeverageMakeFeeling. And how do you feel about making these beverages at home?
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Somewhat Somewhat

ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Disagree disagree agree Agree
1. I love making coffee /
1 2 3 4
espresso at home
2. I love making tea at
1 2 3 4
3. I love making juice at
1 2 3 4
4. I love making soda at
1 2 3 4

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 8

- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent selected code [99] at S11_MachineType.
- Programmer Comment: Show icons next to stubs
S11_MachineType. What type of coffee / espresso machines do you use at home to make coffee?
Select all that apply.

1. Coffee machine with pad system (e.g. Senseo)
2. Drip Coffee Machine
3. Super Automatic Espresso Maker
4. Semi-automatic Espresso Maker
5. Coffee / Espresso machine with capsule system (e.g.
Dolce Gusto, Nespresso, Keurig)
6. French Press / Perculator
99. I don't have a coffee maker at home ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE. Terminate immediately.

- Show to all. Only show row stubs selected at S11_MachineType.
- Programmer Comment: Show icons next to stubs
- Autocode and skip question if respondent would see only one option.
S22_MachinePrimary. And which coffee machine do you use the most?
Select one response.

1. Coffee machine with pad system (e.g. Senseo)
2. Drip Coffee Machine
3. Super Automatic Espresso Maker
4. Semi-automatic Espresso Maker
5. Coffee / Espresso machine with capsule system (e.g.
Dolce Gusto, Nespresso, Keurig)
6. French Press / Perculator

- Show if respondent selected any codes [3-4] at S11_MachineType.
S12_MachineBrand. Which brand of machine do you own? If you own more than one of the same type, please indicate the brand you use
the most.
Select one response for each.

1. De‘Longhi
2. Jura
3. Saeco
4. Thermador
5. Bosch
6. Gaggia
7. Breville
8. Miele
9. KitchenAid
10. Smeg
11. Philips
12. Gaggenau
13. Mr. Coffee
15. Calphalon
17. Other ANCHOR.
16. I don't know which brand I have ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.


1. My Super Automatic
[#] Show if respondent selected code [3] at S11_MachineType.
Espresso Maker
2. My Semi-automatic
[#] Show if respondent selected code [4] at S11_MachineType.
Espresso Maker

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 9

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_FullAutoInsert. Captures the brand of fully automatic or what should be inserted at following questions
Select all that apply.

1. De‘Longhi Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [1].
2. Jura Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [2].
3. Saeco Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [3].
4. Thermador Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [4].
5. Bosch Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [5].
6. Gaggia Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [6].
7. Breville Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [7].
8. Miele Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [8].
9. KitchenAid Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [9].
10. Smeg Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [10].
11. Philips Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [11].
12. Gaggenau Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [12].
13. Mr. Coffee Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [13].
14. KRUPS Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [14].
15. Calphalon Autocode if, for any row [1] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [15].

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_SemiAutoInsert. Captures the brand of semi automatic or what should be inserted at following questions
Select all that apply.

1. De‘Longhi Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [1].
2. Jura Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [2].
3. Saeco Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [3].
4. Thermador Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [4].
5. Bosch Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [5].
6. Gaggia Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [6].
7. Breville Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [7].
8. Miele Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [8].
9. KitchenAid Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [9].
10. Smeg Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [10].
11. Philips Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [11].
12. Gaggenau Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [12].
13. Mr. Coffee Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [13].
14. KRUPS Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [14].
15. Calphalon Autocode if, for any row [2] at S12_MachineBrand,
the respondent selected code [15].

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 10

- Show if respondent selected any codes [3-4] at S11_MachineType.
S13_MachineAge. And when did you purchase your machine?
Select one response for each.

More than
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Less than 1 to 2 3 to 5 6 to 7 7 years
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. 1 year ago years ago years ago years ago ago
2. My [Insert response
from DV_FullAutoInsert] Show if respondent selected code [3] at
1 2 3 4 5
Super Automatic Espresso S11_MachineType.
1. My [Insert response
from DV_SemiAutoInsert] Show if respondent selected code [4] at
1 2 3 4 5
Semi-automatic Espresso S11_MachineType.

- Show if respondent selected any codes [3-4] at S11_MachineType.
S23_MachinePaid. How much did you pay for the machine?
Select one response for each.

1. Less than $299
2. $300 - $399
3. $400 - $499
4. $500 - $599
5. $600 - $799
6. $800 - $999
7. $1000 - $1299
8. $1300 - $1499
9. $1500 or more


1. My [Insert response
from DV_FullAutoInsert]
[#] Show if respondent selected code [3] at S11_MachineType.
Super Automatic Espresso
2. My [Insert response
from DV_SemiAutoInsert]
[#] Show if respondent selected code [4] at S11_MachineType.
Semi-automatic Espresso

- Show if respondent selected any codes [3-4] at S11_MachineType.
S14_MachineUseFreq. How often do you use your machine?
Select one response for each.

A few Once or Less than

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. 4-5 times a 2-3 times a times a twice a once a
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. day day Once a day week week week
2. My [Insert response
Show if respondent
from DV_FullAutoInsert]
1 2 3 4 5 6 selected code [3] at
Super Automatic Espresso S11_MachineType.
1. My [Insert response
Show if respondent
from DV_SemiAutoInsert]
1 2 3 4 5 6 selected code [4] at
Semi-automatic Espresso S11_MachineType.

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 11

- Show if respondent selected any codes [3-4] at S11_MachineType.
S15_MachineSatisfaction. And overall, how satisfied are you with your machine?
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Not at all Not very Somewhat Very Extremely
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied
2. My @DV_FullAutoInsert
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
Super Automatic Espresso 1 2 3 4 5
1. My
@DV_SemiAutoInsert Show if respondent selected code [4] at
1 2 3 4 5
Semi-automatic Espresso S11_MachineType.

- Show if respondent selected any codes [3-4] at S11_MachineType.
S24_MachineRepurchase. And, how likely are you to purchase another one of these, if needed?
Select one response for each.

