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Choose the best answer to complete each sentence by circling A,B,C, or D .

1. I wanted to go, ___BUT___ he wanted to stay.

A. and B. but C. or D. so
2. She’s not only beautiful __BUT ALSO___ intelligent.
A. but also B. but C. however D. yet
3. I was very tired; _HOWEVER_____, I determined to walk on to the next village.
A. therefore B. however C. and D. for
4. You can come either on Monday __OR____ on Friday.
A. or B. nor C. both D. and
5. He had to act immediately; __OTHERWISE___ he would have been too late.
A. consequently B. nevertheless C.still D. otherwise
6. Jane is beautiful and intelligent, __BOTH____.
A. too B. so C. both D. moreover
7. They said both he __AND___ I were to come.
A. but B. or C. so D. and
8. The weather in Dalat is neither too hot in summer __NOR____ too cold in winter.
A. or B. nor C. or else D. otherwise
9. Jane is beautiful and intelligent; _MOROVER_____ she’s very kind.
A. however B. for all that C. moreover D. on the other
10. He never works, ___BUT___ he gains all the prizes.
A. furthermore B. whereas C. but D. accordingly
11. The sun is shining and there are very few clouds; __HENCE____ I am sure it is going to rain.
A. what’s more B. hence C. thus D. nevertheless
12.Bill is in class 12, ___WHEREAS___ John, who is a year older, in only in class 4.
A. and B. whereas C. either D. also
13.You must leave at once, you __OTHERWISE____ miss the train.
A. however B. yet C. still D. otherwise
14.You had better come yourself __WHILE____ send a friend.
A. either B. neither C. or else D. while
15.He felt ill ___SO__ he went to bed early.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
16. The examination was very difficult,_CONSEQUENTLY_____ very few were able to pass.
A. consequently B. as well as C. on the other hand D. whereas

17. We know _BOTH_____ him and his wife.

A. either B. neither C. both D. and
18. You can send letter from Hong Kong ___BOTH__ by Suez or by Canada.
A. either B. neither C. both D. and
19. There was no one there, __SO____I went away.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
20. He was very young and had no experience of that type of work; _THEREFORE____. He was not given the post.
A. and B. but C. or D. therefore
21. He had to pay a fine of $ 10, _WHILE____ he had to spend 10 days in prison.
A. or else B. while C. whereas D. however
22. He is clever and wins all the prizes ___AND____ his brother never seems to know a thing.
A. and B. while C. therefore D. or
23. You must tell him where you are going __AND ALSO____ when you will be back.
A. and both B. as well as C. and also D. and too
24. Geography is a very interesting subject; _SO_____. Very few people study it thoroughly.
A. and B. however C. moreover D. so
25. _ALTHOUGH_______ Nancy is an honest person, I still wonder whether she’s telling the truth about the
A. In spite B. Since C. Although D. In the even that
26. The professor told me that I was doing well, ___IN SPITE OF______ my final grade was awful
A. so B. therefore C. in spite of D. yet
27. __ALTHOUGH_______ Daisy has a new car, she no longer takes the commuter train to work.
A. Now that B. While C. Although D. In case
28. You’d better give me your answer quickly, ___OR ELSE_______ I’ll withdraw the invitation.
A. although B. nevertheless C. even though D. or else
29. I have to go to the meeting ___WHETHER______ I want to or not
A. provided that B. whether C. even if D. only if
30. What time do you expect Tom to be home ? I must talk to him, I usually go to bed around ten, but tell him to call
me tonight _IN CASE_____ it’s past midnight.
A. however B. in case C. even if D. as long as
31. __ALTHOUGH________ you’re going to the fruit market, would you please pick up a few apples for me ?
A. Even if B. Although C. So D. As long as
32. I guess I’m a soft touch. I just lend Jane some money for lunch _EVEN THOUGH______ she never paid me back
my last loan.
A. even though B. unless C. or else D. only if
33. I think I did OK in my speech last night __EVEN___ I’d had almost no sleep for 24 hours.
A. even B. in spite of C. unless D. despite the fact
34. I ask Mary to run the office while I’m away _ALTHOUGH____ I know I can depend on her.
A. unless B. since C. although D. therefore
35. The sky was grey and cloudy. __NEVERTHELESS______, we went to the beach.
A. Consequently B. Nevertheless C. Even though D. In spite of
36. I turned on the fan _BECAUSE____ the room was hot.
A. due to B. despite C. even though D. because
37. Sam and I will meet you at the restaurant tonight __UNLESS___ we can find a babysitter.
A. although B. unless C. otherwise D. only if
38. Carol showed up for the meeting _EVEN THOUGH____ I asked her not to be there.
A. even though B. despite C. provided that D. because
39. You must lend me the money for the trip. _NEVERTHELESS______, I won’t be able to go.
A. Consequently B. Nevertheless C. Otherwise D. Although
40. He told me not to do it; ____BUT_________ I did it.
A. Therefore B. So C. But D. however
41. We have not yet won; ___HOWEVER___________, we will keep trying.
A. moreover B. however C. therefore D. so as
42. Everyone thought Emma should accept the offer. ___BUT_________, she turned it down.
A. Moreover B. Nevertheless C. Therefore D. But
43.The building has a smoke detector ____SO THAT_____ any fires can be detected immediately.
A. so that B. if C. as if D. in case
44. I like to keep the windows open at night no matter how cold it gets. My wife , __WHEREAS_______, prefers a
warm bedroom with all windows tightly shut.
A. nevertheless B. on the other hand C. consequently D. whereas
45. I wanted to give him some money after he helped me with the car ___BUT_____ he absolutely refused to accept
A. so B. but C. therefore D. and so

