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Animal Well Being Organizations

Gavin West

Collin Giles

Mariel Anderson

Salt Lake Community College


Purpose / Objective

The objective of our strategic communications campaign is to inform Salt Lake

Community College students about the importance of organizations that ensure the well being of

animals. In order to inform individuals of our message, we will be participating in firsthand

service in these organizations, and researching their impact. Receivers of our message will be

informed by the end of this semester using communication channels such as posters, fliers, and

an in class presentation. It is important that the audience is informed of our message so that the

livelihood of animals is further protected and acknowledged, and organizations that champion

this are recognized.


The target audience for our communications campaign is students that attend Salt Lake

Community College and primarily those that are registered in Kristi Grooms’ Business 2200

class. Below is a demographic and psychographic profile of this audience:


● Employment- 25% are not employed, and 75% are employed either part time, full time,

or more than full time. (Business Communications, 2021)

● Relationship Status- 56% of students are single, and 38% of students are married or in a

relationship. (Business Communications, 2021)

● Religion- 25% of students are not religious, and 75% of students identify with a religion.

(Business Communications, 2021)

● Income- 31% consider themselves to be poor, 31% consider themselves to be doing okay,

31% consider themselves to be doing very well, and 7% consider themselves to be rich.

(Business Communications, 2021)


● Gender- In the 2021 fall semester, 45% of students are men and 55% of students are

women. (Salt Lake Community College, 2021)


● Pet ownership- 81% of students own pets and 19% of students do not own pets. (Business

Communications, 2021)

● Amount of pets owned- 69% of students own at least one to two pets, 6% own three to

four pets, 6% own five or more pets, and 19% of students don’t own pets. ( Business

Communications, 2021)

● Care for the well being of animals- 19% strongly agree, 38% agree, 25% are indifferent,

13% disagree, and 0% strongly disagree. (Business Communications, 2021)

● Enjoyment of volunteering- 0% strongly agree, 19% agree, 38% are indifferent, 13%

disagree, and 13% strongly disagree. (Business Communications, 2021)

● Hours per month volunteering- 44% of students volunteer 0 hours, 25% volunteer 1-4

hours, 7% volunteer 5-9 hours, and 7% volunteer 10 or more hours. (Business

Communications, 2021)

Audience Analysis

The majority of people are employed, so we will encourage adoption of pets because they

may be more able to afford it. A large portion of students are single so we will also encourage

adoption because of pet companionship. We found that our presentation won’t be influenced by

religion or gender. Because income status is evenly spread, we will state that donations are very

helpful whether the amount of money is small or large. The majority of students own pets and

care for the well being of animals, so our project will be very well received due to these

psychographics. We will focus mainly on informing people of the services that organizations like

Best Friends provide to pet owners, and how students can help through donations, volunteering,

fostering pets, adopting pets, and how they can be helped through things like the food pantry.

Most students don’t feel strongly about volunteering or spending much time volunteering, we

will encourage them to support Best friends through donations, foster care, and more.

Messaging Goals

Having stated the purpose and objective of our campaign, as well as a demographic and

psychographic profile of our target audience, we have set these following messaging goals:


● Understand the animal related services that organizations such as Best Friends Animal

Society provide.

● Understand why organizations that ensure the well being of animals are important.

● Understand why protecting and acknowledging the livelihood of animals is important.

● Understand that supporting animal well being organizations is a good practice.


● Supporting animal well being organizations builds positive character traits.

● Supporting animal well being organizations helps not just one animal, but multiple

animals and the community as a whole.

● By knowing about and supporting these organizations, the suffering of animals will be



● Become knowledgeable of the animal well being organizations in their area and exactly

what they do to support the animal community.

● Find ways, even small ones, to support these organizations through dotations or service.

Channels / Media (Deliverables)

While selecting the channels our team will use we considered the purpose of our

message, the emotional nature, and the channels easily available and effective to our audience.

Due to these considerations, we have decided to use these following channels:

● Flier

○ An easy way for students around campus to see our message and access the

information. Fliers would be put up on front doors around the campus.

● Online Video

○ This channel will add more in-depth understanding of our message and will have

a positive emotional effect, and this is an easy way to reach our in-class audience.

The video would be posted to the SLCC website.

Branding Guide

Approved Fonts:

Poppins (Semi-bold)

Crimson pro (Normal)

Approved Colors:

Cool Grey (#8D9596)

Tangerine (#FA7705)

Light Grey (#EEEEEE)

Content Formatting:

Titles and headers:

Cool grey background with light grey text

Poppins semi-bold font


Black text

Poppins semi-bold font

Body text:

Black text

Crimson Pro normal font


Page content:

Light grey background, tangerine accents


By realizing how important organizations that ensure the wellbeing of animals are, it will

lead to students helping these organizations in many ways that will create immense positive

impacts in the animal community that will also help our society as a whole.

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