I definitely I probably I might or I probably I definitely

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. would not would not might not would would
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. purchase it purchase it purchase it purchase it purchase it
2. My @DV_FullAutoInsert
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
Super Automatic Espresso 1 2 3 4 5
1. My
@DV_SemiAutoInsert Show if respondent selected code [4] at
1 2 3 4 5
Semi-automatic Espresso S11_MachineType.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_OwnerQualifcation. DV to capture if the respondent is a qualified owner
Select one response.

1. Qualified Owner Autocode if (for any row [2] at S13_MachineAge,
the respondent selected any codes [1-3] AND for
any row [1] at S23_MachinePaid, the respondent
selected any codes [5-9]) OR (for any row [1] at
S13_MachineAge, the respondent selected any
codes [1-3] AND for any row [2] at
S23_MachinePaid, the respondent selected any
codes [4-9]).
2. Not Qualified Owner Autocode if (respondent did NOT select codes [3-
4] at S11_MachineType OR for any row [1-2] at
S13_MachineAge, the respondent selected any
codes [4-5]) OR respondent selected code [2] at

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_OwnerQualifcation.
S16_Intender. Do you plan to purchase a new coffee / espresso machine in the next 12 months?
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 12

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at S16_Intender. Only show row stubs not selected at S11_MachineType.
S17_IntentMachineType. What type of coffee / espresso machine do you plan to purchase in the next 12 months?
Select all that apply.

1. Coffee machine with pad system (e.g. Senseo)
2. Drip Coffee Machine
3. Super Automatic Espresso Maker
4. Semi-automatic Espresso Maker
5. Coffee / Espresso machine with capsule system (e.g.
Dolce Gusto, Nespresso, Keurig)
6. French Press / Perculator
7. Other__________ ANCHOR. ALWAYS SHOWN.

- Show if respondent selected any codes [3-4] at S17_IntentMachineType.
S18_IntentResearch. Have you done any research on the following?
Select one response for each.

I have I have fully

I have not begun I have researched
started researchin done a lot and am
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. researchin g basic of research ready to
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. g yet details already purchase
2. Super Automatic Show if respondent selected code [3] at
1 2 3 4
Espresso Maker S17_IntentMachineType.
1. Semi-automatic Show if respondent selected code [4] at
1 2 3 4
Espresso Maker S17_IntentMachineType.

- Show if respondent selected any codes [3-4] at S17_IntentMachineType.
- Note to client: For tracking purposes, here's what was decided for who can see each cell in regards to price (this is reflected in DV
logic later): Cell 1: porta owners/intenders willing to pay $500+; Cell 2: auto owners/intenders willing to pay $600 - $999; Cell 3: auto
owners/intenders willing to pay $1000+.
S19_IntentPrice. How much do you plan to spend?
Select one response for each.

1. Less than $299
2. $300 - $399
3. $400 - $499
4. $500 - $599
5. $600 - $799
6. $800 - $999
7. $1000 - $1299
8. $1300 - $1499
9. $1500 or more


2. Super Automatic
[#] Show if respondent selected code [3] at S17_IntentMachineType.
Espresso Maker
1. Semi-automatic
[#] Show if respondent selected code [4] at S17_IntentMachineType.
Espresso Maker

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 13

- Show to all.
- Terminate Immediately if, for every row [1-15] at S20_PurchaseFunnelFamil, the respondent selected any codes [1-2].
S20_PurchaseFunnelFamil. How familiar are you with these brands?
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Never Only heard Know a Know a lot

ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. heard of of by name little about about
1. De‘Longhi 1 2 3 4
2. Jura 1 2 3 4
3. Saeco 1 2 3 4
4. Thermador 1 2 3 4
5. Bosch 1 2 3 4
6. Gaggia 1 2 3 4
7. Breville 1 2 3 4
8. Miele 1 2 3 4
9. KitchenAid 1 2 3 4
10. Smeg 1 2 3 4
11. Philips 1 2 3 4
12. Gaggenau 1 2 3 4
13. Mr. Coffee 1 2 3 4
14. KRUPS 1 2 3 4
15. Calphalon 1 2 3 4
out] for the
brand(s) that
are selected
Applies for
column at
nd. Don't
show the
rows that
are being

- Show to all. Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [2-4] at S20_PurchaseFunnelFamil.
S21_PurchaseFunnelConsid. And, which of these brands would you consider for a new Super Automatic Espresso Maker OR Semi-
automatic Espresso Maker?
Select all that apply.

1. De‘Longhi
2. Jura
3. Saeco
4. Thermador
5. Bosch
6. Gaggia
7. Breville
8. Miele
9. KitchenAid
10. Smeg
11. Philips
12. Gaggenau
13. Mr. Coffee
15. Calphalon
16. None of these ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 14

- Show if respondent selected any codes [3-4] at S17_IntentMachineType. Only show row stubs selected at
S25_PurchaseFunnelIntent. If you had to make a decision on buying a new Super Automatic Espresso Maker OR Semi-automatic
Espresso Maker today, which brand would you pick?
Select one response.

1. De‘Longhi
2. Jura
3. Saeco
4. Thermador
5. Bosch
6. Gaggia
7. Breville
8. Miele
9. KitchenAid
10. Smeg
11. Philips
12. Gaggenau
13. Mr. Coffee
15. Calphalon
13. None of these ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Hidden Question. Applies if respondent selected code [1] at S16_Intender.
DV_IntenderQualifcation. DV to see if Intenders are qualified or not
Select one response.

1. Qualified intender Autocode if (respondent selected code [1] at
S16_Intender AND respondent did NOT select
code [16] at S21_PurchaseFunnelConsid AND
respondent selected any codes [3-4] at
S17_IntentMachineType) AND ((for any row [2] at
S18_IntentResearch, the respondent selected any
codes [2-4] AND for any row [2] at S19_IntentPrice,
the respondent selected any codes [5-9]) OR (for
any row [1] at S18_IntentResearch, the respondent
selected any codes [2-4] AND for any row [1] at
S19_IntentPrice, the respondent selected any
codes [4-9])).
2. Not qualified intender Autocode if respondent did NOT select code [1] at
DV_IntenderQualifcation AND respondent did NOT
select code [1] at DV_OwnerQualifcation.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Terminate Immediately if respondent selected code [3] at DV_OwnerIntender.
DV_OwnerIntender. DV to capture if the respondent is owner or intender
Select one response.