46. I HAVE TRIED HARD SO_____________, I can not keep pace with Johnny.
A. So I have tried hard B. I have tried hard so C. However hard have I tried D. However hard I have
47. He has done nothing to prepare for the final examination, __SO________ played.
A. but B. so C. therefore D. and
48. He is only sixteen, and _____THERFORE________ he is not eligible to drive a car.
A. nevertheless B. but C. therefore D. however
49. Maria tried to read a novel in French ___BUT________ the book was too difficult for her to understand.
A. so that B. therefore C. but D. and
50. The man had a motive for the murder. __MOREOVER__________, he was seen in the area at the time.
A. Moreover B. Consequently C. However D. Nevertheless
51. A tree had fallen across the road, __SO__________ they had to turn round and go back.
A. but B. and C. so D. then
52. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, you can fly , ___OR________ you can ride a ferry.
A. or B. but C. so D. however
53. I bought a bottle of wine ____AND_______ we drank it together.
A. therefore B. so C. and D. but
54. The Waiter was not very nice. ____HOWEVER_________ , the food was delicious.
A. however B. but C. so D. and so
55. _WHATEVER__________ hard he worked, he could not earn enough money to support the family.
A. But B. However C. Therefore D. Whatever
56. I am going shopping for food this evening _SO________ I do not have to go at the weekend.
A. so B. but C. however D. moreover
57. When she got the news from her family, she could not do anything , __AND_______ cry.
A. but B. and C. so D. however
58. Mrs. Linda has ___A__________ that she is unable to get a job.
A. but not enough education B. so little education C. however little education D. such little
59. Peter broke his leg in two places. ___A________, he had to wear a cast and use crutches for three months.
A. However B. For that C. Consequently D. Since
60. You can not see the doctor _____B______ you have made an appointment with him.
A. even so B. unless C. however D. without
61. The automobile began as a toy ____D______ into powerful force for social change.
A. so developed B. but developed C. or developed D. and developing
62. Ann needed some money. _____D______, she took a part time job.
A. furthermore B. moreover C. however D. therefore
63. Julie has a guitar ___A______ she played it really well.
A. and B. so C. but D. therefore
64. My fingers were injured _____C___ my sister had to write the note for me.
A. and B. however C. so D. but
65. The concert was cancelled _____A______ we went to the nightclub instead.
A. so B. however C. so on D. but
66. We stayed at home ___D___ watched television last Sunday .
A. so B. therefore C. but D. and
67. Houses are very expensive nowadays. __A___, they have managed to buy one .
A. So B. Therefore C. But D. However
Choose A, B, C or D that best completes each unfinished sentence
1. Mai worked hard , ___A___ she passed her exam .
a. so b. although c. because d. though
2. ___C__ she was very tired , she helped her brother with his homework .
a. Because b. whether c. Although c. so
3. It’s raining hard , __C___ we can’t go to the beach .
a. or b. but c. so d. though
4. Nam was absent from class yesterday __B__ he felt sick .
a. so b. because c. although d. but
5. Tom has a computer , _D____ he doesn’t use it .
a. or b. as because d. but
6. The boy can’t reach the shelf _A___ he’s not tall enough.
a. because b. although c. even though d. and
7. The film was boring __A__ we went home .
a. so b. when c. but c. if
8. The girl bought the shoes _D____ they are very expensive .
a. but b. if c. so d. although
9. He used to smoke a lot ___D___ now he doesn’t smoke any more .
a. still b. therefore c. but d. as
10. She couldn’t unlock it ____D__ she had the wrong key .
a. while b. but c. though d. because