1. Owner Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
2. Intender Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
3. Neither Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [1-2]
at DV_OwnerIntender
Terminate immediately.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_OwnerIntenderFinal. DV to capture if the respondent is owner or intender - for quota / assigner
Select one response.

1. Owner Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
2. Intender Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 15

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Note to client: This variable is the place where the program decides which cell you can be placed in.
DV_CellAssignerEligible. Eligibility variable for Cell Assigner
Select all that apply.

1. Cell 1 - semi auto and competitors Autocode if ((for any row [2] at S23_MachinePaid,
the respondent selected any codes [4-9] AND
respondent selected code [1] at
DV_OwnerQualifcation) AND for any row [1] at
S13_MachineAge, the respondent selected any
codes [1-3]) OR ((for any row [1] at
S19_IntentPrice, the respondent selected any
codes [4-9] AND respondent selected code [1] at
DV_IntenderQualifcation) AND respondent
selected code [4] at S17_IntentMachineType AND
for any row [1] at S18_IntentResearch, the
respondent selected any codes [2-4]).
2. Cell 2 - fully auto, Series 200 and competitors Autocode if ((for any row [1] at S23_MachinePaid,
the respondent selected any codes [5-6] AND
respondent selected code [1] at
DV_OwnerQualifcation) AND for any row [2] at
S13_MachineAge, the respondent selected any
codes [1-3]) OR (for any row [2] at S19_IntentPrice,
the respondent selected any codes [5-6] AND for
any row [2] at S18_IntentResearch, the respondent
selected any codes [2-4] AND respondent selected
code [3] at S17_IntentMachineType AND
respondent selected code [1] at
3. Cell 3 - fully auto, Series 600 and competitors Autocode if (((for any row [1] at S23_MachinePaid,
the respondent selected any codes [7-9] AND
respondent selected code [1] at
DV_OwnerQualifcation) AND for any row [2] at
S13_MachineAge, the respondent selected any
codes [1-3])) OR (respondent selected code [3] at
S17_IntentMachineType AND for any row [2] at
S18_IntentResearch, the respondent selected any
codes [2-4] AND for any row [2] at S19_IntentPrice,
the respondent selected any codes [7-9] AND
respondent selected code [1] at

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_AssignedCell. Assigner
Select all that apply.

Eligibility variable: DV_CellAssignerEligible

Maximum number of categories to assign: 1
If less than 1 category is assigned: Terminate

Step 1:
Assignment type: Most Needed
Maximum number of categories that can be assigned to this step: 1
Only assign specific categories?: No, anything eligible can be assigned

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 16

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_ConceptsAssigned. Captures concepts to show in loop
Select all that apply.

1. Bosch Bareasy Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
2. Bosch Bellista Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
3. De‘Longhi La Specialista Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Breville Portafilter Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Bosch Series 2 Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
6. De‘Longhi Primadonna Soul Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
7. Phillips 3200 Lattego Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
8. Bosch Series 6 Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
9. Saeco Xelsis Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
10. Jura E8 Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
11. De‘Longhi ECAM 21.120.B Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Note to client: Variable that balances which concept is shown first
DV_FirstConceptAssigner. Assigner
Select all that apply.

Eligibility variable: DV_ConceptsAssigned

Maximum number of categories to assign: 1
If less than 1 category is assigned: Continue, but skip questions with logic referencing DV_FirstConceptAssigner

Step 1:
Assignment type: Most Needed
Maximum number of categories that can be assigned to this step: 1
Only assign specific categories?: No, anything eligible can be assigned

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_MachineTextInsert. DV for insert on the machine type for the rest of the survey
Select one response.

2. Super Automatic Espresso Maker Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2-3]
at DV_AssignedCell.
1. Semi-automatic Espresso Maker Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at

Subsection End - Coffee Making Funnel

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 17

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_IntroDescription. Hidden variable to store descriptions for Intro images.
Select one response.

1. Super-automatic espresso machines are fully automatic Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
coffee and espresso makers with built-in coffee grinders DV_MachineTextInsert.
that make coffee drinks with the push of a button. Coffee
is ground fresh, tamped perfectly, brewed, and dispensed
in seconds. With many super-automatic espresso
machines, you can set your preferred coffee strength,
drink volume, temperature, and more. The milk frother on
these espresso machines are automatic as well, letting
you easily make cappuccinos, lattes, and macchiatos
whenever you like.
2. Semi-automatic espresso machines offer control when Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
crafting your perfect drink! With practice and finesse, you DV_MachineTextInsert.
can create cafe quality coffee drinks from your kitchen
with the help of a semi-auto espresso machine. While
they may look different, the basic functionality of a semi-
automatic espresso machine includes a boiler, a
portafilter, and a switch or lever to perform the extraction.
You’ll still grind and tamp your espresso (or insert an
espresso pod), start the extraction and then steam or
froth your milk as necessary.

- Show to all.
DT_CoffeeIntro. You have qualified for the survey. For the remainder of the survey, we want you to think about coffee / espresso

Now, please think about [Insert response from DV_MachineTextInsert]s.

[Insert response from DV_IntroDescription]

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 18

- Show to all.
A7_ImportantFeatures. How important are the following features when considering a [Insert response from DV_MachineTextInsert]?
Select one response for each.

Rows 1-6: Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_AssignedCell

Rows 1-10: Show if respondent selected any codes [2-3] at DV_AssignedCell

Extremely Very nor
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. unimporta unimporta unimporta Very Extremely
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. nt nt nt important important
1. Able to make hot water
1 2 3 4 5
(e.g., for a cup of tea)
2. The ability to make milk
1 2 3 4 5
based coffee beverages
3. Full touch LCD display 1 2 3 4 5
1. Steam pressure in milk
1 2 3 4 5
2. Allows for multiple grind
settings (e.g., coarse, fine, 1 2 3 4 5
extra fine)
3. Allows for multiple
temperature settings for
1 2 3 4 5
brewing  (e.g. hot, extra
4. Ability to customize the
1 2 3 4 5
brewing pressure
5. Size of portafilter 1 2 3 4 5
6. Grinder is integrated in
1 2 3 4 5
the machine
1. The ability to make a
broad variety of coffee 1 2 3 4 5
2. The inclusion of an
1 2 3 4 5
automatic milk frother
3. A large water tank
capacity (e.g., enough
1 2 3 4 5
water to make more than
one serving)
4. A large bean container
capacity (e.g., holds
1 2 3 4 5
enough beans for several
5. Spout height
1 2 3 4 5
6. Abilty to make more
1 2 3 4 5
than one cup at a time
7. Cup warmer 1 2 3 4 5
8. Able to make a pot of
1 2 3 4 5
9. Includes a detachable
milk containter that can be
1 2 3 4 5
stored in the fridge when
not in use
10. Includes an automatic
1 2 3 4 5
cleaning function

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 19

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [5] at A7_ImportantFeatures.
DV_FeaturesOEsEligible. Captures what is eligible to rate at FeaturesOEs
Select all that apply.

1. Able to make hot water (e.g., for a cup of tea)
2. The ability to make milk based coffee beverages
3. Full touch LCD display
Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
1. Steam pressure in milk frother
2. Allows for multiple grind settings (e.g., coarse, fine, extra
3. Allows for multiple temperature settings for brewing  (e.g.
hot, extra hot)
4. Ability to customize the brewing pressure
5. Size of portafilter
6. Grinder is integrated in the machine
Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2-3] at
1. The ability to make a broad variety of coffee beverages
2. The inclusion of an automatic milk frother
3. A large water tank capacity (e.g., enough water to make
more than one serving)
4. A large bean container capacity (e.g., holds enough
beans for several uses)
5. Spout height adjustment
6. Abilty to make more than one cup at a time
7. Cup warmer
8. Able to make a pot of coffee
9. Includes a detachable milk containter that can be stored
in the fridge when not in use
10. Includes an automatic cleaning function

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_FeaturesOEsAssigned. Assigner
Select all that apply.

Eligibility variable: DV_FeaturesOEsEligible

Maximum number of categories to assign: 5
If less than 1 category is assigned: Continue, but skip questions with logic referencing DV_FeaturesOEsAssigned

Step 1:
Assignment type: Random
Maximum number of categories that can be assigned to this step: 1
Only assign specific categories?: No, anything eligible can be assigned

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 20

- Show to all. Only show row stubs selected at DV_FeaturesOEsAssigned.
- Programmer Comment: Show up to 5 stubs. If more than 5 can be shown, randomize the stubs assigned to show.
A9_FeaturesOEs. And for those features, why are they extremely important?
Enter your response(s) in the box(es).

Rows 1-6: Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_AssignedCell

Rows 1-10: Show if respondent selected any codes [2-3] at DV_AssignedCell


1. Able to make hot water
(e.g., for a cup of tea)
2. The ability to make milk
based coffee beverages
3. Full touch LCD display [1]
1. Steam pressure in milk
2. Allows for multiple grind
settings (e.g., coarse, fine, [1]
extra fine)
3. Allows for multiple
temperature settings for
brewing  (e.g. hot, extra
4. Ability to customize the
brewing pressure
5. Size of portafilter [1]
6. Grinder is integrated in
the machine
1. The ability to make a
broad variety of coffee [1]
2. The inclusion of an
automatic milk frother
3. A large water tank
capacity (e.g., enough
water to make more than
one serving)
4. A large bean container
capacity (e.g., holds
enough beans for several
5. Spout height
6. Abilty to make more
than one cup at a time
7. Cup warmer [1]
8. Able to make a pot of
9. Includes a detachable
milk containter that can be
stored in the fridge when
not in use
10. Includes an automatic
cleaning function
MIN: 5. MAX:

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 21

- Show to all.
A5a_IdealMachine. My ideal [Insert response from DV_MachineTextInsert] would rather look…
Select one response for each.

Agree Agree
much more Agree Agree much more
with more with more with with
statement statement statement statement
above above Neither below below
1. Playful 1 2 3 4 5 Reserved
2. Elegant 1 2 3 4 5 Sporty
3. Modern 1 2 3 4 5 Classic
4. Robust 1 2 3 4 5 Slender
5. Technical 1 2 3 4 5 Simple
6. Compact 1 2 3 4 5 Expansive
7. Familiar 1 2 3 4 5 Innovative
8. Indulgent 1 2 3 4 5 Functional
9. Showpiece 1 2 3 4 5 Unobtrusive

- Show to all. Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [3-4] at S20_PurchaseFunnelFamil.
- Autocode and skip question if respondent would see only one option.
A10_AgnosticBrand. Only considering these brands, which do you prefer?
Select one response.

16. De’Longhi
17. Jura
18. Saeco
19. Bosch
20. Breville
21. Philips

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 22

Programmer Comment: Images\r\nDesktop: P:\220_Li\220-211563 BSH Home Appliances 2021 Coffee Maker Concept
Test\2_Project Design\Questionnaire\Exhibits & Stimuli\Desktop\r\nMobile: P:\220_Li\220-211563 BSH Home Appliances
2021 Coffee Maker Concept Test\2_Project Design\Questionnaire\Exhibits & Stimuli\Mobile

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Hold screen for 5 seconds.
DT_ConceptIntro Now we have a few new ideas that we'd like to share with you.
We will show you some images of each of the ideas. Please review each one carefully before selecting your

Loop Start - ConceptLoop

- Programmer Comment: First concept shown should be the one assigned at FirstConceptAssigner. Randomize the order that the
rest of the loop iterations are shown in.