11. __A__ it rained , the boys played football .
a. Even b. Even though c. However d. In spite of
12. It was still painful , _A___ I went to see a doctor .
a. so b. however c. but d. or
13. Lan likes oranges _A____ her sister doesn’t .
a. but b. as c. so because
14. Nam failed the final exam __C___ he was lazy .
a. while b. though c.because d. but
15. He’s tired ___A__ he stayed up late watching TV.
a. and b. or c. if d. since
16. Jim can speak English ___C__ French fluently .
a. also b. but also c. and d. so
17. __D_____ the traffic , I arrived on time .
a. Though b. Although b. Even though d. In spite of
18. ___D___ they live near us , we can’t see them very often .
a. So b. As c. Though d. Even
19. _B_____ I was really tired , I couldn’t sleep .
a. If b. Although c. While D. However
20. We watched TV the whole evening __A____ we had nothing better to do .
a. because b. though c. so d. but
21. It’s cheap ___D__ I don’t like it .
a. and b. because c. so d. however
22. ___B___ it was late , I decided to phone Brian.
a. Despite b. However c. In spite of d. Though
23. The little boy was not hungry ___B___ he ate nothing .
a. although b. so c. but d. and
24. __A____ the car was cheap , it was in good condition .
a. Although b. Because c. As d. If
25. ___A___ tomorow is a public holiday , all the shops will be shut .
a. As b. Just as c. Although d. When
26. She came in ___B__ turned on the radio .
a. so b. and c. or d. but
27. We didn’t go for a walk _B____ it was very cold .
a. though b. because c. but d. so
28. ____B__ I tried to persuade her , I didn’t succeed .
a. Because b. So c. Although d. However
29. Lan woke up late _A____ she didn’t have time for breakfast
a. so b. since c. as d. though
30. I like fish __B__ I don’t like catching them myself .
a. or b. but c. so d. and
31. He had an accident __C__ he was careful .
a. even though b. because c. so d. since
32. __A___ it was raining , I went swimming .
a. So b. Because c. However d. Although
33. Ann felt ill , _B___ she insisted on going to work .
a. though b. so c. and d. but
34. __B___ I felt tired , I went to bed early .
a. Although b. So c. As d. However
35. ___A__ he’s got an English name , he is German .
a. Although b. However c. Because d. Since
36. They decided not to go out for a meal ___B__ they were too tired .
a. so b. because c. but d. if
37. We were the better team _C___ we lost the match .
a. so b. and c. but d. because
38. Keith decided to give up his job __C__ I advised him not to
a. because b. however c. although d. since
39. __D____ we were in town , we often met him .
a. For b. Although C. So d. When
40 . She didn’t get the job ___B_ she had all the necessary qualifications .
a. because b. although c. so d. but
41. I could not eat __C__ I was very hungry .
a. even though b. in spite
c. despite d. in spite the fact that
42. In spite __B___ , the baseball game was not cancelled .

a. the rain b. of the rain

c. it was raining d. there was a rain
43. ___D___ he had enough money , he refused to buy a new car .
a. In spite b. In spite of c. Despite d. Although
44. __C____ , he walked to the station .
a. Despite being tired b. Although to be tired
c. In spite being tired d. Despite tired
45. The children slept well , despite __D___
a. it was noise b. the noise c. of the noise d. noisy
46. She left him ______D____ she still loved him .
a. even if b. even though c. in spite of d. despite
47. ___A____ her lack of hard work , she was promoted .
a. In spite b. Even though c. in spite of d. despite of
48. __A_____ they are brothers, they do not look like .
a. Although b. Even c. Despite d. In spite of
49. We are concerned with the problem of energy resouces ___D_____ we must also think of our environment .
a. despite b. though c. as though d. but

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