Image should be shown at each @Loop Interation. Use images found here from link below. Images are already divided into which
cell they will show up in and match the name of the stub. 
P:\220_Li\220-211563 BSH Home Appliances 2021 Coffee Maker Concept Test\2_Project Design\Questionnaire\Exhibits &
P:\220_Li\220-211563 BSH Home Appliances 2021 Coffee Maker Concept Test\2_Project Design\Questionnaire\Exhibits &
ConceptLoop. ConceptLoop

1. Bosch Bareasy
2. Bosch Bellista
3. De‘Longhi La Specialista
4. Breville Portafilter
5. Bosch Series 2
6. De‘Longhi Primadonna Soul
7. Phillips 3200 Lattego
8. Bosch Series 6
9. Saeco Xelsis
10. Jura E8
11. De‘Longhi ECAM 21.120.B


- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Punch the current iteration
DV_Concept. Concept Text
Select all that apply.

1. Bosch Bareasy
2. Bosch Bellista
3. De‘Longhi La Specialista
4. Breville Portafilter
5. Bosch Series 2
6. De‘Longhi Primadonna Soul
7. Phillips 3200 Lattego
8. Bosch Series 6
9. Saeco Xelsis
10. Jura E8
11. De‘Longhi ECAM 21.120.B

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 23

- Show to all.
DT_ConceptImageDisplay. Please take a few moments to look closely at the three different angles of the this machine.

[Insert combined image]

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Programmers, starting here and for the rest of the questions in this loop, replace "[Insert loop iteration]"
with a pop-up link to image 1 for each concept. The text should read "Click here to view the image again.". We do this in this study,
not sure how helpful it is:

Images should match current iteration of the loop

Desktop: P:\220_Li\220-211563 BSH Home Appliances 2021 Coffee Maker Concept Test\2_Project Design\Questionnaire\Exhibits &
Mobile: P:\220_Li\220-211563 BSH Home Appliances 2021 Coffee Maker Concept Test\2_Project Design\Questionnaire\Exhibits &
C1_FirstImpressionOE. What is your first impression of this [Insert response from DV_MachineTextInsert]? Enter three adjectives that
best describe the machine design.

[Insert current iteration]

Enter your response(s) in the box(es).


1. Adjective 1 [1]
2. Adjective 2 [1]
3. Adjective 3 [1]
MIN: 3. MAX:

- Show to all.
C2_OverallLiking. How much do you like the design of the machine in general?

[Insert current iteration]

Select one response.

1. I do not like it at all
2. I do not like it
3. Neither like nor dislike it
4. I like it
5. I like it very much

- Show to all.
C3_LikelytoPurchase. Let’s assume you were going to purchase a [Insert response from DV_MachineTextInsert]. How likely would you
be to purchase this machine?

[Insert current iteration]

Select one response.

1. I definitely would not purchase it
2. I probably would not purchase it
3. I might or might not purchase it
4. I probably would purchase it
5. I definitely would purchase it

- Show to all.
DT_IntroOverallDesign We would like to ask you some questions regarding the general impression of the machine and its design.

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 24

- Show to all.
C4a_ConceptRating. You indicated how your ideal @DV_MachineTextInsert should look. Please evaluate this machine in comparison to
your ideal coffee / espresso machine based on the same terms.

In comparison to my ideal @DV_MachineTextInsert, this one is…

@Loop Iteration
Select one response for each.

Agree Agree
much more Agree Agree much more
with more with more with with
statement statement statement statement
above above Neither below below
1. Playful 1 2 3 4 5 Reserved
2. Elegant 1 2 3 4 5 Sporty
3. Modern 1 2 3 4 5 Classic
4. Robust 1 2 3 4 5 Slender
5. Technical 1 2 3 4 5 Simple
6. Compact 1 2 3 4 5 Expansive
7. Familiar 1 2 3 4 5 Innovative
8. Indulgent 1 2 3 4 5 Functional
9. Showpiece 1 2 3 4 5 Unobtrusive

- Show to all.
C5_DesignEvaluation. Now we would like to show you different statements regarding [Insert response from DV_MachineTextInsert]. All
statements refer to the overall impression – not to individual elements. Please tell us whether each of the
statements fits the machine or not.

The machine is…

[Insert current iteration]

Select all that apply.

1. Innovative / state of the art
2. Reliable
3. Easy to clean
4. Intuitive / easy to use
9. High quality
5. Promises a high quality of coffee / espresso
7. Timeless
6. Would be an attractive eye-catcher in my kitchen
12. Would fit with the style of my kitchen/coffee space
10. Gives the impression that preparing coffee with it would
be fun
11. Looks like how a coffee/espresso machine should look
13. None of these ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 25

- Show to all.
C6a_DesignDescription. This machine is...

@Loop Iteration
Select one response for each.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Annoying 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Enjoyable
2. Not understandable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Understandable
3. Creative 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dull
4. Easy to learn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Difficult to learn
5. Valuable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Inferior
6. Boring 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Exciting
7. Not interesting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Interesting
8. Unpredictable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Predictable
9. Fast 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Slow
10. Inventive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Conventional
11. Obstructive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Supportive
12. Good 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bad
13. Complicated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Easy
14. Unlikeable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pleasing
15. Usual 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cutting edge
16. Unpleasant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pleasant
17. Secure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not secure
18. Motivating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Demotivating
Does not meet
19. Meets expectations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
20. Inefficient 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Efficient
21. Clear 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Confusing
22. Impractical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Practical
23. Organized 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cluttered
24. Attractive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Unattractive
25. Friendly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Unfriendly
26. Standard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Innovative

- Show to all.
DT_IntroConceptFeatures. Now that you’ve told us how you like the design, we would like to ask you some questions specifically about
the features of this machine.

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 26

- Show to all.
C17_FeaturesAppeal How appealing are each of these features?
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. appealing Not very Somewhat Very
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. at all appealing Neutral appealing appealing
1. Overall look of the
1 2 3 4 5
2. Top placement of Show if respondent selected code [2] at
1 2 3 4 5
control panel DV_CellAssignerEligible.
3. Front placement of Show if respondent selected any codes
1 2 3 4 5
control panel [1, 3] at DV_CellAssignerEligible.
4. Look of the buttons 1 2 3 4 5
5. Look of the knobs Show if respondent selected code [1] at
1 2 3 4 5
(where applicable) DV_CellAssignerEligible.
6. Iconography / graphics 1 2 3 4 5
7. Visibility / viewability of
1 2 3 4 5
the icons
8. Look of the digital
1 2 3 4 5
9. Look of the touch Show if respondent selected any codes
1 2 3 4 5
screen [1, 3] at DV_CellAssignerEligible.
10. The amount of buttons 1 2 3 4 5
11. Cup height space 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
12. Frother placement 1 2 3 4 5
[1-2] at DV_CellAssignerEligible.
13. Proportions of the
1 2 3 4 5
machine (width / height)
14. Location / access of
1 2 3 4 5
the water tank
15. Location / access to
1 2 3 4 5
bean container
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
16. Color of the machine 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
17. Frothing wand 1 2 3 4 5
[1-2] at DV_CellAssignerEligible.
18. Location / access of Show if respondent selected code [3] at
1 2 3 4 5
the milk container DV_CellAssignerEligible.
19. Brand logo placement 1 2 3 4 5
20. Appearance of
material quality
1 2 3 4 5
(combination of metal and
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
21. Handle material 1 2 3 4 5
22. Drip tray 1 2 3 4 5
23. Appearance of the
1 2 3 4 5
coffee outlet / spout

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [5] at C17_FeaturesAppeal.
DV_TopBoxOEsEligible. Captures Top box responses for OEs
Select all that apply.

1. Overall look of the machine
14. Location / access of the water tank
18. Location / access of the milk container
20. Appearance of material quality (combination of metal and
22. Drip tray
23. Appearance of the coffee outlet / spout

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 27

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [1] at C17_FeaturesAppeal.
DV_BTMBoxOEsEligible. Captures bottom box responses for OEs
Select all that apply.

1. Overall look of the machine
14. Location / access of the water tank
18. Location / access of the milk container
20. Appearance of material quality (combination of metal and
22. Drip tray
23. Appearance of the coffee outlet / spout

- Show if, for any row [1, 14, 18, 20, 22-23] at C17_FeaturesAppeal, the respondent selected code [5]. Only show row stubs selected
at any of these column(s) [5] at C17_FeaturesAppeal.
- Programmer Comment: Show at most 3 stubs from DV_TopBoxOEsEligible, chosen at random. If there are no stubs punched at
that DV, skip this question.
C18_FeaturesTopBoxOE. Why are these features appealing to you?
Enter your response(s) in the box(es).


1. Overall look of the
14. Location / access of
the water tank
18. Location / access of
[1] Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_CellAssignerEligible.
the milk container
20. Appearance of
material quality
(combination of metal and
22. Drip tray [1]
23. Appearance of the
coffee outlet / spout
MIN: 10.
MAX: 250.

- Show if, for any row [1, 14, 18, 20, 22-23] at C17_FeaturesAppeal, the respondent selected code [1]. Only show row stubs selected
at any of these column(s) [1] at C17_FeaturesAppeal.
- Programmer Comment: Show at most 3 stubs from DV_BTMBoxOEsEligible, chosen at random. If there are no stubs punched at
that DV, skip this question.
C19_FeaturesBtmBoxOE. Why are these features not appealing to you?
Enter your response(s) in the box(es).


1. Overall look of the
14. Location / access of
the water tank
18. Location / access of
[1] Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_CellAssignerEligible.
the milk container
20. Appearance of
material quality
(combination of metal and
22. Drip tray [1]
23. Appearance of the
coffee outlet / spout
MIN: 10.
MAX: 250.

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 28

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_AssignedCell.
- Programmer Comment: Below question text show two images. Please use the Bellista photos. Side by side if possible: 
P:\220_Li\220-211563 BSH Home Appliances 2021 Coffee Maker Concept Test\2_Project Design\Questionnaire\Exhibits &
P:\220_Li\220-211563 BSH Home Appliances 2021 Coffee Maker Concept Test\2_Project Design\Questionnaire\Exhibits &
C29_Cell1Handles. What material of handles would you prefer?
Select one response.

1. Wooden
2. Black

- Show if respondent is in any of these iterations [5].
- Programmer Comment: Insert this image: "P:\220_Li\220-211563 BSH Home Appliances 2021 Coffee Maker Concept Test\2_Project
Design\Questionnaire\Exhibits & Stimuli\_originals\Updated Images\Desktop\211029-Bosch.jpg"
C33_Series2Wand. For this machine specifically, please tell us what you would assume the dispenser in the middle of the machine does.
Please select all that you would assume it does. 

[Insert image]
Select all that apply.

1. Dispenses coffee
2. Dispenses espresso drinks
3. Dispenses steamed milk
4. Dispenses water
5. Used for aesthetics only ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.
6. None of these ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.
7. I am not sure ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Show to all.
C9_ExpectedPrice. About how much would you expect this type of machine to cost?
Select one response.

1. Less than $200
2. $200 - $399
3. $400 - $599
4. $600 - $799
5. $800 - $999
6. $1000 - $1299
7. $1300 - $1499
8. $1500 - $1799
9. $1800 - $2199
10. $2200 or more

- Hidden Question. Applies if respondent selected code [1] at DV_AssignedCell.
DV_Cell1Price. Dv to capture cell one prices
Select one response.

1. $949 Autocode if respondent is in any of these
iterations [1-2].
2. $699 Autocode if respondent is in any of these
iterations [3].
3. $599 Autocode if respondent is in any of these
iterations [4].

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 29

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_CellAssignerEligible.
C10_PurchaseProbability. And, how likely would you be to purchase this machine if it was priced at [Insert response from
Select one response.

1. I definitely would not purchase it
2. I probably would not purchase it
3. I might or might not purchase it
4. I probably would purchase it
5. I definitely would purchase it

Loop End - ConceptLoop

- Show to all.
DT_PostLoopTransitionTx. Great, thanks for answering those questions about those machines. For the rest of the survey, please return to
thinking about coffee / espresso makers in general.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_RankingInsert. Inserts 3 or 4 depending on the loop.
Select one response.

1. 3 Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
DV_AssignedCell. PC: punch if the respondent
sees 3 loop iterations
2. 4 Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1, 3]
at DV_AssignedCell. PC: punch if the respondent
sees 4 loop iterations

- Show to all. Only show row stubs selected at DV_ConceptsAssigned.
- Programmer Comment: Show only the concepts punched at DV_ConceptsAssigned
C12_OverallConceptRank. Only based on the design of the machine, how would you rank these [Insert response from

Please rank them with 1 being the one you'd be most likely to buy and [Insert response from
DV_RankingInsert] being the least likely.
Enter numeric responses.


1. Bosch Bareasy [1] Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_AssignedCell.
2. Bosch Bellista [1] Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_AssignedCell.
3. De‘Longhi La
[1] Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_AssignedCell.
4. Breville Portafilter [1] Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_AssignedCell.
5. Bosch Series 2 [1] Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_AssignedCell.
6. De‘Longhi Primadonna
[1] Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_AssignedCell.
7. Phillips 3200 Lattego [1] Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_AssignedCell.
8. Bosch Series 6 [1] Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_AssignedCell.
9. Saeco Xelsis [1] Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_AssignedCell.
10. Jura E8 [1] Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_AssignedCell.
11. De‘Longhi ECAM
[1] Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_AssignedCell.
MIN: 1. MAX:

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 30

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_AssignedCell.
- Programmer Comment: Show winning image at F1_FollowupPreference be shown at top, centered
C14_FollowupPrefWhyOE. What specifically made you pick [Insert response from OverallConceptRank] over the other machines?
Please think about all the factors that you would use to evaluate a coffee machine (for example, design, price,
features, functionality, maintenance) and be as specific as possible in stating why you prefer this product the
Enter your response in the box.

MIN: 3. MAX: 1000.

Subsection Start - Cell Questions

Programmer Comment: Matrices will be shown in bullet point form. \r\n\r\n"P:\220_Li\220-211563 BSH Home Appliances 2021 Coffee Maker
Concept Test\2_Project Design\Matrices for Cell Questions section.docx"

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_AssignedCell.
C21_Cell2FeaturesH2H. If you had to decide based only on the features, which of these machines would you prefer?
Select one response.

1. Machine 1
2. Machine 2
3. Machine 3

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_AssignedCell.
C32_Cell2WinnerPrice And, how much would you expect [Insert response from Cell2FeaturesH2H] to cost?
Select one response.

1. Less than $200
2. $200 - $399
3. $400 - $599
4. $600 - $799
5. $800 - $999
6. $1000 - $1299
7. $1300 - $1499
8. $1500 - $1799
9. $1800 - $2199
10. $2200 or more

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_AssignedCell.
C22_Cell3FeaturesH2H. If you had to decide based only on the features, which of these machines would you prefer?
Select one response.

1. Machine 1
2. Machine 2
3. Machine 3
4. Machine 4

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_AssignedCell.
C31_Cell3WinnerPrice And, how much would you expect [Insert response from Cell3FeaturesH2H] to cost?
Select one response.

1. Less than $200
2. $200 - $399
3. $400 - $599
4. $600 - $799
5. $800 - $999
6. $1000 - $1299
7. $1300 - $1499
LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 31
8. $1500 - $1799
9. $1800 - $2199
10. $2200 or more

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_AssignedCell.
C25_Cell3PriceH2H. Now considering price and features, which of these machines would you prefer?
Select one response.

1. Machine 1
2. Machine 2
3. Machine 3
4. Machine 4

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_AssignedCell.
C26_Cell2OverallH2H. Now considering all elements of the machine, which of the these machines would your prefer?
Select one response.

1. Bosch
2. Philips
3. De'Longhi

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_AssignedCell.
C27_Cell3OverallH2H. Now considering all elements of the machine, which of the these machines would your prefer?
Select one response.

1. Bosch
2. Jura
3. De'Longhi
4. Breville

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_AssignedCell.
C28_OverallH2H_OE. What are some reasons you chose [Insert response from Cell2OverallH2H] over the others? Please be specific.
Enter your response in the box.

MIN: 15. MAX: 300.

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_AssignedCell.
C34_OverallH2H_OE_Cell3. What are some reasons you chose [Insert response from Cell3OverallH2H] over the others? Please be
Enter your response in the box.

MIN: 15. MAX: 300.

Subsection End - Cell Questions

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 32

Subsection Start - German Coffee Segmentation

- Show to all.
D16_EUTypingTool1. For each statement please say to what extent you personally agree or disagree with this statement.
Select one response for each.

1= 5=
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Completely Completely
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. agree 2 3 4 Disagree
1. I like to find out about
coffee beans, preparation
1 2 3 4 5
and machines to improve
my results
2. I try not to drink too
1 2 3 4 5
much coffee
3. I enjoy the preparation
of coffee, it’s part of the 1 2 3 4 5
4. For me, the preparation
of coffee should be 1 2 3 4 5
5. When buying coffee,
quality is the most 1 2 3 4 5
important aspect
6. When buying coffee,
price is the most important 1 2 3 4 5
7. I always drink the same
1 2 3 4 5
kind of coffee
8. I enjoy variety when it
1 2 3 4 5
comes to coffee
9. Brewing coffee is an art
1 2 3 4 5
in itself
10. My friends and
relatives would call me a 1 2 3 4 5
coffee expert
11. A good cup of coffee is
1 2 3 4 5
essential to me
12. I like my coffee
machine to be colorful and 1 2 3 4 5
13. It is important to me
for my coffee machine to
1 2 3 4 5
have the latest
technological features
14. When buying a coffee
machine, a beautiful
1 2 3 4 5
design is most important to
15. It is very important to
me that my coffee machine 1 2 3 4 5
be long-lasting
16. When it comes to
coffee machines, I pay
1 2 3 4 5
particular attention to the
17. My coffee machine is
just a functional device for 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 33

- Show to all.
D17_EUTypingTool2. Now please think of coffee preparation. How important are the following aspects for you personally when preparing
Select one response for each.

5 = Not at
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. important 2 3 4 important
1. Device is attractive 1 2 3 4 5
2. Inexpensive device 1 2 3 4 5
3. Low costs per cup 1 2 3 4 5
4. Preparation is fun 1 2 3 4 5
5. Being in control of the
1 2 3 4 5
6. Excellent result 1 2 3 4 5
7. Preparation is as quick
1 2 3 4 5
as possible

Subsection End - German Coffee Segmentation

- Show to all.
D1_FollowupBeverages. Which types of beverages would you make using Super Automatic Espresso Maker or Semi-automatic Espresso
Select all that apply.

1. Coffee
2. Espresso
3. Ristretto
4. Espresso Macchiato
5. Cappuccino
6. Latte Macchiato
7. Caffe Latte
8. Milk froth / hot milk
9. Americano
90. Other__________ ANCHOR.

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 34

- Show to all.
- Answer by column.
D2_FollowupWherePurch. Where would you typically prefer to purchase Super Automatic Espresso Maker or Semi-automatic Espresso
Select all that apply for each.

Super Semi-
Automatic automatic
COLS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Espresso Espresso
1. Online direct from
1 2
2. Pure online retailers
1 2
(e.g. Amazon, Wayfair)
3. Large home
improvement stores (e.g. 1 2
Lowe’s, Home Depot)
4. Home goods retailer
(e.g. Bed/Bath/Beyond, 1 2
William Sonoma, Macy’s)
5. Big Box General
merchandise retailer (e.g. 1 2
Target, Walmart)
6. Discount warehouses
(e.g. Costco, Sam’s Club, 1 2
7. Large electronic
1 2
retailers (e.g. Best Buy)
8. Specialty appliance
retailers (e.g. local stores
1 2
specific to kitchen
9. Regional retailers (Abt,
H.H. Gregg, Pacific Sales, 1 2
PC Richards)
10. None of the above 1 2 ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Show to all.
D4_CoffeeReason. And what is the main reason you drink coffee / espresso?
Select one response.

1. I drink for the caffeine
2. I drink for the taste
3. I am a social coffee drinker
4. I enjoy the process of making coffee
5. I drink out of habit
6. I drink for other reasons__________ ANCHOR.

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [99] at S11_MachineType.
D14_Storage. When not using it, where do you store your coffee / espresso machine?
Select one response.

1. On kitchen countertop
2. In kitchen cabinets
3. Pantry
4. Dry/wet bar
5. Garage
6. Other__________ ANCHOR.

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 35

- Show to all.
D13_CoffeeInformation. And where do you go to find information about coffee / espresso machines?
Select all that apply.

1. Reviews (e.g., product reviews on Amazon or other
2. Consumer Reports (online/magazine)
3. Friend or family
4. Blogs
5. Influencers
6. Baristas
7. Magazines
8. Social media
9. Other__________ ANCHOR.

- Show to all.
D11_USSegmentationBipola. On the next few screens, you will see statements about your attitudes towards cooking, the kitchen, and

On each screen, first read both of the two bold statements that are shown at the top and bottom of the
screen and consider how much you agree or disagree with each one.

Answer the question by choosing the response option that best reflects which statement you agree with
more and how much more you agree with it. If you disagree with both statements, you are indicating which
statement you disagree with less.
Select one response for each.

Somewhat Somewhat
Much More More More Much More
1. Cooking is pretty much Cooking is a creative outlet
1 2 3 4
just a chore for me
I prefer to socialize outside
2. I love hosting friends
1 2 3 4 of my own home (e.g.,
and family in my home
restaurants, clubs)
3. The kitchen is just The kitchen is the heart of
1 2 3 4
another room in my home my home
4. My kitchen appliances The look of my kitchen
can be plain looking if they 1 2 3 4 appliances is as important
have great functionality as function
5. I upgrade my kitchen's I keep my kitchen
appliances before they 1 2 3 4 appliances for as long as
break down they last
6. High quality means it High quality means it has
will still work great ten 1 2 3 4 all the latest features and
years from now functions
7. The kitchen appliances You can't tell much about
I buy are a reflection of 1 2 3 4 me based on the kitchen
who I am as a person appliances I buy
8. I prefer to interact with
I prefer to interact with
brands online and through 1 2 3 4
brands in person
digital interfaces

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Segment. Segment classification based on algorithm linked here: \\\Projects2019\220_Li\220-201612 Bosch
Appliances North America Home Appliance Seg Evolution\5_Reporting\Marketing Science\8. Typing Tool\BSH
Select one response.

1. Culinary Impressives
2. Quality Passionates
3. Tech Showstoppers
4. Functional Cooks
5. Mainstream Simplifiers

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 36

- Show to all.
D8_HHSize. How many people of any age live in your household, including yourself?
Enter numeric response.


- Show if value provided at D8_HHSize is greater than or equal to 2.
D10_HHDrinkers. How many of the other members of your household regularly drink coffee, not including yourself?
Enter a numeric response.


- Show to all.
D9_Education. What is the highest level of education you completed?
Select one response.

1. Some high school
2. High school graduate
3. Vocational/trade school
4. Some college
5. College graduate
6. Post-graduate degree

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 37

Terminate if respondent has accumulated at least 3 points.

Flag Type Apply To Rule Points

Timer Screener 2 Minutes 1
Timer Main + Screener 7 Minutes 1
Timer Question - A5a_IdealMachine 18 Seconds 1
Timer Question - 52 Seconds 1
Timer Question - C4a_ConceptRating 18 Seconds 1
Timer Question - 16 Seconds 1

LRW # 211563 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 38

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